Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (2024)

Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (1)

Do landlords really earn passive income from their buy to let rental properties, or is it a myth?

In this blog post, I look at what passive income is, different techniques that some promise can generate passive income from their investments in rental properties, and whether the techniques deliver on the promise. I also provide tips on how a landlord can make rental income more passive, and explain the impact on profitability of being a passive landlord.

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Passive Income for Landlords at a glance

  • What does Passive Income actually mean?
  • What do Property Gurus say about Passive Income?
  • How do landlords earn rental income?
    • 1. Sourcing and financing new rental properties
    • 2. Refurbishment of rental properties
    • 3. Letting rental properties
    • 4. Managing tenants
    • 5. Repairs, maintenance, safety of properties
    • 6. Oversight of the property management
  • Is Rent-to-Rent a way for landlords to generate passive income?
  • Final Thoughts: Why rental income is not passive income

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What does Passive Income actually mean?

Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (2)

According to HMRC, passive income comes from investing in assets, and not from running a trade or a business, or being an employee. They give examples such as interest payments from bank accounts, annuities, and dividends from money invested in the stock market, and don’t refer to rental income.

Forbes describes it as income that doesn’t need a significant commitment of time or effort to earn, and , and only minimal monitoring on an ongoing basis. Forbes point out that rental income requires a large up-front investment, as well as ongoing maintenance and management of the property, which means rental income doesn’t fall within the definition of passive income.

Clearly receiving rental income as a landlord isn’t the same as getting interest from money in a bank account, or dividends from stock market investments. However, is being a landlord really a way to earn money with minimal effort?

What do Property Gurus say about Passive Income?

Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (3)

A number of property “gurus” active on YouTube and Instagram say that landlords earn passive income from investing in rental properties.

One claims that landlords can generate “completely passive” income from using different property investment strategies, including buy to lets, HMOs, rent-to-rent and serviced accommodation, and running a property sourcing business (although that doesn’t involve investing in property).

A second says passive income can be earned by landlords, without doing any work, if they use a letting agent to manage the property. They recommend investing in a “ready to rent”, pre-tenanted turn-key property, to be run by agents.

However, a third disagrees, and says they don’t believe landlords can earn passive income. They see it as a marketing ploy to sell property training and mentorship.

Who is right? Can rental income for landlords really be passive income, or is it a myth?

Let’s have an objective look at evidence for and against whether passive income is achievable for a landlord.

How do landlords earn rental income?

Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (4)

In a nutshell, these are the six categories of activities that landlords, or someone working for them, will do in return for rental income.

Bear in mind that the more activities are outsourced, the more margin goes to third parties, and the less profit there is left over. Some will say that using professionals enables landlords to have a bigger pie. However, it’s certainly possible for landlords to do all of these activities themselves. I do. I’d rather have a smaller, more profitable pie, to mix my metaphors!

1. Sourcing and financing new rental properties

For many landlords, finding properties, doing deals, and arranging the finance is the fun part. It can be very time-consuming and takes skill to find a good project and run the numbers. Specialist mortgage brokers can help find finance, and some landlords manage to attract angel investors.

There are lots of courses that property investors can go on to hone their skills. They range from courses run by the NRLA to a myriad of courses on YouTube. There’s also a lot of costly courses and mentorships available for newbie landlords.

Potential investors can also use specialist sourcing companies to source deals, and there’s a lot of money to be made in sourcing.

In short, most property investors do their own sourcing, but it is possible to outsource some of it. However, it’s the investor who ultimately decides whether to go ahead a project.

Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (5)

2. Refurbishment of rental properties

Unless a landlord is buying a new build, it’s likely that the property will need refurbishing. It may be a full back-to-brick refurbishment if it’s in a bad state, or a quick clean and paint, with perhaps new carpets and new tiles.

The most landlords use third party contractors to do the work for them. However, the prospective landlord needs to make decisions about issues that arise during the refurbishment, and the work needs managing. There are companies that will do it all, but again, this impacts margins.

Landlords can also reduce costs by the investor taking on some jobs themselves, but it’s important to keep in mind the opportunity cost. (In other words, is this the most value-adding use of time?)

Whilst an landlord can be totally hands off if they arrange for someone to manage the refurbish, this is fairly rare in practice. Most landlords are involved to a greater or lesser extent, even if it’s just regular site visits to check on progress and make decisions. And the inevitable tip runs…

Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (6)

3. Letting rental properties

Finding tenants is a key activity for landlords. Many people use letting agents, either as part of a fully managed package, or as a standalone activity.

However, with the ability to list properties on the property portals by using services like OpenRent for a low cost, it’s an easy activity to do themselves. Especially as tenant demand is so high. I started self-letting with OpenRent in 2022, and have not looked back. I actually found it less hassle than using agents.

Self-letting improves margins and enables the landlord to choose who’s right for the property, but of course, self-letting isn’t passive.

>> Related Post: How to find tenants without letting agents

>> Related Post: Landlord guide to using OpenRent

Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (7)

4. Managing tenants

Whatever the form of tenancy (single let or HMO), tenants need managing, from dealing with queries, to tracking rent arrears and inventories.

Self-management by landlords is certainly not a way of earning an income passively, but it does increase profitability

Many choose to outsource to agents, which undoubtedly reduces the landlord’s active involvement. However, outsourcing management increases costs, and will have a negative impact on a landlord’s profit margins. As management fees are based on a percentage (usually 10-15%) of the gross rent, landlords don’t benefit from economies of scale as their portfolio grows.

There are four management models available for larger portfolios (agents, self-managing, hybrid, own team). The hybrid model involves using virtual property assistants to carry out the administration. This isn’t some form of property Alexa, but a real person with experience of lettings, who provides support remotely. VAs can add enormous value and make a landlord’s life a lot easier. However, they still need to be supervised.

>> Related Post: How landlords can get the best from letting agents

>> Related Post: How to Self-Manage your Buy to Let

5. Repairs, maintenance, safety of properties

Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (8)

Repairs and maintenance are inevitable for rental properties. Boilers break, roofs leak, and pipes burst. Even in new properties. Also, landlords must ensure that regular safety checks, like the annual gas safety certificate, testing smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and five-yearly EICRs, are carried out.

Of course, trades people will usually carry out the tests and most repairs. However, someone, whether or not it’s the landlord, needs to make decisions about what is needed, and arrange for it to be done.

Managing agents rarely inspect properties outside of the annual inspection, and are unlikely to supervise building work or repairs in person. They usually only have authority to go ahead with small repairs up to an agreed amount , eg £100-£250.

Unfortunately, a lot of managing agents are at best mediocre. Speak to any landlord, and they’ll have a tale of woe about how they were let down by a letting agent. I certainly have plenty.

There are some good ones around, particularly those who are run by landlords (take a look at my blog post on how to get the best from managing agents for more tips). Nevertheless, even the best agent will need to involve the landlord if a serious problem occurs.

Let’s take as an example a renter sending the above photo of mould in a bedroom. (This is a real example from one of my properties). The agent would probably arrange a report from a contractor on the cause of the mould. However, it’s not wise to leave big decisions to a letting agent and their chosen contractor. They’re unlikely to have the same understanding of the property’s history, previous refurbishments, and known issues. There’s also usually more than one way to solve a problem.

Savvy, experienced landlords will want to get to the bottom of where the mould is coming from. Quiz the contractor, and maybe get a second opinion. It’s not always obvious.

Something as serious as black mould needs to be taken seriously by the landlord. The landlord may also need to make the insurance claim, another thing an agent can’t do. Even a virtual assistant can only help with the administrative side. They’re not the decision maker.

The cause of this mould was a broken tile and a hole in the gulley on the roof. I liaised with the insurance company, and arranged for a roofing company to repair the roof. I cleaned off the mould, put in a dehumidifier and arranged for the room to be redecorated when it was dry. As there was also condensation in the room, I changed the single panel radiator to a double radiator to warm up the room used anti-condensation paint when the room was painted.

Ultimately, this is not something that I could or should have delegated to an agent. It needed active management from my part.

>> Related Post: How should landlords tackle damp and mould

6. Oversight of the property management

Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (9)

The key flaw in the argument that landlords earn passive income from rental income is the matter of oversight.

If landlords delegate takes to an agent or a virtual assistant, that’s not the end of the story. They will have questions and will want to check in with you. Agents and VAs need managing. Otherwise, how do you know they’re doing what they agreed to do? After a renter moves in, check to see if they’ve received the prescribed deposit information. Unfortunately, it doesn’t go without saying that the agents will do everything they should. I speak from experience here.

Make sure you study the reports from the inspection visits carefully. In fact, it’s a good idea to accompany agents on an inspection visit once a year so you can see for yourself if the property is in good repair.

Managing your agents or VAs is part of being a landlord, if you don’t self-manage. And that’s not earning passive income.

>> Related Post: How to improve efficiencies in managing a growing property portfolio

Is Rent-to-Rent a way for landlords to generate passive income?

Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (10)

Some property trainers recommend rent-to-rent as a way for landlords to earn “totally passive” income.

What is rent-to-rent?

With rent-to-rent, a landlord rents a property under a commercial lease agreement to an intermediate landlord, the ‘rent-to-renter’, who sub-lets the property to an end tenant.

With an authorised rent-to-rent agreement, the top landlord usually passes responsibility for managing the property to the intermediate landlord. This will include certain repairs and maintenance, but some major issues will normally fall back to the top landlord. Who bears responsibility for what needs to be spelt out clearly in the rent-to-rent agreement.

With rent-to-rent, the rent remains payable by the rent-to-renter to the superior landlord, regardless of occupancy levels. This means the intermediate landlord takes on the risk of voids and rent arrears.

For rent-to-rent to work, the rent-to-renter needs to receive more from the end tenant than they pay to the landlord. They typically do this by renting it as an HMO or serviced accommodation.

There are also unauthorised rent-to-rent arrangements, where a tenant sub-lets under an assured shorthold tenancy, without the landlord’s permission. This is something all landlords need to be careful to avoid as it can lead to an illegal HMO or a breach of the right to rent rules.

A recent example of where this ended in court is the Rakusen case. It was about whether rent repayment orders (RROs) can only be made against a tenant’s immediate landlord (the rent-to-renter) or whether the renter can claim against the superior landlord. The Supreme Court decided in March 2023 that the rent-to-renter, and not the superior landlord, is responsible for paying RROs. However, this is due to change when the Renters Reform Bill comes into force in 2024 as the superior landlord will then become liable for breaches by the intermediate landlord. Superior landlords will also be liable for rent repayment orders up for up to the previous two years’ rent.

>> Related Post: The new rules on rent repayment orders in the Renters Reform Bill

>> Related Post: How to carry out right to rent checks

Pros and cons of rent-to-rent

Rent-to-rent can work well for landlords. However, it can work out badly if the rent-to-renter doesn’t look after the property or comply with their landlord obligations. It can be even worse if it’s an unauthorised rent-to-rent as in the Rakusen case.

Any landlord who signs over their property to a rent-to-renter should not treat it like money in the bank. The property is a valuable asset that people are living in, and it needs looking after. Landlords should have regular meetings with the rent-to-renters to check that they’re complying with the terms of the agreement. Particularly those relating to safety and maintenance.

The landlord shouldn’t merely take the rent-to-renter’s word for it. Instead, they should ask to inspect the property, licences and safety certificates at least once a year. Property is a long term investment that needs overseeing, even if the landlord appoints a rent-to-renter.

>> Related Post: What landlords need to know about Rent-to-Rent

Final Thoughts: Why rental income is not passive income

Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (11)

Landlords provide homes for people to live in, and that comes with a lot of responsibilities. It’s not something landlords should take on lightly. Framing it as passive income is not the right approach.

All landlords need to educate themselves about their legal responsibilities, even if they use agents, and even if they only have one rental property. They need to know what the people they delegate to are supposed to be doing, so they can check it’s being done properly. A good way of doing this is by becoming an NRLA Accredited Landlord, and taking the Landlord Fundamentals training course.

This will be even more important when the Renters Reform Bill comes into force in 2024, as it will make significant changes to the way landlords run their businesses. Increasing regulation increases the risk of non-compliance for landlords.

>> Related Post: The 10 key changes in the Renters Reform Bill

If a landlord delegates any legal responsibilities to an agent, the landlord is still liable. Here are some examples of when the landlord is responsible for mistakes by agents:

  • The letting agent doesn’t register the renter’s deposit. The landlord may have to pay compensation to the renter and won’t be able to serve a section 21 notice. The fact it was the letting agent’s mistake is neither here nor there. The landlord should check the agent has registered the deposit and given the prescribed information to the renter.
  • The letting agent doesn’t advise the landlord to get a selective licence or HMO licence where one’s needed. For instance, the agent hasn’t carried out inspections and therefore didn’t notice that two of the three friends sharing a house have moved in partners, making it an HMO that needs a mandatory licence. It’s the landlord who’ll be committing a criminal offence and have to pay a fine and/or a rent repayment order.
  • The property falls into serious disrepair because the agent has not acted on repairs reported by the tenants. It’s the landlord who risks a £30,000 fine and prosecution.

Even rent-to-rent is not entirely passive income for a landlord, as landlords must monitor the rent-to-renter’s compliance with the agreement.

Whilst it’s certainly possible for a landlord to take a more passive role by outsourcing, especially if they only have one or two buy to lets, they still carry the can if something goes wrong. However, if they want to ensure their property is being looked after, they’ll need to be involved to some extent. If a serious problem arises, and they’ll need to assess the situation and make decisions.

Outsourcing also comes at a cost, which reduces the amount of profit a landlord makes. Margins are already tight for landlords, especially with the increase in interest rates and inflation. If the landlord outsources everything, the net returns may be so low that they’d be better off putting the money in the bank.

Being a landlord comes with lots of legal responsibility. It’s irresponsible and misleading to call it ‘passive income’, as that plays down the fact being a landlord involves risk and responsibility for the safety of their renters. Importantly, they need to have the knowledge to be able to supervise their agents. It’s should never be a question of “let and forget”, with even the best of agents. It’s a question of “let and check”.

Finally, talk of landlords earning passive income is a worse than a myth. It’s dangerous as it gives the impression it’s like earning interest on cash deposited in a bank account, when the reality is that providing homes for tenants to live in comes with a lot of risk, liability and work. That’s not passive.

>> Related Post: What landlords need to know about HMOs

>> Related Post: Is buy to let still worth it?

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Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (12)
Can landlords make passive income from rental property? (2024)


Can landlords make passive income from rental property? ›

Tenants will pay their monthly rent, and you'll receive this without any work. Your returns on the property become passive income. Imagine enjoying all these benefits from renting several properties at the same time. The more properties you own, the more income you can earn.

Is being a landlord really passive income? ›

Even though owning rental property can be classified as a “passive” income stream, that doesn't mean that it isn't going to require some work. For instance, the state of the property might lead to your investment being a little more “active” than you would like.

Are rental properties a good source of passive income? ›

Investing in rental properties offers numerous advantages, such as steady cash flow, long-term equity growth, and specific tax perks. In most cases, rental income is considered passive for tax purposes, exempt from payroll taxes, with taxes determined by the investor's tax bracket.

Is income from rental real estate activities considered passive income? ›

The IRS considers a rental activity to be passive if real estate is used by tenants and rental income (or expected rental income) is received mainly for the use of the property. In other words, owning a rental property and collecting rental income is considered passive and not active in most cases.

Why is renting not passive income? ›

Short-term rentals are considered to generate passive income. However, based on the work that you do for the rental property, you are considered to be active participants. This means that you may be able to use some of the losses from the rental to offset income that is not passive income.

What is legally considered passive income? ›

Passive income includes regular earnings from a source other than an employer or contractor. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) says passive income can come from two sources: rental property or a business in which one does not actively participate, such as being paid book royalties or stock dividends.

Do landlords actually make money? ›

Landlords earn over $35,000 more than the median household each year. They typically earn an average of $10,000 or more annually per rental property. Almost 50% of landlords manage their own units, Most landlords spend less than 40 hours per month managing their properties, including 20% ​​who spend less than 4 hours.

How to make a living off of rental property? ›

To optimize your rental cash flow, you will need to:
  1. Achieve the best rental price/ROI for your home.
  2. Keep vacancy rates low.
  3. Place reliable residents that look after your home, keeping repair costs down.
  4. Ensure large expenses are planned for in your budget.
  5. Avoid costly services that erode your cash flow.
Jan 30, 2024

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Is being a landlord a full-time job? It depends on how many properties you manage, and if you do most of the maintenance yourself. If you only have 1 rental , probably you'd spend time in chunks, say a weekend once every few months, for maintenance. But that may not be necessary if it's a newer building.

What is the difference between passive income and rental property? ›

Passive income is money that doesn't take much time or effort to make and you don't earn it from a traditional job. It can include earnings from rental properties, dividends from stocks, selling courses online, and other projects where you're not involved in the continued generation of revenue.

What does the IRS consider a passive activity? ›

There are two kinds of passive activities. Trade or business activities in which you don't materially participate during the year. Rental activities, even if you do materially participate in them, unless you're a real estate professional.

Is rental income considered self-employment? ›

Rents from real estate (including any personal property leased with real estate) received by a taxpayer who holds the property for investment are not included in self-employment income unless the rent is received in the course of the taxpayer's trade or business.

What is the $25,000 passive loss exclusion? ›

Under the passive activity rules you can deduct up to $25,000 in passive losses against your ordinary income (W-2 wages) if your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is $100,000 or less. This deduction phases out $1 for every $2 of MAGI above $100,000 until $150,000 when it is completely phased out.

What is a self-rental trap? ›

This treatment means that any income produced by a rental entity to which the self-rental rules apply cannot be netted against passive losses from other rental entities to utilize those losses. Ultimately, it often results in more passive losses being trapped by the Sec.

Why is rental income not earned income? ›

Rental income is typically considered to be unearned income by the IRS. Unlike earned income, which primarily includes wages, salaries, or business income from active participation, unearned income typically includes sources such as interest, dividends, and rental income from real estate.

What does the IRS consider a self-rental? ›

Self-rental is an arrangement in which a business and property that it rents are both owned by the same person(s). It is common for a taxpayer to own an operating business and also own the accompanying real estate. That person has to materially participate in the operating company for the self rental rules to apply.

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Generally, a good ROI for rental property is considered to be around 8 to 12% or higher. However, many investors aim for even higher returns. It's important to remember that ROI isn't the only factor to consider while evaluating the profitability of a rental property investment.

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Economic Contribution- Landlords that invest in properties often contribute to the local economy. After all, property ownership and management create jobs in maintenance, repairs, and property management services. Additionally, they pay property taxes, supporting local government services and development.


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.