A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (2024)

TL;DR: Exeggutor and Magmar are really easy to solo by exploiting their numerous weaknesses. Weezing is the hardest by far, but it can be tamed with a mix of Psychic glass cannons and sturdy Rhydon/Golem. Electabuzz and Muk are in between.

This is meant to be a guide for those players who are either mid-level (20-25) or rural or just not well-connected to a large raiding community and therefore don’t have many high-level legendaries or pseudo-legendaries or otherwise rare Pokémon to solo Tier 3 raids, but they should already be able to solo all or most Tier 2 raids.

For each level-2 raid boss I will first summarize stats and type weaknesses, then list the best attackers and the best “easily available” attackers (from what is usually common, or from nests), and finally some suggestions and a video.

Keep in mind that charge moves are much more important than fast moves (but still, having the right fast move doesn’t hurt) so I only list charge moves.

Raid bosses are listed in increasing order of difficulty, from the easiest (Exeggutor) to the hardest (Weezing).

General advice

Use my Choose Your Attackers spreadsheet or Pokébattler to check which attackers have a good DPS / Time To Win and which ones have a good TDO / Power. The main enemy is the clock, so Time To Win is more important than Power. In the spreadsheet, this is taken into account with the lopsided metric “Raid score” that gives more weight to DPS than to TDO.

If you time out without using all your 6 attackers, you need to increase DPS / decrease Time To Win.

If your team gets killed before time is up (and rejoining makes you time out), you need to increase TDO / Power even if you need to sacrifice up to 10% of your total DPS, in order to avoid wasting those 10-20 seconds needed to rejoin.

If rejoining is unavoidable, make sure good attackers get autoselected, either by replacing them in your first team choice, or by fainting bad autoselector choices.

Minimize lag by restarting the app before each raid and keeping your phone cool (Pokémon Go has a lot of bugs, and therefore it’s obviously vulnerable to Overheat).


Base Defense: 158. Weaknesses: Bug (double weakness!), Fire, Ice, Flying, Dark, Ghost, Poison. Punishing charge move (against Poison): Psychic.

Best Attackers:

RankAttackerCharge move
1A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (1)ScizorX-Scissor
2A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (2)MoltresOverheat (other moves are OK)
3A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (3)EnteiOverheat (other moves are OK)
4A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (4)PinsirX-Scissor
5A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (5)ScytherX-Scissor / Bug Buzz (Aerial Ace is OK)
6A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (6)DragoniteHurricane (Dragon moves are OK)
7A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (7)LugiaSky Attack
8A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (8)(Heracross)Megahorn
9A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (9)CharizardOverheat (other Fire/Flying moves are OK)
10A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (10)FlareonOverheat (other moves are OK)
11A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (11)MewtwoShadow Ball

Best “easily available” Attackers:

RankAttackerCharge move
1A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (12)PinsirX-Scissor
2A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (13)ScytherX-Scissor / Bug Buzz (Aerial Ace is OK)
3A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (14)FlareonOverheat (other moves are OK)
4A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (15)HoundoomFoul Play (other moves are OK)
5A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (16)GengarShadow Ball (Sludge Bomb is OK)
6A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (17)VenomothBug Buzz (Silver Wind is OK)
7A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (18)JynxAvalanche
8A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (19)SkarmorySky Attack (Brave Bird is OK)
9A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (20)ButterfreeBug Buzz (Signal Beam is OK)
10A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (21)ParasectX-Scissor

Against Exeggutor, timeout is never an issue. It can sometimes kill all 6 attackers, but there should be enough time to re-enter and win comfortably. Anyway the “Total Eff” / “Overall” metric against Exeggutor is better than a pure “DPS” / “Time To Win” approach.

Almost anything with Bug moves is excellent. Video of Exeggutor defeated with common/nesting Pokémon

If you happen to be low level but with a lot of level-20 legendaries, this other video is for you.


Base Defense: 169. Weaknesses: Water, Rock, Ground. No punishing charge moves.

Best Attackers:

RankAttackerCharge move
1A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (22)VaporeonHydro Pump (other moves are OK)
2A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (23)GolemStone Edge (other moves are OK)
3A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (24)RhydonStone Edge (Earthquake is OK)
4A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (25)DragoniteOutrage (other Dragon moves are OK)
5A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (26)OmastarHydro Pump / Rock Slide (other moves are OK)
6A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (27)GyaradosHydro Pump
7A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (28)LugiaHydro Pump
8A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (29)MewtwoShadow Ball (other moves are OK)
9A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (30)KingdraHydro Pump
10A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (31)FeraligatrHydro Pump
11A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (32)TyranitarStone Edge

Best “easily available” Attackers:

RankAttackerCharge move
1A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (33)VaporeonHydro Pump (other moves are OK)
2A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (34)KinglerWater Pulse
3A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (35)StarmieHydro Pump
4A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (36)GolduckHydro Pump
5A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (37)SudowoodoRock Slide (Stone Edge is OK)
6A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (38)EspeonFuture Sight (other moves are OK)
7A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (39)SeadraHydro Pump
8A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (40)QwilfishAqua Tail
9A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (41)OctilleryWater Pulse

Against Magmar, using Water and Rock attackers can never be much wrong. Since Water and Rock resist Fire, it’s very unlikely that the whole team faints. That makes up for the lack of a double weakness.

Video of Magmar defeated with less-than-optimal Water and Rock Pokémon (average level = 24)


Base Defense: 173. Weakness: Ground. No punishing charge moves.

Best Attackers:

RankAttackerCharge move
1A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (42)RhydonEarthquake (Stone Edge is OK)
2A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (43)GolemEarthquake (other moves are OK)
3A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (44)DonphanEarthquake
4A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (45)MewtwoShadow Ball (other moves are OK)
5A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (46)DragoniteOutrage (Dragon Claw/Pulse are OK)
6A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (47)EnteiOverheat (other moves are OK)
7A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (48)ExeggutorSolar Beam
8A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (49)SandslashEarthquake (Bulldoze is OK)
9A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (50)NidokingEarthquake
10A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (51)NidoqueenEarthquake

Best “easily available” Attackers:

RankAttackerCharge move
1A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (52)ExeggutorSolar Beam
2A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (53)NidokingEarthquake
3A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (54)NidoqueenEarthquake
4A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (55)FlareonOverheat (other moves are OK)
5A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (56)EspeonFuture Sight (other moves are OK)
6A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (57)JynxAvalanche
7A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (58)GravelerDig (other moves are OK)
8A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (59)PinsirX-Scissor
9A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (60)MarowakEarthquake (other moves are OK)
10A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (61)QuagsireEarthquake

Electabuzz is in theory as easy as Magmar, in practice it only has one weakness (Ground) and Ground movesets are currently the worst among all 17 types with complete movesets (excluding Fairy which has no fast move).

So the strategy is to use a mix of Ground attackers (Rhydon and Golem are the best) and hard-hitting generalists, which deal neutral damage but with good DPS (e.g. Dragonite, Flareon, Espeon, Jynx). Exeggutor is particularly good because it hits hard and Grass resists Electric.

Video of Electabuzz defeated with less-than-optimal and/or underleveled Pokémon (average level = 24) on a laggy phone

Muk / Weezing

Base Defense: 184 (Muk), 221 (Weezing). Weaknesses: Psychic, Ground. Punishing charge moves: Dark Pulse (both), Shadow Ball (Weezing).

Best Attackers:

RankAttackerCharge move
1A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (62)MewtwoPsychic
2A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (63)EspeonFuture Sight (other moves are OK)
3A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (64)AlakazamFuture Sight
4A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (65)RhydonEarthquake
5A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (66)LugiaFuture Sight
6A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (67)DragoniteOutrage (Dragon Claw/Pulse are OK)
7A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (68)MoltresOverheat (other moves are OK)
8A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (69)EnteiOverheat (other moves are OK)
9A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (70)RaikouWild Charge (Thunderbolt is OK)
10A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (71)GolemEarthquake
11A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (72)JynxPsyshock (Avalanche is OK)

Best “easily available” Attackers:

RankAttackerCharge move
1A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (73)EspeonFuture Sight (other moves are OK)
2A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (74)JynxPsyshock (Avalanche is OK)
3A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (75)ExeggutorPsychic
4A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (76)FlareonOverheat (other moves are OK)
5A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (77)HoundoomFoul Play (other moves are OK)

Weezing, with a 221 Defense and 3 multi-bar charge moves, 2 of which are Super Effective against Psychic (including one of the most powerful moves in the game, Shadow Ball), is by far the hardest level-2 raid boss. If you fail Weezing, that doesn’t mean you can’t do the other 4 relatively easily.

Muk is not as hard (only 184 Defense, no Shadow Ball) but still quite nasty.

The strategy (the same for both) is to use a mix of Psychic and Ground attackers. Psychic glass cannons (e.g. Espeon, Alakazam, Jynx) provide DPS, while Ground tanks (e.g. Rhydon, Golem) provide durability. Strong generalists like Dragonite, Moltres, Entei, Flareon can also be used, and obviously tankier Psychics like Mewtwo and Lugia.

If you don’t have pseudo-legendaries or legendaries, Espeon/Jynx/Exeggutor/Alakazam/Flareon are fast enough to prevent timeout, provided one or two Rhydon/Golem are put at the end to tank charge moves. Ground/Rock types are harder to get than “disposable” glass cannons, however they conveniently double-resist Poison. By the way Golem is just 1km/candy as a buddy (and it’s anyway useful against legendary birds, including the upcoming Ho-Oh).

Video of Dark Pulse Weezing defeated with attackers with average level = 27 without using legendaries or pseudo-legendaries

A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) (2024)


Can I solo 2 star raid? ›

Very solo-able. Easy. Just make sure you use type advantage and you'll only use two or three Pokémon and have plenty of time left.

Can you solo raid magmar? ›

How to prepare for a solo Shadow Magmar raid in Pokemon GO. To test your luck at solo defeating Shadow Magmar, you must have a raid party with maxed-out Water-, Ground-, and Rock-type Pocket Monsters. A maxed Mega beast with one of these elemental typings would be ideal against Shadow Magmar.

Is it possible to solo a 5 star raid? ›

Short answer: It's Really Tough

Conquering a 5-star raid in Pokemon GO by yourself is like trying to climb a mountain in flip-flops – technically not impossible, but incredibly challenging. These raids are designed for groups of high-level players, featuring the strongest and rarest Pokemon, including Legendary ones.

What is the best Pokémon to use against Exeggutor? ›

The best Pokemon Go Exeggutor counters are Mega Rayquaza, Mega Heracross, Mega Pinsir, Volcarona, Shadow Rayquaza & Mega Beedrill.

Can I win a raid alone? ›

You can't do it alone; you'll need help from fellow Trainers to raid the Gym and (hopefully) prevail. Raid Battles aren't your typical Gym Battle; your opponent is more difficult to defeat than most other Pokémon. Raids have several tiers of difficulty: tier 1, tier 3, tier 5, Mega Raids and Mega Legendary Raids.

Is it possible to solo a 3 star raid? ›

Yes, You Can Solo 3-Star Raids!

To successfully solo a 3-star raid, you'll need a team of high-level Pokemon with type advantages against the raid boss. Plus, powering up your Pokemon and equipping them with the right movesets can make a huge difference. Knowledge of the raid boss's weaknesses is your best tool.

Has anyone ever soloed a raid? ›

After 200 hours of blood, sweat, tears, and a little luck for good measure, Snazzy claimed the world's first recorded Gatekeepers solo, and you can hear every ounce of effort and tension in his voice – "my hands are numb, my hands are numb, my hands are so numb" – and in his uproarious celebration, which is easily one ...

Can Charizard raid be soloed? ›

It can be used solo, which I'll also share. Currently averaging 21 Herba Mystica per sandwich with this method. 4th move isn't necessary, so you can have whatever defensive or HP restoring move you'd like, as long as it doesn't do damage!

What is the best counter for magmar? ›

The best Pokemon Go Magmar counters are Mega Swampert, Primal Groudon, Shadow Rampardos, Shadow Excadrill, Shadow Rhyperior & Shadow Sharpedo. Login to see your custom results!

Is Mega Rayquaza in Pokemon GO? ›

Gather your friends and prepare for an epic confrontation! Defeat Mega Rayquaza in an Elite Raid and you'll earn an opportunity to catch it. Remember, Trainers will not be able to participate in Elite Raids using Remote Raid Passes.

Can I beat a raid boss on my own? ›

Some Raid Bosses are difficult to defeat, so you may not be able to beat them on your own. Raids have 4 tiers of difficulty: tier 1, tier 3, tier 5, and Mega Raids. The higher the difficulty, the stronger the Raid Boss and the more players you'll need in order to succeed.

What is Tapu Fini's weakness? ›

Tapu Fini is a Water and Fairy-Type Pokémon. This means it is weak to Electric, Grass, Steel and Poison-Type attacks.

Is Alolan Exeggutor better? ›

Its stats are almost identical to those of regular Exeggutor, except slightly lower. In terms of Grass type offensive presence, Alolan Exeggutor shares the exact same optimal moveset as its Kantonian relative. Its advantage is a meaty double resistance to Water.

What Pokémon beats Eggsecute? ›

The best Pokemon Go Exeggcute counters are Pheromosa, Mega Beedrill, Shadow Pinsir, Mega Pinsir, Volcarona & Shadow Honchkrow.

What types is Gengar weak to? ›

Gengar is weak to ground, psychic, dark, and ghost type attacks, with none of these being a double weakness. It also has slightly worse defense than special defense(base stat 60 versus 75), so all else equal, physical attacks will do more damage. The above statement is based on Gengar's article on Bulbapedia.

Can you solo any raid in Destiny 2? ›

You cannot physically complete a raid alone, no.

What Raids can be soloed in Pokemon GO? ›

The one-star and two-star raids are pretty manageable to do on your own, especially if you've got some strong Pokemons by your side. However, as the star level increases, so does the challenge. Three-star raids are where it starts to get tricky, but with the right strategy and high-level Pokemon, it's still doable.

Can you solo low level Raids? ›

At 60 you're fairly able to solo Legion raids and below (keep in mind most of the old content raids are tuned to Lv. 30 now so you're unlikely to solo them until at leas 40). BFA raids in general aren't soloable even at 70 because of mechanical reasons.. I will rule the world, and find that truly good cup of coffee.

Can you beat a level 1 raid by yourself? ›

Level 1 Raids are very easy and can be solo'd by any trainer as long as they know their type matchups.


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.