An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (2024)

Interest rates provide a fairly good standard for applying PCA and Vasicek stochastic modelling, and getting a good feel for the characteristics of these models. We implement PCA and a Vasicek short-rate model for swap rates, treasury rates and the spread between these two.

import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport scipy as spimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport seaborn as snsimport quandl
quandl.ApiConfig.api_key = 'QUANDL_API_KEY'
swap_names = ['FRED/DSWP1', 'FRED/DSWP2', 'FRED/DSWP3', 'FRED/DSWP4', 'FRED/DSWP5', 'FRED/DSWP7', 'FRED/DSWP10', 'FRED/DSWP30']swap_df = quandl.get(swap_names)swap_df = swap_df.dropna()swap_df.columns = ["SWAP1", "SWAP2", "SWAP3", "SWAP4", "SWAP5", "SWAP7", "SWAP10", "SWAP30"]
2000-07-03 7.10 7.16 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.20 7.24 7.24
2000-07-05 7.03 7.06 7.07 7.07 7.08 7.11 7.14 7.16
2000-07-06 7.07 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.19 7.21 7.21
2000-07-07 7.01 7.04 7.06 7.06 7.07 7.10 7.14 7.14
2000-07-10 7.04 7.09 7.11 7.13 7.14 7.17 7.20 7.19
swap_df2 = swap_df.copy()
swap_df.plot(figsize=(10,5))plt.ylabel("Rate")plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.9), loc=2)

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (1)


An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (2)

Principal Component Analysis - Covariance Method

Implementing the PCA covariance algorithm is quite straight forward.

  1. Detrend the dataset by removing the mean of each column from our observations
  2. Calculate the covariance/correlation matrix
  3. Calculate the eigenvectors & eigenvalues which diagonalise the covariance/correlation matrix. We are wanting to solve \(V^{-1}CV = D\)
  4. Sort eigenvectors and eigenvalues based on decreasing eigenvalues (i.e. we take the eigenvalue contributing the most variance to out dataset as the first eigenvalue and so forth)
def PCA(df, num_reconstruct): df -= df.mean(axis=0) R = np.cov(df, rowvar=False) eigenvals, eigenvecs = sp.linalg.eigh(R) eigenvecs = eigenvecs[:, np.argsort(eigenvals)[::-1]] eigenvals = eigenvals[np.argsort(eigenvals)[::-1]] eigenvecs = eigenvecs[:, :num_reconstruct] return, df.T).T, eigenvals, eigenvecs
scores, evals, evecs = PCA(swap_df, 7)

One of the key interpretations of PCA applied to interest rates, is the components of the yield curve. We can effectively attribute the first three principal components to:

  1. Parallel shifts in yield curve (shifts across the entire yield curve)
  2. Changes in short/long rates (i.e. steepening/flattening of the curve)
  3. Changes in curvature of the model (twists)
evecs = pd.DataFrame(evecs)plt.plot(evecs.ix[:, 0:2])

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (3)

One of the key features of PCA is the ability to reconstruct the initial dataset using the outputs of PCA. Using the simple matrix reconstruction, we can generate an approximation/almost exact replica of the initial data.

reconst = pd.DataFrame(,evecs.T), index=swap_df.index, columns=swap_df.columns)plt.plot(reconst)plt.ylabel("Rate")plt.title("Reconstructed Mean-Subtracted Dataset")

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (4)

for cols in reconst.columns: reconst[cols] = reconst[cols] + swap_df2.mean(axis=0)[cols] plt.plot(reconst)plt.xlabel("Rate")plt.title("Reconstructed Initial Dataset")

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (5)

scores = pd.DataFrame(, swap_df.T).T, index=swap_df.index, columns=swap_df.columns)scores.plot()plt.ylabel("Principal Component Scores")

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (6)

We see that the first 3 principal components account for almost all of the variance in the model, and thus we should just be able to use these three components to reconstruct our initial dataset and retain most of the characteristics of it.

plt.plot(evals)plt.ylabel("Contribution to Variance")plt.xlabel("Principal Component")

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (7)

We implemented the raw model above, but we can also use the sklearn implementation to obtain the same results.

import sklearn.decomposition.pca as PCA
pca = PCA.PCA(n_components=3)
PCA(copy=True, iterated_power='auto', n_components=3, random_state=None, svd_solver='auto', tol=0.0, whiten=False)
plt.plot(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)plt.xlabel("Principal Component")plt.ylabel("Explained Variance")[0:3].T)plt.xlabel("Principal Component") = pca.transform(swap_df)plt.plot(vals[:,0:3])

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (8)

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (9)

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (10)

Treasury Rates

We can implement the same method that we did for swaps, to constant maturity treasury rates.

treasury = ['FRED/DGS1MO', 'FRED/DGS3MO', 'FRED/DGS6MO', 'FRED/DGS1', 'FRED/DGS2', 'FRED/DGS3', 'FRED/DGS5', 'FRED/DGS7', 'FRED/DGS10', 'FRED/DGS20', 'FRED/DGS30']treasury_df = quandl.get(treasury)treasury_df.columns = ['TRESY1mo', 'TRESY3mo', 'TRESY6mo', 'TRESY1y', 'TRESY2y', 'TRESY3y', 'TRESY5y', 'TRESY7y', 'TRESY10y', 'TRESY20y', 'TRESY30y']
treasury_df.plot(figsize=(10,5))plt.ylabel("Rate")plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01,.9), loc=2)

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (11)


An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (12)

treasury_df2 = treasury_df.ix[:, 3:-2]treasury_df2 = treasury_df2.dropna()comb_df = treasury_df2.merge(swap_df2, left_index=True, right_index=True)
pca_t = PCA.PCA(n_components=6)
PCA(copy=True, iterated_power='auto', n_components=6, random_state=None, svd_solver='auto', tol=0.0, whiten=False)
plt.plot(pca_t.explained_variance_ratio_)plt.ylabel("Explained Variance")plt.xlabel("Principal Component")[0:3].T)plt.xlabel("Principal Component") = pca_t.transform(treasury_df2)plt.plot(vals_t[:,0:3])

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (13)

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (14)

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (15)


We see above fairly similar PCA results between the swap rates and treasury rates. Perhaps a more interesting investigation is the spread between these two rates. We expect that the spread of swap over treasury should mostly be positive, given that swaps are being priced off bank credit whilst constant treasuries should be priced off the Government credit.

spread = [comb_df.SWAP1-comb_df.TRESY1y, comb_df.SWAP2-comb_df.TRESY2y, comb_df.SWAP3-comb_df.TRESY3y, comb_df.SWAP5-comb_df.TRESY5y, comb_df.SWAP7-comb_df.TRESY7y, comb_df.SWAP10-comb_df.TRESY10y]spread_df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(spread).T, index=comb_df.index, columns = ["SPREAD1y", "SPREAD2y", "SPREAD3y", "SPREAD5y", "SPREAD7y", "SPREAD10y"])
spread_df.plot()plt.ylabel("Swap Spread Over Treasury")

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (16)

pca_spread = PCA.PCA(n_components=6)
PCA(copy=True, iterated_power='auto', n_components=6, random_state=None, svd_solver='auto', tol=0.0, whiten=False)

Interestingly, we see fairly similar results between the spread PCA and swap/treasury PCA.

plt.plot(pca_spread.explained_variance_ratio_)plt.xlabel("Principal Component")plt.ylabel("Explained Variance")[0:3].T)plt.xlabel("Principal Component") = pca_spread.transform(spread_df)plt.plot(vals_t[:,0:3])

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (17)

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (18)

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (19)

Rates Simulation

Of interest in spreads is the strong mean reversion we see. We can use a pretty basic stochastic model, the Vasicek short-rate model to simulate out spreads. The typical implementation uses MLE to derive out the key parameters of the following model:\(dr_t = \kappa (\theta - r_t)dt + \sigma dW\)where $\kappa$ represents the mean reversion strength, $\theta$ is the long-run mean and $\sigma$ is the volatility. The basic approach is to calibrate kappa, theta and sigma based on a historical dataset and then use it in Monte Carlo modelling of rate paths.

Below code is an implementation from Puppy Economics in Python.

We simulate the rates path using a closed form solution:

\[r_{t_i} = r_{t_{i-1}}exp(-\kappa(t_i - t_{i-1})) + \theta(1-exp(-\kappa(t_i - t_{i-1}))) + Z\sqrt{\frac{\sigma^2(1-exp(-2\kappa(t_i - t_{i-1})))}{2\kappa}}\]

where $ Z \sim N(0,1) $

def VasicekNextRate(r, kappa, theta, sigma, dt=1/252): # Implements above closed form solution val1 = np.exp(-1*kappa*dt) val2 = (sigma**2)*(1-val1**2) / (2*kappa) out = r*val1 + theta*(1-val1) + (np.sqrt(val2))*np.random.normal() return out
def VasicekSim(N, r0, kappa, theta, sigma, dt = 1/252): short_r = [0]*N # Create array to store rates short_r[0] = r0 # Initialise rates at $r_0$ for i in range(1,N): short_r[i] = VasicekNextRate(short_r[i-1], kappa, theta, sigma, dt) return short_r
def VasicekMultiSim(M, N, r0, kappa, theta, sigma, dt = 1/252): sim_arr = np.ndarray((N, M)) for i in range(0,M): sim_arr[:, i] = VasicekSim(N, r0, kappa, theta, sigma, dt) return sim_arr
def VasicekCalibration(rates, dt=1/252): n = len(rates) # Implement MLE to calibrate parameters Sx = sum(rates[0:(n-1)]) Sy = sum(rates[1:n]) Sxx =[0:(n-1)], rates[0:(n-1)]) Sxy =[0:(n-1)], rates[1:n]) Syy =[1:n], rates[1:n]) theta = (Sy * Sxx - Sx * Sxy) / (n * (Sxx - Sxy) - (Sx**2 - Sx*Sy)) kappa = -np.log((Sxy - theta * Sx - theta * Sy + n * theta**2) / (Sxx - 2*theta*Sx + n*theta**2)) / dt a = np.exp(-kappa * dt) sigmah2 = (Syy - 2*a*Sxy + a**2 * Sxx - 2*theta*(1-a)*(Sy - a*Sx) + n*theta**2 * (1-a)**2) / n sigma = np.sqrt(sigmah2*2*kappa / (1-a**2)) r0 = rates[n-1] return [kappa, theta, sigma, r0]
params = VasicekCalibration(spread_df.ix[:, 'SPREAD10y'].dropna()/100)kappa = params[0]theta = params[1]sigma = params[2]r0 = params[3]years = 1N = years * 252t = np.arange(0,N)/252test_sim = VasicekSim(N, r0, kappa, theta, sigma, 1/252)plt.plot(t,test_sim)

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (20)

We can simulate starting from $r_0 = last observed value$ and generate a series of paths which “forecast” out potential rate paths from today.

M = 100rates_arr = VasicekMultiSim(M, N, r0, kappa, theta, sigma)plt.plot(t,rates_arr)plt.hlines(y=theta, xmin = -100, xmax=100, zorder=10, linestyles = 'dashed', label='Theta')plt.annotate('Theta', xy=(1.0, theta+0.0005))plt.xlim(-0.05, 1.05)plt.ylabel("Rate")plt.xlabel("Time (yr)")

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (21)

To observe the mean reverting nature of the model, we can specify $r_0$ further away from theta. We can clearly see that the rates are being pulled towards theta over time, and the speed of this reversion is controlled by the magnitude of kappa. The larger kappa, the quicker mean reversion we’d expect to see. The larger sigma is, the more volatility we expect to see and the wider potential rate distributions.***titles on below need to be fixed.

M = 100rates_arr = VasicekMultiSim(M, N, -0.01, kappa, theta, sigma)plt.plot(t,rates_arr)plt.hlines(y=theta, xmin = -100, xmax=100, zorder=10, linestyles = 'dashed', label='Theta')plt.annotate('Theta', xy=(1.0, theta+0.0005))plt.xlim(-0.05, 1.05)plt.ylabel("Rate")plt.xlabel("Time (yr)")

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (22)

M = 100rates_arr = VasicekMultiSim(M, N, -0.01, kappa*5, theta, sigma)plt.plot(t,rates_arr)plt.hlines(y=theta, xmin = -100, xmax=100, zorder=10, linestyles = 'dashed', label='Theta')plt.annotate('Theta', xy=(1.0, theta+0.0005))plt.xlim(-0.05, 1.05)plt.ylabel("Rate")plt.xlabel("Time (yr)")plt.title("Kappa scaled up 5 times")

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (23)

M = 100rates_arr = VasicekMultiSim(M, N, -0.01, kappa, theta, sigma*5)plt.plot(t,rates_arr)plt.hlines(y=theta, xmin = -100, xmax=100, zorder=10, linestyles = 'dashed', label='Theta')plt.annotate('Theta', xy=(1.0, theta+0.0005))plt.xlim(-0.05, 1.05)plt.ylabel("Rate")plt.xlabel("Time (yr)")plt.title("Kappa scaled up 5 times")

An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (24)

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An Investigation into Interest Rate Modelling: PCA and Vasicek (2024)


What is the Vasicek model of interest rates? ›

The Vasicek model makes use of the assumption that interest rates do not increase or decrease to extreme levels. High levels of interest rates can discourage borrowing and investment, potentially harming economic activity and prompting policies to suppress the interest rate.

What is the Vasicek model of market risk? ›

The term Vasicek Interest Rate Model refers to a mathematical method of modeling the movement and evolution of interest rates. It is a single-factor short-rate model that is based on market risk. The Vasicek interest model is commonly used in economics to determine where interest rates will move in the future.

What is the Vasicek interest rate model in Python? ›

Using Real-World Data to Calibrate the Vasicek Interest Rate Model with Python. The Vasicek model, introduced in 1977, was the initial model to incorporate the mean reversion characteristic of interest rates, a feature absent in geometric Brownian motion. This model is based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.

What is the difference between Vasicek model and Hull-White model? ›

The Vasicek is an equilibrium model and the Hull-White is an arbitrage free model. The HW can fit the initial term structure of interest rate and the Vasicek model cannot. The HW model is able to fit a given term structure of volatility, and the Vasicek model cannot.

How does Vasicek model explain credit risk? ›

The Vasicek model uses three inputs to calculate the probability of default (PD) of an asset class. One input is the through-the-cycle PD (TTC_PD) specific for that class. Further inputs are a portfolio common factor, such as an economic index over the interval (0,T) given by S.

What are the two models of interest rates? ›

Interest-rate models fall into two general categories: arbitrage-free models and equilibrium models. We describe both in this section. In arbitrage-free models, also referred to as no-arbitrage models, the analysis begins with the observed market price of a set of financial instruments.

What are the disadvantages of the Vasicek model? ›

Limitations. Let us look at the disadvantages of the model: Lack of Term Structure: The Vasicek model does not explicitly consider the term structure of interest rates. It assumes a single-factor process for the entire yield curve, disregarding the different dynamics of short-term and long-term interest rates.

What are the benefits of the Vasicek model? ›

By incorporating the stochastic nature of interest rates, the model enables analysts to estimate the fair value of fixed-income securities more accurately. For instance, when valuing a bond, the Vasicek model considers the current interest rate, the mean-reversion level, and the volatility of interest rates.

How is the Vasicek model calibrated? ›

The Vasicek model is calibrated using monthly observations of the 91-day Treasury bill rate from September 1994 to July 2014 as a proxy for the short rate. Key results show an increase in the mean reversion parameter with an increase in the number of states, suggesting higher stability of states.

What is the Vasicek technique? ›

Vasicek's Technique

If β1 is the average beta, across the sample of stocks, in the historical period, then the Vasicek technique involves taking a weighted average of β1, and the historic beta for security j.

What is the distribution of the Vasicek model? ›

It admits a stationary probability distribution, the long-term average of r(t) being b and the long-term variance sigma^2 / (2 x a). The variance increases with the instantaneous volatility sigma but it decreases with the speed of reversion a.

Is Vasicek model arbitrage free? ›

1 Answer. Short rate models are broadly divided into equilibrium models and no-arbitrage models. The models from Vasicek, Dothan and Cox, Ingersoll and Ross are examples of equilibrium short rate models. The models from Ho-Lee, Hull-White and Black-Karasinski are no-arbitrage models.

What are the disadvantages of the Hull-White model? ›

Let us look at the cons of the Hull-White Model: Limited Term Structure Dynamics: As a one-factor model, the Hull-White model has limitations in capturing complex term structure dynamics, such as volatility smile and term structure twists, observed in real markets.

What is the difference between Cir and Vasicek? ›

The CIR model assumes volatility increases as interest rates increase, while the Vasicek model does not. As a result, the Vasicek model allows for negative interest rates.

What is the Vasicek Merton single factor model? ›

In finance, the Vasicek model is a mathematical model describing the evolution of interest rates. It is a type of one-factor short-rate model as it describes interest rate movements as driven by only one source of market risk.

What is the Vasicek model of option pricing? ›

The Vasicek model is used to describe the structure of interest rates. The mathematical characterization is discussed for the unique no-arbitrage price associated with any attainable contingent claim. The appropriate numeraire (zero-coupon bond) and measures (T-forward measure) are chosen to simplify the calculations.

What are the advantages of Vasicek model? ›

By incorporating the stochastic nature of interest rates, the model enables analysts to estimate the fair value of fixed-income securities more accurately. For instance, when valuing a bond, the Vasicek model considers the current interest rate, the mean-reversion level, and the volatility of interest rates.

How are interest rates set according to the classical model? ›

According to this theory, interest is a real phenomenon and the rate of interest is determined exclusively by the real factors, i.e., the supply of and demand for capital under perfect competition.

What is the mean reversion of interest rates? ›

Mean reversion is usually taken to mean that market prices or interest rates will change in the opposite direction from a prior change, and that the current change may generate future changes until the price or interest rate reaches the mean of the generating function for the economic series under consideration.


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.