Lawsuit: Santander Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over Fair Debt Collection Practices (2024)

Posted by
Elaine A Jones

I have two car loans with Santander USA. I am being charged over 16% APR on both cars here is AZ and 16% is the legal maximum allowed in the state otherwise it is usery. Can I demand credit on my loans for the overage in payments? Or can I demand a refund and demand they lower my interest rate?
Please let me know? I had no idea the allowable amount and maximum is 16%.

Posted by

I have been involve in an accident and I made Santander Consumer aware of the situation and they decided to come and pick up the car and refuse to let me make a payment to get the vehicle back. I also had filed a UCC filing over the vehicle before they came and picked the car up.

Posted by
Vanessa Cronk

I am ready to file a lawsuit like this one:

San Diego, CA: Santander Consumer USA is facing a class action lawsuit over alleged violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) as well as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The lawsuit also alleges Santander breached its own contracts by charging improper fees.

Posted by
Mike Licciardi

I have been overcharged many times. In which the multiple overdraft fees caused other checks to bounce!! Finally some redemption. It's happened so many times over years that I was even thinking how could they take my money with no recourse. criminal and will be leaving Santander in 2024

Posted by
Adrian Perry

I am a domestic violence survivor, I contacted Santander bank and reported that my abuser took the car.I proved I had no access to the vehicle and that my abuser had full access of the car. So I asked to be removed from the contract in writing and they refused then placed a repossession on my record, dropped my credit score drastically by reporting no payment. This created a world of problems for me.

Posted by

They are over charging me monthly, interests rates are ridiculous as well as car note. They won’t refinance the car because they said they don’t do that. SMH. They harass u at the strangest hours ….but they are the worst

Posted by
Deborah Willis-Koch

My son purchased a vehicle from Santander USA in 2020 but needed a co-signer. I was willing to help him and co-sign. First and foremost the dealership tried to do a “yo-yo” deal and make him bring the car back because “supposedly” the financing changed their mind, Santander was the finance company, when he informed me I knew nothing about “yo-yo” dealing. I quickly did my research and told him you email them (so it’s in writing) that you will bring the car back the following day, you do not want to talk to anyone, (you cannot bring the issue up as this allows them to offer you a higher interest rate with a larger down payment then what was first made!). I said you say you will bring the keys in to them and you expect your $1000 deposit back in hand, you will not be subjected to any yo-yo” dealings! Then suddenly the financial company which is and has been Santander USA along with the dealership told him in an email response that there was a mistake and he can keep the car!

Secondly, Santander told me I could Co-sign for him, such that I did, however, I found out that I was actually the co-owner! I did not agree to being a co-owner, and all their multiple phone calls and mail! I’am out raged they made me a co-owner that at no time was it ever told to me I was by them! I found this out since the CA., DMV only has my address as the owner when I live in Indiana and my son is the 100% driver of the car, operates it on CA., roadways, lives in Los Angeles, CA., with a CA. address and CA., car insurance! This has allowed all toll road debts to come to me because as I know for fact after multiple phone calls to the CA., DMV that if I give my sons name they cannot find any information on him? When I give his address, nothing!! When I give my name and address (obviously with the plate number and several numbers of the vehicles ID #, make and model) I come up!!! I have been compounded with mail with threats to pay these fees along with potential court! As well Santander as well!

Third, the car loan at 19.40% when I have great credit I was unaware of and why? The point of me co-signing was to keep the payments down! All my car loans have been at the going auto loan interest 3.5% to 5 % so why did they make his 19.40%? I co-signed for my husband several years ago because he had no credit which is sorta worse than bad credit, and his interest rate was the same as I get!!!

Fourth, the payment on my son’s car loan hasn’t moved since purchased but by pennies???

Fifth, I had a Congenital Hemorrhagic stroke several months ago! This type of stroke kills you! I was helicoptered to Parkview Neurological Hospital as I was dying! For 3-4 days I could have been dead and not known! They took the back of my skull out and put a life threatening bolt in to release the bleeding pressure killing me, unfortunately they could not get it all due to being in a dangerous place! My mortality rate at my age is the likelihood I will have a second within 5 years, so everyday I count down! Stress is my number one killer! Santander has caused me stress I cannot afford especially having found out they hid their intentions and made me an owner! I spent a couple months in ICU, now I’m alive however I lost my job because I told my employer and was terminated 6 days later and I am with the EEOC with hopes I can at least stop them from blacklisting me? I’ve applied for over 75 jobs and nothing! I’m saying all this because it’s more stress and my children, especially my son ended up in a financial crisis due to my stroke and staying here in Indiana until I was stable around a month and a half which put him behind in all his bills and is trying to get some assistance from his bank, however the car payments are also in arrears around 3 months and this has been ongoing! I’m at my wits end and my Psychiatrist and Therapist are aware but the stress this company has caused me is killing me slowly day by day!! In CA., a car can be repossessed in 30 days, legally! But they haven’t because they want their 19.40% rate! The car loan should have been going down not staying at the purchase price!! I am 67 and have no job and won’t, I only have SSD and a small pension from my previous husband from his military pension. Santander is a scam artist company who cheat and deceives! I hope to be a part of the class action lawsuit and my son!

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I bought a 2019 Chevy Equinox and told them I could not pay over $600 a month. First bill I received was $699. I struggled to pay it for two years then I just couldn't afford it. I had it voluntarily repossessed in perfect condition. They said they sold it and I still owe almost half the amount. I asked for proof of what they sold it for and they said they don't have to give it to me. They also said I need to pay them in$699 payments even though I told them I can not.

Posted by
Anthony Alexander

I'm really confused as to the direction that my loan payoff is going. I received notifications that update me on the progress of my loan. Ex: Back in July of 2023, I received a notification stating "congratulations, you have paid off 8% of your loan." And then 5 months later, while making my monthly payments, I received a notification stating "Congratulations, you have paid off 5% of your loan." Why am I going backwards, yet paying forward towards paying this loan off? Please help. Thank you

Posted by
Elisha Shelton

I purchased a car from CarMax on September 2017. My payments were $800. They repossessed the car Nov 2019. They sold the car at auction and have the difference on my credit report. I should have been included in the settlement but, I didn’t know about it. Now the balance is just sitting on my credit report.

Posted by
Donita Gray

I have been victimized and have had not heard from this company in over two years. The dealership where I purchased the car is no longer in business and I am unable to get any paperwork from the company. They have reported a collects/charge off on my credit report. Still no Information received reporting the default. I want to be added to the lawsuit as this company has been fraudulent and imposing fraudulent activities for years.

Posted by
Anthony Lamar Stephens

Santander stole money from me via insurance claim where they were allegedly claiming to be the lien holders, they also defauded my identity on CRA

Posted by
Christina Howell

Santander Consumer USA Account #25225023
Re: 2018 Fired Fusion Loan

I am filling a claim against Santander Consumer USA, and
although the form is submitted & signed by my daughter,
Christina Howell, (she pays the note on this car, and has
permission from Santander to discuss this account in full) ,
Mary D. Roberts, am lienholder on this account, Christina
Howell initially applied for this loan & even offered her only
vehicle as a trade in. And I was deceptively informed I would
only be a co-signer to this loan, but found I was the I sole
owner on this loan. Both she & I receive monthly government
benefits only, and have no money left over for the month
after paying in this for 2 years, 4 more to go, & no assistance
for an "upside down" loan, we should have been awarded
under the Santander Settlement in effect just 2 mos. prior to
our crested contract with Santander in June 2020. Please help.

Posted by
LaToya C Dixon

We should all get together and file another class action. I’m tired of them. They illegally excluded me from the settlement. They regularly report late and missed payments to an account that was charged off almost 3 years ago. They do this in an attempt to re age the account and to hart aaa and intimidate me. They know I’m apart of the settlement, at purchase they didn’t have any prooof of j come from me, told me it wasn’t needed (Carmax) coerced menu to all these extra ancillary products that didn’t cover anything that they said it would.

Posted by
Gypsy Turl-Fisher

On April 1 2022, I financed a 2017 Nissan Rogue from Madera Toyota in CA. It was listed at about $17000, my interest rate was 28%,total owing about $26,000, monthly payments $698. It was not long before life changed for me and I was unable to make payments, I tried voluntary surrender, and like others got the run around. I currently live in Arkansas now because I moved in with family because I could not find affordable housing in CA. Never have I intended to hide the vehicle, I know I'm at risk of being pulled over and having my vehicle repossessed, if this happens I will hand over the vehicle. I have no way to live life and pay off this debt. It was a learning lesson I will now teach my children because I was never taught this in school. I just want to know what I can do, while researching what will happen I came across this lawsuit. I want to know what this lawsuit will do for all the people in these situations.

Posted by

I got a loan from a shady car company with no proof of income. They asked for 4200 down, I made 8 payments of $600 never saw the amount I owed go down. I still owe $26000 on the car and its reach repossession state. I am not sure what to do or who to call.

Posted by
Courtney Dowe

Took out a auto loan with Santander Bank , December of 2020 for Monthly payments of $749,$49 of which went towards warranty and maintenance.Nearly 80 percent of the total go towards interest and late fees.Its ridiculous that the principal hardly gets touched.What a ripoff

Posted by
Teresa Napier

They put me in a loan that they knew I would fail in. 771.00 a month. By the time I would have paid for this car. A 2019 Chevy Trax it would have been 50,000 Dollars. Isn't that the same thing they got sued for the last time? I tried to get them to refinance it for me and they said they don't do that.

Posted by
Cristina Elkins

I missed a payment without realizing it and made two payments that were short by $50 at the beginning of this year. That means I am 1 1/2 payments behind. According to them, I am 7 months behind? Wth?

Posted by
Erik walker

I am a victim of Santander. I bought a car paid almost 28 k for a car with a 9800 dollar base price, they repo it accidentally and made me pay and pick it up an hour from my home. I paid on the car five yrs and went to see my payoff and it was 9800 and was not lowering . I gav the car back out of desperation , and now they have filed suit against me and trying to garnish my wages . I tried to fight in family court and the judge laughed me out of the building. I need help to figure this out !!

Posted by
Natashia morman

I purchased the car in 2021 I’ve been making the payments and was diagnosed with breast cancer I missed a payment and noticed an interest charge of the monthly’ payment amount I contacted them and basically got the run around I caught up on the payments after going back to work but noticed the interest rate I’m being charged from this this company I received a letter from them saying I owed more than what payment I missed and called again and got the run around they are the worst there are way to many lawsuits against this company something has to be done I just need a reliable car with affordable payments still fighting this cancer fight and shouldn’t have to fight with a loan company about there practices please help.

Posted by
Krystal Rowley

Lending Club moved their auto loan servicing to Santander in May 2023 and it's been *awful*. I was really happy with LendingClub up until that point. They completely botched the transition project. Accounts were unavailable online for days and there was zero proactive communication and support was unable/unwilling to provide any updates. Worse, it took three phone calls before they even admitted there was a problem. Santander's phone support is rigid, impersonal, and disinterested in helping you. After verifying my identity with the phone tree, a rep I spoke to asked for identifying information 3 additional times in a 10 minute call. Further, their phone system makes it clear they don't want to talk to you - they ought to give you an award for successfully navigating the maze! Santander will sell your information to other companies. The process to opt out for this is full of dark patterns designed to confuse you and never makes it clear if they have processed your privacy request. Finally, Lending Club's support is unreliable and untrustworthy. I tried to offer my feedback privately and though they promised a response, they never replied. When I brought this to their attention, they told me to call, but their phone system was unable to connect me. I brought this to their attention as well and they copied and pasted a generic response which made it clear they had not read any of my communications. Their rates were good for me, so that is a silver lining, but after going through this transition, I feel like I got what I paid for: cheap rate, cheap service. It now shows on my credit report that I have one missed payment and that I not only have one auto loan but two auto loans showing up now which is also hurting my credit. This whole situation has been messed up and I feel as though I've been scammed and didn't realize until it was too late.

Posted by

We also suffered predatory practices under Santander as well the dealership where we purchased the car. In 2018 we decided to go to a local dealership to find a car and decided on a jeep. We could afford the payments, we just didn’t have enough to put down as we had just bought a car from the same dealership for my daughter 2 months prior and used our down for her. My mother knew how badly I needed a reliable car so if need be she would have helped with the down. When we discussed it the dealer salesman he said oh no problem we can get you into a loan with no money down, your payments will just be higher. We were fine with that. Well when we went to do the loan, the dealership came back and said oh no you’ll need a co-signer. Why? Well they couldn’t tell us. We made more than enough for the payments so it made no sense and our credit was good. So we said ok fine, my mom was already going to give us the down anyways maybe she’d just co-sign instead. Well, when we went to do the paperwork, we didn’t even notice that they had switched the paperwork to read my mother as a co-buyer! We signed the papers, and they placed us under a Santander loan. The dealership gave us some story that they needed to make copies of the paperwork for us and it was late so they’d have them to us first thing in the morning. When morning came, they made some excuse that the records staff was short and needed a few days. A few days went by and still no loan paperwork. Finally after a week went by we called and inquired where our paperwork was. Had to actually call the manager to ask what the hold up was but he was so rude, we weren’t getting any answers from him either. After about a month of this treatment I finally called the records dept and spoke to a lady asking her why they were holding our paperwork. She was shocked but also said she needed to be careful so no one heard her talking to me or she’d get in trouble .. but that she’d get the paperwork to me if o came in at a certain hour after the manager had left. So I did. Got the loan paperwork and took it home to read. That is when we discovered they had pulled a bait and switch and made my mother the co-buyer. And that it was a Santander loan which made no logical reason since if she was actually the loan holder and she had a very high credit score why use Santander? When we called to complain to the dealership, they are so rude and the manager refused to call Us back. So here we are making the monthly payments on this car now 3-4 years into it but who’s credit is it building? My mothers. Not ours.
Further there is something odd going on with our Santander payments. As an example.. last month when I made the payment (and I confess due to recently relocating and trying to catch up on mail etc I fell behind for a month. Last month I paid it and knew by the account amount that I still was short not quite 1 month planning to catch up in a week. Today we got a bill stating we were 5 months behind. How did we go from 1 month to 5 months is beyond me.
So there is some kind of predatory practices going on with Santander (still taking place) and this dealership. I even printed out all my statements to show all my payments so how I went from 1 month begins to 5 makes no sense at all. Unless it’s so they can claim more late fees. And again why put an old lady with a high income, and a 720 credit score on a Santander loan? The dealership is a Lithia dealership chain out of Montana. I have filed a complaint with the states consumer complaint board. It is on record.

Posted by
Daisy M Jones

I too have had a very disappointing experience with Santander when I paid off the loan. They bought the loan from Ally and during the pandemic they offered what I thought was help by offering to give me a 30-day grace period to pay a payment. I had no idea they weren't extending the payoff date 30 days, since they made the offer seemingly in good faith. When I paid it off they reported along with the payoff that it was 30 days late, which caused my credit score to drop over 40 points. And then when I requested the payoff letter so I can get my title they claimed they had sent it, and that they've experienced customers not getting it all the time. But if I wanted it I would have to pay a third-party company almost $50 to get the letter. That to me is really an ugly thing to do.

Posted by
Tracey price and Terence kelley

My car was only 17,400 when we went to buy it and that was in 2019 and still paying on it 37,000 still have 8,500 to go but I ask when the pandemic was going on they wouldn’t give me an
Extra cupple days or put it at the end of the month to pay my boyfriend had gotten sick from Covid 19 and I came down with it need some help here please

Posted by
Jennifer Dingler

I bought a 2017 Chrysler Pacifica van from them June of 2022.Payments 675 a one will refinance because more is owed then van is worth.Tried to get it voluntarily repoed and get the run around.How can companies finance a car more than it’s worth?

Posted by
Tamika Wright

I bought my car in 2017. The contract was for 72 months. I totaled my car this year (2023). I was paying $559/mth and had 1/yr to go. The insurance paid them almost $17k for the total loss. They are still harassing me for 1 whole note and it’s still accruing interest. When I look at my statement, over 50% of each payment was going to interest. It looks as if in total, I paid $60k plus for a $30k car at best. I’m still fighting them on this.

Posted by

Santander Consumer USA
Subject: Unethical Practice of Lying on Interest Rates and Charging Hidden Fees
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the discovery of unethical practices within your financial institution. It has come to my attention that there have been instances of lying about interest rates and imposing hidden fees on unsuspecting customers. As a loyal customer of your institution for four years, I am deeply disappointed and feel betrayed by these actions.
As an organization that holds a position of trust within the financial industry, it is imperative that your institution operates with the highest ethical standards. Transparency, honesty, and fair treatment of customers should be at the core of your business practices. Unfortunately, the recent revelations indicate a departure from these principles, causing significant harm and loss to many customers who have placed their trust in your institution.
Lying about interest rates misleads customers into believing they are receiving a fair and competitive rate, only to discover later that they have been deceived. This not only undermines the trust that customers have placed in your institution but also results in financial loss and undue hardship for individuals who rely on accurate information to make informed financial decisions.
Furthermore, the imposition of hidden fees is a clear violation of consumer protection laws and regulations. Concealing these charges from customers not only reflects a lack of integrity but also denies them the opportunity to understand the true cost of their financial transactions. Such deceptive practices not only harm individuals financially but also erode the reputation of your institution within the broader community.
I strongly urge your institution to take immediate action to rectify these unethical practices. It is essential that you:
1.Conduct a thorough investigation into the extent and nature of these deceptive practices, identifying all affected customers and the financial harm caused to them.
2.Provide restitution and compensate all customers who have been directly affected by lying about interest rates and hidden fees, ensuring they are fully reimbursed for any financial loss incurred.
3.Implement stringent internal controls and monitoring mechanisms to prevent the recurrence of such unethical practices in the future.
4.Train your employees on ethical conduct, emphasizing the importance of honesty, transparency, and fair treatment of customers.
5.Develop a clear and comprehensive policy that outlines your commitment to ethical practices, ensuring it is widely communicated to all staff and customers.
I trust that your institution will take immediate steps to address these concerns and restore the trust that has been eroded by these unethical practices. As a customer who has placed my faith in your institution, I genuinely hope to see meaningful changes that reflect a renewed commitment to ethical conduct.
If prompt action is not taken to address these issues, I will have no choice but to explore alternative financial institutions that uphold the principles of honesty and integrity. Additionally, I will not hesitate to share my experiences with others, cautioning them about the unethical practices that have taken place within your institution.
I look forward to receiving your response and learning about the concrete measures you will undertake to address these concerns. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Yours sincerely,

Posted by

I paid every month, but yet they call me on a Sunday at that to say I was a few days behind. And asked for a payment. They always are telling me I’m behind. When I pay every month.

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Hello I would like for any of the attorneys that's handling the lawsuits against this bank please email me ASAP because I really need to speak with you about the lawsuit.PB

Posted by
Danielle I Baker

I just purchased a 2020 Ford Fusion Titanium Hybrid on June 13th. I signed up on Santander website ready to make my 1st car payment of $775. Unfortunately, I only drove the car for 4 days until I had to take the car in under warranty to do an evac and recharge on my AC that supposedly was part of their 80 point inspection and it passed. Clearly it did not. I paid out of pocket because it was considered preventative maintenance. Then not even a few days later the car doesn't start. Had to get it towed to the Ford dealership or aka fleet yard because there is an electrical issue. I now have been without this car for 2 weeks. Being a 2020 model, I am beyond irritated that I have yet to make a car payment and barely drove this car. Nonetheless, Santander doesn't care and requires their payment which I understand but $775 a month with not so good credit, the time I pay this car off it will cost me $58k instead of $24k. I had no choice but to sign because I need a car for work since my older car died. I felt forced to take their terms and I feel taken advantage of with their ridiculous interest rate. I don't appreciate interest rate gouging just because my credit isn't as perfect as others. I'll pay interest, no problem, but not 500% interest. The lady at Santander also said I'll be paying on interest only for a long time while nothing goes against the principle. How can people survive and contribute to society like this with a company raping their consumers. Where is the fair interest.

Posted by
Megan Cox

I’m definitely confused. I pay my car note on time, there was a time a fell behind but I caught back up. Even when your current they label the payment for the next month as PAST DUE. I don’t understand how they label payments PAST DUE when they are not even due yet. They also told me 7/6/23 that I was 11 late on my June payment, but I made 3 payments in June and I was all caught up. They said they’ll update my account in 3/5 business days but it has not been updated yet. On my credit report it still say that my last payment was made in May when that is also not true. Even though I am current and paid half my car note for this month early, it still say that I am past due the other half of July payment. My payments are due every 25th of the month. It is only July 11 2023 and I only own half which is due in two weeks. Seems very wrong and sneaky.

Posted by
Dwayne D Collins

Santander is still conducting unethical business practices that includes the car dealerships that they pay for scamming customers into financing the car loans through Santander. At 9pm, after waiting 5 hours and being the last customer, I was rushed through the paperwork, thinking I had purchased a mechanical vehicle warranty, (LIE)which actually was GAP coverage, and over paying for the car, it was valued at $4000, but the dealership charged me $9600, I purchased the car on 11/26/2021, but a week later on11/30/21,I became disabled and unable to work, I informed Santander and was told to keep them updated, in June of 2022, they told me that if I could make two payments, it would put my account in a current status,(LIE) I made two payments in June, then from July through October my payments were made on time. Then in November without any notice, they repossessed the car, said they mailed me a demand payment letter (LIE), I asked for a copy of the letter, but never received it.
After paying over $3500 including the down payment, they only applied $141 to the principal and no payments were reported to the credit bureaus, now they are calling me asking for money.
These are the same unethical business practices that they paid millions for in a class action lawsuit, but it hasn't stopped them from doing the same thing.
I'm hoping for some advice on this matter, I researched online and found many more complaints about Santander still scamming customers, actually I never should have received financing, my credit score was 540 when they financed the loan and I never gave my permission to allow a credit check with Santander.

Posted by

I went to Dutch Miller and bought a 2019 Chevy Trax for $27,000 something this was at pretty much high covid and they said cars were more expensive but I needed a car so they finance me with Santander the payments were $771 a month and by the time that I would have paid this car off I would have had $50,000 paid into it how do they cheat people that are trying to make a living I called them and surrendered the vehicle Santander that is well I tried to get them to refinance it for me twice they said they don't do that tried to work with him so I can keep this car but I surrendered it before Christmas and they still haven't came and got it but I don't know how they get by with cheating people like this

Posted by

They physical abused me and my vehicle got damaged in the process of 2 repos

Posted by
Samuel Sheppard

I bought my car in 2016 and Santander consumer USA tells me that if my car is not paid off by the time my loan 71 months are up they are going to come repossess my car even though I’m making the full payment on it and somehow or another through Covid They took advantage of me and telling me that they’ll work with me but then they go ahead and add all of that back onto your bill and charge you double from your normal payment and they extend the length of your contract doing that so then they can come repossess it once you run over on agreement.

Posted by

I would like to talk to someone about this settlement. As many others I am being charged a crazy amount after my car is supposed to already be paid off.

Posted by
Shaquona Hart

I am one of the consumers that is a victim of predatory lending from Santander. I would like to join this class action. Paid them off in full and will not update my credit has it listed as a bad debt-charge off

Posted by
Deborah k Meyer

Bought a car in Texas at gay Kia, with santander being lender. Because of bad credit, my monthly payments are 569.98. I had to have a car. I'm 67, disabled, on social security. Eats half of my social security. I put 4000.00 down, but "extra fees" etc ate that up REAL quick. Tried to refinance few months later but still have bad credit.

Posted by
Harley Chavis

In March 22’ I put $5200 down on a 2020 Nissan Altima . I signed for gap but they never entered the numbers on the sheet showing how much I would receive . My car payment was $595 month on a 20,000 car. I totaled the car 6 months after hitting a deer. The insurance paid right at $20,000 . Santander still calls me saying I owe 4,750 and that I’m late on payments . I asked them to work with me and what happened. The rude lady said you signed the contract we aren’t lowering your payments . If you calculate everything I’ve paid right at $29k. There’s no way I owe them almost 5K. Interest comes and builds with time. If I gave you $5200 and 6 months later 20k. And made 6 payments of $595 .. how do I owe you anything on a $22,000 car.

Posted by
Azlyn Applegate Ladunca

I was COMPLETELY ROBBED by this company. I took An auto loan out in 2016 ! I paid $490 A MONTH and ended up getting very sick and falling behind on payment due to being sick i called To make arrangements for help and they helped me with 2 payments. And the car got repoed and now i owe More then the car was worth and I put down $7,000 now i have 13,000 of debt froma. Repoed vehicle in 2019 bc of how high our APR was on top of the lasck of help i recieved while being deathly sick. I dont Understand how the vehicle was a total of 12,000 and i ended Up paying the 12,000 PLUS i have 10,000 in debt now ? How does it make sense.

Posted by
Amber Morrison

One more comment, something I don’t think it right. They apply every payment I make to interest and nothing ever goes to the principle; and the balance the account said I owe - NOW ITS WIPED OUT WITH ALL ZEROS?? - was MORE than the original amount of the loan. How do you make $457 a month payments for the better part of a year and the balance never change?? This company took advantage of me as a newly divorced, single mom of 3, with no vehicle and in need. I can’t pay my rent and feed my family because of this loan. I make $1200 a month.

Posted by
Amber Morrison

It’s now 2023, and I got my car last January 2022, $457 a month, because I was in need to a car for work. So next they refuse to add in my sales tax so that’s another $1600 I’m supposed to pay, and here we are a year later and I still don’t even have tags because I literally don’t have $1600. So anyway they are just so sure this is perfect for me and I trusted them. I really think dealerships are in cahoots with Santander somehow making money because they pushed me to go with their Santander financing. I got Covid and fell behind, then we had horrible weather in Arkansas. And I never could catch up and Santander refused to work with me to figure out how I can make payments I can afford, they wouldn’t help with anything, and told me it was “my problem.” They were rude and half the time I could never reach them, and then when I would call they refused to even talk to me. Now my credit report says it’s been charged off as bad debt and something about profit and loss. I don’t even know what that means. This company has been horrible to me from day 1. I even told the finance guy I didn’t think I could afford that and he pointed out every reason I should be able to and coerced me into thinking I could do this. They preyed on me as a single mom and set me up with this predatory loan with 13% interest and I’m never going to be able to fix this. I just need a car I can get tags on and drive to work.

Posted by
Sue Ellen McGoey

My loan is at 22% interest I financed 8500. In 2020 here it is 2023 and I still owe 7600$
How is this even possible?
Very predatory loan company

Posted by
Nikkole Norberg

I am a victim of Suntanders predatory lending sceme.
How do I receive represention?

Posted by
George and Kathleen Watson

We are retired and where buying a GMC Seirra through Santander and they have been harrassing us and threatening to to take us to court because of the just over $2,000 balance we had left on the truck. We had some medical problems that we can get the medical records to prove are 100% what happened. When we called them and told them what was going on and asked them if they would put the missed payment at the back of the note and we would be able to pay our regular payments from then on untill the balance was paid. We went on to explain that someone had t-boned the passenger side of the truck and that they were not going to want it back. But we would still pay off the loan as long as we were able to keep the truck since it was almost entirely paid off like it was supposed to be until we had some medical problems. We are on a set income and we had every intention of paying our loan off. But they came and picked up the truck anyway. And just like we had told them prior to them picking it up, they weren't happy with the condition of the truck. But they auctioned it off anyways. Now they demand that I pay them $580 today to settle on the just over $2,000 balance from a truck they sold at auction over 7 years ago or they will take us to court and we will be forced to pay the balance plus over $4,000 in court cost's and fee's. Which is twice as much as the balance of the loan.

Posted by
Alaina L Mcmahon

I would like to join this class action. Santander takes most if not my whole 495 payment a month and applies it to intrest.

Posted by
Ryan Henderson

I got a 2012 Infiniti G37, been paying 475$/month for over a year and a half. Original price was 17k, I still owe 15.2k. Recently reached out and got a one month extension on a payment because I was going to be late. Was able to get the extension, pay on the specified date, my credit ended up dropping 163 points. Not only that when I am on time with payments, I receive nonstop calls and voice malls from Santander at as early as 10am to randomly in the middle of the day. I would like to join.

Posted by
Shawnta Johnson

I just got my car from deaer. They told me I was with Capital one all to be with this company who I know anything about. I am nervous of the reviews hope everyone gets a winning from this company

Posted by
chad d horner

I bought a 2019 ram pro master it was 32,888. I dropped 6,000 I now owe 30,885. My Apr, 20.01 found out they never did a inspection on it and sold it to me. Didn't pass inspection for new Hampshire so I had to drive back and have them fix everything. My paperwork looks like a four year old did it

Posted by

I bought my car Nov.9 2021 I had it paid every month up until my job burnt down so I couldn’t afford a 523$ a month car payment. I called them and ask them to work with me and she said you’re 160 days behind when I know for a fact I was not that far behind and I was told I had to pay 2,134$ That day or it’s gonna be repossessed. Not to mention I’m paying 23.45% interest. Even when I was paying on it, they would never take it off the amount balance.

Posted by
Adriana Arizpe

I want to join the settlement. I got my car July 2018 and still owe 10000. I pay $437 / monthly and it feels like I’ve been paying forever since I was told I paid only 54% off the loan. Is this possible?

Posted by
Stevlana Hairston

I've been paying $323.00 a month towards my car payment since 2016, 2013 Toyota Corolla. I was granted a 3 month no payment due to being out of work because of C19. I also called maybe 3 to 4 times to skip a payment due to financial hardship sporadically. My maturity date was 3/31/2023. I still have a balance of $6330.40. So I called them about it and now my new maturity date is 9/2024. My daily interest rate is $3.31. When I look at my statements most of my money is going towards the interest, one payment only $10 went towards my principal. I feel like I'm being ripped off and I just don't know how to go about having someone look into this. The initial price of this car was $13,000.00 I'm sure I've paid well over that plus the finance charges. I would like to be apart of any class action lawsuits against Santander USA. It's not fair to hardworking people to get ripped off.

Posted by
Jimmy James

I have been paying on a 2008 Chevy Impala that I purchased from Car Max in Bakersfield , Ca and the Company financed was Road loans then I found out it was Santander Credit Was actually the finance company. I had bad credit at the time and I desperately needed a car for work. Road Loans and car max made it so easy to get loan . The car has been a lemon since day one when I bought the car in 2015. My payments at the time were $ 500 dollars a month . Road loans and Santander if I was a day late on my payment would hound me and harass me with emails, Phone Calls, Letters at all times during the night and day and even holidays weekends and after hours like 9:00 pm at night and 5:00 am in the morning . A year later I got laid off and Santander kept harassing me due to I was alittle late and kept harassing me until I was pressured into chapter 13 bankruptcy in 2018. At that time I have been paying for the car 3 years. After I filed bankruptcy Santander was forced by the court system to pay back and in some cases were to forgive the loan for bad account dealings with customers. I received a call from Santander one night and the person from Santander inform me and my wife that I would be getting my Loan Forgave and would be receiving title in the mail in 30 to 45 days. We were so excited about the news. Well a couple of months past and I received a letter informing us from Santander that I would be getting a money settlement in the amount of $ 260 dollars and Venmo would be handling the transaction. And in a week the money was in my Venmo account . I tried and contacted Santander and no one would help me and knew nothing about the loan forgiveness program.
So I kept paying my bankruptcy payments of $ 2 300.00 dollars a month. At the time of filing my bankruptcy plan Santander had a secured claim against me. For the total amount due at that time is was for $ 8,000 dollars I still owed rate was 39% interest . So I went to a car dealer ship in Bakersfield Ca and got an appraisal and the dealer ship came in with the car value was only $ 2,500 dollars Kelly blue book . I submitted it to the court and they granted the motion for the appraisal. So I thought that the appraisal would be what i would have to pay. Wrong somehow without my knowledge Santander got a Unsecured Claim in on my bankruptcy plan for $ 11,000 dollars i still owed. Remember I was paying on the car since 2015 at $ 500 a month. So I got all my arears payments caught up and paid what the appraiser for the car was for . Paid off. That’s when I found out the unsecured claim was there. My secured payments are paid. With a couple of other creditors that were unsecured I have since paid off. The only one remaining Santander. As of December 01,2022 I still owed Santander a balance of $ 6000 dollars. Santander will not talk to me about it even after my bankruptcy attorney wrote them a letter saying it was ok to discuss my account with me. They won’t let me into my Santander account . I will be paying Santander in my bankruptcy plan another 6 months at $ 2300 a month to pay them off. My plan is a 5 year plan and July of 2023 is my end date .
The Car Issues:
I have spend almost the same as I still owe in repair bills, Towing, Electrical Repairs, A new Transmission plus shipping ,mechanic Install fees, replace almost every Sensor in the car some more than once. Starters, Battery’s, Air Conditioner Repairs that last repair bill was $ 1,750 for electrical repair. Once I had to pay a towing bill due to my family was with me in San Francisco, Ca trip that the car almost killed my family. The car doing 70 miles an hour in the fast lane of the I-5 Freeway just stopped and the power brakes and the steering lock up at night and three cars almost killed us due they couldn’t stop in time. We were stranded in the middle of the freeway in the fast lane when I finally got the car to stop. It took everything in my power to stop the car. Then cars were coming at us from everywhere and I had to get my family my wife and our 4 grandchildren out of the car in the fast lane to the side of the freeway while dodging cars. And my insurance company only paid for the first 10 miles we lived about 347 miles away. My tow bill to haul the car my family was $ 850.00 dollars and it took us 6 hours to get home. The mechanic could never find out why it stop. Another $ 500 repair bill. The car was setting in my driveway more than I drove it. Had to save money to get repaired and the car set for almost a year and a half waiting to save money to fix. That’s one time there were a lot more times. And due to my bankruptcy I had to pay to keep the tags up and smogged at $ 285.00 a year and every two years had to smog at $ 60 . And had to keep full coverage insurance at $ 246 a month.
That car has been a complete nightmare!
It has caused me so much stress, Anger, Frustration, Hardship, sleepless nights, I replaced front end bearings every brake change, replaced dampers in the air conditioning twice at the cost of $ 400 each time.
All four wheels. Replaced brake rotors all the time at $ 65.00 dollars a wheel. Plus labor.
My conclusion is that Santander has been so shady and un professional and have lied three their teeth and have charged me fees and money on my loan. Been threatened and harassed and bullied and I still owe about $ 6000 dollars on the car I purchased in 2015 and it’s 2023. I could have purchased a rolls Royce.
I think Santander Consumers Credit should pay me some of my money back for bad financing practices or pay for another car ! They can have the Chevy back anytime and it is where it usually is in my driveway waiting on repairs. Oh yea I also replaced the computer twice and the dashboard check engine has remain on since day one .I know this is another request to get Santander to respond to me but I thought one more request couldn’t hurt. Don’t ever due business with Santander Consumer Credit in any financial contracts Dealings you will regret it !
I’m 66 yrs old now and my dealings with Santander have been a nightmare for over 8 years now and still owe them money !
Thank you for reading my Email ,
God Bless,

Jimmy G. James Jr.

Posted by
Kim Mabry

They harass me for payments on a truck that I do not own I have told them numerous of times I don't own the truck me and my daughter helped her boyfriend get the truck for work he's supposed to make payments on it and he has failed they said they would pick the truck up after 90 days of non-payment and I have begged them numerous times to pick it up they said had to be 90 days and it went well over 200 days and it's still not picked up I told them I will have it repoed they said I cannot do that I can't repo my own truck is what they're telling me because it's in his possession not mine

Posted by
Elizabeth Chilimidos

I am one of the consumers that is a victim of predatory lending from Santander. I would like to join this class action.

Posted by

I am in the same situation as the insane amount of people in these comments. I have already paid double the trucks value and still owe an absurd amount of money. I'm too embarrassed to even type the amount on here. But something should be done and this.

Posted by

I bought a 2015 Nissan Sentra from Santander back in 2017.. I financed 14000 for 60 mos not 84 mos.. and I was check my credit back in May and to my sprize they charge my car off… For 14000 what i paid for the car to start with 7 yrs ago.. And when I called to ask how I owed them 14000 more on the car.. I was told it was late fees… well about 2 weeks ago I went in Walmart to get a few Groceries and I am Handy capped and my car was gone… I more than paid them for my car… And I called to get my car back but they said I had to pay them 5000 to get my car back… and them charging my car off completely ruined my credit and I am having a hard time getting anyone to even consider financing me anything…

Posted by
Dymisha Wilburn

I have never received a payment book nor have I received any kind of confirmation when I make my monthly payments for my auto loan. At the dealership I was given an incorrect number to call to make my monthly payments and the incorrect number was typed on my auto loan papers. I’m so frustrated with this company and don’t know what to do! I was never even given a loan or account number! What should I do?!

Posted by
Nicole Montrose

Please add me I have a loan now and pay outrageous prices , 27% interest rate .

Posted by

Yes, I would like to be apart of the class suit. I’ve been paying for this vehicle for 4-5 years at $18k and still owe $14k. How? I pay $564 a month and have paid more and still owe $14k 4 years later.

I need help! Not to mention all the fees attached.

Posted by
Christi Rodriguez

Santander not only charged me 27% interest on my vehicle but they reported a repossession on my car which it has never been repossessed I've had it for over a year and it's I've had it in my position the whole time they've also put a second repossession on my vehicle for this month and my car still is not repossessed I still have possession of it so it's making it hard for me to get my vehicle refinance because they keep putting these repossessions on there I want to be a part of this because they constantly call and they will call 20 30 times a day if not just a continuous thing the people are rude every payment I have made so far none of it is coming off of my vehicle it's all coming off of interest I'm I just found out that I'm actually paying double for my car because of the interest rate

Posted by
Natasha Harrison

I would like to join the settlement. I went to Toyota for which they harassed me for my used car. They found a bank to refinance me a another used car but never showed me the high interest rates that Santander picked up the loan and it was 19.34% that is high for a vehicle that was only 14,500 and the loan would have made me end up paying 51 thousand at the end of 7 years. Like everyone else I was paying as much as I could and they wouldn’t work with me and one of the people who worked there told me I had to pay 900 that day or my car was going to be repossessed nation wide regardless of where I went it was on everybody list. When I was on the phone she was asking me for my address not thinking she was putting me on the list and they came and got my car the next morning. Santander takes you for your money and don’t care what is going on.

Posted by
Lisa Peterson

Santander gave me a 21% interest rate and would then apply all but a fraction to my interest. I've even made payments before of $1000.00 and they applied the entire amount towards interest. Not to mention all of the $10.95 fees and the $5 fees. So then they repossess my car causing me to lose my job. Also they have recently disabled my account so I can't have access to any of the information. Little do they know, I have a screenshot of every single payment made and every single fee charged. These people have REALLY made me mad!

Posted by
Kimberley gabrielli

I toi got a car loan with santander consumer usa March 2015. Amt financed 13-14k for 7 years af 517.00 month. Yes I was desperate at the time. Soon after I got tge 2007 dodge nitro piece of crap I lost my job and only collected unemployment. I tried to pay what I could abd santander consumer usa came and repossessed the vehicle. A week later I got it back after paying their fee of 1400 or 2k the first time drove to Philly to pick it up. Then I fell behind again and you guessed it they picked the vehicle up again. I did get the car back 2nd time after asking what the amt was I had to pay. J think 2200 dollars and thought I was starting clean state. I got a new job still making these 517 payments. Yes i was late and they chaged me 11.20 cents per day everyday i was late. I paid for almost 7 years at 517 month and this bank is telling me I still owe 14k on this vehicle? How is this possible when I paid almost 40k since March 2015. I need help ill gladly be a part of this lawsuit.

Posted by
Anna M Ladlee

I just got a auto loan 4 months. Ago I was praying $100 to $150 extra a month. The first time they put the recess toward my principal. But the next 2 payments they applied it to my interest. I spoke to them 3 times and was told to keep making my payments early and paying the extra. But I want to get the car paid off reason for making extra payments but not is it's going to go to interest and not the principal. What can I do about this?

Posted by
Anita Luna

I have had all the same issues with Santander & would like to join this class action lawsuit.

Posted by
Mia Coward

I need help getting out this loan. They came to repossess my car when I was only behind one payment. When I called and talk to a representative, she says that I had 300 in late fees and said I missed a payment back in March. Which I have not it was just late. Sometimes I pay over the amount and still have late fees. Please help me now my payment is almost 2,000 for for one month past due.

Posted by
Jeff A Spencer

I found out a few months ago that there’s a lien on my title. I lost my original title for my 2003 Ford Ranger.
I had to contact Santander and I keep getting the same thing. It’s been paid off since 2014. I need my title lien release. But cannot get any one to do anything. I have called them at least 20 times. I’m still waiting to hear back

Posted by
Rebecca Merchant

In May 2015 i bought a 2008 Mustang GT. I purchased the extended warranty and of course the GAP insurance at the time of purchase. Santander financed. Long story short, It was stolen in Feb 2017. Well my insurance at the time was state farm. I owed approximately $16,000 on the car still. After months of waiting in June 2017 State Farm paid Santander a little over $13k. They remaining balance was to be covered by my GAP insurance. Well I called the GAP company to make a claim and they informed me that the GAP coverage had been cancelled at the request of Santander and any of the remaining credit was collected by them as well. This also goes for my extended warranty through the dealership. They falsley told the dealership as well as GAP that the car was repossessed when in actuality it was a Total Loss. They canceled it before receiving the settlement check from State Farm Insurance as well. They got $312. And are now trying to collect from me the remaining $3k. In my contract it stated that I was the only one who could cancel the GAP insurance. However they lied and said it was a repo. When i spoke to someone in their financing departmemt back in 2017 about this and i explained to her what happened she looked more into it and even she could not understand why. They tried to give me a break in the amount due because of it and lowered the balance to $1400 dollars with a payment plan. I decided that i do not owe them and i was not paying them anything. They have reported to the credit agencies as December 2015 the first month reported. And reported it as being charged it off from March 2017 until current date. They do not acknowledge the insurance settlement money being late from March through June 2017. They have ruined my credit and will not remove their negative reporting even though they are the ones responsible for not reveiving the remaining balance because they illegally cancelled my GAP coverage all to collect a little over $300 dollars.

Posted by

I want to also be apart of the lawsuit as Santander ripped me off. Took my car when I made payments. Missed two payments and they said they would work with me but didnt. Got the car and still call and harass me. Interest are very very high. They do not work with people. Everything right now in the world is high and people are trying. I see so many comments up here about Santander and you guys are right. I called to ask them can i pay to get car back and they want me to pay the car off and pay $18k which is not even the car price. Why cant you pay what you owe which is only for two months but instead finesse people to pay car off. They keep calling to harass me even while i made a payment. Santander is not a great company i would not recommend at all. I dont see why car dealerships use them because they steal from people.

Posted by
Whitney McCullough

Paid for Gap coverage and still was charged for this.
17percent interest rate

Posted by
Samantha Garcia

I bought my Car 3/23/22 I am paying 657.00 a month i notice today imy payment going on interest. Only . please help .

Posted by
Dawntish Flowers

I have a 2015 KIA Optima which I trade my 2012 Dodge Avenger for in 2020. I went and found out that the car was 16,000, but with Santander it became 31,000. This is totally wrong. About 2 weeks ago my car engine started going out on me and I found out that KIA has a recall on the engine so my car is at Landers KIA. After getting my car towed by my own expense I found out that it may take 1 week and a half to find out what’s wrong (Diagnostics) and other cars has been sitting out there for months waiting on parts. I’ve called Santander and they still expect me to pay for a car that I’m not driving and don’t know when I’ll be getting my car back. The guy in the phone told me to call my insurance to have them put me in a rental and that didn’t work also. I’m fed up and I work faithfully everyday with an autistic child who goes to school year round. It’s very hard to get her to school and my fiancé works days. Using 1 car isn’t easy because now we are putting wear and tear on on his car. This is by far not fair. If I’m being charged 15,000 interest rates then why do we have to go through so much. Also I will like to acknowledge that I’ve never missed a payment.

Posted by
kiesha palmore

I got a car oct. 2022 .My car was in the car shop jan 2022. due to transmission and engine issues i tried to return car they said i couldn’t and had to replace both parts i paid for warranty. Warranty was supposed to cover rental and the still made me pay for it. Come to find out ford has a recall on my car and they haven’t gave me my money back for anything i paid for and still want me to pay car note that is super high!! And haven’t replaced the defective part in my car I got a letter stating that the defective part make my car drive uncontrollably. I don’t feel safe and I don’t think it’s right to do people like this!!! My car note is 722 dollars per month!! They give people these cars and scam them so now I can’t afford it due to everything I had to fix and they sold the car too me with no licenses and let me drive it off the lot it’s just a money game!!

Posted by
danette wright

Is it to late to join this lawsuit.

Posted by
Annette Marie Johnson

I bought a car a month ago 6-1-2022. They stole my subaru I paid off with 20,000. Then they falsely raised price of my purchase. Also ran my credit 15xs to lower my credit score and in return im in a 750. A month car loan for 7 years. My previously an was 300 a month. I told them I wanted to stay at 300 being my budget.

Posted by

I bought my vehicle in 2015 with high APR from Santander. I had gap coverage but none of it was ever activated. I took my Chevrolet to get repairs under warranty. I ended paying for those repair as they stated my warranty didn't cover. Chevrolet had a recall on all the vehicles for the same exact isdue6. My vehicle blew up due to the oil consumption total lost I tried to explain to Santander before the repossessed my vehicle the recall due to Chevrolet faulty system. I'm now stuck with a 10k debt on my credit due to Santander repossessing the vehicle. I don't know what to do. I had full coverage on my vehicle but they did not cover a thing nor did Chevrolet offer assistance due to their recall that caused my vehicle blow up.

Posted by
Tekelia Horace

I'm just finding out that none of the payments I've made since February 2022 has went towards my principal only my interest and my balance is the same as it was in February. Something is wrong here, it was explained to me that everyday after my payment is made I'm charged $13.00 and some until another payment is made and it only goes towards my interest, I asked when will it go towards my principal they said over time when the interest start dropping. The dealership said Santander will refinance me after three months, they are crooks also. I cancelled my service agreement which was over $800.00 the dealership said I would receive a check in the mail for what was was left, I only got one oil change and found out that was all I was going to get with that plan, no tire rotation or anything else so I cancelled it, I can get my own oil changes cheaper they lied like I was get tire rotations and all with the plan and it was only oil changesI called Santander and they will be getting the check for $803.00 not me 'm wondering will that come off my principal because it's included in my contract. There's somebody out here I know that can give me some answers. .

Posted by
Catherine Brickell

I also believe Santander and the car dealership conspired to sell me a faulty troubled lemon of a car and overcharged for it. None of the numbers add up, nor do they give the proper legal notices required by state law.

Posted by
Bridget Fown

Ruined my credit, total nightmare to even get involved with Santander extremly high intrest fees and debt seemed to go up more than down towards the end. Dec 2012 made my purchase with full Gap coverage. Was advised on first payment not to mail checks to avoid bad standings. However payments vis app and phone charged a fee. Dec 2017 noticed excessive fees. By January 2018 employer reduced hours due to loss of federal funding called to to defer verify if I could utilize Gap as hours reduced to 32 hrs see what options were. Deferment was close to monthly payment, Feb 2018 made payment noticed fees were over 1k processed payment for monthly sought info on if I work out a reduced payment until full time hours resumed. Advised no but not to worry the fees wouldn't result in a repo but no one could advise what the fees were. March called back deferred payment questioned fees again asked for options regarding temp. Reduce payment no options, processed payment in April 2018 fees pushing close to 2k May 2018 refused $560 payment. June 2018 refused $1200 payment July 2018 repossed issued all keys fobs to repossession company and showed them my payment attempts, guy said I wasn't the only one but it was a repossession for non payment over 2k advised if I signed and turned over keys it would be considered voluntary. Called Santander multiple times no response but advised a call back but only collection attempts for months and threats of legal action. Currently 22 negative months on my credit report as a charge off sold multiple times now file updated under one credit reporting. One credit collection agency tried to collect 13k advised that was inaccurate information never heard anything else never displayed on credit report. It's a looming nightmare I just discovered their was litigation from a ex coworker who purchased a car a month prior to me purchasing this vehicle through Santander hers as well led to reposseion nightmare hers was wiped off and she she referred me to this web link.

Posted by
Catherine Rovetto

Santander took over my car loan from Gateway due to Gateway discontinuing auto loans. Gateway allowed me to defer 4 payments with my loan which tacked on at the end, 4 months so the loans is 5 year loan, 72 months and add 4 months deferred, so 76 months total. Santander manipulated the maturity date on my auto loan. First date was December 2021, then changed maturity statement to January which said I was late AND I paid on time for January. February I was charged another car payment plus late fees! And Santander waited 3 months to report to credit bureaus that my loan is paid in full but also to make it look like I did not pay for 3 months too. I have late marks on my clean credit reports now. I tried to reach out to Santander and no answer. I also filed disputes with all bureaus. I paid all payments on time and within the 10 grace period. This company has predatory practices and sneaky unprofessional methods. It is shameful and I would like a resolution. Santander called repeatedly in January saying I was 60 days late when the loan was not and the maturity date. Also, Santander removed my phone number from my online account after January 1.
Thank you

Posted by

I have a account with santander payments are extremely high and I have purchased a vehicle last year an financed through them...every payment I make isn't towards my car it's towards is my money going...?... I need help to figure out whats going on with this company because somethings not right...need legal help on this issue.

Posted by
Gloria De La Garza

I bought my car Jan 2018 in Feb 2018, I made my first payment of $554.91. I called Santander a few days later when I noticed that my payment had not been posted, asked Santander when my payment was going to be applied to my principle I was put on hold they would never answer my questions they would not even transfer me to their supervisors to see what was going on. Come to find out $54.00 went to principle $500.00 went to interest.
4 years later when I wanted to trade in my car, I found out that I still owed $19,000 on a vehicle I paid $24000 for. In four years only $5400 was applied to principle and $16000 was applied to interest. and when I would pay more than my payment they would apply that to other fees?? I told Santander to come pick up their vehicle. I'm done with Santander.
I am going to search for a Civil Attorney due to Santander breached our contract from the very first payment. I paid over 90% interest from the very beginning sometimes they took all the payment and applied it to interest. I feel so numb. Massive anxiety. Mental Stress.
Very disappointed as to why these well known Dealerships are doing business with these types of business thieves.

Posted by
Gloria De La Garza

I bought my car Jan 2018 in Feb 2018, I made my first payment of $554.91. I called Santander a few days later when I noticed that my payment had not been posted, asked Santander when my payment was going to be applied to my principle I was put on hold they would never answer my questions they would not even transfer me to their supervisors to see what was going on. Come to find out $54.00 went to principle $500.00 went to interest.
4 years later when I wanted to trade in my car, I found out that I still owed $19,000 on a vehicle I paid $24000 for. In four years only $5400 was applied to principle and $16000 was applied to interest. and when I would pay more than my payment they would apply that to other fees?? I told Santander to come pick up their vehicle. I'm done with Santander.
I am going to search for a Civil Attorney due to Santander breached our contract from the very first payment. I paid over 90% interest from the very beginning sometimes they took all the payment and applied it to interest. I feel so numb. Massive anxiety.
Very disappointed as to why these well known Dealerships are doing business with these types of business thieves.

Posted by
Yolanda Smith

Santander financed a Kia Sportage for me with a high interest rate . Please add my name to the class action .

Posted by
Susan Harper

I too bought a car that Santander financed in 2014. The car was 13,000. I paid $540 for 28 months and ended up getting behind on the loan. They repossessed it in 2017 and didn’t notify me but instead sold it in an auction for $10000. As of today and all these years they still say I owed them over $11000 on that loan. How is this possible. Also a collection agency says I ow them $ 8000. I can’t get them to validate the loan and show me where my payments went and why I still owed about what I paid for it. They don’t even have my paperwork anymore. It’s hurting my credit. Very dishonest people and with predatory lending and deceptive practices. They shouldn’t be allowed to continue in doing these things to people.

Posted by
Deborah Gore

5/13/2022. I know the class action suit has already been decided however, I'm sure many of you who have posted on this site didn't get to participate. I bought my car in Oct 2019. To date my principal has gone down $103.16. I am so upset with Santander and when you try to discuss things they are blind, deaf and dumb. A couple months ago, Feb 8, 2022 I made an electronic pmt of 363.75. When I recently went through my bank stmts I noticed Santander took two pmts out. One for $311.35 and $53.00 dollars. I've received nothing on this. I did not authorize them to take those pmts. In doing so they didn't post my car pmt and I am suddenly delinquent a pmt. This company should be closed down pending investigation into their accounting methods and how they deliberately set people up adding bogus fees and taking interest only pmts. I would like to reach out to others screwed by Santander and try and get a petition submitted to the US Attorney General to investigate in Santanders Bussiness Ethics and practices. A whole lot of people out their who are under Santanders thumb. Please contact me at so we can band together and close these crooks down.

Posted by
Lisa Feltner

I had a total loss of my car April 22nd 2022 I called to try to speak with Santander to see if they can freeze my account until I figured out what my insurance company was doing they said they didn't do that I asked if there's anything I could do to help get the principal down so I can at least get some money back I was offering to put a lump sum of cash down to bring the principal down so I didn't have to lose everything just because of someone else's fault which I have to fight in Court this company is the most heartless inconsiderate pretty company of every got with all the care about is her text my bank should have a special department with the decide to work out situations like this so people don't lose their house and then everything just because of an incident I've made every payment in full and on time I paid January and February and my payoff amount from December after that I paid those two months was $200 more like it just doesn't make sense this company is Stitch people up for failure all they're going to do is take your money and you're going to be stuck with nothing it's truly sickening

Posted by
Amber Eiselin

I am still recovering from dealing with Santander who took me for a lot of money and have ruin my credit.

Posted by
Jennifer Townsend

This seems Santander Loan could be participating in USURY BY A FOREIGN or DOMESTIC LENDER in the US .
According to my calculations and the Santander website beginning May 2021 to date:
$ 5663.04 - TOTAL PAID
$ 4029.37 - went to INTEREST
$ 109.98 - went FEES
ONLY $1633.67- went to PRINCIPAL

In January 2022 $549.81 for interest and an additional $424.92 for interest, totaling $974.73 and principal $179.87. When I complained I was told my car could be repossessed if I did not pay the inflated amount.
When I asked to speak to a Manager I was told this was a foreign lender and they don't have anyone in the US I could talk to.
I have gone to the Santander Bank in my neighborhood and they informed me only the logo is the same and they have nothing to do with the auto loans. I was told to call the number listed on line for help with my loan.
I logged in today to make my payment (6 hrs late from due date, due to family emergency) and I have been charged $974.73 in interest again for April 2021.

Posted by
Patrick Cunha

Can anyone give address for corporate office of santander for a lawsuit

Posted by
Jeffrey webb

Santana all is still sending me threatening letters and I will be a part of them also

Posted by
Deborah Gore

I financed a loan with Santander October 7, 2019. It is now March 5, 2022. All of my payments of $360 a month have gone to interest only. I sent them an internal email through my online account July 2021 asking them why all pmts were going to interest only. I got response through my online acct telling me $4299 has gone to principal and $4998 has gone to interest. When I sent a copy of this to them they have yet to fix my statements and it has been 8 months and still no correction to my acct. They are preventing me from refinancing or trading in car and I'm forced to continue paying my loan and payments still going to interest only.

Posted by

I am looking for an attorney to help with this as I was taken advantage of with a sub prime loan and still have the vehicle. Santander is a predatory company who assigns all payments to interest rather than principle and charges egregious late penalties and excessive interest and fees. My interest rate was 18% and I paid consistently on time. I should be included in the class action suit for unethical and unjust enrichment of the company and multiple consumer protection violations. thegreattailz at hotmail

Posted by
Nicole Benson

At least once a year I am receiving a call from a law firm about a loan I paid off. I have the documents which prove that I have paid it off. I have sent them in to each law firm that I have received calls from (3) plus one I just received today. Each time I send in proof that I have paid it off, the calls stop. This harassment has to stop.

Posted by
Anthony McDonald

I brought a 2019 Ford Fusion for 17k Santander gave me the loan but I put down $3500 and traded my 04 navigator for $1500 totaling $5000 and they didn’t credit it towards the car I pay $450 a month I had this car 8 months and I still owe over $16,000 I never missed a payment and when I asked how I still owe so much I was told because of the interest rate of 24 percent that’s where all my payments are going this is the worst bank I ever dealt with and they online service is the worst this is just highway robbery straight robbery

Posted by
Deana Reimers

I purchased a mini van with Santander. I was so upside down in the loan that when I lost my job I could not afford the balance and the car was repossessed. My interest rate was 19%. I had to file bankruptcy to clear my credit in order to move on.

Posted by

I bought a 2012 Kia Optima for 14,000 I put 4,000 down and 253 a month for the last 4 years and they say I still owe 8,000 please make that make since. They have since repossessed my car for being 2 month behind (due to Covid and they refused to help me at all) so I tried to get them to reinstate my loan and they refused. They gave me 10 days to pay off 8,000. How can I get into this class action law suit

Posted by
Beth Lewis

My husband and I bought a truck from them back in 2014. That truck should have been paid off by now but somehow we still owe $5000+ on it. It was only supposed to be a 6 year loan. I don’t think they are crediting the payments correctly. Santander fees us constantly. I check my statements and online and I always see new fees piling up. Santander is trying to stick us with $1500 in fees, and on top of that, they are trying to exercise their right to repossess our truck. I refuse to pay their ridiculous fees but I pay my truck payment EVERY single month. The last time I fell behind on my truck was November 2021, which was my fault. I did ,however, make a payment to catch up that month that I missed. Santander is now saying that I still owe them $1100 or they will repossess my truck after January 7th. Santander is a horrible company and bunch of no good crooks. They deserve to be sued.

Posted by

I purchased a 2017 Mazda 5/2021 and it is financed through Santander. Each month the payments are made on the due date. Several months after I started receiving phone call after phone call from a number I didn't recognize. I did a search of the number and realized it was them. I went onto my account, and discovered they had been using my payments of $439 and some odd cents each month to pay the interest. Some months like seventy something dollars went toward principle.. Priciple has not gone down at all. Now my online account has been disabled or locked.

Posted by
Teresa L Kamekona

I have already sent a few emails in regards to Santanders unethical and I believe illegal conduct, but now I have discovered additional wrong doings on their behalf. I have since the beginning believed that I should have been included in the class action suit as at the time of my loan my income was barely approx. $1500 and my credit score was around 520. My monthly payment was $548 ( 27% interest they said but I think it was actuality more). The dealer at the lot guaranteed that after 12 months of continued on time payments I could be refinanced.. that was a lie. I began making payments on this loan in November 2018 and the last payment was made in August 2019. I was granted two retail extensions of 2 months of no payment in that time. Well after
numerous discussions with santander as to why I was not included in this class action, I now see that my credit report now falsely has recorded me as making on time payments in November and December of 2019! That's one of the errors on my report. My report also reflects this account as both charged off and open and payments on time! Wth! Additionally, after my first inquiry about this class action and then verifying my address because they claimed to have sent me a settlement letter, they repossessed my car. They have since sold the car but have failed to send me ANY OF the required post repossession notices. They continue to call and attempt to collect the deficiency and they continue to report incorrect information on my credit report! They continue to lie and say they have mailed me the notices but they refuse to email me a copy of any of the notices! They even tried to say their first two attempt to send notices were sent to a wrong address! Why wouldn't they send the notices to the address that they repossesed car from and that was shown on my account profile! They are liars, predators and should be put out of business. I am so frustrated and feel like a victim with no power to change any of this. Hopefully someone can suggest a resolution. Thank you for your time

Posted by
Donald Cunningham

I believe I am being charge way too much interest for this car that I bought off of them I’ve had it for three years and I still owe $12,000

Posted by
Barbara Hamilton

I missed a few payments. And was trying to get the money transfered to pay off the whole loan. They took the car. Then the people damaged my car. Stole the new battery out of it. It was never fixed. Then after they were asked to double check the balance for the loan and all fees so we can get the title. They gave us and my grandparents the number. After the payment was received they are saying we owe another almost 600 just to get the title. This has been going on for years. I am not made of money and all I want is my title to my car.

Posted by
Joaquin Nunez Leon

They attemted to reposes my car with a repossesor that at the time was not licensed, fort lauderdale police in florida made jason castell drop the car and leave, later they sucesfully repoed the car from my wifes job, inside private prpperty and with police assistance, one officer took his handcuffs out and threathen my wife to get out of the car or get arrested, he did the same to the property owners that were objecting to a car being removed from there prpperty whithout a court order, officer did not care and told everyone, Let the car exit the private property or get arrested. The ilegal repossesion that violated MANY consumer civil rights was captured on Audio & Video. Lawsuit has been filed but SANTANDER continues to play the coruption game!! Feds need to shut them down. To much consumer abuse..

Broward County case# CACE19008377

Posted by
Rashonda Reed

I have been having my car since 2/2015 and I will be paying almost 27,000-28,000 dollars for a car this old!!! My car is currently at the dealership and the cost is over 7,500 dollars… I really think I’m being taken advantage of

Posted by
Nicholas Puskar

I would also like to join the lawsuit, I've been looking to sue since I got the car. I'll make a full on time payment and not a single penny goes to the car. All interest, or fees. Im based in ohio, I hope this is still open

Posted by
Joseph White

I've been rip off from Santander Bank and have been trying for over a year to be part of this class-action lawsuit

Posted by
Johnathon Comstock

santadar had called me mutiable times a day while i made my payments saying i owed in i didnt owe.. then i fell in hardship and ask for help they put my balance on the end of my note as the cruded interest from me and called everyday like i never paid so i fell into a depression not by just santadare but all the calls and even lost a job from them calling me so much and leaving voicmails and e trying to save my car i answered the phone n got fired so i stopped making payments because i couldnt take it no more in let them come take my car becuase i was losing work because of all this they made my lfe hell....

Posted by
Erica Kelly

I obtained an auto loan through Santander back in 2015 and I had no clue as to what they were charging me until I received a payoff request form. My car was about 12k on the initial purchase with taxes included but my payoff was nearly 30k on a used vehicle. I was making less than 2k a month and my payments were about 400 a month. I started having mechanical issues with my car and I was told I had a warranty that was included on my account by my sales rep only to find out it never was and because the expenses to fix the car was expensive on top of my car note, I voluntary had my car repoed. They sold my car 5k and they are reporting I still owe them almost 17k which makes no sense and none of it adds up.

Posted by
Rose abbey

Same hear I do not no how this company stays in business they took my car July with the pandemic going on I owed 5000 on it and have heard nothing and I called and get a runaround can I get into the lawsuit

Posted by
Kristina Vercellono

Me and my 5 kids were hit when submerge ran a red light, and our van was totaled. E we had to find something quick that with fit all 7 of us so we went to the car dealership and bought our van, We were told that if we paid on time for the first 9 months, our loan would auto extend to lower our monthly payments. We paid in time every month find the full 9 months and we called Santander to find out even they would auto extend, and they said they had no idea what we were talking about. They said we signed a 60 month loan for the full amount instead of what we had been told. We ended up having to pay on our van for over 9 years because every time we would make a payment, we would somehow owe the same amount still because of fees. They actually repossessed it To Force us to pay our monthly bill. We fell behind due to unemployment, and harassed at least 5 times day a payment, and we were threatened with repossession almost every time. Please add us to this lawsuit. We ended up having to pay $225 a month for over 9 years. paying over $50,000 in taxes and fees for a van we purchased for around $15,000.

Posted by
Ashley Bankston

Please someone help me! I have a 2015 nissan rouge I financed with santander and I feel as if I'm being scammed!! I have spent more money than I should have on this car! I was on time with my payments every time for a year and half until covid hit, they did nothing to help during covid I struggled but caught back up, paid them what I owed and the amount I have paid off is barely decreasing on my payoff amount! I have been late 6 times over all in two years and I'm being penalized tremendously for it! For losing my job during a pandemic! It has dropped my credit score 100 points! I have to pay $700 dollars a month, 333 for the note and 350 for insurance to find out it's a cvt transmission and it has to be replaced for 5000 dollars! I have no more money for these people.

Posted by
Patricia Brown

I currently have a car loan with Santander. They have still over charging me with by collecting interest fees. I purchased the SUV (Tahoe) in 2014. Even if I make payments early or pay an extra month, the still apply interest fees some times more than the principal. At this rate I will never own or pay for the vehicle. I need to join this class action law suite badly.

Posted by
Michael bogdanovich

I bought a dodge truck in may 2019I got Santander loan…my income….. ssi $947 a month……. $800 a month car payment….. I couldn’t pay payments with in a year…….the truck sat til January this year…… they came got it………..I should have fallen into category of un repossessed vehicles get pink slip mailed to them and balance forgiveness………they picked up vehicle before lawsuit was over…….. and they had sheriffs dept do it…….?

Posted by
Suellen Smith

I bought a car and financed it through Santander USA. I bought the car 11/05/2019 and still owe the same amount. I lost my job because of Covid but still kept up with the payments. I tried to sell the car but I'm $5k over what it's worth. Now I'm not sure if I can keep the payments up because my unemployment is going to end next week.

Posted by
Christine K Wheeler

I would like to join this lawsuit if I qualify. I purchased a used car 62 mos. ago and the financing was through Santander. I managed (barely) to make all my payments and the car was paid off in July of 2020. In order to qualify for this lawsuit did the car have to be repossessed by Santander? I still have no
title for the car and it has been several months since it was paid off.

Please let me know if I qualify for this lawsuit. Thank you.

Posted by
Christine Burroughs

I bave had some of the same issues like everybody else. How do I get in on this class action law suit?

Posted by
Christina Parker

I have paid off this car 3 times and I am sick that we still owe almost what we bought it for.

Posted by
Tracy Hipp

This company has created some sort of rabbit hole we cant escape. ! Payoff amount is not accurate. Often charged late for payments made on time. Always shows we are behind. Call and get it cleared up several months later same thing. Employees have limited info and get a different explanation depending on whom we speak with. This company has an active "Ceased and desist" order in our state. After reading other people's comments it appears we are all in the same situation. PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP US TAKE ACTION AGAINST THIS PREDITORY LENDER!!!!!

Posted by
Yvette Robinson

I purchased a 2017 Mitibushi Mirage 3 years ago and have never missed a payment and have paid extra on the loan. I have attempted to refinance my loan and have been told that I owe to much money and can't refinance. It doesn't even look like I've made a dent in my loan. How is that? I need help

Posted by

I didn't even use this company but Gateway One closed and now I am unable to get ahold of them asking for my balance. The letter I got has wrong dates and weirdly "owed" amounts. I've been trying to hold a conversation with someone for over a month.

Posted by
Allison Barfield

I purchased my vehicle in 2018 because my paid off vehicle was stolen. I need a vehicle. My brother in law picked out the truck.

I was not told are explained how my financial loan holder what type a loan. I was not told until i got behind because i lost my job 11 19 2018. I was caught up. Then in July became ill. I was not able to work. There was no help with trying to push back a note. Because there deferred program does not or the CEO would not allow room for hardship. Now the cov19 i getting calls daily sometimes 3 or 4 calls a day. They say their there to help? But who have they help to get the cost down and get the principle down to show your paying off the vehical. Help???

Posted by
Mytricia Addison

How do I get my name on the list

Posted by

I would like to be on this as well. I just made a payment to them of the current amount due "403.08" so you would think it went to a payment right? nope they processed the transaction and than I have an email saying balance due is 0 but they are taking 403.08. Seriously where is it going ? The principle, and really? that is laughable. I've seen this as well to look at the payments. Im in year 3 and only half if you are lucky goes towards the principle even making the payment on time. Now I see what everyone is complaining about. I requested a payoff from them and same. Payment hasn't went down and doubt that Ill ever get out of this loan. I've asked them to send me an official pay off and nothing. They are unfair, deceptive, and very misleading. I want in this lawsuit as well so I can show them what they do to consumers. I have wrote them a legal letter, tried to get pay off, and now taking money and accepting money that was misleading a consumer at a time like this, just disgusting. Hope this gets settled and they cant treat people like this ever again.
Beware- I think refinancing is your only option... and trying to do that if they will EVER send me anything official. Better yet, they will refinance for anyone, EXCEPT guess who? current customers.
Wow, just Wow.

Posted by
Nicole S Sifford

I've had nothing but issues with this company! First, they would call a thousand times per day about payments that were 1 day past due! The company has a grace period but I would still be harassed. The car financed through their company was totaled in December 2019. After the payout they claimed there was 900 still remaining but they kept the payments for the remaining 900 the same as the car payment, that was totaled! I called them and asked for a breakout of the remaining 900 then requested a different monthly amount and they said no because the account was "inactive" because the car was totaled but they continue to report negative payments to the credit companies but the account is "inactive". I also informed them my income changed because I had another car, my spouse was laid off due to COV19 and they still stated they couldn't make ANY arrangements because the account is "inactive" I'm an essential worker and struggling but they don't care and continue to call and harass but the account is "inactive"

Posted by
Jeremy Tinch

They over charging me way to much and i make my payments n it seems like the balance dont go down... I need in on this case for real

Posted by
Kameron McDonald

I have experienced same issued with this company what's can I join this class action

Posted by
Paul Yanez

Santandar took two car payments in one month which one was not authorized. This is during the covid19 pandemic and my wife got furloughed. Making ends meet on one income isn’t an easy task. I would like to join a class action lawsuit against Santandar.

Posted by
Chekelia DeWese

I voluntarily surrendered a vehicle on December 8, 2019. Santander will not pick up the vehicle and keeps reporting new missed payments to my credit report every month.

Posted by
M. Stumpf

The time I get the car paid off it will be 8 years old! This is horrible

Posted by
Renee Noble

I Definitely want in!!!!!!!!

Posted by
Danielle Genoski

I have a car loan with Santander and once I speak to someone about my loan they will continue to call me through out the week. I will tell him or her that I spoke to someone already but they would still tell me things like can you pay hundred dollars today or your in reposition review but if you pay two hundred dollars today then you can come out. The car loan was for five years but I been charged all this interest and Santander telling me that the 420 a month I pay for a 2013 Kia optimum goes towards the interest. Also with the Coronavirus I called letting them know I’m not an essential worker, they push me back but stated they still can collect interest on the months they deferred for me. , thanks for your time in this matter.

Posted by
Laurelle Daniels

I purchased a 2019 Hyndai Accent in October of 2018 i traded my Mercedes Benz truck in i was given $1000.00 towards the 2019 Hyndai Accent but it appears that the amount wasn't credited properly also there was supposed to be rebates on the car making tbe purchase price lower instead the $1000.00 that was supposed to be applied to the loan on top of the rebates the purchased price should have been lower
Santander charged me $20,000.00 for the vehicle as of 4/9/2020 there's still a balance due of $19,000.00 on my experian credit report. The company didn't fully explain the APR intially when i purchased the car. I had a death in my family and still continued to pay them $531.00 a month as of 4/9/2020 the company is still stating i owe extra moneys they've been sending letters and harrassing phone calls through customer service. I need help i'm requesting all of my money back immediately!!!. The company takes from people and munipalates those in need!!!

Posted by
E Marzett

Seeking information to be included in lawsuit . These people are a rip off. They repossessed my vehicle In the past. They trespassed on private property under neath my carport and broke in the car to take it. Then they applied enormous fees plus 2mos of car payments plus excessive fees totaling over 2000.00 before I could get my car back.. I got a loan to get the car back the next day and they told me they had to finish processing the paperwork and I could get the car back. They kept transferring my calls to different people one saying they still working on paperwork to release the car. Come to find out after I paid my money to get car back they act like they didn’t know where the car was and all at the same time they had shipped my car to Dallas, Tx to be auctioned. I had to spend more money to get the car and they added more fees to my account.. Here the go again! I happened to talk to a representative because I couldn’t under stand how I am so far behind in my car note again after I paid the 3 payments within 30 days . Shyer asking for a detailed statement the are applying all my car note payments toward the interest not the principle. I have had this car over 4 years and still owe over 7000.00

Posted by
Jaime Carver

I purchased a vehicle in 10/18 for $31k. After paying $688/month for 16 months ($11k), my principle has only come down by $2947. I can't refinance since I am now severely upside down in this vehicle. This bank is very shady. I have never been treated so poorly by a bank or loan company in my life.

Posted by
Janet Denise Berry

Bought vehicle 2018 December. What I owe now is the same amount I owed when bought. Not only that I paid a vehicle off on time, and to this day it shows on my credit report and I can't seem to get paid for car off my credit. I have tried calling Santandar and they say car is as owing because someone bought them out and information shows because it is old from other company but new to their company even though I owe nothing on the vehicle it's on my credit. I must be a part of this.

Posted by
Gail James

Santander is the worst company to get a car from my car was total loss and i had Gap insurance they did pay the balance on the car also they trying to made me pay the balance i tryed i only live off of 800 dollars a month I'm 70 years old with so much going on in my health before my car was total loss i was faithful in my payment never late or miss a payment they want me to pay the balance and seen like every month the balance get higher and higher I'm not responsible for that because i had gap insurance at the time of the accident what can i do to clear my balance this accident happened aug.19 2019 its not a year old and they are still charging me for a total loss car. (Help what can i do)

Posted by
Casey Thomas

I purchased a Dodge Journey in 2012 total cost was 15,995 paying $377 a month by 2018 over 5 years later total still owed is 11, 995. Horrible company

Posted by
Guita Williams

Interested in the information with this lawsuit.

Posted by
Sonya Sloan

I want to be a part of this law suit. Santander has charged me late fees and is contiously charchig me when my account has been paid on time and I also pay more than the amount due to satisfy my loan faster.

Posted by
Sonya Sloan

I want to be a part of this law suit. Santander has charged me late fees and is contiously charchig me when my account has been paid on time and I also pay more than the amount due to satisfy my loan faster.

Posted by
Lusa Taylor

I got a car through Santander and been paying on it for 5 years and they say I still owe 15,000.00 on a 2012 Nissan Sentra

Posted by
Leundra Tubbs

My husband purchased a Jeep Cherokee in 2016 and in Texas the spouse has to co-sign they told me. On a 72 month contract . The principle never changed & the loan was high. We paid 455 a month,the car was 28k , it shows that we owe them almost the same principle and I continuously made payments. How is this possible? When, my husband and I relocated due to his grandparents being sick, I contacted them and requested a deferred payment. We were in a transition and the customer service acted like they were scheduling the payment and assisting however The company would rudely call all hours a day, even on Sunday. Finally, we had to voluntarily let it get repoed. This has to stop, it’s on my credit bringing me down.Santander also would unprofessionally call my job, family and references phone at any hour of the day sometimes more then 7 times harassing them. Many of us are hard working people who deserve to have these type repos off and credit history issues off our credit, we deserve our vehicles returned or credited to us. The money doesn’t matter because we have put our heart into what we wanted to see it taken by companies that constantly tear us down just to stay afloat

Posted by
Cynthia Lopez

I am concerned that I too have been impacted by these unfair practices

Posted by
Raychelle Phillips

I have been trying to talk to upper management a manager or someone at Santander my car loan was 72 months at $38,000 plus for a 2005 FX infinity truck. My end date to my loan will be February 26, 2021 however my balance keeps saying that I owe $17,000 steel which it should only be $5709 and some cents. I asked them why the amount due was 17,000 that’s 12,000 more than the price for the next 11 months they cannot answer my question and they just told me that I will still have to pay the $12,000 I believe this is unfair. I really need help and someone to look into my case also if even just to join the class action lawsuit or to fight the case on my own with a lawyer that has experience in this area. they will not transfer me to a manager and they cannot give me any answers I’ve tried several times one representative did send me my payment history and for three years they were not applying my payments to my account. Can someone please send me a response on what I can do thank you.

Posted by

I would like to participate in the Santander csr loan lawsuit.

Posted by
Stephanie Morrissey

I bought my kia soul 2 years ago and still owe almost as much as I did when I bought it. Three only reason I show a little paid down is I have made 4 to 6 payments in the same month. But when i am behind they literally call non stop all hours sometimes back to back

Posted by
Evelyn Pringle

I purchase a 2014 equinox I finance 23,000.00 with a car note 578.00 a month at this present day I owe over 18,000 dollars I have had this car for 6 yrs where have my money went i feel like i am being robbed in plain day light. Can I join this lawsuit phone nbr 313 909 6806 would like to hear from you

Posted by
Teresa Johnson

How do I join this suit! These people are thieves!

Posted by
Crystal L Rivers

I've called Santander to come and get my car 2 times today and every single time I'm put on hold fir 30 minutes or more fir a "manager". I've list my job due to Covid-19 pandemic, and can't continue to make payments. I don't understand their logic. Quick to call to harass and overcharge customers, but when you call to give the car back they're somewhat HESITANT to put someone on the phone! I paid almost $13,000 on my 2016 Kia Soul with the balance of 16,000 plus. Yet, ALL of that went to the interest and not the principal. They NEED TO BE STOPPED AND SUED!!!! We work hard for our money to just be giving it away...HELP US!

Posted by

I'm in california please contact me for lawsuit.

I put 10k down on a 27k 2012 Benz. Payments 700 a month .. after almost 2 years had to let car go as my payments never went under 27k!!! How do I even owe 27k when I put 10k down , I dont understand.

After repo and them selling car in 2016 my account still says I owe 16k!

This is outrageous!

Posted by
Vilma M Villanueva

I had late payments. I made a payment last March and promised to make another payment to update my missed car payments. I have to pay 1264.65 cents to get back car from the towing company. My car got towed March 5 and now Santanders wants me to pay another 399.99 for my car payment due March 17. Now that this COVID is an issue, I called Santanders if they have any consideration at all to get my car back since I need my car since I am an essential worker. I really do not know if I fall in this lawsuit to qualify. I need help for this issue of mine.

Posted by
Frustrated Consumer

Has a class action lawsuit begun? Has anyone been contacted ?

Posted by

I bought my car when I was 19 I’m now 25 the car was a 2015 Toyota Corolla originally bought for 17,000$ it’s been 6 years I still owe 16,000$ on it. I don’t know what to do at this point. Please include me in this law suit. This is criminal.

Posted by
Andrea Lambert

I'd also like to know how to join this lawsuit as I've made my pmt every month for over 7 yrs, yet, Santander calls me 4-5x/day everyday. I'd also love to start a new class action lawsuit against Santander for all of the same reasons as the nearly 1,000 other customers who've commented about being robbed blind via their shady business practices and praying on people with just OK to poor credit who desperately needed a vehicle. I financed a vehicle through them as well for a term of 72 mos beginning on 7/27/2013, total financed amt was $23,631.63 with mo pmt of $544.03, however all pmts made were $610.00/mos. So, I paid extra every month, it's now March 20, 2020 and I STILL owe over $7,000 but I've already paid over 46K on a 23K loan. My contract states the total loan amt with interest after 72 mos is $39,569.54. So, where did that additional almost $7,000 in pmts go? How is that 1. Possible and 2. LEGAL?? I've also been charged a $10 fee every month just to make my monthly payments. So, an additional nearly $800 in fees for making pmts on my loan. How this company is allowed to do this to people and get away with it, is outrageous. Something needs to be done about it; like ANOTHER class action lawsuit. Who's with me??

Posted by
Terry Gray

We have been paying a car loan to Santander since October 2011. The car loan was $27,000.00 and we have paid over $40,000.00 on this loan.

Posted by
Shawn Cooper

i am just now being sued by Santander for a car i had to return several years ago.

Posted by
Semone Thomas

This so called company is a complete sham!!! I've been waiting since 2013 for a clear title after being told santander consumer does not honor early pay-offs, but their auto phone system directs the caller to their early pay-off dept. Than tried to convince me that 2800.00 dollars were still owed, never mind that early pay-off saved me that 2800.00 in interest...yet no CLEAR TITLE!!!! THIS COMPANY NEEDS TO PAY BACK THE MONEY THEY STOLE BACK TO PEOPLE WHO HAD/HAVE THE MISFORTUNE OF DEALING WITH!!!!

Posted by
S. Z.

I purchased a 2014 Ford Fusion in March of 2016. The loan at the time was for 18,358. My loan contract indicates I am required to pay $12,730 in interest over a 72 month loan. As of 03/2020, my estimated payoff is $14,733, I've had maybe 1 or 2 late payments and requested relief for 6 months which only cut my payments in half for 6 months. My payments are $431.00. My credit reports indicates all of my payments are on time. So, I'm not going over 30 days either. I've been trying to seek help for this but no company will help me due to the negative equity. Please help me.

Posted by
Joanna Cannon

I feel that I was overcharged on payments

Posted by

They took my car and told me that they would work with me.....then refuse to take my call. I am a working mom with 2 teenagers who are insulin dependent. Because we were out of town I had to rent a car and incur more debt. Now as a social worker I am out of a car and possibly a job because of their refusal.

Posted by
Richard hayes

Also upside down in my car. Getting to the point where I can’t afford the only car my family needs to get around. Bought it for 12,000.00 make 320.69 for payments and only 75.00 goes to my principal. I don’t mind making the large payments but I’m so upside down I’m getting nowhere and I can’t even refinance my car because I owe more than it’s worth.

Posted by

My daughter purchased a 2008 Jeep in 2018 for $16,000 and today in March of 2020 her balance is $21,000!! How did this happen? I'd like to sue the Dealer. How do I do this? please help.

Posted by

Santander repeatedly calls me every day, MULTIPLE times. They force me to have conversations while Im at work, after telling them that Im working and I cant talk right now. One person tells me one thing, another tells me the opposite. Ive made payments and theyve returned them saying “insufficient funds” but when I talk to my bank the fund are there. So they return my payment and then weeks later will WITHOUT permission, pull money out if my account, even after Ive made yet another payment to make up for the “returned payment”. Ive had people threaten me with getting my car taken. I have been cussed at and hung up on. At this point, ive well over paid my monthly payments and yet they still harass me every day!

Posted by
Brian Dougherty

Santander has had a 30 day late on my credit report since 2001, refuse to remove it . Letter after letter from my credit repair company.

Posted by
Lisa Torbett (Shaw)

I had a car loan through them and the car was a total loss in October of 2010, insurance paid them and then I had to borrow the difference to pay them off in 2014 because GAP never paid out....Now 3/10/2020 I get a call stating they are suing me???? I have all the paperwork where Insurance paid and where I paid the remainder off...What is there to do???

Posted by
M Stafford

We have a six-year loan 72 payments made those payments now Santander claims that we have to pay for an additional year past contract date due to some magically increased accrued interest??? The car is old and broken down yet we have to pay TRIPLE THE ORIGIONAL LOAN AMOUNT? They know we can’t afford lawyers this is how they prey on the working class! PLEASE HELP!! This is predatory fraudulent lending at its best! Please help the citizens that are working hard and can’t get away from these types of companies my contract states nowhere that we would be stuck paying any type of accrued interest please help this company needs to be stopped! This is greed!! They are ruining our credit and our lives! We need a new car and can’t get one now thanks to this company! PLEASE HELP we shouldn’t have companies like this allowed in America it’s 2020!! Where are our rights???

Posted by


Posted by

Most outrages banking I ever been part of. had a high interest auto loan. When I got it refinance , they applied all my payments I had made to the interest and not any to the principle. I want in if possible.

Posted by
Charlotte True

Just yesterday, 3/3/2020, while riding w/my daughter, she received a call from a woman who said she had been looking for me. My dtr asked the nature of the call and the woman said she wanted to serve me court papers. When asked from whom she said she needed to talk directly to me. My dtr said she's right here. The woman said SANTANDER. I told her I didn't owe them any money. I had an acct with Santander back in 2006 which ended in 2011 when my car was totalled. My insurance company asked if they were to pay me or Santander. I said Dataset. It was over 6,000. They haven't contacted me since until recently. They have been harassing my daughter and son. They kept forgetting to tell me. This debt is over 8 years old. I figured they must be in a class action lawsuit. I checked.

Posted by
Staria williams

I paid for a car for almost 7 years and after 6 years they still say I owed $10,000

Posted by
Natasha Narain

I bought a Kia Sorrento and was finance by Santander after paying everything and my last payment on the contract they say I still out over $9000. They came a repo the car for non payment. When I called they gave me the run around. Worst bank.

Posted by
Randy Duffield

Same here I have been on my 404.00 car for over 5 years and I still 14000.00 on a 20000 loan. Really!

Posted by
Shameka s Jiggetts

My loan was sold from Gateway One Lending and Finance to Santander Consumer USA. My February payment was late I reached out to Gateway One to make a payment arrangement and I received a prerecorded message stating my loan was transferred to Santander which told be my total payment would be over 13 hundred dollars. I tried to negotiate with the company to make two payments at once. upon, setting up a payment arrangement I was told that the late payment would appear on my credit report. I plead with the representative to give me a courtesy due to the the lack of notification my both companies. I am expecting a call from a corporate employee .

Posted by
Hope James

Had a car financed over 5yrs ago. My car was repossessed and I was verbally harassed and threatened by Santander agents fir payment. Please contact as deemed necessary.

Posted by

I financed a car in 2012 for almost $15000 in North Carolina. I deferred 6 payments due to hardships and January 2020 almost 8 years later they said I still owed $5000. I was finally able to work a deal to trade the car so I could be done with them. I would like to join the suit. I know i paid more than i was supposed to on the loan. I have the payment records from their system to show how they applied payments and extra charges that were never explained.

Posted by
Conteria Smith

I've had some of the same issues as some of the claimants and seem to me like the tripled the price on a 2008 Nissan Pathfinder, that was over 5 years ago and I still owe $5000 on the loan..i did try to do a trade- in with other dealerships but was told I old too much on the vehicle and the vehicle wasn't worth what I owed on it.Santander Consumer needs to be held unaccountable for their actions and deceit to its customers

Posted by
Nicole Maranto

Please add my name to this or contact me. We had one payment pushed back due to my mother in law passing. They came and repoed the 2014 Ford Fussion twice. No legal document to even state they were going to do it. They were not crediting our account. We had the car 3 1/2 years and still owed the same. The principal never went down. Please stop this maddness.

Posted by
Nicole Maranto

Please add my name to this or contact me. We had one payment pushed back due to my mother in law passing. They came and repoed the 2014 Ford Fussion twice. No legal document to even state they were going to do it. They were not crediting our account. We had the car 3 1/2 years and still owed the same. The principal never went down. Please stop this maddness.

Posted by
Anita Vigil

I want to participate in the class action law suit , they have called me sometimes 3 to 4 calls per day on my lian

Posted by
Chekelia DeWese

I contacted Santander Consumer on December 11, 2019 to voluntarily surrender the vehicle that I had financed through the company. I provided them with the location and where the could find the key. It’s been almost 3 months and the still have not come to get the vehicle, but are still reporting a delinquent balance to the credit bureau. The vehicle was a 2008 Mazda CX-9 that I purchased in 2012 and still somehow owed $6,000+.

Posted by
Jennifer Slater

Please add me to this class action lawsuit. I have the same situation.

Posted by
anthony llanes

I filed attorney general complaint in N.C. for violations of finance contract being over the legal limits NC GS 25A-15. The legal limit on interest rate for credit installment contracts is 18%.

Posted by
Tammy Roberson

$10,000 dollar auto loan with $3000 down all payments on time still owe over 7,000 how is this possible?

Posted by
Valerie Gardner

Carr Cadillac sold us a car that was defective and immediately we called trying to reverse the deal as they had not disclosed previous damage and the car quit running . They replied by saying only the dealer could do that of which they would not . Also this dealer had done 2 contracts as we did not get possession of car in the beginning so they said it had to be redone . Long story short - they had us (and still do ) owing 2 moths more than we actually do - they repossessed car yesterday (tho it has been sitting since we purchased it practically . We believe both the dealer and Santander to be guilty of ripping us off . They called and threatened excessively, knowing the issues !!!

Posted by
Alma Suzette Longsworth

Would like to join the class action due to excessive fees

Posted by
Angelia Warren

Same issue as everyone else.

Posted by

I've been paying $486.27 every month for 4 yrs 7 months and still owe almost the same amount I started with.

Posted by
Jeremy Ellington

I have the same problem with Santander, they have been f**king me for years add me to the lawsuit.

Posted by
Charlene williams

I have problems with them repeatedly calling 3 to 5 times a day and my principal hasn’t changed and I have had loan for a year .

Posted by
Carmela Williamson

I would like to join the Santander lawsuit. Purchase a vehicle in 2017, now almost 3 yrs into my loan, principal is hardly getting paid down. They di have horrible customer service. I think they should be shut down as well...after reading all these complaints my situation is the same as most of theirs.

Posted by
Remahn Hopkins

I also would like to participate in this class action lawsuit. I've had the same issues going on. They definitely take advantage of low income people.

Posted by
Lance Horn

I would also like to join in the case against santander i recently checked my account and I'm seeing over 2000 in debt when It was just 1625 when i checked a couple weeks back. Ugh.

Posted by
Marcos A Flores

I would like to also place my name along with the.many others who are suing Santander. ... I believe I was a victim an I can't see how you buy a car an pay $30,000 i late fees an then the car get sold for $2300.00 an now there telling me that I still owe $12500.00 . Everytime I ask to speak to someone an ask to show me how this is possible they change the subject an hang up. Also how can they keep charging gap insurance on a vehicle that you have had for the last 5 years. Please anyone help ????

Posted by
Kim Jones

I would like to start a clause action against them once again...Please contact me via email i would like to begin the process they are a bunch of scammers. They provide consumer with a loan it does not appear they can ever repay.

Posted by
Robert Phillips

How can I get Santander off my credit. I thought I was covered under the lawsuit when the Gov't sued Santander.

Posted by
Terri DiGiacomo

I need to get out of this loan. I heard someone joind the lawsuit and got the car paid off. I got this car 12/2106 purchased gap. Please help.

Posted by
Andrew Simpelo

My car was repossessed at 2am by the tow truck, backing up into the driveway, while my car was parked not only by the driveway, but on a hill in my front lawn, basically trespassing, alarm going off at the same time. Is this legal?

Posted by
Holly Steele

I would like to participate in the Santander csr loan lawsuit.

Posted by
Jay L.

I brought my BMW M335 going on 6 years now. On a 72 month contract . My principle never changed,I had a high loan as well,paying over 700 a month,the car was 27k , it shows that I never even put a dent into paying my car off.Still owed 25k like how is this possible?i took it to multiple dealerships and tried trading it& they said I owed to much even after owning it for years and keeping the miles low,I had to voluntarily let it get repoed.I had salesman tell me the only way to get out of it is to let it go,I own multiple cars so I did.Now it’s on my credit bringing me down.Santander also would unprofessionally call my phone at any hour of the day sometimes more then 7 times harassing me over paying my car 3-4days late. These crooks need to be stopped,& us hard working people deserve to have repos off our credit,vehicles returned to us,or money back.

Posted by
Chad Crum

Starting from day 1 I have had issues with Santander, the first month they didn't get my paper work out to me in time and my first correspondence i had with them was a statement that said i was already 30 Days behind, since it was the weekend i had to wait till the following Monday before i could call them and ask what the deal was and they said i didn't make my first months payment. I said i didn't know who i was supposed to pay. On the documents i received from Audi of Pembroke Pines from Florida I had all the information except who i was supposed to pay. As it turns out our documentation doesn't match. After a year of fighting with them they put an illegal cease and desist order on my account and stopped mailing out statements, so roughly 4-5 months go by and i'm sitting at my table and realized i haven't made a car payment in a while so i called them to find out what was going on and that's when i found out that they did all this wrong doing, i tried to make it right i made a huge payment and then 3 weeks later they picked up the car (again no knowledge this was going to happen) the repo agent drove my car 57 miles damaged my clutch, and told me a bunch of lies. Video footage of the repo does exist. And people are denying it ever happened.

Posted by
Ebony Schofield

This has to be the MOST HORRIBLE COMPANY. I purchased a 2006 Toyota Corolla in 2013 for 10k. In 2017 I checked my balance and still owed over 8900 after paying them 9800. Now they are saying I owe them 7663. Customer service is horrible. All I see are lawsuits being issued against them left and right. They make it to where you pay them double even triple the amount you owe. They feed off of low income individuals who are desperate and work with dealerships who do the same. Is there anyway to start a lawsuit??? It's time to shut them down.

Posted by

I still owe the same amount on the car that I purchased it for. I have paid 7k towards the vehicle and the principle has not budged.
How do I get out from underneath this loan.

Posted by
Roxanne derricks

I am a consumer of Santander I'm just trying to find out about the lawsuit because I've been having different charges and it seems when I pay it more charges are pending

Posted by
Shirley jenkins

USA Santander 2014 Nissan Sentra used still making payment 4years 18.23 interest rate high very unfair work hard make payments first time financing car request my account update 2020 account still not update my car definitely paid in full

Posted by
Darren Maynard

I bought a car through santander 6 years ago and had deferred 6 payments over the term i have made the extra 6 payments now and they say i still owe them $5000

Posted by
Victoria Marie

How do I get in on this class action suit?! I have had the same issues as so many others have. These people really need to pay for what they are doing to people.

Posted by
Tausa Jones

I purchased a brand new 2013 Hyundai accent with Santander for $14000 started paying the car 2014...I have paid approximately $20000 and they say I still owe $11000, seriously??? They want me to pay for THE CAR NOW after they have profited from all the interest...sick of all the calls all day, having to repeat myself with each CSR...their a RIP OFF and credit agencies shouldn't take their debt reportings seriously. Their scamming consumers.

Posted by

The worst lender ever! Talk about violating the TCPA and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. They continually call me at least 8 times a day! Furthermore, I started my loan at $12,800, after 3 years of payments of over $300, my payoff balance to date is still $11,850. That's right, I made almost approximately $10,000 in payments, and my principal went down by $950. I was just looking at the transaction history, and I noticed, on many of the months, they apply my entire payment to the interest portion of the loan and apply 0 against my principal balance. Definitely long over due for a class action suit against this company!!!

Posted by
Jennifer Murphy

Our car has now been repossessed three times by Santander. And never when we were late with payments. Always months later after we had been making monthly payments. I am so through with them! There has got to be some dirty work going on.

Posted by
Quatesia Henderson

Santander Consumer USA will not remove the debt of a paid off vehicle that had air bag failure.

Posted by
Tavia Bloom

I bought a car for $17,000 with a 6 year term. It will be 6 years in April and I still some how owe $15,000. I don't know what to do.

Posted by
Tavia Bloom

I borrowed $17,000 on my car for a 6 year loan. It will be 6 years in April and I still owe $15,000. This is ridiculous.

Posted by
Anthony Ward

Help get me out of my auto loan

Posted by
Preshetta ALSTON

I feel they use heavy-handed tactics"to get consumers to pay their loans. I purchased my car three years and owe just a much from the first day I purchased it. Any payments you make will not go towards your note they will go toward late fees or interest you had gained. Basically you will never finish paying them.

Posted by
C Graham

I need to know how to become part of this lawsuit. Bought my car from them for $17,000 and have been paying for over 5 yrs. Had a few late payments in the beginning as it was for my wife and she made the payments. For thew last 3 yrs I have been paying almost $500 a month and I still owe $14.000 on this car. All but like $100 goes to interest each month.
At this rate I'll be paying over $30,000 for a $17,000 car...

Something is wrong here

Posted by

I was approaching my payoff of a 7 year loan, told today I still owe what the car was at purchase! I need help, they are complete rip offs and it must be illegal.

Posted by
Glenda Luco

My car was repossessed by Santander this morning I've been paying on this car over 3 years and I owe more now than what the car was originally bought for. I have already paid for the car from sticker price. How can this be legal?

Posted by
Eva marie

Got a car from them in 2006. Had it voluntarily repossessed and it was on my credit and fell off.12 years later they’re telling me they want to civically sue me for 14,000 and nfy my job if I don’t give them 1500.00

Posted by
Tania Haeussler

I paid my 6-year loan off on November 21st, 2019. On the website, I saw my balance go down to ZERO! A few days later I logged back into my account to inquire about having the title for my 2010 Jeep Patriot sent to me, and the balance of my loan was now back up to almost $7000. I figured it was some kind of glitch, and I called Santander, only to be told that they're sorry for the inconvenience, but I owe that money, based on simple interest. Nothing they said meant any sense to me. I have made 72 payments of $426.97 (and sometimes much more!) and have ended up paying over twice what I purchased the vehicle for!! Even with some late payments, how can they say that I owe this much money? It makes zero sense to me!

Posted by
William Browne

I'm financing a car for my son from Santander and been paying on time - few late fees. My son was in car accident last September - the car was in tow yard - the bank had called the repo to pick up the car. My son's claim adjuster insurance had someone pick it up at the tow yard and take it to body shop but learned that the vehicle was gone. My wife and I were in California with him for 2 half weeks then came home. I received a letter from Santander Consumer Bank that they stated that they have my car and contact them before October 31st. We came home on November 2nd and found out when opened the letter on November 3rd. I called the bank and tried to work things out with them few times. The representatives were rude and said sorry, they cannot help us since it was the deadline on October 31st - it was too late. They said we must continue paying them until it's paid for. They said I owe 4000 to pay plus 28K. Something is wrong. I never had any experience like this and never had any problems with my vehicles financed by other banks for years and paid on time.

Posted by
Eric Nolan

Need information on Joining this Lawsuit

Posted by
Lauren wells

How do I become part of the Santander suit? I have documentation that I feel would be helpful to this case.

Posted by
Taneeshia Thomas

I have been over charged and the car was totaled and paid and they put a repo on me for fees from them. Please help me with the class action

Posted by
Angela Elder

I bought my 2013 Nissan Pathfinder in August 3 years ago. I have always paid more every month. When I first got my car financed with Santander I would get a statement and I could pay my extra on my principle. Now they don’t have that option at all. My payment is 522.00 a month. Every payment I have made more than half my payment goes to interest. I bought my car for 16,000 but here I am 3 years later and owe them over 17,000 and still seeing more than half my payment go towards interest. I will never get this car paid off in the total months I have left. What can I do???

Posted by

I have been waiting for my refund for months. I filed a complaint with the BBB in October. They replied back to the BBB and said they sent my paperwork over to cancel the ancillary or whatever you call it. They CLAIM they did that on 10/13. It is December 5th and still havent recieved my refund. I paid the car off 4 years early in May. In April, they dinged my credit report twice. Once for 80 points and the other time for 22 points. The late payments was also paid and they still hit my credit report and my credit report went from 705 to 603. You call them, they are rude as hell. They put you on hold and hang up. I mean, what are we supposed to do? If we start making violent threats to them we would end up in jail less than 24 hours. How is it that companies like this can continue to get over in citizens and non politicians are stopping them. I'm sick of their asses. I mad and livid. Something needs to be done!

Posted by

I have been paying these people faithfully and on time since Feb. 2015. I just paid them my December 2019 payment. I checked their web site as I always do to verify payment. This time all that I get is
"account don't exist" there is no history of prior payment, balance, absolutely nothing. I don't know if this is a prelude to some sort of "BS" or not. Calling them tomorrow to raise holy hell. To old and tired for this type of stuff

Posted by
Natalya Smileeva


Posted by
Natasha Cain

I'm intrested in filing a lawsuit against santander consumer USA

Posted by
Neil Levey

One of the best feelings you can get is being told “yes” when you thought the answer was “no.” At YOU DO NEED GREAT CREDIT, they love helping people get “yes” answers. I have always had below average credit scores. Every time I tried to buy anything it was a huge pain having to explain the problems on my credit report and then wait and hope that I would be approved. I decided to contact youdoneedgreatcredit at g,m,a,i,l . com. They made the process so easy, after only days of their work and education I went to apply to refinance my house and was shocked when the mortgage broker told me that I had a 798 score! . The refinance is saving me over $150 month thanks to my great credit.

Posted by
R & D Young

My husband and I were given the opportunity to remodify our auto loan in October since our loan is almost to maturity. We are self employed and had not been receiving payments from our clients on time. Also, my father in law passed away recently and we lost work time to travel when he passed. We were suppose to receive paperwork via email from Santander within 24-48 hours, according to the representative. We called three days later to inform Santander that we never received the loan paperwork and the representative mentioned that we should give it more time than that. It could be up to a week or more. We let a week pass and called Santander once again to inform them that we still had not received the paperwork.T The rep then asked for a different email. We gave them a different email address and once again, waited for a week to pass before calling to inform Santander that we had not received any email with the remodification paperwork. This time they suggested we give them a fax number. We gave them a fax number to our local UPS store. We STILL never received a fax from Santander. Keep in mind three weeks after we were suppose to receive an email or fax, we have not received either. The next representative I spoke said that they would need to mail the paperwork to us, and once again, we never have received that regular mail. Finally, on October 23rd, we received an email at the first email address we provided from Santander. We promptly printed out the paperwork and my husband went straight to our UPS store to fax the signed paperwork. The letter specifically stated that we fax the paperwork to the number provided on the front of the letter. A few days later, We received a call from Santander informing us that they had not received the paperwork. We mentioned that we had a confirmation page that showed the fax was successfully sent. The representative then asked to verify the fax number and then informed us that they did not know where the fax number came from as it was incorrect! How could the fax number be incorrect if it is on the loan paperwork?! No one could answer that question and they gave us another fax number to fax the paperwork. My husband re-faxed the paperwork to the number given. I called Santander two days later and was told to call back as it may have not been put into the system. I again explained to the representative how frustrating the entire process has been to just fax paperwork and asked if there was another way to get the paperwork to them. She stated that there was not. Her name was Cynthia and we had been in contact a few times during this ordeal. She mentioned that there was no other way for Santander to receive the paperwork. I offered to FedEx or overnight the paperwork and she said they would not accept it. It is now November 6th and they still have not received our fax from a reputable company's fax machine. My husband rushed over to fax the paperwork now a third time!! She says it does not matter if we have confirmation, they never received it on their end. HOW?? How could they not receive it??? We faxed the paperwork for a fourth time on November 12th. I asked if we would lose our vehicle to repossession since experiencing such delays, and the rep said no. With the holidays, we decided to give it more time. I call the day before Thanksgiving to see if they received the paperwork as we had not heard otherwise. The rep then tells me they never received it and the time passed. I told her that we do not have funds and would need two days so she puts me on hold and says that she was going to see if she could put in another remodification request. She then asked for my email, which I gave to her and informed me that it would take up to two weeks to receive! We go to our car and find that Santander has repossessed it! The rep never mentioned we would lose our car when in remodification. She led us to believe we had time to send in the paperwork and that stalled the process.

I will never understand how a company takes advantage of people this way. Knowing we have been in communication about the loan modification and not sending a letter or any sort of communication. The rep led me to believe that we had more time to send in the paperwork and now our car is repossessed. The rep on Wednesday before Thanksgiving NEVER mentioned the paperwork was ever received. She said it was not received and that she would send in another request. The point was to help us and Santander reps did not know what to do other than regurgitate the same information. They never had an answer as to why they never received our faxes to the same number. It just leads us to believe it was all a scam in the first place and they never intended to remodify our loan.

Just received a phone call this morning asking if the car was repossessed and I said yes. We were never told in November that the papers were expired. They only kept insisting they had never received them and asked us to re-send the same paperwork. I even asked if it was OK to send the same paperwork and the rep Cynthia said yes it was that she would make a note.

So they receive paperwork with my husband's signature on it for October 23rd. and never contacted us. Then have another rep state that she sent in modification paperwork and that we had time. They call constantly over and over again several times a day even after you speak with them.

Posted by
Lisette Guzman

How do I join a class action against Santander Consumer USA?

Posted by

It looks like there are numerous consumers making comments and yet this attorney isn’t responding. This law group should be gathering all of this information and pursuing a very substantial class action lawsuit.

Posted by
Doris Mitchell in Co Rose Williams my Mom

My Mom was tricked into a loan with Santander in 2015 car was 18000 she already paid 26000 for it to date and saying she owes 16845 how is that . She had cancer and couldn’t keep paying the notes so I started paying them for . She died In August 2019 I’m still paying 422 a month she been done paying they just keep bleeding the pig that is so wrong how do I get in this law suit please.

Posted by
Vicki Scott

how do I join this class action suit? Santander calls me saying that I am late when I paid them my monthly fee?

Posted by

How do I join class action against Santander?

Posted by
Brooke Walton

418 month for three years. Price when I started 15000. When I defaulted 16,000. The balance never went down.

Posted by
Dante Stewart

I finance my car through SantanderConsumer since Feb 2016. The car cost only $10,000 at the time of purchase and with fees and taxes it cost $14500. It been 5 years and I am still paying for the car and my statement reflects that I still owes $11304. I don't understand their math but I know I have made the worst choice ever. Their disloyal, crooked and misleading. I am so happy their is a lawsuit against them. Crooks!!!

Posted by
Tiffany C

I have been paying on a car loan since 2017... $340 per month. When I financed the car the original loan was for $12,000 and I still currently owe $13,000....

Posted by
Carlos medina

How do I join class action against Santander?

Posted by
Jason Bowling

How do I become a part of the class action suit against
Santander. I have been making payments of $610+ every month for the last 2 years and my original loan was $23,000 and the principal owed to date is $22,456.00. How is this even possible? Please help!!!

Posted by
Pat Jackson

I have a car financed through Santander in May 2015. I have been paying 450.00 fwhic will be 5 years in May 2020. The car was purchased for 18,000. My current balance with them is 15,000. So the money that had been paid is for interest an some late fees. I called and asked that they apply my 450.00 toward the principal and was told per my contract that's not how that works. Please add me on the lawsuit. This is PREDATOR LENDING at its worst, and it needs to be stopped!!!!

Posted by
Olivia orsua

I got my car from santanders sept 2018 I had gap and. Was paying 489.00 a month. And they. Keeper chargeing me late fees when my. Payment wasnt due and then hook my money from my account without. Notifiing me after I cancelled it. They. Repossed my car June 2019.for no reason they say i was late but I wasnt. Now they are still chargeing 13.000 more then what the car is worth what do i do. Please add me to settlement

Posted by
C Graham

I need help with this company!!!!
Bought my car December 2015 for $17,000.
Have been paying for 4 years $477 per month.
Thats $22,896 so far and this company says I still owe $13,429!!!
And of my $477 per month only like $100 goes towards my principle still. So I'll be paying about $40,000 for a $17,000 car when its all said and done!!!
This company is a fraud and they trick people into paying extra fees!!!
We need to sue them!

Posted by

I financed a 2011 Nissan Sentra for about 13,000 paid on it for 5 years. 3 months before my loan was up they said I owed 12265. So it was repossessed now it’s on my credit report and I ended up paying them 20,000+ for nothing at all. They consistently called and harassed me. Calling 10 plus times a day.

Posted by

I had just paid them a total of 1300 dollars with in two weeks told me my car was good to good got repo yesterday and say I’m still 120 days pass due how is that when I just paid them 1300 that’s 60 days worth of payments!

Posted by
Latrisia Joneshashmi

Paying a loan since 2012. This cant be right. I need help. It is now 2019 almost 2020. They say I still owe 5100. I have been paying double notes. Something is wrong.

Posted by

Hello im also financing a car from Santander and they say I owe $14,000 after paying them 20,000 for three years. I have a very high APA rate It’s illegal.

Posted by
Alba I Rivera Cortes

Hi I would like to join this lawsuit as well. I purshased a vehicle with Santander Consumer in 2016 for $19,257 . I paid $454.26 per month for 72 months but the principal never went down. The interest is 19%. Finally I was paid $32,706. For a used car. Please let me know what I need to do. Thanks

Posted by
Stephanie Doyle

Santander consumer usa said I am late on three payment I sent them Bank Statements that SHOW I was NEVER LATE and they keep Harassing Me. I have two payment left now I'm scared there not going send me my title after what I read.

Posted by

Had no problem taking late payments for a year, paid over $1000 each month. Repossessed my car in May. Contacted Counsel, had no problem dropping deficiency 10gs. Want this off my credit and want to know about filing a lawsuit since nonthing adds up between what I’m told by them.

Posted by

I had a vehicle with Santander Consumer and I had to let it go because they was charged 21.6 interest rate I asked how could it be lower I was told nothing so I let the car and had to get another car. I got the car for $17,000 been paying on it for 3years and still owed $15,000

Posted by
Kiara Hagood

Please help me, I am being charged many hidden fees. I make phone calls and ask if my payment is being applied correctly , and its not , i need help please .

Posted by
Olivia orsua

I had my car sept 2018 and June 2019 santander consumers repossess my vehicle

Monthly paymemts were 489.00
I always paid on time but was late once and. They repossess my vehicle. Now they want me to pay 18,000
My vehichle cost 12,000 when I bought it. My credit report is messed up because of them and it doesn't show any of my monthly paymemts

Posted by
Donna Jackson

Please help me. I’m drowning in debt with this car loan. I financed my 2014 Nissan with Santander 5years ago. I have been paying 389 dollars for five years and owe the same amount financed. The nada on my car is about 5 thousand dolllars. I am being robbed. I continue to pay because I don’t want my credit completely ruined but this is insane. Santander financed me with a credit score of under 400. It never should have happened. I have paid.thousands of dollars to then and my principal has only gone down a few hundred. Please please help me

Posted by

One of the worst night mare I had ever experienced in my life . I have been robbed on day light by this company. I have been charged high interest for the car loan and also fees I had never seen. They refused when I ask them to refinance it after paying one year . I paid more than 7000.00 . And still the price is the same when I first bought the car. This is not the agreement I get in to it. I have been lied to by the dealer . I do not know what to do . I am being robbed daily by this cruel and merciless company.

Posted by
Kayla Scoggins

I have definitely been a victim of Santander Consumer USA, I had to block their number because they would call my cellphone non stop. I got a car loan through them in August 2016 and have had nothing but absolute hell with this bank. They have deliberately lied to me over the phone (given false information), is reporting false information to the credit bureaus and are lying about paying towards my loan, which they have not. They have also charged numerous fees and interest and still owe a ridiculous amount on my loan somehow. This is the most fraudulent and awful bank, Someone please add me to this lawsuit.

Posted by
Dawn Cook

I financed with Santander in 2017 24,000 today I still owe 23,000. I make up and above my payment on my car. How is this possible?

Posted by
Sam Moon

I would also like to participate in this lawsuit as well. I purchased a Dodge Grand Caravan in August of 2013 for $19,695. It wasn't until April of the following year that they applied the first $9.16 of my $452.52 monthly payments towards the principal. It is October 16, 2019 and I still owe $11,731. Over 6 years later (past the original maturity date). On top of their annoying phone calls we used to receive from them (Both my wife and I), the fee's they couldn't explain. It took years for someone with their company to finally explain what a simple interest loan was to me. Even today, I was told that they have no idea when the loan would ever be paid off. Too many things come into play. I was told by a representative of theirs that it would at least another two years. But that was if everything were being applied to the principle. To which I replied really, most of what I give you is applied to the interest. He said that because of the interest he had no idea when it would ever be paid off. That my only option would be to refinance the vehicle (yeah ok, a van that's worth about 3K at this point). Other than that I could Voluntarily surrender the vehicle (which would destroy my credit). To which I said, so what your telling is that I have to keep throwing my hard earned money into an endless pit until your company has decided they've gotten enough of it from me. I told him that you can see it online everywhere what their doing to people and that I would probably join a class action lawsuit that they have against them. To which he replied "I'm not in your predicament, but if so I'd do the same thing" So here I am!!! Someone has to stop this company from preying on people. But the harsh reality is that so long as profits outweigh the costs of their legal battles/settlements, they will continue their shady business practices and continue to get away with it.

Posted by
patricia grear

There late fees are out of control also making payment and I dont see any decrease of the loan.Add me to the class action law suite.

Posted by
james griffin

i was contacted by a law firm saying they were taking my case against sandtander. and i haven't heard a thing in months. how do i find out what is going on.

Posted by
Laura Smith

Long story and I've filed complaint with CFPB. In the end the issue is I have called and made payment agreements more than once- they won't send me anything written and refuse to discuss in any email, chat, etc and when I sent them the information accordingly in writing, they instead put a new date on the original response and sent it again through CFPB. NOW they are saying I am late in my payment but not according to the verbal agreements they made with me. Basically they realize because my car is a 2011 and loans for refinancing with banks are only available out to cars no order than 2012 they don't want to handle this matter legally and fairly.

Posted by

Bought a 2011 Bmw in 2014 loan is a 6yr loan..
I paid $22k for the car and still owe over $20k
After having this car for 5yrs. Santander consumer
Is scamming people out of money!

Posted by

I just recently had my vehicle repossessed by this awful company. I called to inquire about regaining my vehicle back but was told it was already sold. This was confusing since I had no notification about the public auction. Upon asking the representative again, I was transferred to another person who stated I would have to go through a process to determine if I qualify. WHAT? This is after i was informed that I obtained the vehicle back by paying the past due amount and any additional charges. I asked when was the date and time of the auction. Told, oh I don't know this information. Upon following the instructions per the intent to sell letter I received, this company did not information I was entitled to have to bid on the vehicle. I found out yesterday, October 7th that the vehicle was sold on September 24th and I owe $9000 plus dollars. Think not! Suing these jerks as this is on my credit report as of September 10th. before it was even sold. Can I join this lawsuit or is it too late.

Posted by
Dee Robins

What I do not understand is why (all) yes all of the states in the US do not ban together like the State of Ohio did (RE: If Your Vehicle Contract Was Assigned to Santander and your Vehicle Was Repossessed and Sold by Santander in the State of Ohio, You Could Get Benefits From a Class Action Settlement.) This would really make sense and take care of millions of the people that were mistreated by "Satan" for so many years. And the saying is --Tell me Again "Why are they still in business, and who is paying them under the table to stay here in the US?"......

Posted by
Byron Lewis

Over the last four plus years I have made over 29,000$ on a car loan that was only 31,000$ to start just to find out that they are saying I still owe almost the same amount. Now Santander keep threatening to come and repossess me car and have on several occasions causing me to miss work and even missed my son graduation from high school . Really need some help to get out of this situation . I can’t trade the car in because of the amount they’re saying I still owe.

Posted by

I would like to join this lawsuit as well. I purchased a vehicle with Santander Consumer in 2014 for 24,000. I paid 541.63 400 per month for four years, but the principle never went down. The balance is 20,000.00. Please let me know what I need to do. Thank you!

Posted by

I would like to join the lawsuit. My loan matured last month and they say I still owe over $7,000.00. Please help !!!

Posted by

I been paying on this car for over 6 years and it still says I owe 12,000.00 on it. Help me . Add me to this list. How could this be possible. I'm so hung on this loan. I cant pay for this anymore. $400.00 every month for the last 6 years. This is so Crazy and such a rip off. :(

Posted by
Cathelean Little

This company is a rip off I have been making payments of $485.94 and over half I paid made payments of 588.90 577.90,and some for 500.00 just to get this loan paid off by the end of 2019. I called to find out my paid off and my pay off is more than I owe there is something wrong with picture .I have had this 2014 Toyota CAMAREY and that I was 20,611.63 and I have been paying on for 5 years over what my payments were and when I ask for my payoff it was 6,417.00 and my principal balance is 6,289.00 and they advised that I would have to pay for another year to get paid off. I want to be a Part of this LAWSUIT PLEASE ADD MY NAME.

Posted by
Lakrystal Smith

I need to be added to this lawsuit as well. Lakrystal Smith. 2012 car I still owe 7000 on.

Posted by
cymantha rice

I purchased a car from Santander in 2012 for 17000 and have paid over 32000 already and my mature date is to end this year in oct 2019 and they say I still owe 13000 still and that all the money that I have paid went more to the interest and I still need to pay the principal and for the first 4 years none of if not any of my money went to the principal it all went to the interest Santander really need to be investigated and be SUED !!!! PLEASE I WOULD IKE TO BE A PART OF THIS LAW SUIT AND ANY OTHER LAW SUIT ARE ANYTHING THAT HELPS ME TO GET AWAY FROM THIS CROOKED COMPANY

Posted by
Brandy Perkins

They say I still owe $25,000 on a BMW X3 that I’ve been paying $669.82 a month ever since 2013 now it’s 2019 and they just came repo it .. I’m Determine to get this straight I’m humiliated disgusted, and Embarrassed can you please help I went to the Better Business Bureau and they didn’t do nothing so I need help bad. Basically I need help for the lemon that Carmax sold me and Santander consumer USA financed

Posted by
Debra Ruffalo

Please. please add me as well! I have suspected that Santander has added fees and/or increased the interest on my note. I bought a 2011 Jeep Patriot in Dec of 2011. It was a 72 month note. Should have been paid off in Jan 2018. I took 2- 3 months extensions.(not to mention the endless calls throughout the day when I was 60-90 days in arrears) Which made the final payment in July 2018. In July of 2018 Santander stated that I still owed over $6200 on the car It's been a year past that date and they still state that the principal balance due is $283.43 + late fees of $867.61 which totals $1151.04. And according to them my payment due is $1226.04. When I question them regarding the difference in the totals, the automated system states the lower but their written statement is always more. I questioned why there is typically a $100$-200 difference, their only response is that the statement is generated 20 days in advance, which is confusing to me because the date on the statement is 9/24/2019 and I received it in todays mail 9/27/2019.This math does not add up to me! This has been consistent throughout the duration of my car note with them. I have a completed accounting of my account from the day I opened it through April 2019, I can see times when they applied my total payment to just interest and some payments split between principal and interest. Late fees varied in amounts being charged. Santanders accounting is all very confusing. Last month they charged me a $75.00 late fee when the payment was not late and todays statement showed a credit of $75.00. Funny how that happened, if I didn't notice or do the math myself, Santander would have gotten another $75.00 from me that I did not owe them.

Posted by

I financed 18,000 in 2015 and still owe 16,000 !!! Help me !

Posted by
Brayan Rodriguez

I have a Ford Taurus that I have been paying since 2011.
The car was financed at 18000 and I am 8 months away from the contract expiring and it says I owe 15000. That’s insane want to know if there is anyway to make this right?

Posted by
Jessi Craig

I feel I have been a victim as well . I’ll start by saying I purchased a car using Santander consumer on March 2016 . I have been paying it since then . They placed my loan on charged off because I haven’t been able to make payments on time . They also keep
harassing me to collect the debt . I don’t know how it’s possible that I paid for three and something years and the debt is still the same as the original balance when I purchased the vehicle . I also need to know if they are charging me for gap insurance because I already have it on my current insurance company . I truly appreciate any type of advice or help on this matter .

Posted by
David Shields

Yes I have a been a victim of this class action lawsuit myself through Santander Consumer my name is David Shields I purchased a car in 2015 of October I'm disabled I draw 651 at the time they approve me somehow some way for a $400 payment I've been paying for 4 years $20,000 later they still say I owe $11,000 which would would make my $15,000 car a $31,000 car and some change

Posted by

My car got repossessed. They are still calling me non-stop 4 years later. My payments never made sense. The amount was always high. Horrible company. I was never refunded the GAP insurance after canceling. Please add me to the settlement.

Posted by
M Hain

I would like to join this lawsuit as well. I purchased a vehicle with Santander Consumer in 2014 for 17000. I paid over 400 per month for four years, but the principle never went down. I was told I was not allowed to pay against the principle. I turned the keys in last year, with the balance still at 17000. Please let me know what I need to do. Thank you!

Posted by
esther hernandez


Posted by
S.L Parker

I had a loan with a Santander Consumer USA from 6-2013 through 6-2019 my vehicle was a 2004 with 43000 miles on it a time of purchase.

The sale price was 15,599 after 6 years or 72 months at 340.00 and plus 2 - 3 extra payments per year I'd paid them well over 26,000... Once my loan maturity date came to pass I payed my final (or what I believed to be my final payment, expecting my title to follow shortly after at least within 60 days... Not a chance, apparently I still owed them 2,000, so they are holding my title hostage as it is now 9/2019 and to top that off, I just chef my account online, and the balance is now 3,090.00...

After all the confusion, the unending phone calls both from me to them and viseversa, the unjust repossession last year without having ever missed a payment (and having to pay the fees associated with an unwarranted repo) they still want me to pay 3,090.00 just to get my title otherwise they can still repo my vehicle...

How is this legal???

This has been a nightmare, one of the worst experiences in my life... The stress of having to go in to work not knowing if your more than paid in full vehicle will be outside when your shift ends...

Not only should the be sued, they should never be allowed to practice the business of financing of any kind EVER again...

Sign me up for the lawsuit please!!!

I have a vehicle now nearly 16yrs old with 173,000 miles on it, hardly worth 3,000 so obviously my trade in value is shot, yet after nearly 30k dollars they still want more...

Posted by
Alecia Radford

PLEASE ADD ME TO THIS LAWSUIT! I have been dealing with Santander for 2 years and paying monthly and they are still saying my interest was raised somehow but they can’t explain it!

Posted by
Michael curboy

I bought a car through them kept sending my payments through western union then they would say they never received them bought the car for 12000 paid over 5000 on the loan and then started getting phone calls I was behind like 5-6 a day mostly people talking to me in a very unpleasant manner called them back after a few months and said come take the car I'm done with you guys after multiple failed attempts to refianance with someone else because they were destroying my credit they repossessed the car sold it for 9000 at auction then sent me a letter saying I owed them 10000 dollars on my loan been fighting with them to get the issue resolved but they constantly hang up on me and put my on hold for hours add me to the list these scumbags need to be taught a lesson

Posted by
Anitra Taylor

I ask for a payment extension about a year ago from Santander Consumer USA. I paid the full payment yet they changed me an extra payment a late fee and it was supposed to go to the end of the bill, which it never did. This year, I became late because I suddenly had to move, which I informed them of and when I had an address I told the address, which they input wrong. I should have been only 2 months or less behind but I was paying extra and they called me every day all day long. Of course, I stopped answering call because they would hang up on me or not make notations to my account. At the end of August I had surgery and although I made a payment in August larger than my bill my car was repossessed and they would not tell me where my car was. I actually found out about the repossessed the day I was able to call them about a future payment and my surgery. Anyway, the agent told me the amount I needed to pay counting the extra fees as payments missed ( remember late fees were supposed to go to the end of the payment) which to them I missed 3 months, which I hadn't. I may a partial payment of what's owed because we agreed upon a date that I had to pay off the agreed upon balance. Imagine my annoyance when I checked the balance and instead of the payment coming off another payment/fee was added. I can get all my bank records since all of my payments came from my checking account.

Posted by
MICHAEL Rodriguez

I purchased a 2016 on November of 2016 3 yrs later I still owe $18,000 hasn't went down at all lost my job I called & asked for help they denied me they closed my account said they want full amount or return car I've tried & tried to work something out & they wont went to store with my little girl within 20 min came out car was gone can you imagine being stranded at 10pm with your child, they over charge balance never goes down & they dont care to work things out I'd like to join lawsuit.

Posted by
Diana Mendez

I had my car repossessed, paid it off and they still kept a balance of $1.09 on my credit. Took almost 2 years for them to take it off.

Posted by
Tameka C

Purchased a 2015 Dodge Dart Sxt, in November of 2016. Santander is trying to charge 26,888$ for the car. The loan I was given was only 13,085 which was completely wrong too. The cars price was only 10,995$, APR sky high as well. Santander claims I still owe 9500$ 3 years later! Found out it's called mark up financing. Please add me to the list to sue Santander!

Posted by


Posted by
Angela Glenn

I purchased car 6/2015 for 20,000 st 14% APR. I still owe 18,000.

Posted by
Lamecia Butler

Please add me to the lawsuit against Santander Consumer USA. I voluntarily gave them my car back because I was out of work on medical leave. After making payments for 4 years on my car, I received a letter from Santander that I still owed over $15,000 in 2019. The car was purchased in 2015 at over $17,000. Here it is 2019 and the car is still over $15,000. My payments were almost $500 dollars a month. With all the payments I have been making on the car over the fours years, how in the world only $2000 have been applied to the balance. After voluntarily surrendering my car, they are still trying to charge me the same balance of my car as it was prior to the repossession. They are underhandingly ripping people off.

Posted by
Karen Cortes

My original loan was $12,000, I has the car for 2 yrs without seeing my loan amount decrease. My payments or almost $400 a month. After my car was repossessed i owed $19,000 and they sold it at auctions. I am not a genius but the math does not add up!!!! Please add me to the lawsuit. They really need to be dealt with the same way they treat their customers.

Posted by
Jessica Andolina

I have also been a victim to this company from both the harassing phone calls when I was not even behind on any payments as well as having their GAP insurance policy added into the contract after signing the paperwork without my knowledge. When I found out about it 2 months later due to my registration being canceled by the state due to improper or incomplete paperwork which caused my license to be suspended also without my knowledge which led to me being arrested I requested that the policy be cancelled since my car insurance already provided GAP insurance so I was being double charged and then found out that Santander wasn't even supposed to be offering GAP insurance anymore and had also put me on the interest only payments which I did not request and didn't know about until months later. My registration was canceled by the state 3 times and I was given the wrong tag for my car which was the dealership's mistake but did cost me severe penalties and due to being arrested in front of my young children they were traumatized. I was never provided any information about the registration issues or improper tag or my license being suspended from it. I saved a record of as many calls from them harassing me as possible. I purchased the vehicle in November 2018 which, from my understanding, was well after they were required to stop offering GAP insurance. If anyone can help me with advice as to what I should do considering the GAP insurance has still not been canceled and they refuse to provide any type of refund for any payments I was forced to make even after multiple attempts to get them to cancel it I would greatly appreciate it.

Posted by
B. Reed

ABSOLUTELY NO! ALTOGETHER WITH Toyota of Clearwater AND After more than 6 hrs, Toyota gave me 7500.00 for my Nissan Frontier trade in Value, which of coarse was probably tacked on to the loan somehow. AND, THEIR recommendation of Santander Consumer USA, I am out thousands of dollars and now the new 2018 Toyota Tacoma (being disputed of coarse) that I completely communicated with their office on numerous occasions, I have no vehicle and am out all of the payments that I have made. ADDITIONALLY, I am losing money not working DUE to not having a vehicle and credit rating low because I RELIED and TRUSTED Toyota of Clearwater on their recommendation of Santander! We were already on our way out of the dealership after countless (literally almost) 6 hrs of negotiations just to get the payment down to where I thought I would have it I was ok not trading in my vehicle and leaving the dealership BUT FOR the recommendation of TOYOTA, I would not be in this position. I worked hard all day in the sun as a Surveyor and to have a new vehicle taken the way they did it was just OUTRAGEOUS. I am beyond belief that TOYOTA (a company that I completely trusted with value and the name itself) would try all their tactics just to sell a car. Ultimately, the commission the sales person made wasn't even worth it and I WOULD rather have my Nissan Frontier back or the down payment for a new truck, reliability from a very "TRUSTED" dealer, "TOYOTA of Clearwater" and my credit back! The sad part is...upon the last payment, I received a customer service survey the same day. RIDICULOUS!! IN this instance, I would have to say that I felt set up from the very beginning to lose the this truck. All because they wanted to "make a sale." It's not just your job Toyota and Santander to be fair as the seller, but to be practical to the consumer.

Posted by
Angela M Leige

Settlement Agreement.

Angela Leige
2800 Lakeside Circle
Covington, GA 30016
Account # 3681579

Good Afternoon,
My name is Angela Leige. I'm requesting permission to join your class action law suit against Santander Consumer USA.

I have purchased a vehicle from Santander Consumer after a Bankruptcy. I was unaware of the Predatory Lending Practices of this firm. I have payed consistently for years until i lost my kljob due to a fire that left me on On Call part time job. I requested assistance and was sent a document that confirmed payments would be sent to tge back of the loan for (2) months plus fees accrued. I signed the agreement. Following , i was called by Customer service stating in behind on my note and owe $475. I expressed i paid the month's payment upon sihning the agreement that stated no fees would be accrued. I paid the fees with the next pay period
(Feb.2018) they stated to me the following month the samecthing. I made payments of $900 - $1200 additionally Paying 4 times in one month to be current. Nothing i did would correct this. I was told that after evaluating my Statements, i owe the same amount i did when i 1st received tge loan (2016). I requested an Amortization Schedule to show the breakdown of what amount is going to Principle vs. Interest. I was told thstvthe firm doesn't have an Amortization schedule. I spike to the executive boards to request help. They stated the loan i signed states its Interest only. I understood this to mean as i was told for the 1st year. I've been with Santander since 2016, now 2019. October will be 4years. HOW CAN I OWE THE SAME AMOUNT. THIS WAS NOT EXPLAINEX OF WORDED WITHIN THE CONTRACT TO STATE SUCH PREDATORY LENDING. NOTHING I DO HELPS. IF I PAID THE ENTIRE $25,000 IS THE ONLY OPTION. THE CARS VALUE HAS DIMINISHED DRAMATICALLY. I CANNOT CONTINUE TO MAKE PAYMENTS TO THE 'AIR!!.. PLEASE HELP!!

Posted by

unfair fees, seems like I've never met a payment and I've had my loan since 2015.

Posted by
Philip Hopkins

Purchased my car for 15,000 4 years ago and still owe 12,000 my car. Please add me to lawsuit

Posted by
Courtney Simpson

I am requesting to be added to this lawsuit. I received a call stating that the car was past due. I am the co-signer but was not notified until the vehicle was over 80 days past due. I asked why I was not called and they stated they did, but I have call records to prove otherwise. They will not work with me and I challenged them on the loan ad I was told I would be taken off after one year and never was.

Posted by

Wow! Well I guess in a way it's good that I'm not alone but it's very bad that Santander is stealing from people.
My story, and July 2013 purchased a used car for $13,000 on a 60-month. With interest I've paid just over $19,000. I logged into my account to check the status of my title and found that not only am I not getting the title I still owe $9,285. I called Santander and asked if they had made some sort of an error with the decimal places. They gave me a load of BS and said that I'm not getting my title until they get there money. I explained to them that even if I decided to do that they will have made 125% profit! The guy on the phone verbally shrugged his shoulders... he also said if I didn't make payment arrangements for that amount, they will repossess the car....Well folks, I need a lawyer and I'm having trouble getting one, any suggestions? Please email me

And in the blue-collar world where I'm from this is considered theft...

Posted by
Angelique J Wells

I signed up for this before but was never contacted. I'm about to finish paying for my car that was totaled in Dec. 2018 and was told by their total loss dept. to contact them for a settlement offer and I'm getting the rin àround. They were paid by my insurance company, my extended warranty company, and still charged fees. They illegally called and charged fees during my loan to where I had to tell them to quit calling me unless it was necessary as I hadn't even gone past my grace period and they cslled. They had those automated calls wjich I never agreed to and I only had a cell phone.

Posted by
Melinda Grant

Please add me to the lawsuit! I purchased my car in 2013 and should have been paid off this year. SAnatander gave me the run around that i was late and added fees were put on my loan adding over $14,000 to the original agreement. This is ridiculous!!!

Posted by
Joseph Woods

I would like to be added to lawsuit. I financed two cars from them, and I believe they were over charging me on interest, and fees.

Posted by
Jeffrey Muldrow

Yes did a refinance with this company got an insurance check from an accident call the office of the president an ask can l use it toward my car payment was told yes then the next thing l know they repossessed my car l had personnel stuff in my car that l never got back also never notify date and time the car was being auction include me in this law suit

Posted by

Wow! I had a feeling that I was not alone. Financed my vehicle back in July of 2013 in the amount of $13000ish.

As of today I have paid just over $19,000 yet they say I still owe around $9,100. Technically the loan expired at the beginning of August.

I guess they want to come get my car now..... That's one hell of a horrible 'lease' since it appears they never had intentions on releasing titles to anyone.

Posted by

I purchased a 2015 Toyota Corolla brand new. I have SANTANDER for my auto loan. I have already paid out in the four years $27,190. the vehicle doesn't even cost that much! I called they said I sill owe $18,000 more dollars which would equal $45,190. Please add me to the lawsuit because they are definitely taking advantage of people.

Posted by
Keila Rodriguez

I have been paying every month for three years and still owe the same amount I initially did. Over a five month period only 1000 went towards the principal while I was paying 500 a month. They're rude, call mutliple times a day, add all kinds of fees each month (i currently owe over 500 in fees) and can never explain why I still owe so much. Please help.

Posted by
Olivia orsua

I paid all my payments even extra because they said I missed a payment from the beginning but never had anything takin off the total I owed on the car I have all receipts that I paid they told me a different amount I owed and different months I owed for each time I called even if it was every day they took at least 4000.00 from me since oct.and nothing off the printable on the car they are thief's I want to join this because I have plenty of proof...

Posted by
Erica McNeil

My name is Erica McNeil, and I am also requesting to be added to this class action suite. My vehicle was repossessed in 1018 due to the fact that I, as the rightful owner, was not notified of past missed payments. I was put on a "Do not call" list, and an unauthorized co-signer received all information without written agreement. This resulted in the loss of my vehicle and the end result of severely damaged credit scores through no fault of my own. An authorized owner, by Florida law, is never supposed to be on a "do not call" list or replaced by an unauthorized individual. The company actions have been outrageous and I am seeking relief and compensation.

Posted by

I bought my car a little over 3 years ago. I pay an automatic payment via the bank every month for amount owed. The result of this is that I now owe $11,000.00 for a car which was initially $9,000.00 . The customer reps have excuses, but no resolutions.

Posted by
Allen walters

These people have called me everyday 2-3 times a day! I purchased my car in Nov of 2017 and to start off they called me on dec 4th 2017 to inform me that my payment was late i hadn't even recieved a statement yet! They refused to fix their mistake so i started off a month behind! I finally got it caught up only for them to call me two weeks later saying i was 2 months behind again and if i didnt pay the amount they asked my car would be repossessed. So here we are Aug 2019 and my car has been repossessed even though i made the payment like they asked me to through my bank account and routing number! I have the confirmation number where i paid it i have the email saying it was paid and on my mobile account through santander it says it was paid but they still repossessed my car!! PLEASE ADD ME TO THIS LAWSUIT!!

Posted by
Rosalyn Randle

Please add me to the lawsuit as well. I am getting ready to voluntarily surrender my vehicle. I refuse to keep paying and paying and not see my balance go down. I have been paying for four years and it has only gone down by 1000. What a scam. They call and harass me all day as well.

Posted by
loretta kee

Please add me to the lawsuit, my car was taken, in the middle of the night, with no notice. Still owe 21,000.

Posted by
Michelle B Manley

Nothing matches what I've paid and until I changed my phone number I had more than 6 calls per day. Also I am a single divorced mother and I feel like I was definitely taken advantage of and bullied

Posted by


Posted by


Posted by

How do we file a breach settlememt claim against them?

Posted by

I want to added to the lawsuit against Santander. I had my car drug out of my driveway 7/22/2019 over what they say is 2 payments . i purchased a vehicle in 8/2015 and still owe 18,000.00 on the loan it matures 3/2022 . they tell you one thing and poof your car is gone.

Posted by
Sean Deaver

I bought a car from Cable Dahmer which was a lemon but I kept the car and drove it for 5 years. I had a accident in the car and was out of work for a bit until I found another car from a family member. I owed Santander under 1100 for the remainder balance of my car. My car was reported as a charge off before the 180 days mark. I talked to someone who told me if, I pay the remark would be removed. 6 years later the mark hasnt been removed and it has made car financing hell for me. People treat me like I didnt pay my car off. I paid over 10k for a car to had my report scared up for 6 years over a grand. Its unbelievable this happened to me. They recieved all of their money and I wanted to go with my life. I was denied when I tried to get another car by this company. 6 years later after I got my credit decent now these guys are sending me letters to buy a car from them. I think its a dirty game for companies to prey on people with bad credit and dont work with the people. Why repo peoples car to sell the debt off to some agency to harass a person with bad credit or no credit. This company had been making money off people faults.

Posted by
Denise Ferro

I would like to be added to the lawsuit. In 2012 my daughter applied for a car. She was told that she was approved but needed me to help with the insurance to register the car. I was sick and not working at the time, but had good insurance and credit. I was not worried about my daughter making the payments so agreed to help.
The car was totaled on her birthday 2 -3 years later. She had never missed a payment and even paid extra to pay off the $13,000.
My insurance paid value. The man who hit the car insurance is in bankruptcy. The court requested a representative to attend court hearing because it still had a balance of $4500 left to pay. No one ever came from the insurance. At that time i discovered the car was registered in my name not my daughter. Yet the loan papers etc has me as the cosigner and i never attended the signing with her. I have requested copies of the documents but never received them. Credit bureau say accurate. It has been charged of but never sold to anyone. I still cannot getnany info from them. Court case never resolved either. Still on credit report as late payment charged off.

Posted by
Dawn Lukins

NOTHING IN MY LIFE HAS BEEN MORE STRESSFUL AND SICKENING AS SANTANDER BANK!! These people have taken my sleep, my hope and my life away with an auto loan that I was told I could refinance in 6 months. These people KEEP ADDING FEES and I will PAY $56,000 for a 16,000 used car.

Posted by
Lorena Gutierrez

I purchased my vehicle in March 2015 or around that time. I did not have the best credit but needed a car and got a 20% interest rate. when signing this document no where did it say that you get daily interest. Which is a total of 12% in addition to the monthly interest of 20%. I pay my car biweekly and pay $30 more every 2 weeks thinking I would pay it off quicker and on time that way. WRONG!! They charge the interest against the $300 I pay biweekly and then they only apply .97 to principal and the rest goes to interest. I purchased my car for $22 out the door, today three years later I owe $23K. I call to ask them about it and they say next month you should see your amount owed go down. To me it has stayed the same, they only put penny's towards your principal. I need my car and I am single mom, I cant afford to making these payments forever. Please please add me to lawsuit.. I need help to get these people to fix and show me what is truly owed.

Posted by
Jamie Moore

I had a loan and the amount the amount I owed didn’t go down how they structure there loans are completely wrong

Posted by
Amanda knighten

I would like to be added to the class action lawsuit against Santander as well I have had my loan with them since march 2014. I can say as well Im still owing as much as I did the day I purchased the car. I needed a car at the time. Im now seeing I will be paying for this car double and alot more than what the sale price was at the dealer. I have also ran into a couple of rude and nasty supervisor calling me and talking to me as if its their personal loan. So much dirty and nasty talking. I have a book I could write on this horrible nightmare....

Posted by
elizabeth todd

help!!! I paid off my Buick Verano December 30th, 2018 (even received paperwork saying it was paid off in full), filled out a title transfer and paid to have it overnighted. fast forward a month -still no title. tried to get ahold of the company, got hung up on many times, finally get someone on the phone and they inform me I need to resend the title transfer because it was not filled out properly (you'd think they would've called to tell me that). three attempted title transfer and 4 months go by -somehow I've accumulated another balance. I paid the balance and now sent a FOURTH title transfer (july 9th, 2019) that I've had to pay to get notarized and overnighted. Its now July 16, 2019 I was now informed they have LOST my title transfer and the only reason I found that out is because I called them!!!! im not sure what the do at this point. I cant plate or register my car and have been paying for insurance for 6 months on a car I cant drive.

Posted by
Samuel Aaron Segal

I had a loan that was purchased by Santander. On several occasions Not only was I harassed for late payment, when I asked and applied for a six-month assistance for financial hardship they did not explain to me the conditions of that hardship assistance. Stacked it to the end of my loan I never told me that the six months I was paying them that none of that was being applied to either principal or interest. Nor was that a part of my original loan with the company they bought it from. I was also not notified but they had purchased the loan. I still have the loan number I still have the payments, and the payment schedule.

Posted by
Cassandra Haywood

I purchased my vehicle at Herb Nissan in Silver Spring. They sold loan to Santander a month later. Santander charges fees for everything. I lost my job in 2013 on unemployment. I called to explain they repo my car. 2013 to 2018 were horrible due to my job lost and short-term disability. On July 5th 2019 they repo my car no letters. My billing stated I owe for April 2019 which is false. They told me I need to paid $4350.00 to reinstate my loan. All that money I paid when to interest. I had this car since 2013. My credit report shows a charge off in 2016. I need a lawyer!

Posted by
Samuel Simmons


if anyone can assist with pointing me in the right direction for a class action please email me or call me.

my loan matures in three weeks and they told me I still owe 9500+ because of fees and interest??

I have been late and had a few payments deferred (9 according to them.) but 9 payments of 325 dont come out to 9500 any way I can do the math logically..

sam simmons

Posted by
Tavoun Coates

I would like to be added to this lawsuit, I have had my car since May of 2014 financed the car was priced 10998. with a 25.99 apr, at the time I really needed a car. So I just went with it, 5 years later the principal is still the same my loan defaults next year, and the rate of the payments don't add up to the amount. I've only paid 2000 toward the principal of the car.

Posted by
Tiffany Lopez

I’ve been paying on my car since 2015 and I have barely made a dent on my principle. They have misinformed me on my kai. And have been solely charging Me the interest for three years before my fiancé caught them in their lies. My loan is now upside because the car isn’t worth amount that is owed. Please help! This is wrong on how they did their business!

Posted by

I got my vehicle in 2016 it was 11,000 my interest was 29.9
I was desperate and needed to get to work after all said
And done I ended up paying 30,000 for a 2011 it never seems to go down even 4 almost 5 years later I fell behind 1 month
Now they saying it 2 wtf you can never get ahead with this company I still owe over 9,000 on this truck!! It’s been almost 5 years they are scamming people this is not right!!!

Posted by
Lindsey McLaughlin

I have had my car through Santander for a year and a half now. I have been paying faithfully every month and my loan has not dropped at all. When I call to refinance due to good payment history they state it is not something they do. They do not finance their own loans. My rate is through the roof as is never mind added in fees. PLEASE HELP.

Posted by
Arias D Hawkins

I want to be added to this class action lawsuit against santender, overcharging me and I been paying my note 2 years and still owe as much as the day I got it.

Posted by
Charlotte Scott

It's been over 7 years since I've heard from Santander Consumer USA. I've sent back a 2003 Mercury Sable that had a rusted and blown air conditioner within it plus a hike in the oil containment. Energy Ford Country had refused to fix it even when I've offered to pay. Now it's 2019 and a mediator company claim to be collecting money for them since 3 other agencies could find me. First of all, I've always update my contact information and address. Second, I've never received anything ever from anyone. Santander Consumer USA is not even on my report but the company said that once it's paid off, then it will show up on my credit report. The woman that called today was pretty rude and kept cutting me off saying that she's not even concerned if I pay or not.

Posted by
Sharaka Millerl

This company has been continuing to add charges after selling the car as well as calling me 3-4 a day. Scammers

Posted by
kevin berhorst

i bought a 2009 saturn vue AWD in september of 2015 at joe machens hyundai in columbia mo, my credit sucked and santander was the only place that would loan me the money, engine blew in my car so had no choice, 327 a month for payments, original loan was around 8000 plus a $2000 warranty, the AWD quit working and no one would honor the warranty, so after a year of payments and the AWD not working, i told them to take it back, i voluntarily told them to repossess it since i couldn't make the payments anymore plus the full coverage insurance, now they turned it over to a collection agency and they say i still owe over $6500 and are suing me now thinking about filing bankruptcy to protect myself now, what else can i do?

Posted by
Valencia Marine

I also wanna be added to the lawsuit I purchase my vehicle with Santander in 2016 my pay off was 21,484.83 3 years later of paying on the vehicle I owe 21,878.25 I’m lost I owe more then I did when I first purchase the car I went back to trade the car in an they even didn’t want to deal wit Santander they call all day like 4 times a day

Posted by
Adriane Batemon

I purchased a vehicle from Santander in 2016 of December with a payment of 692 monthly. the total price of the truck was 27,000. It is now 2.5 years later an I still have a balance of 25,060. As of a today we have paid a total of 20,760 towards the truck, but our balance is still practically the same.

Posted by
Jessica Edwards

Please Help!! We’ve been paying on our Santander account for 61months. We have 11months left @$477 each. We were trying to trade the vehicle in when we discovered that not only have we paid 61months but that they’ve been charging us fees we had no clue about. So rather than have $5247.00 left on the loan, we have almost $14,000 left even though we’ve paid $29,000 already and the original loan amount was around $36,000. On top of that the dealership alerted us that they are only reporting $17,000 as original loan amount so because we still have a balance of almost $14,000, it makes it look like on our credit that ever only made $2,000 in payments over 61months. So needless to say the dealership would not trade in the car because of what is reporting and the fact that they are saying we still owe $14,000 when the loan will be paid in full by April 2020. Not only are they committing fraud with the reporting but when I called to inquire the lady told me that we pay fees per day on the loan @ $9.52 per day and that if you’re ever late that for 2 whole years non of your payments go to the loan and only to interest. We are thinking of letting the car go back because we are just wasting our money with this situation. Please help!! We want to give the car back and get them to fix the way they are reporting. They are reporting the way they are to make a person stay stuck with them and unable to get out of the car. On top of tacking on all kinds of fees.

Posted by
JoAnne R Bryant

My car payments had a 29.9 APR. My credit is fair, not poor, so why so high? Then, to make matter worse, I paid $220/mo, but after 2 years, my statement shows that only $11 was applied to the principle and the balance went to the interest. Please include me in the Class Action Lawsuit, because this is just plain robbery! Thank you.

Posted by
karren lewis

I have a car loan with Santander for $15k for 4 years @ $356 a month. I still owe over $9k almost $10k.
How is that?
Who does that to people?

Posted by

I bought a new 2014 truck from Santander. After 2 years I couldn't make the payments on time. I got 2 months behind on my payments so they repossessed the truck. They claimed they resold it and the next thing I knew they are charging me a $6,800.00 bill for a truck I don't even have. The want me to pay for a truck I don't have. That is highway robbery.

Posted by
Yolanda Escalante

I'd like to be added also in this class action lawsuit. I bought a vehicle in 2009, started my loan with a different company and Santander took over. By the time I paid off my loan it ended up being double with I bought it for by the time they added their additional fees. I positive money was added to my loan when they took over and bought out the other company.

Posted by
Edward Moore

Santander Consumer USA sent me a letter on 07/17/2018, stating that my auto loan was paid in full on 06/28/2018. My loan was removed from all the credit reporting agencies. They repossessed the vehicle on 06/20/2019! They say it still has a $17,000 balance. It's like nothing was ever paid. My wife was humiliated. During the repossession, my wife found out that Santander Consumer USA paid people to stalk us and actually take pictures. Now I know why my wife was so upset about the strange cars parked along the street at all hours. She actually said that people were watching her and taking pictures. Not good for someone who suffers with PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks, and paranoid schizophrenia. Unbelievable.

Posted by
steven atkins

purchased a truck in January 2017. truck was 26578. vehicle was totaled on may 3 2018. when paid out they denied that in had gap coverage. now they say I still owe 6682.34. company refuse to produce any documents pertaining to this loan.

Posted by
Raymond J Flynn

I bought a 2017 Toyota Rav 4 on October 31, 2017, the total was 31,000 dollars. My payments have been 686.00 a month and I have only paid down to 26,000 in 20 months! I always pay early so as not to be penalized, but apparently it doesn't matter because they charge compounded interest daily, regardless if you have a monthly payment or not! Now the last I knew a month was approximately 30 days, i have been making my payments around the 22-26th of the month when my payment isn't due until the 4th of the next month with around 350.00 going to interest. Well last month i didn't make the payment until the 31st of May and it's not due until June 4th and 550.00 went to Interest! When I called them, they told me that 550.00 went to interest because it had been 45 days since i last paid...I kept telling her, but I always pay early, it's not even due yet! It didn't matter, she said my interest is compounded daily since my last payment. I said so what youre telling me is i'm getting penalized because I pay early?? she didn't answer, she just kept telling me it depends on how many days there are between payments. I am never late and this is just not acceptable, its unfair. I asked to speak to a supervisor and i was on hold forever and no one ever came to the phone, so I hung up, i'm beyond frustrated, there has got to be something done with this company, they are ripping us all off. If I had known the specifics, i never would have taken this loan. I would like to get involved with this class action lawsuit, please email me or call me at 941-376-xxxx.

Raymond Flynn

Posted by
William Jimenez


Wondering if anyone had complained about unequal interest charges and lack of amortization when larger than normal payments are made.

Thank you,


Posted by
Nicole Williams

I purchased a Cadillac Escalade in 2014 the truck was actually $16,000 I paid $11,000 cash and they finance the rest for me my car payment was actually $669 a month and each time it’s like the more I pay the more interest was added and when I felt three or four days behind I had to pay over 800 dollars , every time I get down to $1000 my balance increased for some reason by $2000 I can never understand what no one could explain to me why . I still had that kind of balance I just told him to come and get the truck because I was sick of it

Posted by
Josh Liberty

Please help we need a class action against santander!! Same boat!

Posted by

I've had my car over a year now and my payment is 330. I usually pay 400. My I total price was 12
Yet even after a year I owe more than that. Only 100 if lucky goes towards the principal. I've called multiple times and still the amount going towards principal changes monthly. If I pay the same amount each month, how is this possible! No one will refinance!

Posted by
Halisha Hunter

I bought a suv for $15000, I put $8000 down. The company added all kind of warranty stuff without my consent which totaled and addition $4500. They set my maturity date as of September 2023. When I found out about the extra charges(warranty stuff) I called in and I was told to come in and sign cancellation papers. I did that. The payment amount neither did the maturity date change. .i called to ask how much can I pay to pay it off early and they said it’s $5600 all though I paid about 2 years now. I’ve already paid a total of about $7300. Soooooo $15-16000 -$8000 down plus $7200 in payments but I’m still paying $320 till September 2023. This means the $4400-$4500 for warranty which was added without my permission couldn’t have been taken off please help

Posted by
Tonya Anderson
I brought a truck wit Santander Paid it down and still owed the same amount it seemed like the loan was never going down
A big rip off please help

Posted by
Shakkir Mujahid

In 2017 I purchased a vehicle and the loan was with Santander Consumer USA. I was a great customer and made my payments on time. I presented the company with legitimate documents that I added the debt/loan to my UCC-1(Uniform Commercial Code). They ignored and disregarded my documents. Then they had my property towed away. This company is involved in underhanded activity and not being challenged or accounted for there actions. I need help and want to sign a petition against the company. Has anyone started one and if so please contact me via email.

Posted by
Kelly Holmes

Highway robbery! I had a loan from Aug 2013 for $13,000 6yr term...her we are 3months from my term ending Ive been paying about $400 a month all these years. They repoed my car 6/3/19 and told me in order to get it back the payoff was $11,000...$29,000 was paid so far how could that be I paid for the car twice over ...In less than 24hrs after repossession I went to get items from my car they had already taken my tags off, emptied my car of all my belongings as if it was already planned by them to be resold!!! Their practice is foul and illegal and I pray we get this class action suit!

Posted by
Jacki Dent

I need the info about this lawsuit. Our van burned up April 15, 2019. Our insurance company paid almost 8k for their part (the Van's value) and we have GAP insurance through them. They're saying they sent everything in to the GAP insurance and it's still processing. So, when my husband asked for the GAP insurance company number they gave him the run around. Finally, after about five minutes they gave him a number and the number was through Ally Financial, another loan company, which is actually the loan company we had before we refinanced with Santander. We've paid over 32k on the van and after the insurance company paid their part we still owe over 6k? Our original loan amount was like close to 30k with interest and everything, but what we've paid already, it should have been paid in full. I really need this info so we can stop this company from screwing everyone over.

Posted by
Tony Hubb

I have the same issue as you all have complained about. My girlfriend helped me file a compliant with the OCCC on my behalf attaching the payment history and the contract I signed. OCCC Office of Consumer Credit Commission is where you all need to start there and file your complaints. Things can’t be handle directly through Santander then we need to take it to the govt entity that allows them to finance to the consumer. I have been paying on a car that is a 2016 Chevy Malibu original priced $26k that is a luxury car price making monthly payments of $613 95% of my monthly payments are going towards interest leaving the principal the same for a couple of years. The payments that are allocated for the principal and interest is not consistent. We filed a complaint to the OCCC to investigate this issue. This has to be unlawful on so many levels.

Posted by
Monica Alston

Please email me if you had or have an issue with Santander Consumer USA. I too have had a horrible experience with this company. Let’s come together to make sure others will not encounter the same heartache we’ve experienced with this company. My email address is

Posted by
Dorothy Hix

Santander call me so often about collection on the car they have already repo. I told the last caller I am have a bypass surgery and unable to communicate she kept on. I am recovering from my bypass surgery as of May the 9th

Posted by
Tía lee

I feel the compact has raíces the Interest rate higher Every year

Posted by
Steve C

Santander is the slimiest lender in the auto business. When I’ve been several days late on my payment, they add a late fee, as per the contract. However they never apply the late paid fee to the late fee. They only apply it to interest due, and still show you owing late fees and other charges. They have also been reporting to the credit agencies, that I have been 30 and 60 days late. Today, I went through all my bank statements, and I have NEVER been 30, much less 60 days late on my payment. I told them since they have been incorrectly dinging my credit, giving the credit bureaus bad information, they should correct it with the credit agencies. They said I have to file a dispute and they will respond to the credit agencies. They didn’t say anything about fixing their records first.

Posted by
Sarah Martin
I have paid on this loan which started out at 22,350 over 15 months ago. Jan30,2018 .The amount i owe has not changed or taken away from the principal amount. My car was repoed in January 15,2019 and I had to pay $2782.00 to get it back. As of May 9,2019 I am In repossession again in their eyes. And have even made a payment March 5,2019 of $1,247. They claim I currently owe over $2,250 now and it is up for repossession AGAIN! My hands are tied. How is this business legal? My car will be repoed again and I’ve made my payments. This is the worst and most corrupt company if I’ve ever seen one. How can we stop this and all the fees I’ve had to pay over the past 1( months for what they claim I haven’t been paying.

Posted by
Tracey Venham

Oh my gosh! I thought I was alone!!! I bought an 08' car for something like $16 or $18K and have paid close to $38K and the requested payoff as of today says almost $11K. I need some serious help! I have been paying $400 a month all these years! I'm dying!

Posted by
Cherrie Hina

Who is filing the suit and who is helping with the rate and the payment not going down and with the extra charge you have to pay to Western Union

Posted by
Melaku T Delkeroe

This company is my worst night mare! I have been lied to about the terms of the loan. I would not have buy the car in the first place, if i had known about the company. My night mare started in my first payment . They sent the bill to different address and they charged me 57.00 us dollar for late fee. I have called to customer service to explain the situation; the agent promised to waive the penalty because it was not my fault. They never waived the penalty. Even if I paid 3X already ; my loan goes up instead of going down. I am very much victimized by the car dealer who showed me a different document and make me sign another one. In the process he charged me 3400 us dollar more than the price i agreed with. This is not enough santander also charges me fee and high interest rate ---the company failed to explain to me the terms of The loan . Otherwise , I would have tried to find another option. I do not understand why this kind of company is allowed to harass, exploit and destroy the us citizens!

Posted by

I purchased a vehicle in 2015 the loan was from Santander. The car was 20,000 at the time of purchase. I have paid well over 13,000 dollars to interest only to date and I still owe 22,000 thousand. I will admit I had some slow payments due to job loss shortly after I got the car, but the car has never been repossessed and no I am current on my payments. The car has over a 10000 miles, so it has no real trade in value. At this point I want to call them and have them come get it, but I don't want the repo on my credit. I feel stuck and defeated by the whole situation. This has taught me a valuble esson to read and reread the terms of all documents. Is there anything that can be done legally?

Posted by
Ashley N Chambers

I would love to be added for the pain and suffering of being over charged and things never added up of way my balance never was going down and from the abuse and harassment of all the phone calls and they still call me from this day witch is crazy and this was back in 3/2014 and I still get calls even though I told them to come and get the vehicle and it took them forever to come and get it... It was summer of 2016 maybe I only had the vehicle for 2 1/2 years with $402.65 a month and the car was 14,900 and the price never went anywhere so you do the math this is crazy!!!!!!!!!!! We should all get help with this situation!!!

Posted by
Ashley N Chambers

I would love to be added for the pain and suffering of being over charged and things never added up of way my balance never was going down and from the abuse and harassment of all the phone calls and they still call me from this day witch is crazy and this was back in 3/2014 and I still get calls even though I told them to come and get the vehicle and it took them forever to come and get it... It was summer of 2016 maybe I only had the vehicle for 2 1/2 years with $402.65 a month and the car was 14,900 and the price never went anywhere so you do the math this is crazy!!!!!!!!!!! We should all get help with this situation!!!

Posted by

I'm trying to start a class action suit against this company. I've just paid, within less than the last 2 months, $1678.43, on a current loan and less than $500 went to the principal. I have made 42 payments, paid over $22,000 on what was originally a $30,000 loan and, still owe a little less than $20,000. I do not have a payment due until June. Was told if I make a payment more than 30 days before the next due date, the system will not credit all of the payment to my balance due....resulting in my next payment being more than an actual car payment due. Was also told, after my balance reflecting a much higher than should be amount due, twice, that it would be fixed this this time, but cannot guarantee for the future. Also, if I wait until June to pay (which is my next due date -6/15,) even though the majority of the recent payments (more than 70%) went to interest, all of June's payment will go to interest and none to the principal (with a carryover of interest to the next payment )....on top of what will accrue between June and July. I've had this car loan since December 2014, maturity date is November 2021. If I make all on time payments, between now and the maturity date, I will not satisfy the current payoff....(this isn't factoring in the accruing interest.) Also cannot refinance because it looks as if my interest rate is 0 percent. Refinance companies are notifying me that they feel, based on my credit profile, the 21.05 percent interest I pay is way to high. My Santander contract says its 18%.

Who is in on a lawsuit, seriously?

Posted by
Rhiana Ford

I have been making payments on my 2017 Nissan Versa basic model for 2 and 1/2 years now and my loan has not gone down at all it has stayed at a little over $15, 000 and my principal has stayed at $14, 000 and has not moved since I purchase to my car and received no Financial agreement in paperwork although I ask for it, but never received it. I called Santander Consumer USA to ask them why they are not reporting to my credit and how they told the dealership that I only made 22 payments in a 2 and 1/2 year period time frame. Very disappointed in this bank! Not to mention my car was a lemon. Anyway when I asked them why they were not reporting to my credit they told me that they can't answer that and that I have to call the home office in Fort Worth Texas to find out the woman was not clear with her words and didn't bother. Up to my most recent payments nothing has gone towards my principal of the vehicle everything has been going towards interest hence in their pockets!

Posted by
Hunter Zeldin

I payed two car payments at 20% and got 130$ back

Posted by
Keesha Archibald

I got a car 6yrs ago a 2007 impala. The amount the showed me said 19k. After making my 1st payment it said 28k. Paid on it for 3yrs then gave it bk after still owing 14k. Now my debt has been sold to a collection agency. Saying i owe 11k. But on my credit it says 14k. Its definitely some fishy business going on. I recently researched lawsuits for wrong terms in contract about gap insurance and interest rates.

Posted by
Tara R.

Please let me know if there is an actual filed lawsuit against this evil Santanders? I purchased a car from car.max and financed by Santanders in 2016, in the first 2 years i wasnt really paying attention about how much my payment goes to the principal and hownmuch goes to the interest. Until last year l, ive noticed everytime.i check my pay off balance it seems like it never goes down. Even if i pay extra on it. Til i saw how much my payment mostly goes to the interest. Santanders is a rip off!!!! Please i really hope there is a lawsuit against them!

Posted by
Raja Humphrey

Purchased my car in 2013 and to this date I still owe over 10,000. Its a 2011 Toyota Camry. If I had known about this company we then I purchased it, I would have walked from point A to point B.

Posted by

I got a car loan through santander and was paying a fairly high interest rate luckily after 3 years I got another car through cable dahmer and they paid the loan off. It put me upside down.

Posted by
Stacia Elrod

Purchase a 16,900 car in 2013 with Santander being my lender. After paying about $35,000 and being paid off January 2019, they repossessed it December 22 , 2018 two days after I made a payment. I am definitely interested in filing a law suit against Santander in the state of North Carolina for there unfair tactics.

Posted by
Thomasina Wrenn

The car loan amount is the same after 2 years. The reason the said is because I added one payment on the back end but that doesn’t account for my balance not going down.

Posted by
Jennifer m Martin

I bought a 2014 ford fuson from santander consumer USA in 2016 I put 3000 dollars down and for over a year my pay off has remained the same and it says i have only paid off 1,000 on my car I pay almost 400.00 a month! I feel like Iam getting robbed!! I lost my contract asked for a copy I was told they could not give me one! really? why? I just dont want to be in this loan anymore with this company but i dont want to mess up my credit..anyone can help me?

Posted by

Santander is full of it! I financed for 15,000 plus on a 2017 Mitsubishi Mirage. After making my payments on time the first 2 years, at 384.11 per month, I still owe 13,000 plus on this car. I has to give the car back because I will never pay it off at this rate. Yes it will affect my credit but I'm not going to keep throwing away money. I an disabled. I need my money;! Please add me to any lawsuits! They need to be shut down!

Posted by

I finaced my first car through these crooks! At the time my credit score was horrible so I was happy to have the opportunity to have my own car. I had my car for about three years. In 2016 I gave birth to my daughter and after having serious medical issues I was not able to work. I agreed to surrender my car back to the bank at this time every payment was up todate with nothing owed. The agreement was to make payments each month after. I obtained a new loan and paid it off completely by the beginning of August of 2017. I recieved a letter stating my account was paid up todate and it will be taking off my credit report. As it showed on my credit report as paid and account is closed. It is now 2019 and recieved a letter from a debt collection company saying that I owe from this same account that Santander sold on August 24th after the account was paid in full. Now im fighting this issue.. Santander customer service is horrible, no professionalism at all and the customer service managers speak to you as if everything they are reading is correct while yelling at me "you are a liar"! This company is ridiculous and I would not recommend my worst enemy to use them!!

Posted by
Arnold Garcia

Is there a law firm who has actually filed a class action lawsuit against Santander, or we all just wasting time sharing the same story’s how corrupt this company is?

Posted by

I’ve had a car loan with them for over two years now. 98% of all of my payments have gone to interest, close to $18,000. I see all of the complaints but, who is following up to help us. This company needs to be shut down. It is so unfair how they are practicing and nothing is being done. The mayor of Texas needs to hear about this and intervene. It is absolutely appalling what they are doing. Can someone please help us rid these loans and this company.

Posted by
Ravon Koonce

I purchased a 2015 nissan altima (standard model) in 2017 and Santander was told I purchased a fully equipped model. I reported it and santander had an ongoing investigation for 9 straight months which everytime they called they ask why I was falling behind and I'd tell them about the investigation THEY are going and they say oh well we was just calling to tell you to be patient with us and they would hang up. Then when they finally resolve the issue they charge off my account and put it in collections saying I now owe them for every month I didnt pay (9 months) to reopen my account to continue making payments and the money from the investigation would be reimbursed to me (only 2,000) after I'm done paying the car off or pay the remaining $22,000 left on the account or give the car up.

Posted by
Zelmetra Wilson

I purchased a in Dec2012 the purchase price was was $24,000. It is now 2019 and Santander Consumer say I still owe over $24,000 on my car. I have already payed over $ 41,000. My car payments started out at $577.72 now my car is are $560.00 a month.
Now that I can't afford my car payments anymore they are calling everyday telling me that they will come and pick up my car. Help lawyers feel free to contact me by email.

Posted by

I put $8,000 down on a new 2014 automobile that was $25,000. After 4 1/2 years paying $692.00 per month, I owed $26,000! After unsuccessful discussions they repossessed my car and sold it for $4500.00 Now they sent me a bill for $27,000!

Posted by

My daughter currently has a Santander Consumer USA auto loan. Imagine my surprise when I asked what her remaining balance is after 2 years of payments. Principle has not changed after 2 years of payments?? North Carolina Residents..LETS BAND TOGETHER FOR THIS UNFAIR LENDING PRACTICE. Please contact me for class action suit.

Posted by

I just purchased a car in Nov. 2018 with Santander. They used my down payment of 4k to pay for a gap insurance policy that I never requested or agreed to. I called immediately to cancel the policy because I already have gap insurance through my car insurance company Progressive. I was told the policy would be canceled and the 900 dollars would be applied to my first payments which started January 1, 2019 February 1, 2019 and part of March which I would pay the remaining amount due for that month. I just recently in March 2019 got a letter from Santander stating I owe over 1400 dollars and my vehicle is going to be repossessed. I explained the situation and they told me to make the payment for January so I wont have to worry about my car being repossessed but the amount of interest has multiplied by hundreds of dollars which was not disclosed to me and since they reported to the credit bureaus of delinquent payments I was unaware of my credit score dropped roughly 200 points so there's no way I could refinance my loan with a more honest company and I still worry about my car being repossessed at any time. This is disgraceful. They should be shut down and have to repay everyone who have suffered from their dishonesty. Everyone with a loan through them should have their loans zeroed out and their credit reports should reflect positive payment resolutions.

Posted by

Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc. are criminals and this entity must be stopped and put out of business!
We purchased a 2014 mini caravan for $14117.29 on August 8, 2015, with a down payment of $3000. My husband made our 1st payment of $493.20 on October 15, 2015. Mind you my husband had put $3000 payment toward the vehicle that was fully loaded and purchase price of $14117.29. It is now 2019.... Where did 3 months payment of $1479.60 made in 2015; 12 months of payment of $5918.40 in 2016; 12 months payment of $5918.40 in 2017; 9 months of payments $4438.80 in 2018, we had financial challenges that year, we called Santander Consumer USA for assistant to lower our monthly payments-they agreed to $350.20 = (3 months $1050.60) until January 15, 2019. On January 15, 2019, we returned to the monthly payment of $493.20, which we made $986.40 total for the past 2 months.
Why is the estimated payoff for a 4 ½ year old 2014 vehicle $17855.23?
Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc. where is the $22792.20 that we have paid into the loan? Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc. has misled and has overcharged us about the cost and terms of our auto loan.
This is insanity!

Posted by

I have fulfilled my obligation to Santandar on my car loan... but just found out they extended my loan from 72 months to 77... and I am paying 24 percent interest... how the hell are they still in business? I expect them to come and take my car anytime...

Posted by

I had a loan with with Santander auto loan for a Sonata 2012. i got sick in 2016 cant work anymore, i took out my loan in 2014 payment of $412 month my car was repo in Nov.18 and i still have a debt with them of $6,900 was sold for $5.700

Posted by
Vicki Petersen

I need help..... they are saying I owe another 3000 dollars when I paid my car off.... in Feb... yes I was late 2 months and had a deferred payment... was supposed to be paid off in oct.... but life.... damn how do they get away with this stuff...

Posted by
Patricia Anderson

I am currently with Santander Consumer USA auto loan and I am requiring to be part of the class action lawsuit because I have not seen a change in my car note since 2015 my payments are $516.93 a month

Posted by

The worst company ever run overcharge interest pray of the innocent.

Posted by
Thomas Gay

I also had a very bad experience with Santander. I paid over $20,000 over the course of 5 years on a $14,000 loan, however my balance never moved because I had 2 payments deferred. They actually repossed the vehicle while I was trying to work with them. This also actually happened right before Christmas. How do States still allow them to get away with this. Please contact me with any & all class actions against them as I am a Disabled Veteran and this was wrong & dishonest by Santander!
Thank you.

Posted by
Thomas Gay

I also had a very bad experience with Santander. I paid over $20,000 over the course of 5 years on a $14,000 loan, however my balance never moved because I had 2 payments deferred. They actually repossed the vehicle while I was trying to work with them. This also actually happened right before Christmas. How do States still allow them to get away with this. Please contact me with any & all class actions against them as I am a Disabled Veteran and this was wrong & dishonest by Santander!
Thank you.

Posted by
Tierra hardison

Hi my name is tierrah hardison last year i file my taxes n got direct deposit to my account n it was deposited n the wrong person account n now ur bank refuses to give me back my money that i work so hard for i lost out on my house car n job due to this i did everything u guys asked of me todo its now an whole year i have an child i kust want my momey back i have an child to take care of he 4 and its not fair for my child to have to suffer or me i am scared form this i trust no bank .ur vanl have be rude ignorant disrespectful n always u managers at the bank n also u bank avocat to im just so sad in up set i have lost so much due to this im homeless n still trynna get my self back please please help me get my money back

Posted by
Kayla Nance

I got a auto loan in 2011 wit them I live in florida my 2011 hyandai I pay 370 month an I still owe 6,000 its 2019 now and 5 months ago it got repo they said I had to pay 1800 to get it back wit everything fees etc they never stated a REDEMTION fee just a repo fee of 125 that 125 can be added on the next bill!! that towing company SECON RECOVERY out of Tallassee FL who pick up my car tried to steal my car I paid 1800 the next day which was a Monday and I didn't get my car until Friday until I had got the local police and finally it came down to the sheriffs office and the L.T contacted them who act like they cant hear you and told them this is grand theft!! ITS RIDICLOUS. luckly when i contacted the towing company the first time some young boy sound like answered and wasn't suppose to tell me the address where my car was it was still in my same city behind this fence and I could see it !!! well needless to say I have not been late on a single payment since that mess and some how I had over 600$ n misc fees and everyone I talk to tells me something else!! and when I am finshed paying for this car that is worth 3,000 at the mos due to every RECALL possible including the whole motor, I will have paid 30,000$$$$

Posted by
Thomas Gasca

Ive had Santander for about four months now and as soon as I decided to pay my car on an earlier date I started to have problems with this company. They claimed the payment I made went to the principal balance and now it shows I owed 600 for two months when one of those months were already paid. What kind of company penalizes you for paying your car early.

Posted by

I purchased my vehicle March 13 2013. My maturity data was for March 2018...I was not pay attention until a few months ago and what made me pay attention is that I noticed that the month my car was supposed to be paid off was going up. First it was March then April now May when I called and asked why all I got was being put on hold and the manager will call me in 48 to 72 hours...I have over paid these people by a year...I need some answers!!!

Posted by
David Hammond

We have had 2 accounts with santander . We r paying 28% interest. We will never pay off our current loan due to interest daily and fees. Don't know how they can get away with this.

Posted by
Not Born Yesterday.

Have a positive payment status when requested credit reports from equifax, Experian, and trans union. Just recently some greedy employee with way too much desperation from a Charlie's Towing Company Town: Vero Beach, State: Florida seemed to be quite proud of towing it. Holding it at 556 1st Street off of Old Dixie Hwy. Big uneducated mistake. Requested a scam and astronomical amount of money. Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum. Now the scammers have to get with the Company and turn in the plates to nearest motor vehicles. Not only that SanTander has to travel throughout States to Acquire it. They accepted almost 412 a month. Paid 13 thousand since year 2016. They have put the fear of God and have a retired senior citizen with senility and short term memory worried and stressed as I am the one stuck with paying her way each new day. Sunrise to Sunset year after year. Santander has it set at an auto machined voiced system And have no conscious to do what is right. The message says they want 14 thousand more THEN AND Only Then shall THE CERTIFICATE Of TITLE BE Recognized>. What Crooks. Criminals Criminology Researchers and EMBEZZLERS WITHOUT A DOUBT. Believe you and the anonymous chief detective and investigator and the courthouse staff that when asked for their opinion gave me bright and logical educated steps. Reported to crime stoppers.etcetera etc. The document to stay quite the distance was ascertained and acquired. The END. Conflict does not thrive when the folks victimized recognize to be non participants.

Posted by
Kevin & Carrie Rogers

We have overpaid this company, and need answers.

Posted by
Christine K. Meyers

I obtained an auto loan with the Santander corporation about 6 months ago. Subprime loan with large down payment.


They are awful! This is the only auto loan I can remember that takes 100% of the payment towards interest only. Plus late charges and other fees, I am going backwards!

In addition, their per day interest for the payoff is $800 more than the balance due on the loan?

Their customer service has repeatedly contacted me and called and had long discussions about my payments, lumped 2 payments together on statements, etc.

I gave every credible re-payment scenario and they all agreed that was fine, they lie!.

They accepted partial payments on my loan and stated the payment was satisfied and they reported it as outstanding and ruined my credit, and said I was 81 days past due.

They called yesterday and stated that I was going from regular to collection status. In a few hours, they sent a nasty tow truck to my home who followed me (I am in Florida) and came back after dark and broke into and STOLE MY CAR! It had the tag on it and my personal effects in it. They didn't even knock on my door to obtain keys.

I called and they screamed at me that the recovery was complete and I said I was going to sue them.

Posted by
Ruby lopez

I am having the same probleam with over paying for 2014....i love to be part of lawsuits this company worst ....

Posted by
Heather L Scott

I purchased a 2016 Kia Forte 2016, and recently fell into financial issues. I called and arranged to skip one month, and continue the following month, in which I did. An emergency forced me to skip another payment after this, and they were notified and told me that it was ok, and to pay the 500 regular payment the following month. With that being said, my payment due was 1000, instead of the 500 they told me. And reported it to credit agencies. I do not have the 1000 to make my payment current. What can I do? I have been making 500. Payments since Aug of 16, and I am told I am still putting my payments towards interest. Can anyone help me?

Posted by
Lisa Nazzaro

I was turned over to Santander by a sleazy car company when I went from a lease to a buy. My credit was not so hot at the time, so I got an horrendous rate. By the time I finish paying for my 2013 VW Jetta, it will be 2022, and I will have paid over $30,000. Even worse, I asked for a payoff quote, and it is the same amount of money as if I paid it off in 2022. On top of that, Santander continually reports my payments as being late or missing to the credit companies when it is NOT TRUE!!!! I am being totally ripped off in plain sight and don't know what to do.

Posted by
Melisa Guice

My car that was financed with Santander was totaled in January 2018. I purchased the car in August 2012 for $23,283.38. I made a total of $29,157.04 in payments. They received $9,020.61 from the insurance company from it being totaled. They still are harassing me saying I still owe them $10,524.60!!! That would be $48,702.25 for a $23,283.38 vehicle! What can I do??? What are my options???

Posted by
Beth bamaca

I have purchased a 2010 Dodge Ram 1500 back in 2010. It was for around $22,000. I’ve been late on some payments due to financial issues. They gave me a 26% interest rate. As of today I still owe about $8,000. The loan was for 6 years. I’ve paid way over the amount of the loan was. I need help getting a lawsuit against them. I live in Georgia. Please someone help.

Posted by

My car was just repossessed by SANTANDER CONSUMER. I originally had $3000 left to pay. I already paid over $14,000 in 7 years. I am from nj, they repossessed my car in md. My car was not working. However, when they repossessed my car the said I owed them past late fees. I reminded them that we agreed that all late fees no longer existed due to the NEW contract agreement we had for refinancing my vehicle. I also wrote them a promissory note that they COMPLETELY IGNORED. However, they refinanced me leaving me with a balance of $3000.
Eliminating the past due payments. However, once they repossessed my car. The passed due payments were applied. They Al's charged me daily late fees even after the interest was paid. The day my car was repoed in MD, Santander CONSUMER had not reached out to me before telling me my car was in repo status.
It was not until the same day as the repo. They sent out a letter in the mail. They stated, that N.J doesn't require repo letters.
However, SANTANDER CONSUMER'S contract is not by nj law. SANTANDER CONSUMER has an obligation to the consumer to meet their own contractual agreements. That states they will send a letter approximentally 30 days before repo. SANTANDER CONSUMER, broke the contract.

Posted by
Chekelia DeWese

I purchased my vehicle in 2012 and still owe $10,000+. I was late on the payment a few times, but would always call to make the company aware. I was told the vehicle would be paid off in 2019, but with the interest rate being so high and What I still owe, I highly doubt it. They really do harass you when you’re a few days late. They’ll call and leave multiple messages the same day. The day I’m done with this company will be the absolute best thing for my family and I, EVER!

Posted by
Sharonda Gilbert

I bought a 2013 Kia Optima in Dec. 2013 and paid $413 per month on my vehicle. I lost my job in May 2014 and still made payments on my car. I called to tell them of my job loss and they stated that they would send someone to pick my car up unless I pay a small fee of $180. I paid the small fee plus my regular monthly payment. I started working another job and called to catch up with my payments. They stated I missed 2 months and charged me $3000. I paid $1200 to catch up and the next week my car was repossessed. They sent a letter to me stating that I had 3 days to pay $3000 or my car would be auctioned because they found someone who actually wanted the car. I actually wanted my own car but never was given a chance to catch up on payments after being jobless. The car was auctioned for $12,000 and I was told to pay $5000

Posted by
Serena Canada

While they do “work with you” the daily interest is terrible. Two years later, I am still at day one.

Posted by
Michael Smith

I've had my loan with Santander since 2012. The loan was supposed to be paid off this month. I owe 13000.00 according to them. They are calling me and harrasing me everyday. So i told them to come get the car. It still sits in my yard. I tried to get it re finianced and could not. This is the biggest rip off finiance company around. I would love to sue them over there lending practices. It's sad that hard working people get screwed with places like this. I hope the go out of business soon. They have no right to screw over hardworking people and get away with it. I think i should be awarded 1.5 million dollars for all the crap they put me through as well as storage fee's.

Posted by
Kyle Wright

Ok I know for sure Santander has broken the law and their own policy in every major level! As a buyer and someone who has taken a loan out with Santander I have been treated unfairly and have paid more than late fee’s and chargers to the vehicle I financed! I have emails to prove what I over paid for! The first month I got the vehicle Santander charged me twice in the first month I got the car! The original monthly payment was suppose to 290.00$ out the door. I went online to pay my car note that first month and I was looking at a bill that was 580$

Since then they have called me everyday. Each representative has told me something different. I was also told that it Wasn’t refectling my balance? But when I logged in for the past 7 months with them! It still was showing I was 2 months behind not due to a fault of my own, and this happened right out of the gate! So I stand by this and I will soon file my class action suite if they do not cooperate and work with me

Posted by

This company is just another form of loan-sharking . I finally paid my vehicle off and I am still waiting on my title

Posted by
Cheryl A Allen

Add me please, I had a loan with them for a a used car for a few years.

Posted by
David Kerns

Recently my car was involved in an accident and Progressive Insurance totaled the car, stating there was no other option but to Total the car. I have had this car now just shy of six years this February 2019. The original selling price with taxes was roughly $18, 500. we went through some difficult times and on several occasions I had asked Santander to move my payment to the rear of the loan., which they did. What Santander did not inform me of was that I would be paying on that interest first of those payments before I would be able to get to the principal. In those six years I have paid over $30, 000 for a car that is 18,500. They have doubled their money, and I don't begrudge them for their terms of service, however now that the car is totaled, and with the claim refund of 4077.00 going to Santander, I'm not sure how this money will be applied. I want to settle this with Santander. I'm not looking to get out of terms of agreement, but I want them to be fair. Can you please add me as one of your litigants. Thank you.

Posted by

i have a loan with santander usa in paying 450 for a 2012 sonata in dec.2016 i was taken to ER i was diagnose with liver cancer final stage. i was making my payments of $400 from 2017 to aug.2018 i call finance to work something with them i explain to them my situation, my doctors only gave 3 years to live i could it make the payment for OCT. 2018 call let them know they did not care they said i need to make the payment or the car will be repossessed. i ask to finance to lower my payments i needed my vehicle for doctors appointments, but in NOV.2018 they repo the car they sold it in action for 5,000 grant i still owe them $6700 i dont have money to pay i cant work anymore of my illness. they did not notified me anything until the car was sold and i owed them $6700. what can i do please give give an advise. thank you

Posted by
LaShawn Queen

Please add me I was ripped off by these people

Posted by

I'm over paying for my vehicle also..

Posted by
Deana Miller

As most have stated, I am also dealing with the terrible business practices of Santander. I purchased a vehicle in April of 2018 and make monthly payments of $455. I had no issues with them about 4 months, but then the 5th month, September, they charged me twice in one month. I had to fight with them to receive a refund. It took 3 weeks for that refund to hit my bank account because they wanted my bank to contact them and send them bank statements showing that i was charged twice. The information was right on my online account so I was very agitated and concerned that they were not aware of where my money even went. Once I was refunded, my October payment was due, I paid it right over the phone and got online to make sure that it went through. It said it was pending and would be applied on the due date. The money was taken out of my bank account so I thought nothing of it. about 2 days before my November payment was due, i receive a letter in the mail stating that i had missed my October payment and owed over $900. Thus starts a whole new process of trying to get it sorted out. I would be hung up on repeatedly when trying to get through to an agent or told that they cannot help me! Then the phone calls started coming in. I do not answer my cell phone while i am at work and they would continuously call leaving voicemail after voicemail saying I missed a payment or that there was an error with my account. Next comes my december payment, which i pay a week early. I get my statement in the mail confirming that my payments had all been made on time and i was in good standing... this again is alarming because i am still receiving phone calls stating that i am missing payments. Finally, just a few days ago, i receive a letter in the mail saying that i am 819.06 behind and if i do not pay it by January 23rd then they will repo my car!!! I had to call 5 different times to even get through to them and when i did, they said i was missing 3 payments. If i was missing 3 payments, i would owe well over 900.00. And when i read back what the letter said i had to tell the guy that it went against my contract to which he got very rude with me. I cut him off and told him that you cannot legally just make new rules and not notify the customer beforehand and that it is illegal what they are doing. They are crooks and it is terrible that we are all being treated this way.

Posted by
laura Rushasi

I finance my car in 2015 I have paid $400 a month since and my balance hasn't even went down $2,000 I feel like I'm never going to pay this car off and now I'm questioning if I have any other option other than to file bankruptcy

Posted by
Shirley Davis

Purchased a 2014 Nissan Versace Note in 2014 through Michael Jordan Nissan in Durham NC. Lost my job in August 2016. Had car for 2 years and wasn't late in paying. Called and explained situation to them stating that payment would be late. Stated ok and when I received the statement noticed that my balance was never going down after 2 years. Tried refinancing through my credit union and couldn't because the amount due was too much for the period of time that I had the car. Called back concerning a fixed rate and was told; not possible. So I called back to tell them I wanted to turn the car back in where could I do it? Was told that I couldn't turn it back in. They would have to come and pick the car up and it will be sold and they will send me a balance owed. They picked the car up and I never got a statement for the balance due. Representatives there are very unprofessional and rude. Never wanting to work with you and speaking to you like you are not a human. Never once did they explain that this was an interest only loan and it would increase my loan payment. This was found out in 2018 due to my researching because as of today this is on my credit report and they keep revolving it and the amount due is going higher. Also was paying for GAP insurance which I found out never existed. I found out on Nov 20 2018 that Santander violated the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010. They failed to properly disclose the impact on consumers of obtaining a loan by not clearly and prominently disclosing that the additional interest accrued during the extension period would be paid before any payments to principal when consumers resumed making payments. I would like to have this removed from my credit report because under the terms of the consent order, Santander must among other provisions, provide approximately $9.29 millions to restitution to certain consumers who purchased the additional on product. The consent order is at https://files.consumerfinance.go

Posted by
Michael Reynolds

I same here add me please. I have a year left on my car so why is my balance the same as it was 5 years ago. I called the plenty of time to talk about and they give me the boggus lie. Im tired i jst want to get them out of my hair i want them to take the car or let me keep it bt whatever they want to do just dnt put this garabage on my credit please that all im asking i just want to be unscrewd thats all.

Posted by
Melinda S Lewis

I need help. My car I'm sure had money added on it
I took out another loan to pay it off. I was sold gap insurance can not get my refund. That is do I have invested all kinds of hours to this they just keep the lives going and change stories... help who do I contact to sue then

Posted by
Tami Jackson Watkins

I'm in the same boat as everyone else. I had a 6 yr contract and that should have ended July 2018 but, they say I still owe over $8000,00 and said I had 1yr 1month left if every payment was pd on time.
After all of the times in 6 yrs that I called them and talked with them I never heard the word "simple interest" until the month before I thought the loan was paid off. Then I was told I had a simple interest loan! I asked what is that I've never heard of it. So they have done nothing but lie to me, cheat me out of my money. They are a bunch of frauds and liars. They need to be stopped
From Jonesboro, Georgia

Posted by
Wendy fuentes

Add me please!

Posted by
Michael Sean Pryor

Santander added 10,000 to a car loan, but did that pursuant to me turning in my car that I had already paid off, they would not report the car being paid off, in sufficient amount of time, which made other lenders turn me down due to a paid off car still on my report. Than they added 10k thinking I was turning in the other vehicle and would be upside down in it, AGAIN IT WAS paid off so there was no upside down. Leaving me with a 671 car note, that has now been repoed due to losing job, and when I went back to pay the pass due and get the car back I was told the contract was voided due to the late pays and now I have a repo on my credit for a car that shouldn't have been that high in the first place.

Posted by
Judy C Bellamy

I am in the same boat as others but Santander also seized my vehicle one day and before I could get to the tow company the next day with the money they said I owed, Santander had given the tow company notice to-get the car ready to be sold at auction. We got it back along with all my personal belongings which had been removed from my car.

Posted by
Dioma Burks

PLEASE please let me join the class action suit. I have been under water with Santander Consumer USA and they have been informed the dealership inflated my income by over 4,500 per month, I had no job at the time of the contract and was misled. They have been harassing me by phone and has no resolution when I only make 77.00 more than my car note with a dependent. I was defrauded and Santander is backing up the dealership.I need help, there is no way to pay a 504.00 car note making 577.00.

Posted by
sharon walker

I have been paying Santanders for 4 years 415.00 a month for a 2010 dodge Journey the vehicle cost 14,000.00 and the price is still the same today they tell me its going more towards interest than principle! I feel treat unfairly even robbed! What can I do?

Posted by
Sarah Kast

Please help I'm I'm the same situation as others above me!! Help! Help!

Posted by
Catherine Roberson

I purchased a vehicle 2011 Chevrolet traverse have paid on vehicle for 4 years started with a balance of 18,898 and only have paid down to 17,389 never missing a payment. Vehicle is to upside down to refinance no one will even trade this vehicle. 10,000 upside down. Santander has taken advantage of individuals. Please assist.

Posted by
Kristal Jarrett

Please someone help us. I have been paying on my loan for 6yrs and still paying them. My loan was originally a 5 yr loan but it seems I will never finish paying them and they need to stop harassing me with the phone calls

Posted by
Christian Dalton

I purchased a car through Santander back in January 2015 for about $13,000 and I recently let them repo it because after 3 years of payments I still owed them $15,000. I don’t even know where the money I’ve been paying them has gone. I would like to be part of this lawsuit.

Posted by

I have sent Santander 500.00 for 3 and half years every month on time. Thats 18,300 for a 2016 Kia Forte. They are saying I still owe them 17,331.00 this is crazy the car isn't even worth 7,000 according to the book value and its in new condition with the exception of miles! On top of that one of their representatives stole my personal information and opened up utility and phone and credit card accounts in my name and they never even compensated me or anything!!! I am not sending them any more money!

Posted by

I purchased a vehicle Santander financed me. I bought my vehicle for 13,000.00 paid on vehicle 4 years and balance never went down. After paying 4 yesrd i paid 19,000.00 n Santander told me that was all interest n now the next 2 year's will be applied to principal. I Have a special needs child who was ill couldn't work for couple months. They refused to refinance n no car lot would let me trade it in because too much was still owed on the vehicle amd the vehicle blue book said my car was worth 2,500.00. They reposessed the vehicle. (After 4 years of payments) sold the vehicle for 2,000.00 at auction. Now im being suied for. 8,000.00 santander says i still owe. I have a trial coming up amd threatening to garnish my wages 1,000.00 a month. My son and i will be homeless once this starts. I am ferious and all I've been told by lawyers is this is how the law works and unfortunately companys can legally do this. Any advice anyone?

Posted by
Bianca ODonnell

My BMW was sold at auction for way less than the value. Santander is saying I owe more on the car than I did after 3 years of payments. Please help

Posted by

Iv paid 15 k towards my car, some how only 1k has gone towards the principle, they claim it’s because of deferments and that my money is suddenly going towards the car, yet nothing has changed? How is this? Plus years of constant harassing phone calls, had to change my number.

Posted by
Naidu Munoz

Santander approved me for the highest possible interest rate without consideration for my status and employment. I paid my loan on time for as long as I could. After 2 years, I asked for a payoff figure, the $22,000 car I was paying now would cost me $21,000 to payoff! How can I ever afford to continue a $500 payment without paying any principal? They repossessed my car after 3 months of struggling to make payments when I had to decide to pay for food and rent so me and my child had a place to live. I was completely taken advantage of for a loan that I could not and should not been approved for. Not knowing how the system in the United States works and even being told that my car wasn’t worth half what I paid for is impossible to recover from. I am very upset and worry everyday that my status will be effected because of this situation. I follow all of the rules and have been taken advantage of and completely and fooled into thinking I could own a new car with such an unreasonable finance program. I am now desperate for transportation so that I can keep a job.

Posted by
Karen Chappell

I purchased a 2012 Dodge Caliber in June 2014. I have been paying on it 450 every month for 4.5 years. The total was 12,995. I owe 14, 199 as of right now. 4.5 years later. HOW is this legal? I have paid 24, 300 to date which is double what it cost. I will owe until 2021. That's another $12,000. That's 3 times the price of the car. Unbelievable.

Posted by
Kimberly Sims

I received a check from Santander Bank for $2550.00. I'm not sure if this is a real check for the lawsuit or if it's a fraudulent check. How can I be sure? I called Santander Bank and 2 people said it was a real check and 1 person said no. I'm not sure what I should do.

Posted by
Cean smith

Several years ago bought a vehicle and began making the never ending payments.
End result-we returned the vehicle with 3k owed, was auctioned off for 25 dollars. Received bill for over 10 thousand dollars and collection calls never stopped until we were forced to file bankruptcy.

Posted by
Shanika Bibbs

I purchased my car through Santander back in October of 2015 the total was 18800 after TTL and as of today only 400.00 has went to my principle. Nothing else on the car meaning I still owe just about exactly what I did when I drove off the lot. I will not be done paying for this car for another 4 years I fell like I have been robbed not even 1 dollar has went toward the principle in 3 years. This can not be right and I would definitely like to be added to the lawsuit if possible. I will not be keeping this vehicle it has been a total waste of my time and has ruined my credit. When your behind they call you at least 5-8 times a day it’s really ridiculous that they can take advantage of people in this type of way.

Posted by
Kenneth Atwood

I had a 2005 dodge neon and santander was the people who financed it. In 2013 I was having problems with the high payments and couldn't come to a payment agreement with them so I turned the car in for them to auction off and get the money back. It was auctioned off for about $500 dollars less than what I owed on it. About a couple of years later I got a letter from them saying I still owed $700 dollars on it and I didn't pay that because I'm on disability and couldn't afford it. A few years later I got another statement from them saying I owed $1400 dollars on it and the account had been closed as a write off. I got a phone call from them this last summer and they asked when I was going to pay the money. I told them I was on disability and got them down to $500 dollars. I'm almost half paid off of that amount but I feel like I kept getting harassed by them and wanted to get it over with!
Is there anything I can do to them for all I've had to go through? I can hardly make ends meet as it is!

Posted by

These people are SCUM 27 percent interest and CONSTANT phone harassment when payment is due. Lost my job and they wasted no time repossession may vehicle which I had over $5000. Paid into in it my first year. The incompetent towing company broke into my gated car port attached a winch and DRUG IT OUT AND ACROSS MY LAWN !!! They damaged my property , the cars transmission most likely and the tires as I have 30 foot skid marks thru my car port and down my driveway. I refuse to take this car back. They asked for an estimate of damages and I am tempted to give them one plus 27 percent interest and late fees !!! But no, I am GETTING a LAWYER. Let's play Santander !!!

Posted by
Shellie Jenkins

I purchased a month carlos ss the car price was 14,000 once financed it was over 34,000 in interest,had the car for a year the motor and transmission went out. They are unfair and too high to be a finance company. Need more information

Posted by
Elizabeth Lee

My principle was $19,500 and the interest is $14,796.63 . add it together thats the whole amount. started in 11/2014 and done with the contract in 11/2021. that is ridiculous most contracts are 5 years not 7 years.

Posted by
Scott Miller

I have been upside down on payments since day one.

Posted by
Cinthia hussein

I being tipped off by this bank. I co-signed a vehicle and they racked up the payment. I suffered an accident that left me unable to work. I spoke with them to see options. The car still in the impound shop and they don’t give me any advise or what it should be done. I paid and they keep accruing the amount. I requested to them to be included the gap insurance and now it shows it was never added also I told the dealer to do as well. I need help I’m on a depression and anxiety state. They just don’t communicate and they have me wondering.

Posted by
Mrs. Nellie Price-Perkins

My husband and I purchased a 2013 KIA optima that was financed by Santander Consumer. We had problems with the steering of the vehicle the first week we purchased. Tried explaining the problems to Santander with hopes that we could trade-out of the car into another.Despite all the issues we have been trying to continue to pay for the vehicle. As of 2018, we have been paying on this vehicle for 3 years and the balance is still the same20,000. Regardless of how much we pay the balance never changes. Please add us to the class action suit.

Posted by
DeeAna Maldonado

I had put down $5000 on my car that had cost about 10,200. And it says on my loan with Santander I still owe $10,000 after paying for two years on this car loan. Am I able to join the class action lawsuit?

Posted by
James T Wynn

In 2012, I purchased a 2009 Nissan Sentra for $19k. My monthly payments were $369.00. After becoming unemployed in 2016, I contacted Santander's to inquire about the payoff amount because I really liked the car. With some deferred payments and interest, instead of purchasing the vehicle for $19k I would end up paying $29k. I was not willing to pay an additional$10k in fees and interest. So, Santander's reposessed my car. Unfortunately, I didn't do my homework until the car was reposessed and then became informed about the many compliments by other Consumers.

Posted by
Tayonka Thomas

I submitted the gap claim and was denied. I was left owing a balance of $8800 which was part of the $43,200.00 amount that was financed. While signing the GAP PLUS insurance agreement, I understood that gap would cover the remaining financed amount of the loan if my car was totaled due to theft, fire or flood for the term of 72 months.

It was very unfortunate to lose my car to a flood but it is very devastating to have my gap claim denied and still have to pay on a car I can no longer drive.

Gap told me that my claim was denied because I made payment arrangements during the term of the claim. I was not told by Santander that if I made payment arrangement this would void my Gap insurance.
This has caused a big problem with my credit and obtaining another car.
Help please.

Posted by
Brenda D. Morgan

I have had similar experiences with Santander, I purchased a 2016 Ford Fiesta
December 2015 and have had terrible experiences with the company and I would like to join the class action lawsuit please.
Thanks in advance!

Posted by
Shannon Delgado

I have given them 18,000 for a car worth 8,000 on time good payments for 2 and half years. And they are telling me only 1500.00 of my car has been paid!!! No sir. I told then come get the car and i wasnt making anymore payments. They still have not called or came to get the car.

Posted by
Tracy Jackson

I am checking to see if this is a current class action suit to filed with Santander

Posted by
Daniel johnson

Got hurt in a wreck, missed one 2 payments asked for it to be put to the last of agreement they agreed never sent us any papers then a notice in the mail box to repo our car. Either way I had the car payments haven’t reflected on any of the balances.

Posted by

I bought my car in 2012 and Santander is saying that I still owe 16,000. I know that I have to pay for the times that I did deferments but even with that I should not owe this amount. How do I get added to this lawsuit.

Thank you,

Posted by
Chakischa Hicks

I bought a 2013 Fiat in May 2014 with a 26% interest rate. I was desperate and needed a car, and my credit had been screwed up by a family member. When I started making payments, my balance was 18000. I realized after 4 years of payments, my balance is still 17229.55. I have been burdened by this 500 dollar payment, and I just can not see paying for a car twice. It has been really stressful and disappointing not seeing my balance drop after struggling to make such high payments.

Posted by

I should be part of this class action settlement too please. They say I owe $12,000 and I’ve pretty paid my loan amount minus maybe $1000 and from looking at my records what I should’ve paid is $17,500 which I’m pretty sure I already have and the contract is misleading, wrong because if paying what is stated, the car would be $30,000 and no way is the contract even correct on any level. Fraudulent

Posted by
William pritchett

I had a 2008 Chev Impala was making my payment s but fell back on some payments got the money up to catch up on my payments payed my late payments call the company the agent told me that I was caught up and they still repo my car.I hope I can be in the lawsuit.

Posted by
Kimberly Q Washington

I was purchasing a 2008 Dodge Avenger. I was paying $383 a month. Supposedly with a 4 years pay out time. After completing 2 and half years, my payoff was still priced at the initial car price. The car was originally priced at $11,000 plus,and after 2 and half years, I was still owing almost $10,000. Please include me in this lawsuit.

Posted by
Lisa Weiser

What is this lawsuit for? I freaking been paying on a 09 Accent since 2013 I believe and I still owe 5300 only pd 11,000 for I'm never gonna get this PD off they are full of crap

Posted by
April Aaron

I financed 15,178.03 and my first payment due 01/12/2013 of 413.83 for 60 months. I paid over 10,000.00 and let it go back 3/16/2016. I owed around 7,500.00 then with like 78,000 miles. They claim after they sold it that I still owe 8,454.08 and I know that is impossible. Plus they hounded me fifty times a day until I changed me and my mother's phone number and called her at work repeatedly even after she told them that she couldn't receive personal calls.

Posted by
Ruby lopez

This bank rip off I would like to join to there fees are crazy n every payment sims like nothing really going to principal s

Posted by

They can't or want explain the unheard of fees..... is there a open ongoing lawsuit?

Posted by
Tanya Riley

I purchased a 2012 Traverse and I would like to join the class-action lawsuit

Posted by

I will like to join the class action lawsuit I have been paying my car note and every payment went interest.

Posted by
Charles David humphries

I just paid off a $9000 car that took 10 years to pay off and then while it's all over and done I believe I paid a total of $30,000 I am so upset about this and I believe I have been way overcharged if you look at my bill it says for example $300 Payment made $.46 toward principle one cent toward interest and $299 toward other fees what the heck is the other fees. Please include me in a lawsuit contact me at your earliest convenience thank you

Posted by
Tamarra Scott
I bought a Nissan Versa in 2015 14,880 three years later I still owe 13,000

Posted by
Carmen C Oulahan

I am also interested in inquiring about the Clas-Action lawsuit filed against Santander Consumer USA. Is it too late to join the lawsuit?We have also paid over $20,000 plus above what my contract stated and we still owe money

HOping someone can reach out to me- Thanks

Posted by
Delicia Samuels

I was over charged and harassed

Posted by
Carolyn joiner

I had a Nissan Altima bought it for 14000.00 on a special my loan was thru Santander I put 8000.00 cash down and my payment we're 358.00 a month after paying on my car for 3 years on time I called for a payoff amount and they told me I still owed 13000.00 how can that be after several attempts on getting this figured out I got no where no one would ever return my calls so I told them to come get the car 15 times after 3 months they still never showed up so I called and told them I was not paying another penny and was not being ripped off anymore to please come get the car another 2 months went by and I called again and said if they didn't come remove the car it was being towed the showed up a week later and now my credit report shows I still owe 14000.00 I just don't understand how a company can do this to soany people and feel good about there service I'm just wowowed by this whole situation.

Posted by
renee m fisher

i have payed 477 a month on a 2012 nissan altima for 3 yrs the car was 18000 they say i still owe 13000 i dont get it so thats 17.000 i have payed i dont get it

Posted by
Dee Anna Rosas

They have filed suit with the Texas Supreme court on me can i still be added orwho can help?

Posted by
Ebony Jefferson

I have been harassed by phone to no avail by Santander. It has been a horrible experience and I have seen my payment history. I have over 10 payments that were applied to interest only and nothing towards my principle. Ive been paying on a 2010 Dodge Charger for 4 years and still owe $16,000. There is no way this should be possible. Please add me in the lawsuit as well.

Posted by
Warren Scott

I am also a victim of the preditiory practices of Santandare. I bought a Sprinter Van in 2014 for ~$53,000.00. four years later my payoff is almost the amount it cost me in the first place. I pay $1300.00 every month. I missed 2 payments and they came and reposessed my truck. had to borrow the amount to pay what they said I owe plus all the other businesses that profited from the repossession. I did not have the option to pay what I owe the next day...the made me wait one week before they released it to me. These predators has to be stopped. Add me to this as well.

Posted by
Kashia Wales

Please add me to this! I bought a car from this ripoff outfit last December. Due to unforeseen circ*mstances, we fell behind and they repossessed the car this month. However they refused to work with us to get caught up both before and after the car was repossessed. They would call me, hang up and call right back repeatedly and if they did not get an answer they would call my husband and my home. They called all hours of the day and would call me at my job in a call center during hours that I had requested they not call during for this reason.
We still have not received any communication about the sale of the vehicle at auction.

Posted by
Sherry Ellerman

I have been paying on my truck for 4 years. I still owe the same amount. I am all about a class action law suit!!!!

Posted by

Help us Santander is ruining our lives !!!!!

Posted by
Pamela Burton

Please include me too in the group lawsuit. I purchased a Jetta in 2013. It was costing $18000,00. 5 years later I still owe $13 000! I have paid $450 per month. I am actually settling for voluntary repossession so they don’t keep milking me. They are very cruel people! Someone please help us out!

Posted by

In 2014 I got a loan on a new Ford focus and the total was 16000. 4 years later my balance is 18000. All payments made. I am constantly being threatened with repossession even though I have multiple notes in some months. When you're caught up to 30 days, they say you're three months behind and threatened with repossession.

Posted by
brittanie duruaku

I would like to join the class action lawsuit as well. I purchased my vehicle for 15k in 2015 and I still owe 14k as of today! Please contact me!

Posted by
Carissa N Neff

please add me to this as well, bought my 2011 Nissan sentra for 14,500 and still owe 11,000 after 4 years!

Posted by
Be aware pay attention!

Santander has to be stopped! Why HAVEN'T they already been STOPPED?? Who is this big bank?? We must take a stand and although we may be late or even have a past due balance...doesn't give this GIANT bank, the right to abuse us as consumers.

We can not tolerate this, we have rights and Santander Consumer USA has rules and guidelines that they should be following.


Posted by
Lisa Pingitore

I had a 2009 Nissan rouge. I had a repo. I owed 13000 on it I tried to trade it in myself but i was so upside down. I couldn’t now they sell it at auction and got barley nothing for it. If they would have worked with me. I would still have my car. Now after they sold it they want more for a pay off. What the heck. They can not do this. I want in to go after this bank

Posted by

I got a vehicle from them for almost $15,500 My payments are just under $400 a month. I’ve been paying for almost 2 years and pay off is just now $15000.

Posted by

I too am interested in being part of this lawsuit

Posted by
Devon brown

Purchased car was wrongfully repoed. The sold car now have reported the loan like I just purchased the car with she same balance

Posted by
Donna Gould

I would like to be added to this lawsuit as well. I financed a 2016 Nissan Versa from them and they did not follow state guidelines after repossessing the vehicle. I was not notified of sale and they sent me a letter stating that i owe them over 4k

Posted by
Cheniqua lee

I bought an Xfinity FX35 over 3 years ago & I have not missed any payments! I've been paying a month in advance just to stay in good status but they still call me saying i'm late & I still owe more than what the car is even worth! How is that possible?!

Posted by
Taylor Sanders

Please add me to the list I pay $454.74 a month and when I asked how much of my payment would go towards interest the agent said $4.74. I asked how and she expressed that it is because of their daily interest. I asked what the daily rate was she said $10.01/ day. How do I have an APR of 18.86 and am paying $10/day. Total rip off. My car is brand new 2018 after financing with them Ill have paid a total of $32,741.28, it only cost $19,367. Please add me in to this lawsuit against them!

Posted by
S Duncan

Bought a 2013 care paid 14000 still owe 11000. Insane.

Posted by
Robert Landy

I obtain a loan from Santander in May of 2012 for $13,135. They are still saying I owe $14,576 so far I have payed back over $30,000 on a $13.135 loan and it still remains on my credit report. I no longer has the car the that was purchase. Please Help... Thank you

Posted by
Dena W

Greetings, I need to join this lawsuit ASAP! I fell on hardship due to health issues. Several family members tried to make payments on my behalf but was told no because their name wasnt on the loan. My car got repossessed 09/18. Now I’m unable to make my VA medical appts(highly recommended), commute to work, or take my daughter to/from school.

Posted by

Please let me know if this lawsuit is still going on... I am locked into a 29% interest rate with a 2017 focus that has multiple recalls on it

Posted by
Chanda Conrad

I bought a 2010 Honda Crosstour on 4/2013 for $23580 that was financed through Santander and I made 16 payments of $600 right b4 my car was totaled on 11/2014. When my car was totaled, I still owed the same exact balance!! My insurance company paid my what was owed & gap ins paid the remaining balance! Santander notified me after they were paid saying I still owed a balance of $6750 I was confused and I asked them how was it possible if my insurance took care of everything and I had GAP. They said somehow my insurance didn’t cover everything, however that was a lie... bc they sent me proof Of ever paid toward the balance of my car, they also sent me the same letter that SANTANDER sent them With QUOTES!! As I looked over my payment history I discovered that’s Santander APPLIED what they wanted towards the payoff of my car which was (according to them late fees, Misl fee, & interest) which in turn left me with a remaining balance of $6750....INTEREST!! Which they got with the first 16 payments I made which totaled to $9,600!!!! And out of that 9,600 ZERO DOLLARS was applied to my car!! Then they reported it on my credit report as a charge off for $8,083.72 making it extremely hard for me to purchase another vehicle!! Santander is a HIGH INTEREST LOAN FINANCIAL COMPANY who needs to be shut down!!!

Posted by

I bought my vehicle 4/2013 and was financed thru Santander . I totaled my vehicle on 11/2014. I made 16 Payments before my accident and no one cent went toward my principal. My ins co paid off my vehicle and I was covered by gap! May of 2015 Santander put on my credit report I owed $8,000 on my vehicle! When I asked for a copy and f my payment history they were applying late charges that wasn’t accurate, Misl fee, and all sorts of foolery! They didn’t not apply all the money that my ins company gave then for my pay off towards my vehicle which is why I was left with a balance. What the Heck is Misl Fees when paying a car note!! They are the Worst!!

Posted by

I just had my car taken today here and was not told what was going on. I never received any calls either from the company on anything related to any late payments etc period. They won't answer any ?'s I have and tell me that I have to pay the full amount left on the car to get it back and that I can't pay the amount that's owed for whatever late payment I have I suppose. So anything would be great I'd love to get in on this and go after them here and get this company hit with a big fine and lawauit. Too many people have been hurt by then2 from various comme ts I've read online. There rated F by the better business bureau here and rated 1 outta 5 as well.

Posted by
Beverly Starnes

Over charged on Fees.

Posted by
Misty Mitchell

I get calls 3-4 times a day bout my payments. I tell the reps what I can pay and when I'll be sending in a payment. They threatening me with repo of my car. One agent said there's nothing states on their end of a repo but I get told that its getting repo. I pay what I can every week vs every month. I drive a 2013 Kia sorrento with over 95 miles on it. Kelly blue book is over 5,000 but I owe 8,000

Posted by
Clinton Adams

I'm also interested in information on this class action suit. Got loan through them in 2007. Ended up in a bad financial situation due to work relocation. They refused to work with us on payments. Repossessed the vehicle, sold it and still have me owing the full amount still

Posted by
John Bell

My car was involved in an accident and claimed as a total loss by my insurance. A conference call took place between my insurance, santander and myself. My insurance and myself have provided all documents needed, and my insurance has taken notes of everything from the start of the claim. Santander has not sent a letter of guarantee due to them saying their is no record of a claim or any calling taking place on this matter for my insurance to pay off the remainder of the car and is still wanting me to make payments. They have not documented anything on a claim thats in the process of being made. Again my insurance has all notes with time and dates of everything that has been done so far.

Posted by
Erica Hutchinson

I would like to be added to this suit. I purchased a 2014 Hyundai Elantra from the dealership fianaced through Santander Consumer USA in Jan of 2015 I was the only owner and was still under the factory warranty when my car was totaled by a desiel in August of the same year. In my contract with them I asked if GAP insurance was included and was told yes. Come to find out they sold me some faulty protection program that only covered parts which I still to this day don’t understand why I needed that if I was still under Hyundai’s warranty. I ended up owing almost $6000 dollars on a loan to a car that I no longer had and was expected to pay $236 monthly until it was paid off. I was furious but I made a few payments. I decided to just file bankruptcy bcus at this point I couldn’t afford to pay 2 car notes and insurance in the car I purchased after the the wreck. Yeah they got me really good. Is there anyway I can be helped to find justice? This company is a complete rip off. My interest rate was 18% if I’m not mistaking. My credit wasn’t even that bad at the time, needless to say it was ruined after Santander .

Posted by
Laneka Hillman

I have a 2014 Chevy Cruze for $15, 998. My APR is 21.21%
I paid $ 5,211 down payment refinanced $10,797 My carnote is $260 a month. Payoff amount is a little over $9,000

Posted by
Jody Peterson

I purchased 5/2012 was supposed to mature 5/2018 and still have a balance showing and won't be paid off until December now and I have never extended the loan how can they do this?

Posted by
Teisha Edmond

I want in cause I'm unable to work due to health problems and I'm unable to make on time payments and they fail to work with me.

Posted by
Cassandra Goosby

I financed my car with Santander in November 2007 and after a financial crisis they also harassed me. I received a letter from them that my loan was considered satisfied in 2012. I filled bankruptcy in 2012 and Santander filed to be paid via the bankruptcy court stating I owed over $5, 000. All our debts were discharged in February 2016 so I wrote them twice requesting the satisfaction of lien and included the letter they had sent in 2012 but they have never responded!

Posted by
Thinh nguyen

They changed my payments company to sentander which no documents or anything, i sent payments to old company and today they took my car the middle of the night which no warning, no call no telling me. And my payments they say i have to pay is $2000. Please help me out.

Posted by

I hate this conpany it making everyone over pay for car I bought a 2014 Dodge charger 3 years ago they car was $20,000. Total n I been paying almost $600 month for pass years n i still own them $15000. Because they take most of my payment for interest then principal of car meaning they charging you first to pay all the interests before u start paying for car this big fraud company I really hope I can be part lawsuit againt this company i read story by one day or $1 ur amont is not pay on day due they reposases car this crassy how this people make their money ...

Posted by
Lakesha Shaw

I purchased a 2010 Chrysler, my loan was for 13626 and they repo my car in 2016. My payments was 375 mth. I paid 46 months and they said i still owe 13000. They sold my car for 3000. And want me to pay 10000. I need to be added to the lawsuit

Posted by

Co-signed for my daughter with Santander on a 2010 Dodge Avenger in Aug of 2016. Sticker price 10,999 two years later 2018 she still owes 12,000. Every payment we have made has gone to interest. My daughter filed in on this class action suit yesterday because we need help as they are totally ripping us off!

Posted by
Robinson OCCIDE

I have been paying off my loan of 26k for a 2014 528i bmw at a high interest rate 740$ a month for the past 2yrs and my car was repo Aug.21,2018 with all my belongings,after missing 2 payments due to me losing my job just got a new major job that pays on each closing deal my car is repo and I will be seeing what can be done to get my car back ..I want in on the the lawsuit

Posted by
Janice Quartman

I purchased my car in 2013, made payments and Santander still states that I owe 17K on the car! Please add my name to the class-action lawsuit.

Posted by
Kim Beasley

I bought a 2017 Ford Fiesta in December last year everything was going ok until I got a month behind due to the loss of my job. They knew my situation also when I sent one payment they claimed they never received it I found out the payment had been cashed. I was doing my best to fix the problem but just because I didn't make the payment on the day I said they had someone come and take the car I reported it stolen at 8am and around 2pm they called me and was very very rude "We have your car you can pay the whole amount and get it back " I told them all I want is my things out of it you can keep it. The people that work there are very rude and uncaring. I hope to never ever have to deal with them. I wish I could join the lawsuit.

Posted by
Jamell Jones

I bought a 2012 Nissan Maxima in 2015 financed for $23,677.02, and it's now 2018. Per a Santander Consumer USA rep. yesterday, 9/19/18 so far I've made $13,324.06 in payments, and of that total $11,000.76 is interest. How is this legal.

Posted by
Desiree Hall

Please add me to this I’ve paid 6 years and should’ve been paid off they have no real explanation why I owe money and don’t care to explain it

Posted by
Carolyn Dalton

I purchased a vehicle in 2013 for the amount of 18,000.00. This company financed my 2012 Volkswagen Passat. My monthly note was 586.00. I was informed a few days later, that my balance is still 15,000.00. Sandtander Comsumer is s total rip-off. What ever you do RUN FROM THIS COMPANY!!!!

Posted by

Please provide information on this law suit. I want in. Purchase a 2006 Pontiac Torrent for $16,000 and I owe now more than I financed. I owe around $17,500 and the girl stated, because of the type of contract I have that add additional interest to late fees, late payments and the principal. I have been making payments of $461 for since 2013 and yes occasionally I do have late payments but, something is not right. I have purchase two new cars in the past and have been late, but was still able to pay for them and pay them off to get my title. I would like info on this law suit.

Posted by
Yolanda Crawley

I purchased my car for $23/K in 2016. I have been paying this company on time for the majority of the time up until I fell into some financial issues. Despite experiencing financial issues I still paid what I could and stayed in contact with Santander. The amount I was paying was what they told me to pay to avoid any further issues occurring. Now I still owe $22/k and the company is threatening to repossess my car. I need to be added to this lawsuit asap!

Posted by
Mariah Ferrell

I purchased a car and had no idea what a terrible idea it was going to be when the dealer set me up with the horrible company. I thought it would be better then a "tote the note" car lot but it is so much worse. I regret it every single day. I called them today and after making payments for 3 years that add up to $8691.00 they say i still owe $8450. This is after they repossessed it once and I got it back. The kelly blue book on my vehicle is only $6000. That is an insane amount of interest and the car is now car needs multiple repairs which i cant afford and make the payments. Im the single mom of two. I cant afford the lose the car but paying $12,000 more than its worth its ridiclous. If anyone can tell me what i can do to get out from under all of this i would really apperciate it. I don't know if this lawsuit covers this but there should be one. This is beyond ridiclous. Ill never get it paid off at this point. The originally loan was $9000. Please help!!!

Posted by
Louis HutherJr

what do I do if I cant pay my credit cards I am retired I cant pay them I have not missed any payments

Posted by
Emily Nogueira

Would like to join lawsuit. They have my car listed as a charge off, and that I have Paid 500 towards it. Yet have records of over 3,000 paid since March. They show my payments but refuse to fix it. I have My car and make payments still.

Posted by

Count me in the lawsuit please I made 25 payments. Interest rate in so high.

Posted by
Heather Anderson

Please add me to this lawsuit. I had a 2016 nissan sentra. Santander came INSIDE my fence at 2 am to get my car. No warning. My kids carseats were in that car. Bastards could have atleast warned me so I could get my stuff out.

Posted by

I would like to be added to this lawsuit

Posted by
Vivian Cummings

Please help, I need out of this HORRIBLE secondary loan company too! I got an auto loan with them in 2011 for 20k with an APR in the high 20s, its 2018 and I still owe 12k, I'm never going to pay off this loan at this rate. I finally made the decision to just get a new car (with waay better APR) and will have to voluntarily surrender the car I financed with Santander but I'm afraid of what they're gonna stick me with on the deficiency balance. They've already gotten 30k from me, it's not right.

Posted by
Refugio Loera

I have an auto loan with Them and the balance doesn’t seem to go down. I call and ask what’s going on and how my payments are being applied and they say that I have unpaid fees

Posted by
Stephen E Lemay

I'd like to participate in any fight against Santander. Signing up for a loan with them has been the biggest mistake of my life. Please free me.

Posted by

I really want to get Santander out of business they are crooks

Posted by
Marchelle Ellison

I brought my car in 2013 chevy Malibu 2011 i tryed to trade the car in the saleman at the car lot definitely right then an there said no. They told me the car is only worth 3400 blue book value. i still have blance of 11,000 left on the car. After talking to santander directly they had no answer to give the lady on phone from stated that i have paid 22,200$ on the car only 3000 went toward the car the rest went toward instrest. I was shocked very upset. An something needs to be done about this

Posted by
Susan m latson

i bought my car in 2013 i believe it was a Chrysler 300 my car was stolen and my ins company paid off my car i had gap through the insurance .so my insurance company told me that i has a secondary ins beside gap with them .i couldn't understand this i only had my regular ins company which was Allstate with the gap . i found out that Santander had taken out another gap which i wasn't aware of so i call them and they said that they owe me money since my car was stolen the balance that i suppose to have gotten gap through them so they sent me a ck i believe was 200 give or take . they didn't tell me they wasn't going to pay the rest of the balance of my car off . they found it cheaper to send me that 200.00 than to pay off that 5000 dollar these people are a thief

Posted by
Melanie Cook

I had a ar loan with them. Things happened, suv got repoed and at the time when I talked to them they said after the repobi could pay $3500 & it would take care of the loan. I did not have the money at the time and told them so. I went for months trying to contact them to no help at all. That was over 10 yrs ago. October 2017 my bank accnt get frozen and it was Santander starting I owed $16000 for this vehicle. When I contacted the attorney involved he let me set up payments monthly. After paying for about 8 months they pulled the debt from the attorney a d he td me he had no idea why. No I'm just waiting for them to freeze my account again

Posted by
Jessica Villasana

Please let me know how to add myself into this lawsuit. I got my 2016 Toyota Corolla in May 2016. When i drove the car off the lot i was promised Ally bank with a intrest rate of 7.9% intrest. We waited 1 month to go get the paperwork, and David Willson Toyota then informs me that they "Lost my paperwork". So not only did this dealership run ridiculous inquiries the first-time, they did it twice. So we had over 40 inquiries by the time it was all said. So my payment went from from $380, all the way to $551. When i stated to take the car back i didnt know any better, but Toyota then informed me we had already put to many miles on this car, and they stated because of that we would need to pay THEM $5,000 to return it! Know i fully understand what happened. I want out!

We are now in September 2018, paying $551 a month, please explain to me why it has only gone UP, nearly $2,000.

Posted by
Tyanne Brown

Please add me to this lawsuit. I financed a 2009 Mercedes Benz e350 through this company in 2015 and my principal still hasn’t dropped and this is robbery and then they claim I signed a contract for 5 years for a 14,000 loan when that is a lie

Posted by
Susan Latson

I bought a 2008 Chrysler 300 I was paying almost 600 a month my car was stolen my insurance company paid half the money to pay it off because they said I had a second insurance by Sanatana they took out a gap on me instead of them finishing pay off what the insurance didn't they sent me a check saying the owed me money which was 300 hundred dollars they didn't pay off my car .I had a gap ins.i call them and they said since the Santander comp had a gap they had to pay the car off long story short my car didn't get paid off and 5000 balance was put on my credit

Posted by
Lesley Clack

How I got a loan as a single mother

My name is Lesley Clack, from Winnetka California, a single mother blessed with 2 sons, I have been searching for a genuine loan lender who could help me with a loan as I no longer have a job, all I got were hoodlums who made me trust them and at the end they took my money without giving me any loan, my hope was lost, I got confused and frustrated, it became difficult for my family to feed with a good meal, I never wanted to have anything to do with any loan lending company on the internet again. but until I met a God sent that changed my life and that of my family Through the help of a fellowship member a lender with the fear of God in him, Mr Christopher Kendrick of KENDRICK INVESTMENTS LIMITED, with contact number +1(386)202-2899. He was the man God sent to elevate my family from suffering. At first I thought it wouldn't be possible due to my previous experience until I received my loan amount of $63,000USD a couple of days ago on the 15th/August/2018. My advise to anyone out there in need of a genuine loan is to contact Mr Christopher Kendrick through his official email:- KENDRICKINVESTMENTSLIMITED@OUTLOOK.COM All thanks to him and to GOD for leading me into meeting him. God bless you.

Posted by
Crystal daniel

Can add me to this too they have called me day and night for months now saying we are 52 days behind. I've went through every receipt with several people. Now its a missed payment from 2015 in may. Which we dis but we made partial payments with an arrangement and was told they would defer that month to the end of the loan apparently they didn't then its I send them a full payment and oops we added all that to your interest sent them a 500.00 payment 2 weeks ago oops we applied it to your interest now it's oh we are going to repo this is the crappier company ever. I'm so tired of the harassment and aggravation of this company now I'm looking sleep of are we going to loose my truck and everything its rediculus

Posted by

I am trying to be apart of the lawsuit can someone let me know how I join

Posted by
Kymberli D Erevia

I purchased a car with another lender in 2008 that was sold to Santander. The vehicle was awarded to my ex in a divorce in 2009, and in 2011 Santander began illegal collection actions against me. It's now 2018 and they wrote it off in 2013 but continues to report that I am in default every month and randomly increase the outstanding balance by thousands of dollars each. I was working with an attorney that was spearheading the class action suit, but they have stopped responding to my emails. I called Santander and was directed to their collection department, and then disconnected. What do I need to do to get this resolved??????

Posted by
Delores Moore

I have been posting a payment monthly except for missing one payment. Each time I look over my account balances it is still the same from (2015 to 2018). I need someone to write me a letter to explain because I am very confused about it. I can not see any other months but would like to see them also. I am inquiring about the class-action lawsuit that was filed against Santander in 2013. I'm wondering if the lawsuit has been settled and if I might be eligible to participate. I'm also wondering if I have any legal recourse against them for not accurately explaining the additional interest charged to my loan.

Posted by
James houchins

Been with Santander for a year, got a little behind and worked out payment arrangements everything is fine right,Wrong phone calls four times a day, improper balance reported to credit and 10 dollars has been knocked of my loan that's it nothing more nothing less

Posted by
Jeff Jones

I purchased a 2011 Hyundai Sonata from this company in 2012. I noticed my original loan of 13750 had only went down to 11000 i ask the representative how much i have payed in interest and she informed me 11000. I was blown away. This is a total rip off. I must also add that my car was involved in a nation wide recall for a engine failure. I paid for a non working car for an entire year before a Hyundai engine replacement. I am very disappointed and will like to be added to this lawsuit.

Posted by
Marilyn Reese

Add me thanks.

Posted by
Tor Mcdowell

Please add my name to this suit. I had a rate of almost 20% interest. Paid $386/mo with about only $75 going toward what I actually borrowed.

Posted by
Sharon Stuive

My husband and I bought a car financed through Santander and even though we were making payments it seemed like the balance never went down and the car was repossesed.

Posted by

Please adde to the class action suit, I co-signed for my neice to purchase a Chrysler in 2009 for 10000 at 10% interest rate and her monthly payments were 286.00. In 2017 she still owed about 8900.00 and at some point when she had done a late payment they raised her rat to 26% and only 54.00 of her payment was going towards the principal. She would have never paid off this car. She let them Come and get it and when we got the final paperwork from them after they sold the car they said she still owed tge same and overchargeD for towing and whatever other charges...we need yo be added to this class action suit.

Posted by
Carmen Boykin Jennette

How I got a loan after being scammed.

Hello everyone, my name is Carmen Boykin Jennette from Missouri USA, I have been struggling looking for a means of getting a loan for the past 4 months, I have searched a lot of companies and during that process I got scammed. I needed a loan of $47,000 to set up a business and settle my bills as well as take care of my children. But instead of getting a loan I was scammed by 2 different lenders not until I was referred to one Mr James Richard Dyson of Jennard Investments Limited with Contact number: +1(484)292-xxxx by Mrs Renee Craig a member of my church. So I decided to apply and to my surprise I was granted and funded my desired loan amount as I have applied for. I want to use this platform to reach out to everyone out there in need of a loan to contact then via email: They are reliable...

Posted by

I would live to get in on this as well... I was belittled and embarrassed when they came and repoed my car... I was only a few days late and was told that I owed over 1k to the repo guy when he came.. such a terrible option for financing. Let me know if I can get in and be of any assistance

Posted by
ozell lewis

1purchesd a auto in 20113 pad26000 to dat loan 26000

Posted by
Kim Miller

I financed a car through Santander in Aug. 2012 for just over $15,000. I have been paying for nearly 6 years and they say I still owe over $10,000. I would like information on how to be added to this class action lawsuit.

Posted by

I purchased my vehicle in 2011 and my interest rate was 26.99% due to my credit at the time. the total amount financed was $16,986. It was a 7 year loan and I had a total of 6 payments deferred. now my contract is up and I owe 12k, and they said they could do a modification and they would lower my rate to 4% and lower my payment about $135 a month on a 24 month term. they told me I had to make a regular payment first before they would offer the modification. I made the payment and they said they were mailing me the form to sign and I could fax it back. Well a month later I still don't have the form and I called them and they said they were going to repo my car now unless I make 2 payments. I asked them how that's possible since my contract is up. They had said it will be charged off and be on my credit, and I asked will I still be able to keep my car but pay towards that balance and the woman said yes. This was the first conversation, before the conversation of making 2 payments and them repossessing my car. I have been making payments for 7 years and yet my balance has only gone down $4,500! That's ridiculous !!! I want to be included in a class action lawsuit! This company needs to be punished for the stress, grief, harassment, and illegal practices against hard working people!!!!

Posted by

I bought a Mitsubishi in 2015. Numerous recalls. In 2016 I got laid off from my job and got behind in payments. I called Santander and they said they would work with me and let me pay what I was able. After a year, I was looking at my payments on my account and saw that NONE of my payments were applied to the principal, only the interest. Even now, in 2018, none of my payments have been applied to principal. I have a 2015 car that cost me about $22,000. According to Santander I still owe them over $20,000 after 3 years! Is there a lawsuit in Texas I could join because this is crazy!

Posted by
clarissa renee robertson

Can I join the class action , or am I too late? Having the same life altering issue's and say we owe more than we purchased for after almost 4 yrs. It's destroying us on top of that had to deal with phone harassment

Posted by
cassandra arrington

Hi i would like to join the lawsuit against santander consumers this place is a rip off. Bought a car for 17,000 4 years ago and still owe 16,700 something on credit report it shows i only paid $40.00 towards car.

Posted by
Terrance Bethea

I would like to know if I can still join the lawsuit against Santander. I had an Auto Loan with them.

Posted by
Joseph A Davis

Please add me to this lawsuit. Santander financed my car in Nov. 2014. Now all payments since the beginning of 2018 have been applied to interest only.

Posted by
Barbara Brewer

My husband purchased a truck, after the note being sold numerous times it was sold to Santander in 2010. The vehicle was purchased in 2007. In March 2015, we made the last payment, but for a year previous we was getting statements showing other fees, I would inquire about them and was told it was late fees. My husband would have been late for the whole term of his contract. I made the payments so I knew that was wrong. It has been over 3 years, we have no title to the vehicle and have not had another statement from them. When I call they tell me we still owe over $2000.00 in fees. During the term of his contract, I was called 5-10 times a day from them, whether the payment was on time or not. I wish I knew when this lawsuit would be over. I have recently moved and don't know who the attorneys are who is handling the case. Any help would be good.

Posted by
Michelle S.

I paid over $12,000 in 24 months and my loans is only $3,000 lower.

Posted by
Georgia Porter

I am inquiring about the Clas-Action lawsuit filed against Santander Consumer USA. Is it too late to be a part of this Class-Action lawsuit? I have paid over $20,000 plus above what my contract stated, and still owe.

Please contact me.

Posted by

I bought my 2013 Nissan from a local dealer who unfortunately set my financing up through Santander.I have only ever been a little late on a few payments.My payments are $420 a month and I have had the vehicle almost 2 years.I have made all payments and they're saying I am currently behind almost $2000. My amount owed on website, not the payoff amount is close to $16000.I bought the car in 2016 for $15000. After 2 yes of pymts... How can that be? I want in on this too.

Posted by

Have a auto loan with santander! They are a rip off outfit! The majority of my payments go to interest. I pay 625 a month and 400 goes to interest! They are a predatory company that feeds of the people of this country! I would like to join lawsuit. I will never get this loan payed off the way they do business

Posted by
Gail Williams

I want to join this lawsuit because my account with Santander was paid in full and they sent me the title over 5 years ago and they are continually reporting me late 30 days with a 0.00 balance, I have asked this to be corrected several times without success. This reporting violates my rights under the fair debt and fair report practices.

Posted by

I have been dealing with santander since 2015 I'm just now done paying the interest on my 2014 dodge charger santander is ridiculous I pray they are shut down please contact me soon to add me in the lawsuit

Posted by
Laureen Hobdy

I paid over $18K for a Nissan Sentra in 2009. In 2015 the car had major transmission issues that Nissan would not cover, even though it was a known issue on their end. I Has less than 12 months left on my loan. They came and repossessed the car because i had to get another working car. They sold it at the auction and now they are saying I still owe them about $7k on the car. I was just served a lawsuit by a company I have never heard of. Saying i owe them the money. This never went to collections and it has not been reported on my credit. I am at a loss. Please help.

Posted by
Chyrisse Williams

2005 Buick Lacrosse purchased in 2015 for $8,400 3 yrs later I still owe $7,400. Ridiculous!

Posted by
Mark Juttner

I bought a vehicle from them for $19k and have made 38 payments of $650 which is a total of $24,700 and my pay off today is $28k

Posted by
Yesenia Belman

Please add me to this as well. I bought a 2017 Subaru Wrx Premiun in October of 2016 and it's now May of 2018 and the bank says I barely paid off 5000$!

Posted by
Keshia L Nowden

I want in on this lawsuit. My car was repossessed Wednesday May 16th 2018 without warning and now I have to come up with $1500 in less than two weeks. They have harassed me to the point that I had to have a cease and desist order put in place, but they were still supposed to have given me warning. Everything I own is in that car.

Please let me know how I can be added to this lawsuit

Posted by

My car was repossessed santander is saying I'm 109 days late I'm not I'm losing my job my home my pets due to this please help me stat

Posted by

40 payments for a 18000 loan have already been made and now I over 20k. The interest rate is substantially higher than the state law along with term lending, how my payments have been allocated and more. PLEASE add me to the lawsuit. This company has already been sued and were told to fix their fraudulent practices.

Posted by

I want to join the lawsuit i bought my bought my 2011 gmc in 2013 for 17,000 and now its 22,000 i dnt understand i am a month late bc i was in a bad accident and i couldnt make the payments so i talked to someone about doing particle payment until i can get back on my feet. So i made halve the payment 4/2/2018, and my car was repoed by 4/15/2018. Now i need a car to get back and forth to work and provide for my family. I tried trading the car in this month bt noone wanted to deal with me. Please help me someone or give me some advice. Thank you and GOD BLESS!!

Posted by

I am inquiring about the class-action lawsuit that was filed against Santander. If it is not too late to join, please contact me. I was involved in a voluntary repossession about four years ago, now I have learned that the car was sold at an auction and I am being sued for the remaining balance.

Posted by

Santander has been a living hell, when me and my husband fell in hardship we made payment arrangement and they still repo our car then when we call they say the rep didn't noted it and apologize and still didn't surrender our vehicle so it force us in distress and had to file bankruptcy now that's on our credit!! I need to be dealt with for causing us pain and suffering!! I have 2004 Monta Carlo and been paying on it over 5 yrs the more I pay on it my balance never decrease the interest rate is terrible! Please accept my lawsuit

Posted by
Brandon Keating

Avoid signing anything that states you can never join a lawsuit against them.

Posted by
STACY L Lombardo

Bought this car in 2015. Bought Gap too. Had fraud previously when I applied for my loan. Had no choice at the time and took the loan at a ridiculous rate. I Was told they would re-run my credit once my fraud was taken car of since my interest rate was based off incorrect score. I called to ask them to rerun my credit and then told NO. I have made some late payments but caught up accordingly however over 2 years making 356 payment a month, I still owe 12kish and I purchased this car at around 14kish. Wtf???? How is a company like this in business. I am NEVER paying this car off with najority of my payments going to interest and hardly any to my principal. I am in PA and I beg an attorney to take my case.

Posted by
tyara dowdell

We purchased a 2010 Nissan X-Terra from Insider Auto in Manassas VA in July 2016. Payments 478.00 a mo. As of March 2016 had paid 9,000 and still owed 17,000. Was late making payments due to attempts to relocate and fell behind in payments. Car repossessed in April 2018. Paid over 2,000 to have car reinstated. I still have to wait until the Auction is open to get my car from the NEXT STATE-NC. We have attempted to get re-fi but turned down due to the intrest being so high and never getting the principle down. If there is some remedy to this situation it would be gladly accepted.

Posted by
Joella Dickson,

Same thing happened to us. Want in on lawsuit.

Posted by
Melanie Hadley-Franklin

Is there a class action suit in NC? I just had the same issue with Santander and they just repossessed my car after making payments from 2012 to 2017. They locked me out of my account in may 2017 and would not speak to me as I tried to confirm balance. Now they claim I owe the same amount I owed in January 2017 a year and half after continued payments. HELP!

Posted by

Hello, I had a loan with Santander during 2010, and because of being underemployed, I had no choice but to voluntarily surrender the vehicle. Prior to the my decision, I contacted Santander for a reduction in payment or to work something out, which they said there's nothing they could do for me. When I called them to schedule pick-up, they told me they could've worked something out to keep me in the vehicle. Right then, I knew this company was handing out decisions based on who you talked to. My vehicle was sold at auction, and had a staggering balance which they continued to harass me for approx. 1 year. On a better note, I reeived a letter in the mail today which releases me from any outstanding debt. I was totslly relieved. it also indicated it would be removed from my credit report.

Posted by

I would like to join the lawsuit or more info about the lawsuit. Santanders is high way robbery and needs to be shut down with their high interest rates.

Posted by
Melanie Hadley-Franklin

I'm inquiring about the class action lawsuit. I'm located in NC and my car was repossessed after making all my payments. My biggest concern is they never sent me my title and they stopped my access to my account online May 2017. I continued to pay and have all receipts. They would not send me statements or give any answers as to why I didn't have access to my account. Then out of the blue repossessed my car after no communication. Someone please contact me asap.

Posted by
kim bush

I want in on lawsuit. Everything said here is true and worse.

Posted by

How can I participate in a class action against Santander Consumer USA? My situation is the same as many who've posted. In a nutshell, I'd been paying on a car loan since 2012, and my balance has hardly budged. The vehicle was just repossessed. This company is of questionable ethics, and I'm surprised it's still in business.

Posted by
Connie Shannon

I bought a car from Honda in 2016, i was financed thru Santander Consumer, ive made my payments on time and its like i havent made any payments at all, in 15.months ive only paid $5,000 towards my principal. This is the worst deal i have ever been in, i called Santander to discuss my concerns and they stated to me that the interest goes up daily, i stated DAILY??? I have never heard of such, my salesman or finance man never stated this would happen if so i would have left the car there...PLEASE HELP ME!!! PLEASE??? This Company should be SHUTDOWN!!! SHUTDOWN!!!! THIS IS UNLAWFUL and its setup to make poor people with bad credit fail!!! HELP!!!!

Posted by

I purchased my car in 2015 for $16,000. Three years later I still owe $11,000. My original loan was through a different bank. After a couple of payments made to the original lender I was told my loan was sold to Santander. I was notified after the loan was transferred to Santander. I don't know how to get out from under this mess. Considering filing bankruptcy as this car loan will never be paid off and if I do manage to pay it off, I will have paid more double the original loan amount.

Posted by

I would like to be added. I had Santander finance my vehicle back in 2014.

Posted by
Tannies Rook

If this lawsuit hasnt been settled i would like to be part of it. I currently have a auto loan with santander. Only 1.33 goes to the principal of my car with a payment of 457.75. I was ONE DAY LATE with a payment and was charged 720.00 interest and late fees. Have been trying to get refinanced

Posted by
Alan Washington

How do I get added, purchase vehicle for $28692.84, have paid over $48500, and it's still going.

Posted by
Damaris Rucci

How can I get a lawyer to sue Santander, they have damaged my credit adding $18,000 in fees in my credit for a vehicle that was $20,000 and making $500 a month payments since 2012. Do the math yes I’ve been paying for (2) cars. I need to reach out to a lawyer who can take my case from NY

Posted by
Dominique Thompson

I am inquiring about the class-action lawsuit that was filed against Santander in 2013. I'm wondering if the case has been settled and if I might be eligible to participate. I was charged improper fees on a funture loan I receive from them.

Posted by
Gregory Reid

So my vehicle was repossessed by Santander, ive negotiated with the company and paid off my loan. I am now authorized to recover my vehicle, they sent the vehicle recovery form to the company who took my vehicle, however when i contact the company, im being told that they also need a personal property recovery form. Santander is refusing to send that form, claiming that their system has not been updated saying my vehicle was reposessed, i need to get some important personal items out the vehicle, and cannot, so they are basically illegally keeping me from recovering my personal items out of the vehicle. What are my options?

Posted by
Rosamaria Alvarez

I am inquiring about the class action lawsuit against Santander, they financed me for a vehicle of $21,000... 3 YEARS of making monthly payments on this car of $545.46 a month and my balance is still at $19,000 my payoff is $19,445.. I was on very low income when I was approved and paying 26% interest, my vehicle will be getting repossessed any day now because I can no longer afford to keep I already went through a lemon law lawsuit for break issues. Please contact me if I am able to join, thank you.

Posted by

This company is nightmare I wish I could gone back in time never sing a contract with them. I would love to be part of a lawsuit that takes them down there interst is to hing for the cars. I been pay almost 600 a month for 3 years for 2014 dodge that was preown for $30,000. I still own $17,900. All my monthly payment out of the 600 I pay they are taking $100 to principal and The rest goes to interest. Am really sick and tired of them doing it to me and other people. I paid $2000 send them a check telling them it was only to principal they took $109 in interest I call they said that there policies have change no body call or let us know about that so every payment that we make to principal they gonna take some money to interest this is BS. So hope there some one out there that can dring them down ....

Posted by
Jennifer rascoe

I purchased a car from them in 2013 for 12,000 I've been paying 328.00 for 3 years and they told me I still owe 12,000 because I paid the payments late they were applied to the interest and fees. The representative told me if I pay every payment on time the 2009 vehicle will be paid for in 2012. This is a very in fair business practice can I join the class action suit

Posted by
Audrey Beauford

I would like to join a lawsuit against Santander. My monthly payment was $347.19. I made a payment of $347.00. I forgot to pay the $0.19. My car was repossessed because they said that my payment was more than 60 days passed due. Can you believe that they took my car for $0.19. This should be illegal.

Posted by
Keith austin

Keith Austin I have a 2012 Buick Verano made a payment due Santana they may be paid they told me they were to go to repo repo repossessed my car if I make a payment of $70 then they ask me where can I make a payment I said the following week I made a payment for $316 then they ask me again when can you make the next payment I said every other week cuz I had a job that I've been out of work for a while but that working but I get less paid then I usually normally would have got paid like $6,700 a week but due to the fact that my license was kind of rough e so so I had to you know it's that down to take up a load and job from the job that I was normally doing as a driver as a school bus driver then I woke up to get ready to go to work on the Wednesday they took my car Wednesday Wednesday the 21st I think they took my car the 21st or 2018 they took my car on Wednesday and I called Santana they started giving me excuses and can you come up with the money for $900 I said I only got four they knew my situation and I try to work out a deal with them I told him I was not trying to lose my

Posted by
Melody Miles

I would like to know if I can join. I had a loan with them that is 12 years old and they are still reporting negative and false information on my credit report. They took the care back and sold it 3 months before the care would have been paid off in 2011. I had fallen into financial difficulties, I had paid on the car for nearly 5 years. It is not 2018 and they came up with a figure of $1200 that they added to my credit report in May of 2017. Haven't they hurt me enough by taking the vehicle of a struggling single mom of two small children just before my few last payments. Ruthless and now this. American Greed at its most horrible!

Posted by
Ray M Jones

I paid car 4 years everytime on they money on interest. It look would never finish paying on this car

Please help me

Posted by
Jennifer Dent

I purchased a 2007 Chrysler 300 for sticker price of $15k, paid on this loan $462/month for over 4 years and my payoff today is 17k REALLY!!!

I checked my payment history and noticed after my 1st payment no other payments were applied to the principle. Every payment I made went to interest.

A few months ago the car was totalled in a accident. Now I have no car and a 17k debit. These people are crazy. I've already paid well over $22k for a car worth $3,000.

I would love to join a class action against Santander.

Posted by
Erika Prado

When I purchased the car in 2013 it came with the option to buy gap insurance in case of any casualties. That was tacked onto the original amount of the loan. I lost my job in 2016 and I was unemployed for six months during that time I continue to keep communication with Santander which ultimately gave me no option but to voluntary surrender the vehicle. I was recorded stating why I was voluntarily returning the vehicle due to my job loss and inability to pay the monthly payment. Since the return of the vehicle in August 2016 the vehicle has been sold in auction leaving me with a repayment balance of over $8000. I have received numerous automatic calls at least twice a week regarding the balance of the vehicle. According to my credit report, the account has been written off as a profit and loss. As of now, they continue to report to the credit bureau’s a 120 day late every month since August 2016. Every month that the account for a 120 days late to each credit bureau. My credit score continuously goes down five to 10 points each time, which now I can not get any type of credit due to the undesirable credit score caused by Santander Consumer USA.

Posted by

Is there a Santander class action suit in va.?

Posted by
Joseph Blunt

I purchased a vehicle in 2015 and traded in an old school pick up Silverado. The vehicle sold was a "lemon" which was a 2010 GMC Arcadia SUV. It never ran properly and Freedom Chevrolet did not assist or try to help me. They repossessed the vehicle and I paid out two payments because they would not fix it and my truck was in good shape and better than the Arcadia.

Posted by

I purchased my vehicle for 17,000 4 years ago and my balance is still 17,000. This is predatory lending and the constant harassment calls don't make it better. This company must be stopped with their over the top interest rates. Which make it impossible to complete your car loan. I want justice NOW!

Posted by

How do Join the class action lawsuit. I had a loan with Santander

Posted by
Charlene Ingram


Posted by
Barbara cleveland

I was a cosigner for my brother car from santander,and the car was for 19,000.00 at 566.00 a mouth, later the car price was 42,000.thousans for a 2014 dodge charger. The value of the car is only 13,000 thousand, how do the let this happy. Please help use. Barbara Cleveland,an kendell Cleveland. Thank you

Posted by
Alejandro Solis

I currently have a loan with Santander,This interest rate is ridiculous Jan.29,2018

Posted by

Yes, I would like to join in on lawsuit against Santander because I am co signed for my daughter. My daughter still pay her 2012 Chysler 200 for three years. I dont see any principle just nothing!!! The orginal price was 12,512 (I cant remember exact price). We still owe Santander near $14000. {SCREAM} WE HELP HELP......

Posted by
Marilyn Lambeck

I would like to be included in this lawsuit, in 2013 i bought a ford mustanf 2006) for 10,000 when my car was repoed in octor 17 , they wrre telling me i still owed 9600 they were charging outrageous fees,and late charges i asked why my raye was up on my loan i was told oh its a simple loan. I also was a cobuyer of a new Mitsubishi 2014 , they approved me for another 18,000 loan just 4 months,after my first . My husband passed away 3 months later i couldnt afford both cars i called to tell them i have no choice but to volentarilly give the car back they agreed.. but waited to come take the car when i wasn't home and keep reporting on my credit as was,a repo ...this company is in the business of theiving ...they need to be investigated futher. They are telling me i need to pay almost 15,000 for both of the cars which they sold at auctins. And adding more fees.

Posted by
Karen Chappell

I need to be added to this lawsuit.I purchased a 2012 Dodge caliber in June of 2014. The total purchase of car was $16000. I have been paying on this car almost 4 years in June of 2018 it will be four years. I still 0we $14900 on this car four years later. They are saying it won't be paid off until 2021. It was a 72 month loan.

Posted by
Philip B Bell

I purchased a 2014 for fusion in 2014 I was able to make my payments for almost a year totaling 585.00 a month, combined with 150.00 full coverage insurance it felt as if I Was making a house payment instead of a car payment. I couldn't keep up. It has pretty much ruined my life and stressed me beyond max.

Posted by
Marvin Lestetr

1.Paid 20,500 for a 2007 truck
2. Paid on it for 4 years
3. Now I owe 22,225
4. I have been late before also I called and asked them
how much of my money went to the principal in that time, not one penny went to the principal no I'm serious not one penny of my 15k of car payments went to the principal.
5.If you can't help me please stop them from doing this to anybody else.The cheese is the car the fiance is the trap

Posted by
Heather Morgan

I would like to get in on this lawsuit. I lost my job in May 2017. I was unable to make the payments for a few months. When I went to make a payment I found out my loan had been closed and my vehicle was up for reporting. I have contacted them on more than on occasion to come get the vehicle, but they haven't. I even volunteered to return the vehicle to the dealership we bought the vehicle from. They told me not to. I found out their they are still charging me even though the loan had been closed and charged off.

Posted by
Crystal & Kevin Hoffman

We would like to be added to the lawsuit. Santander refused to work with us even after having agents agree to payment arrangements. Our vehicle still got repo'd. I have all the numbers figured out and they misdirected interest vs. principle. This company is horrible.

Posted by
Dominique Johnson

I would like to be included in this law-suit. This company is a total rip-off

Posted by
Scott Booth

We purchased a 2014 Dodge Challenger in 10/2015 after 2 1/2 years of paying $700/mo, the principal still hasn't changed at all... We would like to be included in this lawsuit as well

Posted by
Darlene M Cherenyock

I'm wanting to file class action lawsuit against Santander consumer immediately

Posted by

I purchased a car in 2012 and Santander was supposed to roll a $2000 previous loan I had into the new loan which they didn't do. Then if I was even two days late with a payment they harassed myself, my mother who co-signed for me, and my grandmother with endless phone calls. The car was deemed a total loss in 2015 and Santander received payments from my car insurance and the remaining balance from the GAP insurance and now that I'm in the process of getting a home loan I find out that Santander is reporting that I owe them over $4,000 and the company that they were supposed to pay off my balance is now over $6,000 which is causing me problems with getting my home loan. I need help.

Posted by

I currently have an auto loan with Santander and have the same issues as the majority here. I have been late on my payments in the past but they started keeping 100% of my payment for interest from the very beginning before I was late or missed any payments, mind you, I made up the missed payments plus some. I did have some months deferred to end of my note. I purchased my car in 2010 and it was a 6 year car note. I am still paying on my car and still owe 5 payments and it's December of 2017. I will not pay off my car until May of 2018! I have called them in the past and can't get answers to simple questions, so I emailed them asking that someone review my loan and have never heard back from them and it's been about 3 months. I was grateful at the time that they gave me the loan, but have regretted it ever since. I will not use Santander again. I will be willing to provide my information to anyone seeking a lawsuit against Santander.

Posted by

This company is a scam. They pray on people and rip them off. I was told I'd be called back by their president months ago after my truck was reposed and them calling family members who have no connections to the loan. After purchasing this truck 2 1/2 years ago the over all amount owed has never went down and it now higher then the purchase price. Someone please stop these sharks.

Posted by
Elisha S Lee

I would like to join this as well.

Posted by
Latese Thomas

I have a 2008 Dodge Charger, I have paid for this car 4 times. All the extra fees, payments going only to interest, and so much more. I would like to join this action lawsuit against Santander Consumer USA.

Posted by
Roshawn Hernandez

I would like to join Lawsuit, This company is nothing more than Greedy Petty Thieves. I will be checking for updates...

Posted by
Catryce Peeples-co*ker

I would like to be Included in the class action lawsuit against Santander being that I purchased a 2009 Lincoln MKZ for $19,000 in 2014 with requested pay off today the state I still owe them $20,500 and I’ve been making payments of 521 every month.

Posted by

I would like to join the class action suit.

Posted by
David Singh

I cosigned for a car loan with a friend he was the owner of the car - he had an accident and was in and out of the hospital -the shop that he had the car at called Santander and they came and took the car back - the original note was 23,000 they put a charge off on our credit for 27,000 saying that they auctioned the car off for 13000 - this was a 2013 nissan rouge that they resold in 2015 it had minor damages - they said that the fees added up to another 14,000 but they will settle for 11,000 - this makes no sense to me - I am not paying it - they took the car back, i believe that should settle the debt

Posted by

I would like to join this suit. Is there going to be one?

Posted by
Upset Mother

Would like to join this suit....the numbers are not adding up!

Posted by
Jesse Viotti

Please contact me regarding this class action suit Santander USA is crooked as crooked can 20.9 percent interest rate is crazy email me as soon as possible thank you

Posted by
angelo greenwood

Would like to join and sign up for lawsuit

Posted by
Terry Montgomery

I would like to join the class action suit.

Posted by
Jessica diane Russell

Yes I am all in santander new I worked for lyft going in to loan and when I told them I was moving and since car wouldn't be clean bc of moving I couldn't work so I fell behind started working again got done moving next day they repo car 2017 toyota Corolla

Posted by
Tracey and Curtis Marshall

My husband and I bought a car through Santander on February 18, 2012 which was a 14,000 dollar car our payments seemed like they weren't going down and when my husband lost his job we called for an extension on our payment and when we sent in a double payment while out of town they repo the car said that we we're behind and auctioned off the car and wanted us to pay the balance of $4,438. Which before they repoed the balance was $5,238. Can we be apart of this law suit cause this still on the both of our credit report as charge off bad debt.

Posted by

My husband and I got a car through Santander and we called talked with them about our payment where there had made an agreement to work us and soon as we sent our payment and went out of town we we're notified by family members that they were picking up the car. Let us owing over 4,000

Posted by
Sheree kennon

I bought a Nissan 2008 Altima from them and 2013, the interest on the car was over 29% and they still saying that I still owe them over$7,000 which could not be right they say it's because of late fees and other issues I have receipts I also had to file bankruptcy because of Santander Bank bank company please add me to the list of the lawsuit.

Posted by
Tarji B Gattison

Please add me to this list. I had a SUV with this company and every time I made a payment the amount never went down. So when I ask about it they only said that it was because of the interest rate. So when I ask could I just go ahead a pay the interest they said that I will still be charge 200 and something that would be added each day. I ready hated this company but it was the only one that would give me a car loan.

Posted by
Jamie Brathwaite

I had a Santander Loan that was just paid off this September 2017 and My husband and mother have a loan through them on their van. I am curious how to get us added to the lawsuit. I have looked at multiple numbers on my loan and their loan and none of the numbers add up. Such as we made 3 payments and some will be all interest or majority interest and they do not add up.
They even "accidentally" repossessed my vehicle and have admitted on the phone but would never fix it.

Posted by
Damaris Rucci

I have a car loan with Santander Consumer I do want to pay but my circ*mstance right now is rough. I have tried to work it out with the creditor but when they defer payments they pile on fees and then they punish me for owing fees so car note is never really being paid. I bought car for $20 thousand 5 years ago and they say I still owe $18 thousand. I know I am not the only who has problems with this company.

Posted by

Please add me to any class action lawsuit. Investigations should be made into Predatory lending, unlawful repossession, thought i was making payments on vehicle but everything was going to interest. Then they repossessed the vehicle because it appeared I was not making monthly payments. The dealership that financed the vehicle through Santander should also be held liable. My trade was completely paid off, now I have no vehicle. Further, I found out that I was charged $3,000 just for having my loan approved through them.

Posted by
Keshia Latriece Nowden

Please add me to this lawsuit. This is a predatory company with whom I currently have a loan through.

Posted by
Louise Buckner

Help me repossessions and outrageous fees all the money is going towards interest for the past 2 years

Posted by
Rita Johnson

My name is Rita Johnson I too have had a car financed with Santander’ they have lied to me twice saying they would work with me on my car next thing I knew they come and repossess my car without notice I’ve paid for that car already had it for four years and my balance is never going down they have ripped me off help!

Posted by

I met with 2 Consumer Attorney's earlier today, with almost 5 years of my payment records. Within 30 minutes looking through my records, they were scratching their heads and found errors dating back to the beginning of my loan. For example.. my 3rd or 4th payment went to pay interest only and $0 towards my loan. One Attorney pulled out his calculator and did the math and it didn't add up. Failure #1 that I missed. And other random miscellaneous charges recently of $400+ in addition to $200 interest in two months on a $400 monthly car payment. I was told the $400 misc was accrued interest even though it just appeared out of the blue under misc charges next to the interest column. I asked CS, why not list it under the interest column? The CS person had the party line its accrued. Shady to the max but I trust these Attorney's will get the the bottom of these dodgy dealings. I'm done with this company and going to let Attorney's deal with them from now on.

Posted by
LeToya Jackson

Please add my name to the list Santander Reps would tell me to pay more than the note amount and the amount would go to the principal I've had the car for 3yrs and the balance has not gone down yet.

Posted by
Nancy Rubinstein

Santander loaned my daughter at 29% interest on a used car, at an exaggerated sales price, with enormous fees up front. She was young (20 years old at the time) and didn't realize what she was doing. It was a nightmare.

Posted by
Susan Ritchie

Count me in. This is Wells Fargo all over again.

Posted by
lisa da cruz

they are horrible. i make my payment on time every month and hardly nothing if anything at all goes to principle. i have had my loan for over 2 years and they are absolutely horrible. i want out of that loan so bad. how can you pay the car loan off if nothing gets applied to principle?
i would definitely want to be included in lawsuit with them

Posted by
Jamie Shanon

I would like to be on this as well!!! I have paid them 16,000.00 and they say I still owe 16,000.00 on a 2012 Malibu. They are crooks!!!

Posted by
Tannies Rook

I would like to be in on this!!! I have been late on one payment. They are charging me over 1000.00 in interest and late fees and call me 3 and four times a day.

Posted by
Monjay Mcmillian

Same with me smh. I owe more than when I first bought the car

Posted by

I would like to join the class-action lawsuit. I have calculated my interest charges multiple times and nothing adds up. I owe $6500 and have been paying payments on my principle each month since June of this year. I logged into my account yesterday and found that they applied my entire payment of $591.43 to interest ONLY in September. With a balance of $6500, how is it possible that almost $600 should go to interest and nothing on the principle?

Posted by
Michael Skarhus

I would like to join the class action suit as well.

Posted by

In 2007 i purchased a Hummer H3 financed it with Franklin Capital $33k 5yrs, 13% interest with 15 payments remaining $8,000 balance, Santander bought the note added $5,000 in fees would not give me reason via email to justify why this happened? Told them i wasn't making another payment until they gave me an answer. Vehicle was reposed, sold at auction sending me to collection and credit bureau for $3,397.65 Now they want to settle for $550.00 I will not pay them anything for their corrupt crooked transactions! I suffered tremendously with this situation, still without vehicle to this day.

Posted by
Anthony Dickerson

Santander USA ARE EXPERTS AT RIPPING PEOPLE OFF.FOR 3 YEARS I been paying $400.00 a month.went and had 3 surgeries,got 3 months behind in my truck payment.$I own $ 1,300 late payment and fee'sThat is alright,But to Tage on another$1,000.00 is outrageous on top of the $1,300!Santander needs to be Stop!I only ask to be treated fairly!I would love to join this class action lawsuit!They need to be punished!!!

Posted by

Please include me in this. Santander is the worst they should be closed down.

Posted by
Anita Diamond

I have a loan with this company and want to be part of this lawsuit. I recently contacted the Alabama Attorney General's Office about this company over charging on my auto loan.
My loan was supposed to be paid off and they still say I owe them and I don't. I need help.

Posted by
Breana Williams

I would love to be a part of this lawsuit I totaled my car and the insurance didn’t pay out I thought I could just get payment arrangements for this loan but no I have to make payment like I still have the car and I can’t do that so the call be 4 to 5 times a day and every month my bill goes up because of late fee.

Posted by
Simone R.

How do I get in on this Class Action Lawsuit? They have never ever reduced the amount of money my principal. I have sent letters requesting the extra money I send in be added to my principal. It has never happend. My principal has been 12,085 since March and I have been making my payments. They also add extra money every month. Making it more than I am supposed to pay monthly.

Posted by
Joyce Gusman

I am taking them to court on Tuesday, I would have joined class action suit if I wasn't already going to court. I am more confident now that I know that I am not alone in fighting this awful company.

Posted by

This company is the worst!!!!
I have had my car since 2014 , purchased it at $13,469.99. Paid it for 3 years @ $400/month missing 2 monthly payments and I had asked for an extension. They gave me a 2 month "Courtesy" extension and it still ended up on my credit report as missed payments. I got into an accident and it was totaled and that was in August 2017, the payoff amount was $12k. The insurance paid off the value of the car and now I supposedly have a balance of $5,430 to pay. I asked for a lower payment and they refused. They say that I have to pay $378/month for a car that is totaled!!! This is ridiculous!!!

Posted by
Jesse viotti

I need to help and sign on to this lawsuite i feel the pain of what everyones talking about i am stuck cant trade or anything they pinned me in a corner and i mad all my payments i need help.

Posted by
Teacey Malone

I didn't know about the lawsuits am I to late to join the lawsuits . and I see consumer USA have. What about curvy not curvy Kirby Kirby please get back with me on that one thank you

Posted by

I would like to know what I can due, this company has gotten over $8000 from me on a car that not only ours vauled at less than $3000 but has also been recalled 4 times, plus the Pontiac company went bankrupt they are saying I still owe over $2000 and have caused my credit score to drop, please give me some advice as to what i can do

Posted by
Betsy Valladares

I would like to be in this class action lawsuit, first when I went with my co-signor to get my 2016 Hyundai Elantra I thought you get one month without paying, not according to Santander Consumer USA they are not like most finance companies. So according to them I was one month late, first day. But the dealership told me I had 1 month, my co-signor and I are confused. When we were signing papers. 2 thing they did was charge me 93.00 dollar late fees for everyday I didn't make the payment, just recently for the month of September 26th 2017 the payment to Santander Consumer USA was taken out of my bank account fraudulently when I sent it through bill pay. The bank let me know so I let Santander know that the bank was going to process the payment but that I would have to take care of the fees of 300.00 / or 250.00 they said (I understand ) favorite word their employees use, ( I understand) they recently called me that I am late again for September 26th 2017 by 17 days it's 499.00 dollars and the longer I wait to pay the will tack in more fees, they didn't care that my account was tampered with that i had to paid the fees regarding my account being overdrawn, they never said sorry to hear that this happen to you. people all over are being robbed, hacked, lost their jobs, Santander Consumer USA doesn't care for their customers, I recently am slow regarding my income, and I am doing the best that I can do to keep my head above water, I have purchased cars before with two other finance companies that I would recommend to anyone..But, I have to let my friends and families know not to use Santander Consumer USA, I am very disappointed. I have told them since October 5th that my rent comes first and the car insurance.. and that they have be patient with me..

Posted by

Please include me in this lawsuit. I habe been paying $500 a month for over three years and the payoff balance is still as much as I paid for the car. I feel that I am getting nowhere towards my goal to payoff my car. Please use this email address for contact.

Posted by
Tami Wenzl

Please include me in this.

Posted by

WORST company ever!!! I have been paying on my car a year now and my loan has hardly gone down at all because they put all the money toward the interest instead of the principal. I HATE this place!! I am to the point where I am about to voluntarily surrender my car. I don't even care anymore. If y'all start a class action suit please let me know!!! I would love to join in.

Posted by
Myrtle Jones

For so many customers as well as myself has been taken by this company as well as for so many changing names games from the first time I purchase my 2005 dodge Neon in 2007 purchase price was $9000.00 with a $500.00 down pay payment which would make the price $8,500. And taking the paper work to driving license place with total stating $9,000 and some cents in total with a 3yrs contract at $276.08 and it would be paid off. So instead they want say I had a 5yrs contract so I paid that and then come to find out the car has a stolen Id no# and they never seen me my title and the company did not replace the vehicle and and stating that I owe them more money and I paid them over 68 payments and they stole funds from my bank acct and I made 4 payments and only one payment showed up and another payment showed up under interests and the other payments was even deducted. So many payments was not deducted and the bottom line is that the car purchase price was $9000.00 and in finance would cause me $17,000. Your contract agreement be change and breach the contract and The vehicle first name was Drive there after NAME CHANGING BEGIN.
So they fix up some bogus information and send to credit companies to make like the customers didn't pay them. I fill whom ever is been affected by this company and whom else in this scam company affiliate with these tactic and make them pay back every individual that was hurt and correct there credit also. And make them pay funds directly to each customers who was totally involved and me want every payment I made to them and my over payments and my banks payments where as the bank had to close my acct and give me another acct. And this case is world wide.

Posted by
Patrick Jackson

I purchased a vehicle with Santander in 2012. I was over charged and when I tried asking about it I never I an answer. My vehicle was illegally repossessed. They made it impossible for me to get it back. My loan with them was terrible. The interest was constantly increasing with no apparent reason. This lead to my vehicle being repossessed.

Posted by

Harassing phone calls all hours of the day and night over and over again. Called numbers asked not to contact as they now belonged to a minor. Neighborhood terrorized. By others who had vehicle through them as well, unlawful searches in people property. Supposed payments not received that were double what the min amount was to received. Make you a prisoner of your own home. And do not respect when you say please don't not call at this time I cannot receive calls it will affect my job. Tell you they make notes in the account that are never made. My children are fearful to sleep because of these crazy people. I would do anything to just be rid of this nightmare. Ruined our lives. We warn anyone car shopping to run far away if this company is mentioned. Unfortunately my mother didn't listened and is having the same issues. Pays her bill every time and in 4 years has only paid 800 down on the purchase price your kidding me right. Our amount is thousands more than when purchased even with making double payments even some times 3 times the amount. Idon't understand how it's possible.

Posted by
Donnielle Bowman

I had a car with Santander and it's on my credit report as deliquint even though it was a total loss

Posted by
Michele Bennefield

someone please contact me

Posted by
Tonya Sahlstrom

I purchased a car with Santander in 2008, my loan with interest was cacaulated at 29,000. To this day, I am still paying on this loan and have paid over 40,000. I found out the first 5yrs hardly any of my payment went towards the principal, so when it matured I had to refinance with them for another 2yrs and some goes to principal now. Also had excessive late fees assessed. This company is ripping people off. They say I still owe almost 9,000, how could this be possible???? Please help.

Posted by

I would like to join your class action suit. Santander is a complete rip-off and should be shut down.

Posted by
Sandra H

I also had a loan with Santander consumer USA. I purchased my car for 23,000.00. in 2011 after paying 4yrs of 681.00 per month, I had paid out $29,000.xx. I contact Santander and requested a itemized statement and found out that none of my payments for 4yrs went towards the principal of my auto loan. Every payment I made went towards the interest of the loan and I still had a balance of 23,500.00.. after speaking with Santander over and over again, I decided to give the car back because I knew that they were ripping me off and this would never end. 2months later after surrendering my car, I rec'd a letter in the mail stating that my car had been sold at a auction for 5,600.00 and I had a remaining balance of 23,500.00.
I would like to be apart of the class action lawsuit /settlement if its not too late or would like to speak to an attorney regarding my case. please contact me via email. thanks for reading my message.

Posted by
Richard and Mira Buzard

We purchased a 2004 Toyota Camry and Santander is the worst lender I have ever dealt with. I have made 74 payments on this car and my loan amount is still 6800.00. They take advantage of people and I feel this car should not have cost us this kind of money. It has been a nightmare. Would love to be involved in this lawsuit. This company is such a ripoff and I'm dissapointed that they can get away with these subprime loans and late fees.

Thanks, Mira Buzard

Posted by

I would someone to contact me about this please! I bought a vehicle from Santander in 2013 for right at 15k. Now 2017 I still out 12500!! They are saying I'm behind a payment and thats so untrue! I'm supposed to have my loan paid off by 2/2020 and there is just no way! I talked to a banker to ask his advise and he put all the info in his system and he said their is absolutely something off about it because in order for the to be true and paid off by then I should be making payments of almost 600 dollars a month when my pay are only 367! Someone please help with this!

Posted by
Alicia Bingham

Im having the same issue, I dont know what the lawsuit is for but reading the comments falls nothing short of my situation. Bought my 2011 fusion in 2013 and my loan hasnt budged much if at all and it 2017. Are they taking all of my payments for interest and putting nothing to my loan itself? I dont understand. My payoff is more than my loan itself and I thought when paying off a loan you dont get charged interest anymore beyond the day you pay it off... I could be wrong! I tried trading my car in last year when I had a third kid for something bigger and I couldnt get anything affordable with such negative equity; since my loan hasnt budged but my car depreciated, im upside down in my loan. Talk about frustration.

Posted by

I would like to join this class-action lawsuit or any lawsuit in the future regarding Santander Consumer USA!!

Posted by

Has anyone figured out how to get a hold of these attorneys regarding this lawsuit. I would love Some info. I also would like to join this lawsuit as well

Posted by
Joseph Reagan

Please can someone reach out to me about this lawsuit me and, my mom need help bad. Our story with this company is very personal and, to damaging to explain here but we really need to know if we can join this lawsuit this company has really did some illegal issues with my mom who is a elderly lady over a car loan.

Posted by

We got behind the first of the year. In February, 2017 we were told to pay over $2500 to get current and catch up including fees. We paid this. Now we want to trade vehicle in. Credit report shows Santander Account closed and written off. We have vehicle and still make the payments. Santander said it was written off in January, unbeknownst to us. Never was notified, still took payments and shows balance on website. They refused to take info off credit reports. Not only that, they never took fees off that we supposedly paid in February. How is this legal?

Posted by
Lavern Batsielilit Chism

I would like to be added to Santander Class action lawsuit. I do believe they over charged me and still are. They financed 2 cars for me.

Posted by
Nancy Lombardi

I really need to get involve. I bought a 2007 Honda CRV three years ago 2014 for $14,120, now in 2017 I owe $14,771? What is going on here. My payments are on time the 20th of each month for $425.00. I'm suppose to have a three year contract now my car will be mine with pink slip title in 2020? Yes please help me too. Thank you

Posted by

I would like to be included I this class action lawsuit.
Harassing phone calls, supposed payments not received, paying over amount due and literally owe more now on the vehicle than when purchased. Repossessions attempted after double payments made claiming they were not received. Stalking and harassing neighbors. Looking under garage doors and through windows with flashlights of minor daughter room which is on the back of my home in a fenced in yard, who is terrified to sleep at night now.
Fam member purchased a vehicle and having same issues never late, and in 4 years with a 425 payment is said to only have paid 200 dollars on her vehichle. These people should be shut down. And all credit repaired.
Have had employees scream at me, call a number of a minor child 6 to 10 times a day.
Calling my husband 6-10 times a day when he repeated stated he could not have calls during that time. Gave a time to call that he could speak, risked job loss and repremand at work because of harassing calls, that was ignored. It's been a nightmare and I have had to seek anxiety medication because of the stress as well as become suicidal. It's like a nightmare with no way out. They have destroyed my families lives

Posted by

I would like to join the class action law suit.

Posted by
Stefan Hodges

I have a horror story about Santander and want to do a voluntary repo can someone give me some advice and I want to join lawsuit please.

Posted by

I would like to join the class action lawsuit. I experienced a similar issue. Purchased a vehicle in 2012 with payments of $466 monthly. After making payments for over 5 years the loan is only down about $5,000 and my vehicle was repossessed.

Posted by

I would like to join this lawsuit against Santander.

Posted by

I purchased a vehicle back in 2012. Santander Consumer USA is my lender. I was hrt at work back in July of 2016, and fell one month behind on my payment. I had never had an issue making my payment prior to that incident, so Santander offered to reduce my payment for a 6 month term in order to allow me to catch up. They sent me electronic documents for me to e-sign stating that they would reduce the payments for 6 months, and it would extend my loan for an additional 3 months. After the 6 months was up, the payments never went back to the original amount. I contacting them and let them know about the oversight so that it didn't have a negative effect on my account. They assured me that they would fix the issue, however, all they did was start sending me statements saying that the original amount would be charged, while taking the reduced amount from my bank account every month. I started getting paper statements from them a few months ago, to which I didn't pay attention to because I get electronic statements. I recently opened one of the paper statements to see why I kept getting them, and was shocked to find that they had been charging me fees, and additional interest due to their not taking the original car note amount that they had ensured me would be reinstated. They also seem to have extended my payments, not only 3 months, but an additional 18 months. I pulled up the electronic document that I saved in order to see if any of this information about interest, or additional charges was in there, only to find that the .pdf file that I saved had turned in to some very strange files that my computer cannot read. I then went to the email that contained the link to the files, only to find that the link had been disabled by Santander. I believe that this constitutes a scam. I have filed a complaint with BBB and will be pursuing some form of legal action against them

Posted by

Please include my email address in this lawsuit. My story is similar to most of those listed. My vehicle was declared a "total loss" last month after an accident (I was not at fault). I purchased GAP insurance when I bought the vehicle, for a situation such as this.
Needless to say, I now have a loan on the car that replaced my "total loss", and was told that the GAP insurance would cover nothing. Santander states that I still owe over $11,000 on a 2010 Pontiac that was purchased in 2011 for $20,000. I know that my interest rate was high but I also know there is no way this is legitimate business practice.
Located in Arizona

Posted by
Virginia Williams

My vehicle was repo had my paid car trade in towards another car had a loan with santander loan with a new car was repo not legal right at all i want to be in the lawsuit against them asap

Posted by

Please email me someone! I am in the exact situation as everyone here. I paid 471 a month for a car originally worth about 14,000 off the lot about 2 years ago. I made 24 payments which equals around 11304 in just payments. I recently came across a large income and thought I'd just pay off my car to get it done and over with. My payoff amount was 15,136!! I'm a dummy I guess and payed that amount not factoring in my 2 years of 471 monthly payments. Now here I am

Posted by
Lilia Santillan

I would like to join the class action law suit.

Posted by
Emily northcliffe

My ex Husband I bought a BMW in 2012 for 25k (not of my choice) and basically talked into co-signing on the loan. WORST MISTAKE EVER!!!! 3 months later we filed for divorce and my credit has suffered ever since then. My ex paid the payment up tp 25k and 4 years later still owed 25k!! the principle never decreased. Car was a lemon and put 4k into new transmission and breaks. . He gave up and told them to take the car back since it couldn't be sold for 25k! 2008 bmw isn't worth it. They sold it and now we still owe 12k! On my credit being reported every month and I have no control over this! Think is They charged off 10k and its is going up 580 a month on top of that? How is this legal if it has been charged off already?? Please someone contact me if you can tell me what to do???

Posted by
Melody P

I definitely want to join in with this class action lawsuit. My payments are $465.83 a month. I have had my car since 2013 and they said my pay off balance is still $17,000. Clearly I am being ripped off and every time I call them for them to explain why none of my payments are going towards my principal balance they make of some bs about my payments going mainly to interest because I'm making my payments late. I make my payments on time every month and the payoff balance does not change. Clearly I have been just giving this company my money every month to pay their bills and keep them in business. This company is FRAUD.

Posted by
Ramona K Thacker

I would like to be a part of this lawsuit.

Posted by
Shayla W

Has anyone heard anything else about this lawsuit? I want to know how to be added to it. My vehicle is through Santander and the amount of money I've spent is ridiculous.

Posted by
Alicia Faircloth

I have the same issue with Santander. I purchased a camry in 2012 and I still owe $15,695.00 on this car and in September 11, 2017 I have this car for 5 years. Something not right nor adding up. I want to be considered for the class action lawsuit that was filed against Santander in 2013,

Posted by

I purchased a car for 10,000 in 2012 a 2006 Saturn Ion I have made payments that doubled the amount due and somehow 5 years later I still owe 8,000!!! I called to let them trying to refinance because the car needed repairs worth more than the blue book value which is $975. They said they don't refinance so I told them to come pick up the car a couple weeks later because it broke down on me and they refused because the car was not at my home! They are crooks who don't care anything about the customer and now I have no car and no one wants to finance me not even them!!!!

Posted by

Submitted a complaint today with the CFPB when I noticed that the payoff amount for my car loan is MORE than the original amount financed. I also asked for a copy of my signed contract by both mail and fax, which I have not received.

Posted by
Dennis Paris

I would like to be a part of this lawsuit, because Santander sent a repo guy in or around June and July of 2015 and repo'd our vehicle and were were actively in a chapter 13 bankrupcty case. Then still tried to make us pay them. I dont even think so.....they are such a ripoff and need to be shut down completely. I thought when in bankruptcy, especially Chapter 13 that they protected you against the creditors...apparently not because the very next day they had my 2008 Kia Sedona in Nashville at an auction....

Posted by
A. Henry

Someone please point us in the direction of a class action lawsuit for Santander. I over paid on 4 of 7 of my payments and the amount owed is not decreasing.

Posted by
Patricia Dennard

I have an account with Santander Consumer and my maturity date is Nov.25 2017 and they are telling me that my balance will be 6,098.38 and my title will not be released until paid in full. I need help and would like to be a part of the class action lawsuit. Will someone someone please contact me.

Posted by
Ashley Brooks

I purchased a car for about $12,900 almost three years ago. Ive made my payments of $320 each month and three years later my balance is $13,100. When I try to ask questions I can barely understand them and they said it is because I made a few late payments. I need to join the action against them. Does anyone know what steps I can take against them. Is what they are doing legal?

Posted by
Catarino montero

I would like to be added to the list of this class action law suit. I get repeated phone calls, almost 5 times a day. Also paying to high of interest on a vehicle that is not worth and they know exactly what they are doing. Please let me know what I need to do. Thank you!

Posted by
Tamara Bradford

I want to be apart of this lawsuit. What do I need to do. Please someone help me!!!

Posted by
Tracey Simpkins

I would like to join the class action lawsuit

Posted by
Gontacha Williams

Hi I will like to know how can I be apart of this claim for my 2008 Hyundai Veracruz. I purchased my car in February of 2013 making high monthly payments of 427.17 with a with a 8 years terms which is 96 months brings the total of 41,008 for a 12,000 vehicle sales price with a 4,000 down payment. I live off of social security and I knew that it was going to be hard for me to maintain also I knew it was unfair. I'm still paying notes on my car if it's anything that anyone can help me with thru this lawsuit I'm a willing participant. Please contact me thru email if it anything that can be done!!!!! Thanks a lot!

Posted by
Jahan Hassan

I would like to be a part of this lawsuit

Posted by

Just got my car back... please add me to this.

Posted by
Linda Frounder

I have been paying on my car since 2014. My car amount is STILL THE SAME AMOUNT SINCE THE DAY I PURCHASED IT. I WANT SOMETHING DONE ASAP!!!

Posted by

I thought I was the only one. I bought a 2014 mazda cx9 November 2016 with a payment of $582 a month. I went 2 days ago to trade the car in for a lower payment. I was told my payoff is around $450 less than I financed. I thought how is that possible. So I called and was told the loans are daily interest and my interest rate is $12.01 a day. After I did the math it would have me paying over $8000 interest more than my contract states. The lady emailed me my payment history and some of my payments were all applied to interest. This makes no sense. Please help. My statements say one thing. I have earlier statements where my payoff is about $1700 less than what it is after I've made more payments. The lady said she would have an account specialist look at it but I haven't heard from anyone.

Posted by

I have a loan with them and I have been paying for 33 months and my principal has barely gone down!!!! I would like to be a part of this lawsuit!

Posted by
Jermaine Melton

These people are the worse. Got trapped with this high interest loan. My car was repossessed yesterday. I would like to join this lawsuit as well

Posted by
Jessica corsaletti

please involve me in this lawsuit! this company is full of snakes! I'm 23 years old and bought my first car last year. I make GREAT money and called to have a representative explain to me how I could pay off my car quickly without incurring much interest. she told me if I sent in a payment more than due, it would automatically be applied to my principal. I did this for about 9 months before i noticed my principal had only dropped about $1500 even though i paid these crooks OVER $4500. out of the 4727.98 ive paid them 2574.83 has gone to INTEREST. ive called about 5 times since noticing the first rep lied to me and my extra payments were NOT being applied to just principal. In each instance a rep "recommends" an alternitive to lower my interest when realistically they have no idea what they are talking about, one even told me to wait until my due date to pay and I wont have ANY interest. finally, today, 8/18/17 an agent informed me after making a payment i have to call and verbally tell them to apply to my principal. ALSO on their payment page on the website it is CLEARLY DISCLOSED that interest accrues per diem AFTER your payment is late. that is completely FALSE. interest accrues per diem from the last date YOU made a payment. snakes and crooks. even the website lies. please inform me of anything that goes on with this lawsuit as I'm sure I'm not the only young, new car owner they are taking complete advantage of and I would love to get ANYTHING back from what they've taken from me

Posted by
Loretta Lawson

I would like to be a part of this lawsuit as well. I needed a cosigner when I bought my car. I had my friend sign with me. She doesn't even make enough to cover the payment if I failed to. They should have never accepted that contract. My interest rate is 22.29%!!!! I have made 24 payments of $398 and my balance has only decreased by 1090 dollars! It's just ridiculous. There should definitely be a law against this.

Posted by
Ashley Dougherty

I would most definitely like to be a part of this lawsuit. I have been paying on my car for 3 years now and have only dropped the principle by $1000. I have paid over $8000 with $6000 in interest. When I looked at my payment history I was shocked. $19 was all that went towards the principle amount of my first payment, the rest went to interest. When my husband lost his job I called them to see what we could do. They gave me the option to cut my payment by half for 6 months. At first I thought this was awesome, but when I looked at the history I saw that every bit of this went to interest. I can't keep paying these crooks.

Posted by
Verlinda Jackson

I have a subprime loan with Santander. They are horrible. The interest is impossible and I will never be able to pay the car off. I would like to be a part of a class action law suit.

Posted by
AnitaJo Allen

I went to dealership, was told I need Co signer so a man I took care that's like my brother said he cosign. I told them I can only afford 300 dollars a math I am on fixed income. My car ended up in my friends name and he is legally blind has no licence and could not drive, it was tagged to school instead of my state nc. I have nc licence and install. So had change that instead went up over double, my car pymt was 405.00 mth and 150.00 mth ins. Now my friend has passed away and now I don't have a car. It in his name and I can't afford they used his income instead of mine and that's a difference of 1000.00 dollars a mth

Posted by
Jessica K

I would like to be involved in the lawsuit. They charged me 29.9% on my car. for the first month I had to keep going back and forth to the car dealership and they still never fixed the issues. Then when my car died they screwed me out of a payment. When I fell behind I had asked for a forbearance, When i finally caught up I had to pay that forbearance back and I still wasn't caught up. Right now I owe them like 25 grand on a nissan 07 with almost 200,000 miles on it. and i got it at 97,000 and they charged me $18,000 for it total. They charged to much interest. They would even take my trade. I had this loan for almost 2.5 yrs now.

Posted by
Victoria Wilkerson

I currently have a loan with Santander Consumer USA and have had an incredible amount of trouble with the company. I would like to join this lawsuit against the company and if anyone has information regarding it, please let me know!

Posted by
Stacy Wyrick

PLEASE save us from these CROOKS. I purchased my car in December of 2012 for 18K, had some financial hardship when my husband lost his job 2 years ago, still paid my note but was late a few times. Found out that my PAYOFF is more then what I paid for the car 5 years AGO! I am going to call them and tell them to come pick it up, they can have it. I will hire a attorney to fight this case, it's ROBBERY!

Posted by
Shawn Jolin

I would like to be a part of this lawsuit. I have been paying these people double payments every other month and they are still trying to repo my car. It seems no matter what I do the loan never decreases and nothing I pay goes toward the principal of the loan. Please contact me to be a part of this lawsuit.

Posted by
Shannon C Parker

I have a loan with them and want to be apart of this lawsuit.

Posted by
William R. Metts

Wow, I thought I was the only one!!! After reading for several hours online Santander has ripped off soooo many people it's ridiculous!!! I've been paying on a 2009 Ford Taurus for 5 years, purchase price $19,000 at $400.00 bucks a month. They just repo'd it last week, August 2017. I call the company she told me $19,000 has been applied to interest and only 3 payments have been applied to the principle over 5 years!!! The total amount paid as of 8/6/2017 is $21,087.72... She says I still have a balance of $18,380.47 still owed after the repo!!! Time to contact an attorney or be a part of this class action lawsuit.

Posted by
Bruchon Johnson

I have a loan with this company and want to be part of this lawsuit

Posted by

I would like to know about this as well. I had a loan with them and paid for years and I owed almost the same amount of the initial loan when I lost my job and they repo'd the car after me asking for payment arrangements they offered and the day after I made a payment with a rep over the phone they picked my car up the next day in the middle of the night!

Posted by
Julia T Cameron

I also want to be involved in santander lawsuit.Im in Oakland Ca.

Posted by
Chassidy Smith

I would like to find out who to contact about getting a lawsuit or getting in on one regarding Santander USA Consumer. I am in the same situation I purchased a 2013 Focus in 2014 and paid $18,000 with a monthly payment of $425.00 for the vehicle and they are saying I still owe $17,000. on it . How is that even possible? 3 years of payments and my principal has only gone down $1,000.00 . I can't trade in the car cause I am so upside down on it. I am so frustrated .I have called and their customer service is horrible they basically tell you "oh well" they are the worst company to do business with. I don't know what to do anymore . Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by
Daniel Weld

I aswell want in on this lawsuit, they way they treat us is ridicilous

Posted by
Anita Diamond

My car was suppose to be paid off 5/2017. Santander still says I owe over $3,000 more dollars. I paid each month. I'ver asked repeatedly for a list of payments and a statement to show my payments. They only email me back saying someone will get back in touch with me. They never do call back or send you the information you request. I paid this car each month. Something is wrong with this company. They are ripping people off.
I desperately want to be apart off this lawsuit against Santander.

Posted by
Ashley Jones

I'm trying to see if it too late to join the class action lawsuit against Santander Consumer USA. If not can someone please contact me and point me in the right direction. This company is constantly taking my money and overcharging me. I agreed to pay the reduction amount for 6 months which means only interest will be applied/ no principal and if I should miss a payment then I would be kicked off the program. Every payment was paid for the 6 months then later discover once the program was over that I had accrued unpaid interest and did not pay the full amount of the interest of which they created. within the 6 months, they tell me I owed 900 of interest during that time period and when my regular payment kicked in they applied majority of the payment towards the interest. I have had my car going on 2years and they tell me i only paid 2,000 of princpal. Sad day for me ...i can't wait to get away from this company.

Posted by
T smith

I was financed with this company in 2015 from a dealership that was on the side of the road in when i was approved with my trade-in and additional down payment, they had told me in a year we can refinance for a lowest int rate, my original amount was 20,546.00 and my payoff is only 19,898 I have been paying this car for years and have tried to refi it but santander doesn't offer that and others say upside down on it this company has charged us crazy amount of int, my current due still on int is $8,783 my balance total is the 19.898 can't even do a trade in, How can a finance company get away with this I see there has been other states that have looked into this and found this is wrong to consumers int @ 20 plus percent is just crazy and i was told only 1 year and it changes to much lower we need help with this, I pay it faithfully but im stuck with it to the day its payed off what are our rights, who can help us ??

Posted by
Donna Hudson

It appears that Santander is still doing the same thing they have been doing for years. I purchased a car in 2014 through carmax in baton rouge, la. I put 2000 down on a car that cost 9000. My cost became 13000. My understanding of the finance part of this loan is that all fees added are considered intrest and whatever fees the bank is charging, so how is it that they can continue to charge fees after the promissory note has been signed by the borrower. I requested an itemized payment history from them in June 2017. when I received it it appears that I have been making payments to nothing other than intrest and miscellaneous fees. Is this constitutional?

Posted by

I financed a 2003 Ford Exp. with Santander Consumer USA in 2009 and it seems I can never bring the amount down, there are fees for everything, and when you try to make payments over the phone they will not accept a lower payment from what the system says is due. I have fallen behind before, had my vehicle repossessed but got it back and caught up but my balance never seems to change. They on 6/26/17 I made a payment and was told that it seemed like I was trying to pay it off that to call back once my payment cleared and ask about the Matured Modification (refinance) that I would qualify, it would drop my % rate and my monthly payment. I called after the payment cleared my bank then I was told I didn't qualify so they called a manager, who then told the guy assisting me that I did and they would send me the new figures in the mail by Tuesday. So I waited and nothing, so I finally called in to be told that the previous people I spoke with were wrong and that I did not qualify, so I told them this was not something I made up I have the dates I spoke to the people at Santander and the estimated % and payments that I would probably be paying. How else would I know about the Matured Modification that ya'll offer? I told them I am not trying to skip out on my vehicle I just want to what was offered to me. I told the Manager on this phone call (third one) what do I have to do to qualify so he told me he was sorry that he couldn't help me. So I told him well that is fine I know ya'll record these calls and I will contact the BBB and a lawyer to see what my rights are.
* Now I have a Manager calling me because they are going through the recordings and that the people I spoke with were not correct but that they would like to honor the amounts that were offered.

Posted by
Sandy L

If this lawsuit is still in the process, I have a terrible issue with the company. I would like to be included in the lawsuit.

Posted by
billy frye

I was wondering if anyone can send me a link or direct me to where i can sign up for this lawsuit against Santander.

Posted by
Yvonne Miller

I am buying a car that purchase price was $10,000,payed $6000 down and still cost me over $18000. Add me too this lawsuit

Posted by
Carolyn Williams

I purchased a 2008 Honda Pilot through Santander in August of 2014 for 17,000.00. I noticed that my payoff amount as of March of 2017 is now over 18,000.00. Of all the years of paying on this loan, the payoff amount should not be higher than the purchase amount. Santander practices are unfair and it is set up to bilk people out of money. People are being taken advantage of and are left forever owing them.

Posted by
Elizabeth Valadez

Santander claims to have received no payment for the months of May and June 2017 when in fact I had sent payment for these respective months. For these months I made money order payments and sent them via postal mail with ample delivery time and Santander claims that they received them late and attempted to impose late fees: I would send each payment on the 1st and they claim that they received payment 10 days late after the 18th when it was due (and it doesn't take long for payment to get to them because they are in Dallas and we are in San Antonio, so how does a payment become late when sent on the 1st and they say they get it almost a month later?? Sounds like Fraud to me. They also tacked on interest to those "late" "lost" payments. Their plan seems to be to pretend they received late payment and attempt to repossess the vehicle so they can immediately sell the vehicle for an unethical profit, which they have done once already and the tow service charged me, last time they repossessed it, $1800. And they constantly make threatening and harrassing phone calls trying to collect payments when they were always on time. This ordeal had caused enormous distress and emotional suffering. I would like entrance to this tort claim.

Posted by
Nateese Brown

If there any way to get more information on this lawsuit? My 2010 Mazda Mazda3 is financed with them, and my account balance has only gone down a few thousand dollars within the past 4 years. I tried to refinance with them to lower my payment, but I was told that they don't have refinancing options.

Posted by

I'm trying to see if it to late to join the class action lawsuit against Santander Consumer USA .If not can someone please contact me.

Posted by
Alicia Garcia

I have a second Mortgage loan with them, every time I'm late I make sure I pay the late fee and clear the ledger , But when I try to pay to the principle, they take that money and say that I owe for late fees from previous years , When I called Bull@#$% and tell them to check again they always keep me for hours and give me some other bull@#$% fees instead of the original Bull@#$% they tried to feed me and still take my money. My payment is around 350 I sent 1400 added a note saying please add the rest to principle , they took 2 payments out it as well as some other Bull@#$% and only apply 700 to principle, Called and complaint but it did me no good , I said OK! I'm going to make another one now that all is clear and I'm ahead a month sent 500 and they still took more then half for interest and " past late fees " I called again and all they could tell me again was more lies and run around , I'm so ready for this class Action to be a BIG one because if they did the same thing they are doing to me to a million people a DAY they get away with more than 10,000,000 a DAY , imagine if they have more then 10,000,000 loans . RANT OVER

Posted by
David Seaton

I am presently in an auto loan with Santander. I have been paying my loan on time and more than the minimum payment and my loan balance is not decreasing. I've contacted the Illinois State attorney's office but I found this thread and wish to be added to any pending class action suit is possible.

Posted by
Ms. Sandra Collins

I, purchased a 2012 Kia Soul, ran into serious medical condition that required surgery. When asked to pay 1/2 month until back on feet, I was immediatly turned down, which brought a financial hardship along with stressing for not being able to pay something to keep car. after all, anything was an effort but to constantly be denied. was more hard breaking, with being directed over and over including hung up or shall I say hanged up on followed by demanding, threatening, and harassing phones calls because I wanted to keep vehicle for not only my usages also Dr. Appointments for Grand-Daughters.
I kept the car parked outside so they could retrieve it not knowing the day it would soon be gone and one day taking my grand-daughter to school it was gone. She was sad! Lord knows me too but couldn't express how tears flowed inside.
I have been *Blessed* in getting around with many offering and praying one day I would get back on my feet and purchase another vehicle without all the sky rocket interest rates because of my bad credit. and the increase of the car value from $16,000 to $20,000 more than the car ever been worth. I was also told the thousands of dollars paid went toward interest so you may as well say the vehicle cost close to $25-30.000 not new. I inquired about the letter stating I could get the car for $8,000 and make payments but was told had to pay in full before auction two days later no car. Still awaiting letter on remaining balance from auction 6/7/17...I would like to be a participant of this class-action lawsuit.......I believe this is one I wrote earlier but it doesn't hurt to inquire again especially with a follow-up

Posted by
Euella Francis

I purchased a mazda 2010 cx7 for $14000, I put down my car as collateral, $2000 plus $100, I paid for over 2 yearrs, then car was repossed. I got a bill, stating that I owe $13,000, the sale price of the car ws not listed, the fees was not listed. I would like to join this lawsuit

Posted by

Is It Anyway I could get into this class action lawsuit I'm paying too much for this car thank you for this information I can hardly pay my rent for my family once again thank you God bless you

Posted by
P West

Purchased equinox and paid in full. Knew I had a few late fees but once paid off they stated I owed $4800 still! Would like to join class actions against Santander who harassed me for payments not even due and gave different amounts due even when I called them!

Posted by
Samantha Davis

I would like more information on this class-action lawsuit. I would like to know if I qualify to join

Posted by
Tomika Morris

I purchased an 2010 Altima the interest rate was ridiculous high I actually had to trade it in because the interest and car note was so high I couldn't pay for the vehicle so I would like to join the lawsuit.

Posted by
Valerie Sanders Briggs

Yes, I would like to join in on the lawsuit against Sand tan de r. They lied to me about everything.

Posted by

I like to complain about Santander USA about my car loan. I purchase a 2012 Nissan Altima in 2013 for $14,000. Paid my car notes each month until I was off of work due to illness for a month and got behind on my payments of $403.00, and ran into some financial hardship. They had my interest higher and my balance now is $17,000 and some change in 2017!!....... ridiculous!! I need help!!! I would like to know if I can join in on the lawsuits it's not too late?

Posted by
Sharen Branch

I am interested in joining class action.

Posted by
Lena Michelle Gainer

Please add me in participation to this lawsuit. My loan has not reduced.

Posted by

I purchased a 2010 Mazda 3 in 2012 for roughly 1300$. I've made payments of 400$ Or more per month since then, I also put 1500$ down. I had to defer two Payne ta due to cancer. Today my payoff is almost 8000$ They just recently stopped charging me the $10.95 fee to pay over the phone. That's cost me an extra 500$ over the years. This place is the biggest rip off going. I want to join suit. At this rate my car won't be paid off for another two years and will have cost me 30k

Posted by
Gayle Dillon

I would like to join the lawsuit am inquiring about the class-action lawsuit that was filed against Santander in 2013. I'm wondering if the case has been settled and if I might be eligible to participate. I'm also wondering if I have any legal recourse against them for not accurately explaining the additional interest charged to my loan following a payment deferment which has come to $3900.

Posted by
Carolyn Nimmons

I am in North Carolina,I hope I can be added as on a fixed income an my car payment is out ragious

Posted by

I would like to join this lawsuit, they (Santander) Consumer USA are dirty people to deal with. They take advantage of people, because of people's credit situation. They approve you of these high loans and then when you hit a bump in the road, they lie to you after making promises to you that they don't keep. The can't be trusted at all, it's kids after lies with these people. After making your payments from the agreed Payment arrangements they sit up with you they still take your car. They liers, the devil, and you should never deal with them.

Posted by
Concerned Customer

I purchased a 2007 Toyota Camry in 2009. It is 2017 and the balance is still 16,000 after all these years of payments. ThiS company is a ripoff. What is the status of the class action lawsuit?

Posted by
Giselle Mccray

I am with them now I feel like my balance is not going down. I will never have them paid off

Posted by
Xavier Sadler and Larry Sadler

I am being asked by Santander to pay over 18000.00 dollars for a car purchased in 2015 that was reprocessed and they are saying that I owe 22000.00 minus 5000.00 and 1000.00 leaving me with a bill of over 18000.00 and that is just not the amount I owe. I would like to be included in the class action lawsuit.

Posted by

I would like to know if I can still join the lawsuit against Santander this company is a complete rip off !

Posted by
Courtney Beck

Is the class-action lawsuit still open? I financed my car two and a half years ago with Santander and still owe for another 2.5 years! It's really just a bill I can not afford anymore as a single mother and wish I would have never opened the account. If any one has some tips, feel free to contact me.

Posted by
keisha webb

I would like to be on this lawsuit. Please let me know how I can be a part of this lawsuit. I purchased a 2011 Hyundai Sonata in 2014 for 16,000 and now I owe 18,000. I need help getting away from this company. They have ruined my once ok credit. I have to deal with them calling me constantly like five times daily. I can't even purchase a home because of them. Please help me.

Posted by
Patrise Jenkins

Please send me information about this lawsuit. I had a repo back in 2008 and I just received a call yesterday saying they were going to garnish my wages if I didn't pay almost 11,000.00. I told them that the car was 12,000.00 when I purchased it and when they took the car I had been making 400.00+ payments for over a year, plus once they resale the car it is supposed to be deducted from your balance. They told me that I am not factoring in finance charges. Please help!

Posted by
Nachez Zanders

I purchased a 2011 Chrysler 200 in May 2013 for approximately $17k (after tax, tag, etc ).I made payments and for 3 years. When I was trying to trade the car to get away from Santander, I was told I still owed over $16k and it had been charged off. I was still making payments at the time. I tried contacting them but was just dismissed without resolution. Can you help?

Posted by
Joselito rodriguez

I also would like to join this lawsuit this bank is a fraud and they need to be stopped before they hurt anymore families.

Posted by
Karryn Birch

HELP ME PLEASE !!! I bought a car with Santander in May of 2014, for 13,498.00 - the pay of on this day is 15,999.00..
I am Lost at what to do, at this point , I cant trade the car off
to get away from them... all I can think of is letting them take the car back... but, then I can't get a loan to get another vehicle..
WHAT DO I DO ??? can I join this class action lawsuit ?

Posted by
Joselito rodriguez

I also would like to join this lawsuit this bank is a fraud and they need to be stopped before they hurt anymore families.

Posted by
Stacey Chisolm

Please contact me. I've had this lender twice. Both times my loan was extremely unorthodox and during the first loan with them they contacted my job a number of times which was very embarrassing.

Posted by
Mary V

I would like to know where to be included for the lawsuit against Santander. I've have a 2012 Versa for 4 years. I still owe over $12,000 pay off.

Posted by
Larry Morine

I currently hands an outrageous loan with them and the amount never goes down after payment. Can someone please contact me.

Posted by
vicki riisager

I sent the form to tell you a little about me getting a car through Denny Hecker, with Citi Financial as the bank, and then selling it the next day to Santander. I had no knowledge what the interest, fees, late fees, and over the limit fees were. They wouldn't tell me and the bill only had the amount owed on the car and the payments due. I couldn't even access it online. I would like to be part of a lawsuit if there still is one. They said after more than 6 years I still owed more than $6500 for the $13000 loan. They sold it but now say I owe over $3000. Thanks. Vicki I bought a 2006 Taurus, and it was 1 year old.

Posted by
Felix Salinas

How do I join this class action lawsuit. I have an auto loan with Santander USA and am getting nowhere. I purchased a car in 2013 for about $27,000 and here we are in 2017 my balance has ONLY gone down by $4,000 and my payoff is $23,000 which doesn't make sense because I have ALREADY paid santander $22,000 dollars but apparently NONE of is has really gone towards paying down the balance. I don't know what to do.

Posted by
melissa black

i need to join this lawsuit ,,, for the unfair allocating of principle and interest payments ,, since i have had my vehicle i have paid 50 to 100 dollars every month towards principle it has been 5 years on a 6 year note ,, i am not really smart but i know that it should have been paid off long ago ,,, i call every month to have the payment adjusted ,, because you have to call them and request the payment to be allocated correctly ,, the payment coupon does not say you have to call to apply the the extra principle payment , how ever if you do not call them the will NEVER APPLY THAT PAYMENT TO PRINCIPLE ,,, NEVER !!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE CALL THEM AND HAVE YOUR ACCOUNT ADJUSTED !!!! IT IS NOT ON THE PAYMENT COUPON ,,, I STILL OWE ALOT BUT IT DROPPED MINE AND I AM STILL ARGUEING WITH THEM OVER THESE PAYMENTS SO CONTACT ME

Posted by
Tammy Demby

Please add me to this law suit!

Posted by
Mary Lane

I was also a victim. Don't owe but three month and they reprocessed it.

Posted by
Stacy Lombardo

At the time I purchased this car, I went through a dealership and didn't know that my then husband had created ridiculous fraud on me and my credit the dealership ran was incorrect at that time in which Santander gave me a finance for $12k. 4. I was making approx 356.00 a month for a 5 year finance on a Chevy Malibu. Months later, my then husband was ordered to leave my house in which I had found out about the fraud and my then husband drained my accounts. I called Santander to let them know fraud was committed on my account and also explained I would maybe need to defer. I signed a document to defer two months but never had to defer it. I made payments. They also explained they would re-run my credit and retro the interest difference since fraud was committed. I am now almost a year and half later into this finance and owe $14,921.57. How is that even possible paying 356 a month for a year and half? I owe more than what I paid for my car with almost 2 years into my finance. My accrued interest is 353.20. This is insane. I have no idea how it's even possible to pay this car off when all I'm paying is the interest on this car. Someone Please Help Me. I just beat all the fraud my ex committed on me and was not responsible. I have no problem going after Santander and doing the same. They are a rip off and seriously ruined my life with having two kids and barely getting by.

Posted by

Purchased a car in July 2011 for 72 months, received 4 extensions. Applied and was granted the SCRA protection, interest rate was changed from 14.99% to 6.00% in 2014. In 2016 my interest rate dropped to 0.00%, however my balance is still over $5300.00 even though my maturity date on the loan would be July 2017; with the four extension it would be November 2017 but their records reflect February 2018 but my current payments will not equal the balance they say I still owe. I think Santander violated the SCRA but not properly recalculating my loan once they granted me the SCRA protection. I think they just lowered my monthly payment.

Posted by
Hakima Fields

I have a loan with Santander ans have had a nightmare. Is this class action lawsuit still in affect

Posted by
Melissa Swank

Is this still going on? Have paid over what payment was, deferred 2 mnths and have made almost 3 yrs, still owe what was sticker price 3yrs ago. What?! They're predators. At this rate I'll never get it paid off.

Posted by
Rick W Busby

I would like to be added to this law suit. How do I do it.

Posted by
Dean Fuller

I would like to join the lawsuit. My loan termed and should be over. When I called, I was told that I still owed another $8,000. Please contact me if I can.

Posted by
douglas w henderson

I've been paying on my Ford Fusion for 2 1/2 years now and i still owe them 15,000 dollars for this car. Sorry but I just don't see how i can still owe that amount after paying for that long. I'm going to end up spending 30,000 plus on this car before I'm done Paying for it. Please Help if you can.

Posted by
Minka G.

I have a car financed through Santander. Interest rate is outrageous, if you do not have auto pay they charge you $10.95 each payment, which has stopped couple months ago, I have had this car since Sept. 2012, and it looks like I will never be able to pay off my loan. I was told that for first 3 years with Santander you pay interest only and after that is principal, so why am I still paying interest and fees. I have paid for this car twice already.

Posted by

I would like to get involved in the class action. My car was totaled and insurance paid. Also the extended warranty paid off and the gap insurance paid in still left with almost 2,000 they say it's for interest and fees. They also turned around and out my insurance payment towards insurance.

Posted by
Robert Ivory

I would like to join my loan was for 13,551.77 for a 2013 Dodge Dart 361.33 a month. 12 months later and my payoff balance is only 12,976.32. This is outrageous I have paid total of 4,335.96 but only 575.45 has gone towards the principle and the rest is interest!!!!! This can't be legal

Posted by
Cassandra Young Henson

I like want to be a part they are a ripoff 2010 Ford Escape
Was 16,000,and they charge 32 000

Posted by
Julie Caldwell

I would like to join this lawsuit. I purchased a car in 2012 and financed it through Santander for $21k. 5 years later, I still owe $15k. The car is currently work $6k, according to KBB. I've called numerous times to renegotiate the interest rate to try and get this loan paid down, but they refuse to work with me. I'm supposed to have it paid off in a year, but HOW?? The car has 90k miles on it and I'm worried it will break down before I can get it paid for. Santander will not work with me at all!

Posted by

I want to be part of the lawsuit... I bought a 2006 in 2013 for 15000 and it is 2017 and they still say I say I still owe 14000 on it...I dont understand where my money is going cause it must not be on the car loan

Posted by
Donovan Prewett

I bought a 2013 Nissan versa. I borrowed 16,000 from Santander. I paid over $466 per month for 4 years. My balance decreased to only 12,000. My loan was for 6 years. I was never late. Dantader told me my car would not be paid off in 6 years.

Posted by
Damien Thomas


Posted by
Tarji B Gattison

Hello can anyone please ponit me into the right directing on this lawsuit. I was just told about this and they screw me over bigtime as well. So please someone send me the information I need. Thank You In Advance

Posted by

I bought my car in 2011 for $21,258.65, it shows I have only paid 35 payments in which is not true and my balance is $16,600. I can't even trade the car in, they tell me to either voluntarily repo or double up on payments to pay off early.

Posted by

This bank has been not posted not one of my payments to my account since 2016. I have been in contact with the president department but they are giving the run around claiming I still owe. This banks is stealing customers money and reporting false information to the creditors.

Posted by
Tamara Ellis

I would like to know if I'm a part of this class action lawsuit. I received the information in the mail and I signed to be included in the law suit several years ago but I have not heard back from anyone.

My auto loan was sold to Santander in 2006 the auto was totaled/wrecked in 2010. Santander picked up the totaled vehicle to "auction it off" and billed me the balance after my insurance already paid for it.

Now 10 years later their on my credit report for $736 , they've sold this to some collection agency. When I went to purchase a car from my Credit Union , they asked about this auto loan and the strange balance of $736 listed on my credit report for 2010-2017.

They also called my neighbors across the street and left a message for me , don't know how they found the neighbors phone number considering I don't know my neighbors in that way .

Posted by

I would like to be added to this class action lawsuit. I bought my car in 2009 for 16k and 8 years later they are stating my balance is 10k still. The car is only worth 2k. Plus I called because I was having trouble making my payments and they said they would modify my loan but in the end they just added more interest and fees to my loan. In addition I was told that since my contract will end June 2017 that they would modify my loan but 10 calls later none of the agents can validate that and now they are telling me that I will have to pay off the full 10k in June.

Posted by
Michael chauvin

I got a five year loan in 2010 statement says i made 56 payment when its been 7 years now and still owe 12k can i get in lawsuit also

Posted by

I would like to know if I can still join the lawsuit against Santander. I have an Auto Loan with them. Bought a car in 2013- $7000. as of 5.9 the payoff amount is $20k. I have record of over 30 calls since January attempting to collect debt.
Please tell me how to get in on this

Posted by
Gwen Fritchel

Purchased a car from Greenville, Texas dealership. Car was seriously defective. Santander told us to return the car to the dealership. I returned the car to the dealership and was told by Santander they would void out my loan and I could purchase a different car. They never voided my first loan. Santander repossessed the car and later sold the car, yet never voided my loan. So they are wanted to get paid for the car TWICE. I have sent countless disputes to Santander as well as hundreds of phone calls. Still No resolution to the car loan. Santander still reports on my credit report an amount of over $20,000. for the car, yet I found out by the VIN number this car has been sold by Santander.

Posted by


Posted by
Santander Victim

I would also like to join this class action lawsuit. You can just Google santander complaints and see the thousands of people that they are stealing from.

Posted by
Travis Brown

Yes I made my 72 months worth of payments and now all of a sudden they are continuing to add extra fees and principle payments to my loan. This is unfair, my loan was for approx $21,000 to be done in 2016 now all of a sudden I owe almost $8,000 more dollars. Please add me to the class-action lawsuit or do you suggest I contact my own lawyer!

Very Disappointed

Posted by

Please add me Pamela my van got repo ed I got extensions and the fees I couldn't keep up this company is dirty to hard working people

Posted by

Purchase a car and don't owe by 5000 and repo it

Posted by
Kenneth Flournoy

I would like to become a part of the class action lawsuit. I pay $587 a month on a $20640 auto loan. My auto loan hasn't decrease 1 cent since I got it.

Posted by
Ashley Burch

I don't know if my situation is applicable but Santander charged off my account and sold the debt to Cascade Receivables. That company then sold my debt to Apple Recovery. I was conned into paying the account for $800 to Miller Stark Klein and Associates. I am now fighting charges against that company with my bank and I am still getting several calls from a company by the name of CR Processing, claiming I still owe the debt. This whole ordeal has been very draining and I am constantly being pulled out of my character having to deal with these people that took my money. They all blame Santander for having more than 1 owner and those owners apparently sold the debts to several companies. This shouldn't even be allowed but somehow they've managed to cause chaos in people's lives.

Posted by
Makeba Ramsey

I would like to join the class action lawsuit I have been harass so much that i am dealing with depression. I had my 2012 dodge avenger for almost 5 years they told me i will be paying towards the car a lump some and when I ask for a payoff they told me the first few years I only paid interest and now I am paying for the car it was 16000 and I still owe 13000. Which mean I will be paying 30,000 for a car that only valued at 7,800 and no one will refinance even w my good credit....I already decided to eventually the go to court house and take my own lawsuit on them by next month. Please help me

Posted by
Bessie Hunter Rodgers

I thought I was added to this class-action lawsuit two years ago. I am checking on the status because some other collection agency is now contacting me on their behalf threating to send letters to my place of employment. I am very tired of the harassment and they are contacting my family members also. Need status update immediately if possible. Thank you

Posted by
Gloria Hall

Please add me to the class action suit!

Posted by

Hello I will like to be added to the lawsuit. I got a car loan with santander in 2015 for 19000 I payed 2500 down my payments are $465.67 a month I never missed a payment andbmy balance is 17800.i would even like to get a payoff

Posted by
Derrick and Gwendolyn Roberts

Had my truck almost a year payments are super high and balance is not dropping due to super high interest I would like to refinance but bc of interest and fee I am upside down in my truck

Posted by
Brandon matthews

I would like to join the law suit ,santander has harrassed,stocked my house with unmarked cars ,repeatedly called my phone my it seams like i never paid a car not because tje balance remains tje same after 2 years and i pay 630 a month,and it hasent went down since

Posted by
Rita Busha

I would like to be added to the lawsuit. I paid over 500.00 a month for 3yrs and my payoff was larger than what I purchased the car for. I ended up voluntarily having it repossessed because I couldn't afford the high payments any longer. Now they want me to pay the difference.

Posted by
Joan BrownTillman

I would like to know if I am eligible to be a part of the lawsuit. I currently have an auto loan with Santander Consumer USA for which I have been paying on for over two years and I still owe twice as much than what I originally bought vehicle for. I am unable to get from under this vehicle. Every where I go, I am upside down.

Posted by
atheal Cunningham

I would like to join this law suit.i have been paying on a 21,000 loan over 6 years and still hv a balance of 14000.this is sad. Atheal cunbingham

Posted by
Timothy White

I am inquiring about the lawsuit against santander USA. We our payments are 425.00/month we always pay 500.00/month. Our loan matures in 30 days and they are saying we STILL owe them 2500.00.

Posted by

Please add me to this lawsuit. Every single incident that I have read is all too familiar. I have been paying for my vehicle since 2010. They are charging late fees daily on to of interest.

Posted by
Crystal Mathis

I would like to join this Class Action Lawsuit.

Posted by



Posted by
Brandy May

I would like to join the class-action lawsuit please.I have a current loan through santander consumer usa, from purchasing a 2016 Mustang & noticed the principal on the loan amount has only gone down a few hundred dollars, of a $24,460.00 car loan, with monthly payments of $585.00

Posted by
Phyllis Sundrup

Please add me to this lawsuit. This Company is a rip off. I have had my car since 2014 and I still owe as much on it as I did when I bought it. I deffer-ed a couple payment and instead of adding them to the back of the loan they are calling them late payments and adding tons of fees.

Posted by

How do u get added to lawsuit? Same issues for me for years

Posted by

I would like to know about this class action lawsuit against Santander Consumer USA. Each and every time I have called them it is nothing but lies. They told me if I pay $1200 to them they would remove the repo from my credit report. I have been paying them what it says my payments will be on my contract. Next this crooked company turns around and doubles my payments and my payoff amount has not gone down at all. The second thing they do is the harassing phone calls at least 5 or 6 times a day calling my cell phone. I am going to submit information against them to the Comsumer Protection Finance Bureau as well as a consumer lawyer brave enough within this state to take them on. They have screwed me over so much it is not even funny. I called them several times with documentation and the CSRs have done nothing but hang up on me. And that is after I have asked them why did my payments double.

Posted by
Cindy Marvin

Similar to many of the other stories, we had financial difficulty and received multiple calls daily with threats of repossession. Then we were told they would grant an extension of a few of our payments at various times throughout the loan and they would simply add these payments to the end of our loan. There was no other explanation, no new example of what it would cost us in interest, credit damage, or penalties. No new agreement. In fairness we have been about 30 days late much of the loan, along with the 8 extensions we received. Our loan started in 9/2010 for 72 months so we are now 7 months beyond what was supposed to be our payoff date and they are claiming we still owe $9500 - more than 1/2 the original loan. I asked to see the paperwork for these extensions (because I didn't remember any paperwork and wanted to see what they were hiding in the fine print) and was told by a manager that there was none. So the only communication we ever received when this was suggested after harassment for late payment was - no problem we'll just move that payment to the end of the loan for you. No disclosure that doing that about 1x each year would add over 4 years of payments due to interest and fees. PLEASE add us to your class action lawsuit.

Posted by
Brian Smith

I too would like to be added to this lawsuit. Daily phone calls, voice mails, then somehow finding my friends and families numbers and calling them. Called last October and received a deferred payment and then just a couple months later one more payment missed, and they said I was four months behind instead of one. Now I have a voice-mail from a repo company. Done with this loan.

Posted by
willie w mcneill

I want to be added in on the class action suit. I paid on a car for 3 years and still owed what I bought the car.

Posted by
Brittany Fairbanks

Please contact me regarding the lawsuit they have been systematically ruining our lives financially.

Posted by
Willie Wilson McNeill, jr

I had a loan with santander and after making 532.00 for two years I was still owing 21k on my car. So please add me to the claction suit

Posted by
Audrey George

please add me to this class action suit. I got a loan with them for 21k and after paying $600 for 2 years my balance was still at 20k even though I made a deposit of 1k.please help

Posted by

I would blike to be added to lawsuit. I financed a car with that they charged off but sent me my title, but still say I owe them money according to my credit report

Posted by
LaKeisha T. EANS

I would like to participate in the class action suit if it has not been settled. The harrassing calls, interest rate, excessive fees...I WANT IN ON THIS. They call me everyday 6 or 7 times a day and I tell them the same thing I DO NOT HAVE A JOB AT THIS TIME..... THE CAR WAS TOTALED OUT BACK IN OCTOBER 2016 And my insurance company paid them and now they saying that I still owe them almost $4000.00 more...... I was told that I was paying too much for that Altima the price I was going to pay for that used Altima Was the price of a new one.......

Posted by
Tomiko Johnson

Please add my name to the Lawsuit, if it's not too late.

Posted by
Beverly A

please add me to the case. I've been paying Santander for years and it seems like I'm no closer to paying this car off. I've been hung up on. Inconsistent information on my loan. Harassing phone calls. Please Add Me!!!

Posted by
Hassie Marino

I would like to be added to this lawsuit also. We bought a car from Carmax in 2010 and got a loan through roadloans. We to have had the same issues dealing with Santander. I had been out of work 4 months and we fell behind by a couple payments and they came an DC repossessed our car. No warning or anything. We had to hunt the car down and then pay to get our stuff out of it. They sold car at auction but still claim we owe $8000.00 on it!!!! We had been making payments of $360.00 a month for 6 years. Car was only $9000.00 to start with. Help!!

Posted by

I pay my payments online, with a high fee 10.95... I was wondering why it changed this month to like 2.00 and change!! Either they got caught or scared they are fixing too!! Interest rate should be illegal!! Is this lawsuit still active ? I would like to join it!!!

Posted by

I have the same issues as many of the rest and I would like to be added to the settlement.

Posted by

I would like to join the class action lawsuit as well. I purchased my 2014 Dodge charger in Florida. Interest is high, I tried to trade in my vehicle, owe more than it's worth.

Posted by
Yolanda Fuller

I would like to participate in the class action suit if it has not been settled. The harrassing calls, interest rate, excessive fees...I WANT IN ON THIS.

Posted by
Shantell Grant

I will like to be apart of the law suit. I am Shantell Grant and I am from Miami FL, and I pay my 2011 kia car payment to Santander Consumer and I called them today and they explain to me that my payment is 16,434.00 which I had my car for 2 years and that my car payment started with 17,434.00 and I paid 1,000.00 down off that payment. They also explain to me that my interest rate goes up. Which They are not supposed to be doing. I paid 1,000.00 towards my car and they can not tell me where my money is going too. I will like to be part of this law suit. Also I pay 461.92 payment each month and the interest percentage is 23.8 percent. I was told that is still to high for my credit. I feel I am stuck with a car that's too much.

Posted by

Basically the same situation as everyone else. 100s of robotic calls. Tons of robotic messages. I have had almost all of my two years of payments go towards the interest and maybe $200.00 towards the principal. I feel stuck and hopeless. It was my first car.

Posted by
Shantell Grant

Hello My name is shantell Grant and I have the same issue with Constander. I been paying this company for 2 years and my car pay off is the same. My car is 17,434.00 and I owe 16,434.00 it's been 2 years.i spoke to them and all they can tell me is different things. First they said my money is going towards the late payment and now it's going towards the interested. Which one is it. I only pay down 1,0000. I really think something is very wring. Not to mention they told me the interest goes up and down. I never heard of that. I thought it stays the same. I made a payment of 1383.00 and they told me I had a 0 balance and I am caught up on payment. Now I owe 800.00 for late fees. I will like to be on this law sue.

Posted by
Chris G.

Please add me to the lawsuit. I bought a car from Santander and the car never seemed to go down in interest payments. They eventually repo'd the car saying I missed payments, but I never missed a payment. Santander call me everyday with robo calls

Posted by

I have received 100s of calls from this company especially when I fell behind. I would like to be added to the class action. My balance does not seem to drop after almost 5 years of payments. How do I know if I qualify? I would not recommend this company for any loan.

Posted by

I have a very high interest rate loan with Santander as well. My payments are 626 dollars a month. I bought my car from CarMax in 2015. I have seen the same thing happen to me about the interest. My balance has never changed I have still have the same amount that I owe that I did when I first bought the car 2 years ago. Not saying a saint and haven't been late a time or two but come on paying 626 dollars a month for two years my balance should be less then when I bought the car. Also when I was late they would call my and my cosigner ever single day some times twice until I was able to make the payment. The last thing I would like to say that is stupid about this company is that when you make a payment online you had to pay a extra $10.95 just to make a payment. That is a extra $131.40 extra that I paid every year just to give them my 626 dollars and to keep my balance the same for two years. Complete bs if you ask me.
I would like to be added to this class-action lawsuit

Posted by

I would like to know if I qualify for this lawsuit as well..

Posted by
Anika catterson

Please add me to the lawsuit the amount they say they have put toward principal does not match balance but the way they figure whats interest and what is principal is not right they put 4 of my payments all to interest for 4 months in a row

Posted by
Cassondra Milner

I got a 2014 Chrysler 200 through Santander in June of 2014 the sticker price was thirteen thousand but as of today I still owe more than thirty thousand is it too late for me to get in on this lawsuit and just a little reminder I've never been late on a payment at which I pay $435 a month

Posted by
Wanda Hardesty

I hav had 2 loans through Santander, one was for a vehicle that was totaled, insurance and gap paid it off and a few months later Santander came for me for $3600 roughly and I refused to pay. They would not provide a spreadsheet or anything in writing breaking down how I owe that amount after insurance and Gap covered it. Now I have a $10k loan since 2013 and I still owe $8600, I don't understand how they are doing business but they refuse to provide layouts of how they come up with these numbers and I would like to be apart of this class action lawsuit, adding fees out of thin air is illegal and they need to be investigated.

Posted by
Tia nichols

I hope it's a class action in Maryland

Posted by

Please add me to this lawsuit and/or contact me concerning litigation against what is only to be called a criminal extortion racket masquerading as a bank.

I purchased my car 8 months ago through carmax and although the interest was outrageous (26%), I still made my payments. I fell behind for a couple of months due to an illness in my family.

I made payment after payment after payment to catch it up ($576.91) but they kept adding fees after fees after fees. So, just 30 days behind and owing only $576.91, I receive a statement claiming I owe them almost $2600.00

Yes, you read that correct.

They then came and took the car. The guy even stole my personal belongings in the vehicle and there is no way to retrieve them. I am not even aware of the company that took the care.

These people must be stopped, and Blythe Masters arrested and put in jail. End of story. I see by all the comments above, I am not alone in my experience.

Posted by
Alexaundria Wade

Santander consumer is getting over on people. They stated that they accrued interest daily so that's why you pay more interest. They have hit my credit and I paid the payment on the 29th day they didn't credit to account until 2 business days. I want to be part, no bank should be handling loans outside of the United States and don't have somewhere you can go to make payments for free

Posted by
Joan Marksbury

Please add me. The company gave me a sub-prime loan while I was on unemployment and had a bankruptcy fresh on my credit report.

Posted by
Andrew Duran

I would like to join the class action law suit.

Posted by
Sabrina Pumphrey

Please add me to the class action suit. I bought my car in 2011. My car should have been paid off but they kept adding fees. I thought that I was almost done when I received a notice stating that I owe $7000. I have only deferred the payment twice. I was then told that I was only paying interest and had not paid the principal. I have been paying on this car since 2011, paying $418 per month. I want to get out of this loan and need help with doing so.

Posted by
S Rivera

Some call Santander a predatory lender. I call them effers! Don't let them eff with you for long. Write letters to the California Department of Business Oversight. Even better, they are regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). Look up their address. Definitely send a letter to the OCC. When you send these letters make sure that you request a signature once received. Send copies of your letters to The Federal Reserve System (FRS). Flood these agencies with letters and phone messages. These effers need to do right by the people or be put out business in America.

Join this class action lawsuit.

Posted by
Joe Momma

Please add me to your list. I financed a 2004 VW with Citibank. During the recession I called Citibank and asked them to pick the vehicle up since I could no longer make the payments when I lost my job. Citibank agreed, I met the Tow Driver at Starbucks and signed the car over. I asked the driver to give me a ride to the local scooter shop, which he gladly acknowledged, and I purchased a 50cc scooter. I put 22000 miles on that scooter. Santanter purchased the loan for that VW, without my knowledge, and said they didn't make money on it at auction? Now, 8 years later I'm being harassed by a company named USS Mediation demanding money or go to court... Well, It's time to turn the table.

Posted by
Joe Momma

Please add me to your list. I financed a 2004 VW with Citibank. During the recession I called Citibank and asked them to pick the vehicle up since I could no longer make the payments when I lost my job. Citibank agreed, I met the Tow Driver at Starbucks and signed the car over. I asked the driver to give me a ride to the local scooter shop, which he gladly acknowledged, and I purchased a 50cc scooter. I put 22000 miles on that scooter. Santanter purchased the loan for that VW, without my knowledge, and said they didn't make money on it at auction? Now, 8 years later I'm being harassed by a company named USS Mediation demanding money or go to court... Well, It's time to turn the table. Francis Finnan St. Petersburg Fl.

Posted by
Ebony Crump

I currently have a high interest loan with Santander and I struggle to make my payments. I would like to be added to this class -action lawsuit. Thanks

Posted by
william Pruett

We had a loan for a jeep we purchased for our son. The fees charged in order to make a payment over the phone were insane. You could not make a payment online, and if you mailed it you basically had to send the payment certified to guarantee it would be posted on time. If you were one day late your phone would explode with calls every five min. Between the payment fees, interest and other billings we paid way more than the vehicle was worth, not to mention the mental anguish. These people prey on people who have no other options. Is it possible
to still get in on this class action?

Posted by
Kristen Ramos Murrieta

I would like to be added. I turned my car back into them and was harassed constantly while I had the car and currently.

Posted by
Richard Phillips

I have a car loan through Santander and have to file bankruptcy to keep my car. Do to their overcharging and losing payments.

Posted by

I would like to add my self to this issue as well if still possible. I currently have a auto loan with santander.

Posted by
Demeata Watson

I am inquiring about the class-action lawsuit that was filed against Santander in 2013. I'm wondering if the case has been settled and if I might be eligible to participate. I'm also wondering if I have any legal recourse against them for not accurately explaining the additional interest charged to my loan following a payment deferment.

Posted by
Toma Lewis

I had a auto loan with then and I would like to be added due to them charging extra fee to pay over the phone or by Credit Card. Extra fees tacked on for no reason..... Balance never seemed to go down with the payments being made... I lost my job and then the unlimited phone calls would come in harassing me for payments all hours of the day.

Posted by
Arthur Evangelista

Please add me to the class action suit.

Posted by

I Need to be in the class action suit.they are out of control never ever been late and it is not going down.where do like sign up for the suit

Posted by
Grant Haley

Purchased a car in 2007 from CitiFinancial. A year later my loan was sold to Santander. I was young and had some financial struggles. Throughout the 72 month loan I deferred payment 8 times which were approved by Santander. The rest of my payments were on time. On the date my loan matured I was expecting to have a balloon payment due to deferments. However, I was not expecting to owe 9,500 dollars! Especially since I had already paid 30,000 for a 20,000 dollar car! I began making payments again to try to figure out what to do. After another year of payments my car was totaled in a accident. Value of the car was 6,500 at that point. My insurance gave Santander the entire 6,500 from the car being totaled. But of course that wasn't enough for Santander! According to them I still owed 700 on the car! This company ruined my life and my credit! I was left with nothing after making payments for 84 months! I can't for the life of me figure out how this is legal!

Posted by
Amine Zemrani

I would like to join my story is the same as others that commented high interest so many fees

Posted by
Erica Brown

Who can I talk to about the lawsuit. I got a car loan 5/2016 and I have the gap insurance with a high interest rate.

Posted by
Tor McDowell

Please ad me to this list. I have a loan with Santander since Feb'09. The loan was for $14,000. Today I still owe around $12,000. Grant it, I have been late, but I shouldn't still owe damn there the whole loan. Please help!

Posted by
James B

I would like to get in on this law suit bought a car and got loan thur them got lied to on interest rate never missed a payment been paying for a year and only 400 dollars came of princeable 2016 Mitsubishi mirage 27% rate

Posted by
van terry scott

i was with santander for over 6 yrs. i did not hear about this class action suit. i do know i show be a part of it. please contact me.

Posted by
Lakesha Young

I currently have an auto loan with Santander Consumer USA. I've been paying over this load for the last 3 years and have yet to see my balance be lower. I still owe an additional 13K on a car that is valued at $4800. Is there anyway I can be a part of this class action lawsuit. I am based out of Georgia.

Posted by
Kenny Forrester

Please add me Kenny Forrester and Beverly Forrester.. They made harrassing and repeated calls threatening.. Improper fees according to my contract.. Originally i paid 19,554.00 in 4-2-2015, i still owe as of 3-31-2017 17042.00 i have made 23 payments how could this be.. St. Joseph Missouri

Posted by

I would like to know if I can join the lawsuit against Santander. I have had an auto loan with them.

Posted by
steven snyder

i would also like to be added in the lawsuit

Posted by
Gregory S.

I would like to join.

Posted by
Rita Penon

I would like to join, I currently have a auto loan with Santander.

Posted by

How do I get added to the suit?

Posted by

Please add me to the lawsuit...... I had purchased a vehicle thru Citifinancial back in 2004 and some years later Santander bought out Citifinancial and then paying them was a hassle.. Charging extra fee to pay over the phone or by Credit Card. Extra fees tacked on for no reason..... Balance never seemed to go down with the payments being made... I lost my job twice during the recession and then the unlimited phone calls would come in harassing me for payments all hours of the day.. I paid it off finally but I want just want this pile of crap off my credit report.

Posted by

I purchased a Lexus in 2013 and I still owe almost $13k on the loan. The car is worth only $4k at this point I can't trade my car in because I'm so upside down on the loan no other bank or loan company will help. When I call, I can't seem to get any answers that make sense and Santander will not refinance . They call all day long asking for payment . I would like to join the Class Action lawsuit against Santander. I currently have an auto loan with them.

Posted by
Kevin Armstead

I got a car loan for a 2010 Dodge in March 2011 for $19,000 I have been late maybe twice, however after 6 years I still owe over $12,000 on this totally upside down . They also have me listed depending on the credit report as missing between 17 and 18 payments on this long she'll be in the car I would've been repossessed many times over and I missed that many payments. Because of because of this I cannot refinance the vehicle to get a lower payment and finally get the darn thing paid off. Please add me to the lawsuit.

Posted by
kevin williams

Please add me to this lawsuit. I am currently financed with Santander.

Posted by
Jennifer Tobias

Please add me or send me info

Posted by
Michael Lee Webb

I bought a 2011 GMC truck for 25,598 in 2015 for 626 a month now 2 years later they show my payoff 22,275 they are are crooks and they take advantage of hard working people I'm not a satisfied customer at all.

Posted by
Laketa Taylor

Please add me to the lawsuit I purchased a car that I had for 5 years the car was reports a year ago but my balance has me owing the same much I purchased the car for. In 5 years my balance on decreased by around 1000 dollars.

Posted by

Ive had a loan with Santander Consumer USA since 2013, and although I have been late on occasions my Loan has only decreased by $2000 I'm looking to be added to the class action lawsuit. Can Someone contact for this reason only.

I'm not authorizing advertisem*nts or anything not pertaining to the class action lawsuit to be sent to my email address

Posted by
Kevin Harper

I would like to know if I can still join the lawsuit against Santander. I had an Auto Loan with them.

Posted by
michael hooks

I am wishing to add myself to this lawsuit for the last two year I get 5 to 6 call a day on a car loan for a 2012 ford focus. I brought for 12,000 with a 570 credit score they gave me 24% apr which made the car 33 grand, since i brought it trasn had been broken 3 time ecu went out in the car twice so i have to get to ext, to pay for the work but i always payed the next month, some month I even payed 800 bucks due to santander sale person calling to repo the car. So in 2015 I gather up my bank statements and western union paperwork and found that Santander was not adding my payment I called BBB and filed a clam to fix my history and find the lost payments I show my bank statement of ever payment since got my ext the only fixed one month and clim that the credit issues was my fault that what Jay department head division at Santander said, and i do have it on tape.i get phone call 3 to for times a day claiming they are coming to get the car i cant even trade the car because now after the second year my credit fell from a 640 to now a 430 i am now stuck with a high loan and a car that has to be in the shop worked on ever three month something major fails on it

Posted by
Rebecca Sutton

Please add me to class action, as I know subprime was a factor with our car loan. The principle after yrs barely changed.

Posted by
Linda Edwards

I purchased a 2004 Pontiac vibe back in 2008. I admit I was in real need of this car since my other one died. The car cost 10k. Without realizing it I have now paid 18k with 8k interest. I admit because of my employment situation my payment history needed work. Once I got down to the last 900.00 plus dollars on the loan they decided to write it off. They didn't tell me they were going to do this. On top of the balance, they now say I owe additional $$ in fees. So now I will never get my title...Not sure if I should be included in the suit, but I wanted to share my story. Oh, they are always happy to move a payment to the end of the loan as long as you are willing to pay an additional fee.

Posted by

I would like to be added to the lawsuit. I lost my car in 2016 after it was purchased the same year in April. I missed one payment after I lost my job and the company lost a payment and stated they couldn't find it. They picked up my car and sold it to an auction house in 48 hours and wanted me to pay over $1100 to get the back after the car was sent to another city. Then they sold the car and still want me to pay over $8000 even though I don't have the car anymore. Please assist me with this I believe the company has done a lot of unfair acts.

Posted by
Jamie Hayes

Please add me too.

Posted by
Dwight Alton

Please add me to the lawsuit.

Posted by
Michele Rivenes

lawsuit addition

Posted by
susan waring

They gave me a mortgage I was a divorced women
with 2 children. Clearly I couldnt afford it but they
gave it to me anyways then sold my mortgage. I lived in Billerica Ma and ended up losing my home It was about 8 years ago the address was 70 pond street billerica ma thanks for any help susan waring

Posted by
Phillip Pauls

We bought our 2003 Dakota from CarMax at 13,000 or so in 2013 we have made payments on time every month and our balance is still at 9,500.00 after 42 payments . at first it was to be a 3yr loan but change to 5 1/2 yr still about 100 payments to see the end.. Please add me to the lawsuit

Posted by
pamela yancy

I was a Co signer on a 2013 Altima it was fiance though Santander.My principal was 20.000 and my lease was for 72 months.mY MONTHLY payments were 527.19.Every time i got the statement it was only going to interest NO PRINCIPAL.i got into debt i had to go was unfair i loved my Altima but i could not afford that.I could not trade in interest was to high.

Posted by
Dalfred & Gwendolyn Thomas

We have a 2011 Chrysler town and country and have mean late maybe once but the interest alone is outrageous. we've sent in partial payments and they say I've missed the entire payment. Please add us to the lawsuit.

Posted by
Denise Leuken

Please add me to the lawsuit. I bought a 2011 Dodge Caravan on 12/13/14 at Coastal Nissan. My interest rate is over 21%. Please contact me if I am eligible for this case.

Posted by
Julie Johnson & John Mayreis

I purchased a 2015 Dodge Ram 1500 in September 2015. The vehicle had less than 2,000 miles on the odometer. I put $2K down and made 7 payments of $772. That's a total of $5400 plus the 2K down, totaling close to $7,500 in less than half a year. I successfully refinanced the vehicle through a credit union and cut the interest rate by two and a half times. It didn't seem like any of my payments were applied to the principal because when I did a refI, my original loan balance was only 1,500 less than the original amount financed. Where did all the money go?

If I am eligible to be a part of the lawsuit, please include my name.

Posted by
Michael Schofill

My situation far exceeds most of the above scenarios and is impossible to fathom.

Here is a brief synopsis:
1) 04 Chrysler Crossfire purchased on 9/17/2014 for $13,913.25
2) interest rate of 25.49%... Payment of $383/mo. For 72 months.... Not affordable but needed transportation and not many options... Yearly income of about $35k
3) car was in an accident in September 2016 and ended up in a Geico approved shop, Classic Collission in Atlanta, GA, where the car was flooded through negligence on the body shop's behalf. It was reported to Santander and Geico as a total loss on 1/27/2016.
4) Geico advised to have car sent to CarMax for second opinion on total loss/repair estimate. Santander repossessed car from shop, no notification and after total was reported.
5) no action or communication from geico or Santander for about 13 months after total, and Santander continued collection calls and severely damaged credit score

Now let's talk payment deferments:
1) first two month deferment requested in March of 2015, approved, but credit zinged and collection calls began in April. Santander was contacted and after a struggle they kind of fixed the payment plan But credit was left damaged, no fault of mine
2) second 2 month deferment requested after car had been in the shop in 2016 and was supposed to be totaled out... We were told the deferment was approved but later found out through harassing collection calls that the deferment had been denied, no notice given

Results of total:
1) on roughly 3/25/2017 we received an itemized statement from Santander stating they sold the totaled car and that we owed $13,351.30. This is almost $600 less than the purchase price. So after years of payments and the vehicle being totaled out by Geico we still basically owe what the vehicle was purchased for almost 3 years prior.
2) interestingly enough, santander's account itemization does not show any payment from Geico for the total, which should have been at least $6k+....

So in conclusion.... Do not do business with Santander! They will make every attempt to rip you off and ruin your credit. We plan to consult an attorney and file suit.

Posted by
Nicole M Hatchel

I purchased a VW Jetta in 2014 @ $13k or so I've never been past 30 days late on my car note and I still owe almost $12k on the loan. I can't trade my car in because I'm so upside down on the loan no other bank or loan company will help. I have almost $6k left to pay in interest????? This doesn't make sense. Within 3 years of me having this loan I should be well under $12k and I'm paying every month. No one can explain why this is. I would like to join the Class Action lawsuit against Santander. I currently have an auto loan with them.

Posted by
Jordan Smith

I have been with santander since 2013. I have only been late maybe twice every year. My car was 10,000 the balance is now 8970. I'm not sure how this is even possible. Please add me to the lawsuit.

Posted by
phyllis hine

please add me to the lawsuit

Posted by
Corey Patton

I was crazy to finance two cars with them. My balances has not changed on the one car I still have. The other car was total and even with regulars and gap insurance still did not pay off. I want to be be part of lawsuit.

Posted by
AJ Spencer

I purchased my Vehicle in Jan 2017 on the 13th After only having the vehicle for 2 weeks called to get the deal cancelled, I was told that they had already soled the Loan ND that the deal was final... I purchased thru Carmax who told me that I had 30 days to change my mind ... And after having numerous issues with this car decided to take them up on the offer but was not advised that once Santander bought Vehicle that 30days became null and Void.... I'm disgusted and want and need help with this piece a shot of a Car and bad loan deal. Am I entitlement to the lawsuit?

add me Aj Spencer of Georgia

Posted by
Delores Jordan

I am sorry for getting involved with this company. But i needed a career and they finance. But i didn't know i was gonna pay twice as much for 2011 Buick regal. These people are ridiculous they call all times of day and night. I trying to do the best i can to get them paid. I think they set out to target people who can't get a real car loan thru a financial company
Please help do something!!!!

Posted by
kevin carter

I to would like to be added to lawsuit i finaced a car in 2014 with them and my payoff amount has only went down $1000 and ive payed more than that to them in 1 month before its ridiculous and a rip off

Posted by
Christine M Lavoie

add my name on to the class action if it comes to a head

Posted by
Antoine Holmes

Add me to the lawsuit if possible. Got a 2013 impala in 2013 at 17k, been paying for 4 years and still owe 11k. Have now got a cash car and still have the impala, waiting for them to repo it. When i went to trade it in even the woman i talked to at the dealership told me they are and have been screwing me over..

Posted by
Cynthia Armstrong

Please add me to the class actio lawsuit. I am so upside down and it seems like there is no relief due to over charging and they will not let you refinance.

Posted by

I have had Santander for three years now and the amount owed on this car has not changed one bit. I have been paying heavy fees and a high car note and dealing with harassing rude agents who have even called my job for payments. I had the car repossessed once after being 30 days late and they tried to make it impossible for me to get it back. They made me pay two months worth of car notes $1100 and on top of that fees of $1300. This company is horrible and should not be in business. I have no access to my account and they barely send a monthly statement. Help please!!!

Posted by

I too financed a car with Santander. I have been paying on the car now for almost 4yrs. The beginning balance was $14,000 and is now only $11,000. Several fees are collected without most of the payment going towards the purchase of the vehicle. Help is needed.

Posted by
Melanie Quiles

I would like to be part of this lawsuit as well. They have been charging outrageous fees and I still have not made a dentist in my balance. I have been with them since 2011.

Posted by
Jennifer Matus

Please add my name to the class action law suit..

Posted by
Leonard Hall

I too would love to be a part of this lawsuit, I got my 2013 Chrysler 200 in 2015 at around 15,000 and I'm coming up on two years of having my vehicle and I now 14,000 I have received outrageous late fees of over a thousand dollars and I haven't been past 30 days late and my monthly payments are only going toward latest fees can't refinance because it's ridiculously still owe to much and it's only worth 8 000 so yeah I need to be apart of this

Posted by
Jazmyn Muse

Please add me to the lawsuit

Posted by
Elisabeth Aguon

When I saw in 2014 that I got approved for a car through Santander I was happy and didn't even think to look at the rates they were giving me, twice... then I began to notice how high the price was to bank with them. As a minority now I see why.... discrimination at its finest... These people are rude and never notated my account. They would harass us 3 to 4 times a day every other day of the week. Please add me to this lawsuit list, I should have listened to everyone when they warned me against them, but I needed my car. Now I regret ever dealing with them, the emotional and mental stress this company has caused me is immeasurable.

Posted by
Shonnie Palmer

I would like to the lawsuit

Posted by
Nakia Washington

Please add me to this lawsuit. I purchased a 2015 Dodge Journey in 12/2015 for $23k. It is now 3/17, and at 18% interest and $521/monthly, my balance has only decreased by a mere $1k. All of my payments have gone towards interest with no chance to refinance or get out of the vehicle. Ridiculous. Robbery at its finest.

Posted by
Glenda Gravelyn

Please, please add me to your lawsuit. These people are unbelievable. They were supposed to audit my account 2 weeks ago because I questioned 'miscellaneous fees' on my account. Now they won't take my call.

Posted by
Tiffany Smith

I would like to be added to the lawsuit.

Posted by
Jeffrey arthur jr

I co-signed for my sister in february of 2016 for a 2016 mitsubishi lancer car loan was for 16,000 72 months 379 a month my sister fell behind apparently and now they put it on repo they told her she has to pay $800 and the repo will be taken off the credit so i was never informed of my sister falling behind or a repo being put on my credit and now i cant even get a new car i want this cleared up and taken off my credit report i had fair credit prior to this hitting my credit report in january i had no knowledge of any of this i take pride in my credit and now its slammed in the dirt and now i need a co-signer and i want to be included in this lawsuit this company is horrible!

Posted by

Is it to late for me to be added to the lawsuit ?? I swear Santander is the worst!!! Somebody help please.

Posted by

Please contact me about the lawsuit

Posted by
tamika pickett

This company is truly terrible, I will never ever use them again i got a toyota corolla financed through them ,i have just about damn near paid the car off and i swear this balance has been stuck at 6000 and whats even worse when you pay over the pgone they charge you 12.00 such crooks. Never again.

Posted by

I would like to know if I can file a claim as well. The interest rate is ridiculous and the more I paid on the Car the price never went down.

Posted by

I would like to join in on the lawsuit against Santander I had an auto loan through them somebody please contact me with more information about this matter please

Posted by
Karen Tyson

Im financing a 2010 Mercedes and my payments are automatically paid by my bank (Bill Pay)..therefore I never worry about payment being late in fact it's early every month for the past year..I discovered that they were charging me a late fees when they were cashing the checks days before my payment was due...I want to refinance because the interest is ridiculous...but I'm upside down..Please add me to this lawsuit

Posted by
Danielle Nelson

Got my car 2 years ago on the 9th of April and have missed a few payments(lose of job) but other than that my amount owed has gone down just a few hundred. Says I owe almost a thousand in fees. My payments always go to some misc fees and principal. Says I owe 17,556 and the car is only worth 6k. Still have 5 years left on loan and by that time I would have paid another 26,000 and 36k altogether is what I will have paid for a 2012 Hyundai sonta hybrid.

Posted by
Lashanda Sibert

I have a 2015 Nissan Altima SV...I got this car in 0ctober 2015...I pay $504.00 a month... I've been late a handful of times...the interest rates that they are charging me still have me at the payoff rate that I started seem as if the car payoff amount won't never decrease....The phone calls have to stop...
Please assist

Posted by
Traci jackson

Please add me to this suit. Way to high interest rate, ridiculous fees and even high fees to make a payment, numerous harassing phone calls at all times past the allowed time periods. Was not told it was a simple interest loan until after finance began and I had to research that when none of my payments went to principal.

Posted by
nekeya broadus

I have been with santander for three years and my loan has only went down about 4,000 dollars and I am being charged 26% on my car loan my number is 7708833354 .

Posted by
Yorell Davis

I have a loan with Santander and in Dec 2016 I got an extension but since payments have been on time every month and in January I was told I had 200 and something dollars in late fees which I was not informed about that in Dec. and now here it is March and it has gone up to 600 and something I'm like why the hell.

Posted by
Liana P

I had these same issues and I want to participate in the lawsuit

Posted by
Shana W.

Is it too late to join?

Posted by

I purchased a 2011 Nissan Ultima from Carmax I still have the car still making payments on the car the answers right on the car is 23% back into thousand and 13 my father passed away we had to help pay for funeral expenses I call Santana to see if they would put the payment I want to the end of my long first they said no so I was two months late with my car payment they didn't even tell me the repoll was out I got up one morning the car was gone it cost me $1200 to get the car back in my car payment is $399 a month they charge all these ridiculous fees for me to get the car back then I had to drive to Chicago to get the car back because they ship the car down there to be auctioned off deal to this day they still stay up all 13,000 on the car when the car only cost me $13,000. He is three years later and I'm still at $13,000 they will not talk to me what the payments are due on the 17th of each month when the 17th, they start calling it don't stop into the payment is made and then staying thing happened the next following month as well something needs to happen with this company this company is horrible my payments are all up to date I have not been late in my car payment in over two years and they have over two they have over $2000 worth of fees that there say at all but don't know where that these came from so when I do pay my car off I could not get my title into these $2000 worth of fees are paid that I don't know even know where they came from yes I would like to join in on the lawsuit something needs to be done with this company

Posted by

I have a 2011 Nissan Ultima that I got from Them it's a good car the interest rate is 23% every time I request a payoff amount the pay off is the same amount as I bought the car I was late on my payments twice due to my father's death and Them are sent out repo was not trying to work with me to keep the car I had to go to court To fight to keep the car then after that send Tanner calls all the time my payments are due on the 17th they start calling on the 17th and every day after that it's your payment is made I want to join in on the last of his will and I still have the car with them and still dealing with their high interest rate this car is not going down at all this car amount is the oldest day

Posted by
Alvin Herring Jr

I would like to know if l can join the lawsuit against Santander. I had an Auto loan with them.

Posted by

I currently have a loan through them. I would like more information and to join the lawsuit.

Posted by

I would like to be included in this class action lawsuit. I also purchased a vehicle ,which was financed by Santander in 2011. The original balance $18,000, and 6 years later still owing $17k Santander's collection practices were ridiculous!!! If you got behind, trust me you're going to be harassed with numerous Robo calls on a daily basis. Oh yeah, let's not forget about the $10.95 fee to even make the payment, that you're already having trouble paying (for whatever reason).

Posted by
Kim Jones

I would also like to be added to this lawsuit. I also had to voluntarily give up my vehicle due to the enormous amount of finance charge!! Calls daily or twice or three time a day. No offer to re-evaluate or refinance the loan to a normal amount. I find it appalling that this loan company was even allowed to exist!!!

Posted by
Mia Scott

I would like to know if I can join the class action suit against Santander. I had an Auto Loan with them which kept me upside down in my total lease amount for what seemed like forever. With a car that was falling apart I was forced to try to obtain another vehicle which ended up costing me more than it should've because of the amount still owed on the vehicle financed through Santander because the first couple of years only went towards finance charges and not the principal amount. On top of that, Santander charged the most outrageous and outstanding fees I've ever heard of. Plus, they called my phone a numerous amount of times starting on the first day the payment was due. Santander really caused me a plenty hardship as a result.

Posted by
Rickita sanders

I also want to know about the lawsuit against Santander.. I would like to join the lawsuit against Santander.

Posted by
Ethessian L Kimble

I purchased a 2006 Mazda Millenia. The interest rate was 23 18 percent interest. I and have a family and we needed a reliable means of transportation. The payments were high and I refinanced and paif the car off early. But they are still reporting on my credit report as an auto loan. This has been 5 years ago. What can I do.

Posted by
Louis Hobbs

Basically the same as everyone else harassing phone calls all time of day and night during work hours home phone as well the cell phone call to get a deferment on two payments and still have about months as if I never paid anything end up having to file bankruptcy in order to keep my car please please help.

Posted by
Jasmin Dixon

I agree I had some troubles with this company it seems like no matter what type of payments were made your balance never change. It's so unfortunate to see that so many people have gone through the same things that I have gone through with them. It had gotten to the point that I just gave my car back because it just wasn't worth it. I would like to be part of this class action suit

Posted by
Brandi Kelly

I financed a vehicle in 2012 for 60 months. After 50 payments, my balance is 50% of the original amount. Outrageous!!

Posted by

I have had my car for 2 years now and still owe the amount it was when I purchased it!

Posted by
Monae Ashe

This comapany was horrible. A total rip off! I would like to know if I can still join the lawsuit against Santander. I had an Auto Loan with them.

Posted by
Laketa Taylor

Please add me to the lawsuit I purchased my car I'm 2011 and it was repoed in 2016 and I still owe the same amount I purchased the car for.

Posted by
Tanner frisbee

I have not suffered to the amount you all have but please add me to this I paid almost 20,000 for my car and after paying it of they tell me to wait for it to hit my credit a couple months so I did 6 to be exact then checkled and big surprise I hadn't hit I called and they said they weren't required to report it because I am military? ???? Weird everyone else does.

Posted by

I would like to be added to this lawsuit. I bought a pontiac from Carmax in July 2011 and got a 60 month finance term with Santander. I have had 2 deferment from payments in the past. Everytime I look at my account the maturity date changes and the fees increase. I called yesterday and was told I still owe 1600. I have paid almost 26000 so far for my car. I asked them for a settlement so that I could pay the car off and they refused.

Posted by
Brandy Ni

This company is horrible! I've had my car for almost 4 years and the amount owed is more that the initial loan was for!

Posted by

I am inquiring about the lawsuit. After getting a payoff quote I discovered we still owe almost 21,000 on a car that we've had for four years. We have had a few late payments due to my husbands job loss but have been back on track for over 2 years and they charge interest for any day you are late. the interest is so high that just 10 days past payment will eat up any principle payment you will have from your payment. They are predatory lenders. I was going to sue independently until I saw this post.

Posted by

I would like to join this lawsuit please!!! I went to car max in feb 2010 and Santander had finased me a 08 chevy avalanche the price on the truck was $24,998 my loan amount was for 72 months $565 monthly it was to be paid off in feb 2017 I had 2 deferments while I was paying for the truck. When I called them in Feb to see how much payoff is they told me I still owe 11,000 how is this even possible my interest is 23% which is crazy!! So that means I have paid almost 45,000 for a truck that only cost 24,000. They call at least 5-8 times a day first thing in the morning to late at night!!! When I call to talk to someone they are rude!!! Now it's time for me to get a new truck and I can't even trade it in or nothing!!! I need help please!!!

Posted by
Melissa Dolly

Please add me to this lawsuit. My vehicle was repo'd without any notice via mail or phone on private property. Once I had told the someone in the presidents office/so i was told this was who i was speaking with...that i had gotten a new vehicle and the fees i was getting charged by santander had to be illegal! My loan was to be pd off this yr..and the payoff amt was still the same as the original loan amt! $14000.+ the fees & interest i was getting charged was outrageous! This place needs to be stopped! I since then bought a new vehicle and my principal is coming down very quickly! I am assuming the vehicle I had financed thru santander that was repo'd had already been sold??? my payoff amount is now showing $5000.+??? I have no idea! I didn't get any type of notice what so ever!

Posted by
Shentell Bethea

I just got off the phone with Santander. I've made extra payments and I don't see how I still owe $12,000. I got the car 03/2013. Which makes 4 years and I still owe $12,000, the original loan amount was $17,800... there's no way that can be correct. Please add me.

Posted by

Purchased vehicle in 02/2011 for a total of 72 payments which should of matured in 03/17 vehicle was in accident total loss in 02/28/17 called Santander to get pay off they say I still owe 86071.00 how is that possible the car was 12,000.00 to begin due to deferments new mature date would be November and they are still charging interest from February to November shouldn't the interest be stopped as of the day the car was total loss they said it will accrue 6.00 per day of interest so depending on how long my insurance takes to pay them that pay off will go up. I've already paid them 26000.00 dollars plus they still want another almost $9000.00 that is almost 38000.00 for a car that was originally 12000.00 only late once. Please help this is unfair they should be investigated.

Posted by
Melinda Davis

I co signed on my son's 2008 Honda Civic and he's in the military. Santander said if he submitted his military orders to them, he would receive the discount. He has NEVER received ANY discount. Also Santander has never reported to my son's credit and my son has just made his 30th payment out of 72 and has never missed a payment and has never paid late. Carlos, a "manager" with Santander told me that because my son is in the military, he has to sign a waiver so Santander can report his good credit and Carlos said this is per The Department of Defense. They won't retro the date back 30 months to show good credit reporting and they said nothing about his military discount. Please help.

Posted by

Vehicle financed through Santander as a last resort. Vehicle was in a not-at-fault, total-loss accident in May 2015. Not repairable. Santander was notified via phone and via letter that the vehicle had been total-loss, that the insurance company for the other party was in the process of a claim to pay it off. They called home, cellular, workplace, and references demanding payment and refusing to acknowledge the vehicle was total-loss. After retaining legal services, they were sent a cease-and-desist from the attorney, nearly two months after the accident and then sent a repo team to our home and workplace attempting to take possession of the vehicle, still refusing to acknowledge the accident, the cease-and-desist letters, and the repeated requests to stop calling.

Posted by
Richard Wiglesworth

Please add me to this Lawsuit. I purchased a Tahoe in 2013 and over time have experienced and noticed that the fees and interest and how the principal is applied is not complying with federal law and is in violation of their contract. I had my vehicle reposessed without Santander Obtaining a Court Order, and the vehicle was on Private property when reposessed. I paid all of the fees associated with the reposession and was able to retrieve my vehicle. I was led to beleive that when I picked up my vehicle my account was in good standing and all fees were paid, well when I looked at my statement I discovered that my next payment which was around $650 also included "fees" in excess of $600 which is impossible as my next payment was not due yet. Santander is apparently taking advantage of consumers and preying on customers by charging fees for interest, interest on interest and applying principal on the loan as they see fit to their advantage. I am furious and and want to hold them accountable for their practices which appear to be fradulent and deceptive. I am still paying and driving my vehicle, and every time I make a payment the loan just increases and never goes down. Please add me to this lawsuit !!


Posted by
Robert Butler

When will the time come when we(the consumers see steps taken on our be-half against santander? I have paid roughly $6000 to santander on a loan for$15000! And still have a balance over $11000.

Posted by

I had a Kia Spectra 5 around 5yrs ago. It was repossessed and auctioned off even though payments were paid monthly and should have only had 1yr or less to payoff. The loan went from Quality Chrysler to Santander after 3yrs of payments. When Santander got it they started the entire loan over again which would have meant 4 more years of payments. Now once again they have people calling me, threatening me with law suits, and jail time. You have got to be kidding me!!! I just battled Breast Cancer and Really don't have the patience for this harassment anymore. Please Help!!!

Posted by
Jason Mullins

Please add me to the lawsuit, Santander has charged undo interest to my loan, saying that I owe $1500 more than I should on a loan for an RV that I have been paying for 10 yrs. Every time I call them the pay off is higher I have a check for the principle amount and they refuse to work with me to pay it off saying that I owe interest that I do not owe..

Posted by
Courtney Ozment

I purchased a 2012 Honda Civic for $14,599. I have paid 13 payments of 372.80 and the principal has only gone down $1100.00. While I understand I agreed to high interest, I didn't expect Santander to take ALL the interest up front. Now, I have a car that is under water at least 6k and I can't refinance it nor can I trade it in without having to add the additional 6k to my new car loan. I find this to be very unfair and hope that someone will help me with this.

Posted by

I purchased a 2010 Nissan Sentra brand-new I've been making payments since 2010 and they still say i owe $ 9700 ! The loan matures next month March 2017 . I've paid over $19,000 in interest they've made over 15 payments to just the interesting and no principal ! I've been hit with late fee so many times when I wasn't late ! Yes I've deferred a few payments because of a job loss ! To date I've paid over $32,000 for this vehicle ! They still say oh $9700 on the loan ! The court cost $19,000 brand-new ! They have ripped me out of thousands of dollars by applying most of my payment to the interest and not principal ! Scam artist

Posted by

I have also been paying for over 5 years and they charging fees and interest. So after over 5 years I am still only half way through paying for a car that should be paid off now. I want to be included in the law suit.

Posted by

My loan was for $9895 and I've paid over $2000 over the last 8 months and the amount that I owe only went down $400! It says I currently owe $9445 but to pay it off right now it jumps up to $9685. Wtf?!

Posted by
Robert O Quick

We refinanced 2009 chec for 5000 to pay medical bills. Paid every payment with one deferred. Contract matures 4/17. They say we still owe 2788 on principal. Means we paid 11,000 plus and only 2200 went to principal. How can this be? What can be done. We are on fixed income social security. Can we join this class action suit. We live in Oregon. Thanks

Posted by
Rachel Stevens

I have multiple complaints to file against them for 2 seperate car loans. Ive been looking for someone to help. They lie take your money your loan amount keeps going up..they call and harrass you. Even repossessed a car that was up to date. Then didnt know where it was. Definitely need help. I even missed a call that my aunt passed away cause i was too busy arguing with them on where my car was.

Posted by
Jennifer Rodriguez

I would like to be included in this lawsuit. I take issue with Santander's collection methods. My car was stolen back in September. My auto insurance, and the Gap insurance paid everything except $1750.00. Santander expected me to pay $205.00 a month with of course they tacked on interest to and is now $2200.00!! They call me every single day starting at 8:00 AM including Sunday, Christmas. Thanksgiving, ect... multiple times a day. They are relentless. I have told them that I cannot afford this type of payment. I had to purchase another car! I am paying the most I can, I pay them every month, but they report me late erroneously. And they are ruining my creditime and harassing me daily. Please help.

Posted by
Sheila A Cross

I also want to be added to this lawsuit again Santander. They prematurely picked up my 2008 Shelby Mustang when they said I was behind on payments which I wasn't and I only had the car for a year but I was making my payments on time and now it hurt my credit score and on my credit score it doesn't even show the payments that I was making on the car but I have proof of everything please let me know if I'm able to get in on this lawsuit.

Posted by
Troy Pulver

I would like to know if I could get in on this law suit against Santander. We have been pulled threw the ringer with a car sold with a 24% interest rate, no renegociation, no value and the car never went down after 3.5 years of paying for it. Same price owed... we tried trading it in, reducing interest and no help. The car was voluntarily repo'd as we tried to work with them since I had lost my job last year. They continuously make harassing phone calls and we know to never deal with them again... what can we do to protect ourselves and our credit?

Posted by
Devin Serles

I want in on this...I my car was listed payment is 414.26 on a 09 Mitsubishi Glant...contract is 72 months when I get done with the contract I will have paid 29826.72...I've had it for maybe 4 years and I still owe 13000 on it...I've tired to trade in but everyone say I'm upside down.

Posted by
Trekeria Edwards

I've been paying for my car for 2 years and still owe 18,000. The original price was 18,000. I've called several times to get someone to explain this to me several times but I'm still not understanding how after 2 years I've only paid 300 off the original price of my loan.

Posted by
Sarah Howe

I want in on this suit!! My husband and I bought our 2008 hyundai sonata in 2011 for just under $15k. We have paid double that plus more!! Our interest rate was highly ridiculous and outrageous. We tried to trade in our car because we wanted to hopefully get a lower interest rate on a new/used car and they wouldn't even take it because I was "under water"! We bought another car anyway last week and approved through a better company at a much lower interest rate but now have put $5k more towards hyundai sonata loan to get it paid off and to get away from these high interest fees and harassing phone calls. I still owe another $6k. Tell me how to get involved in this please...

Posted by

I would like to be in on this class action lawsuit. I refinanced a car from them in 2014 and they never removed my son from title. I begged them to send me the pay off so I could pay it. They never mailed or faxed or emailed it to me I begged for over 3 yrs to pay it off. they repoed it I went & got it. I then begged again for a payoff. They would not send it to me. I was harassed on my home phone cell phone & they called my family. I asked them to just send me the letter to pay off the 5000 they said they would take. I asked for 6 more months. today I finally let them take the car as they kept coming for it. they wont take my monthly payments they wont send me a payoff. my interest was 24.5%. Please I want in they took my money & car & would not even give me the letter to pay it off. I refinanced it for 4000 & then they said it was now a 14,000 loan what is wrong with these people.

Posted by
Lorenzo Ellis Jr

I want in on this Lawsuit, in 2014 I was financed through Santander Consumer USA on a 2004 Honda Accord the sale price on car I believe they told me 15000. my Car not is 429.59, been paying on it 2 1/2 years, i asked for a refinanced or lower terms, they will not. I still owe on car 16.691.99 i already put in 15, 480. this car is not worth 30,000. now car is not running, and no one will take this car as a trade in im stuck with this crappy car. please contact me i want in on suit. even the president of company will not even help me to lower payments or refinanced this car. please help.

Posted by
Justin persons

I purchased a BMW 2008 528I from a buy here pay here. We got a loan through santander consumer usa and have been paying on it for a year. The price was 10,998 and now after almost a year of on time payments we still owe close to the original sale rate. Our intrest rate is 29% and in florida is highly illegal. The car has broke down so many times and I can't afford to fix it. So now, I'm stuck with a repo on my record with this crappy company and being overcharged. This company is ripping people off and needs to be shut down. This is ridiculous. I want in on this lawsuit. Had I of known about the cap on interest rates in florida I would have never signed up.

Posted by

I live in NC. Please include me in the lastest Class Action Suit against Santander USA. I feel that I was charged higher than allowed interest rates. By the time my loan was paid-off, I'd paid double-plus, above the original loan amount.

Posted by
Corey Castillo

I WANT IN ON THIS LAWSUIT AGAINST THIS HORRIBLE COMPANY!!!! I purchased a car in 2011 for $21,000 and I still owe $18,000. All the money I have paid went entirely to interest for the 1st 3 years. This entirely frustrating! This terrible company has screwed my credit that I am unable to purchase a home.

Posted by
Damien Johansen

I would like to join the Class Action Lawsuit against Santander Consumer USA. Reason being that they are violating the TCPA and charging half the interest I originally paid for my truck. Also not threating with Repossession. Thanks

Posted by
Corey Marshall

Please add me to this lawsuit they harrassed me for 4 months with 4 to 5 phone calls daily even at work.

Posted by
Hozell Mayo

I would like too get in this lawsuit.

Posted by

Please add us to the lawsuits -(THEY -is SANTANDER CINSUMER USA),this should be sent to federal court & allow each state to submit their long list of VIOLATIONS that Santander has done to customers. Each state should get a settlement for their residents & distribute out. Had to file BK & they didn't follow rules with that either now fighting again. Santander Consumer USA is facing a class action lawsuit over alleged violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) as well as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The lawsuit also alleges Santander breached its own contracts by charging improper fees.(Yup,EVERTIME a payment is made!) ALL VERY TRUE....sad I have proof well everyone does... (Texas allows,if 1 party knows,which they(Santander)do it as I do it too, is to Record Telephone Conversations! ISN'T TEXAS GREAT!(& use in court).
They didn't mail things as requested, sent other peoples paperwork to us, records liability major issues as they don't keep good records from Western Union payments or deferrals or ALL THE TOOLS IN PLACE TO ASSIST CLIENTS! which you have to always pay a fee to them to pay your loan -always paying fees to pay them is a direct violation on so many levels. Western Union doesn't keep good payment records for historical or archived requests record searches from a client to companies, *Santander tosses liability to Western Union.(which they lost at least 1 courtcase on doing this). They violate both ACTS* Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) as well as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The lawsuit also alleges Santander breached its own contracts by charging improper fees.
SAD ALL OF US HAVE TONS OF PROOF & SE ARE STILL GETTING SCREWED by this big bank (who how the he'll knows is getting better class & paperand ratings each quarter???)
Also they took/repo'd car & rare but we made them return it & because of our evidence & a promise for meeting or Arbitration we sent paperwork but no dept says they can't call out?crazy? But no letters yet either? on should be held accountable for records, $charges & miscalculations of at least...95% of their loans!
Also THEY DAMAGED THE HELL OUT OF OUR VEHICLE. almost undriveable..... so where is JUSTICE & I said Federal Court (preferred Dallas,TX where Corporate offices are) should snatch this case up & make it an urgent priority for the American People!

Posted by
J. Whitley

Is this class action suit still open? I have a car I've been trying to settle with Santander on an amount less than I owe. My loan should have ended in 2015 but at that time, they said I still owed 14,000.00. I stopped paying on the loan. I would like to settle this with Santander so I can get the car to a shop and have it repaired. I haven't driven the car in 2 yrs in fear they would have the repo man come get it. The car cost 24,000.00. I paid out 35,000.00 but they say I still owe 14,000.00. That's crazy!

Posted by

I am also a victim of Santander. Purchased a vehicle in 2010 for $16,000 payments $463 per month. Loan matures July 2017 company is saying I still owe $10,000. Please add me to the lawsuit.

Posted by
Lupe Villa

I would like more info all the same issue as everyone else, between carmax and Santander

Posted by
Dee mon

I went to camax and they set me up with santander usa for finance.
My suv truck i turned in was paid off for a down payment on a ford focus 2004. 5 years later they said i still have interest to pay off that is over 10,000.0 still.
I was on desability for a few months and they kept adding interest even though they said that the would help me delay a pament for one month. So ive been only paying interest and not to the principal.
Im terminal ill and i cannot keep paying intereste on this car loan.
I never wanted to be off sick???
Im in and out on desability and desability does not pay what i make from my employment.
What do i do to get out of this problem.??? This car is old and breaking down, so if i turn in my car im still going to pay the debt for car and also be without a car.???. Im stressing and its not good for my health either.
My desability also made me homeless. Im paying for one room for just a little while and hoping to get my own place again and with out this car debt it would help me servive without worrying and always stressed.

Posted by
Brian Waznis

My girlfriend is in the same spot santander was her company. Got her car taken yesterday paid 440 per month for last 3.5 yrs. Got car for 17780 total today call these fools today and they say the payoff is 17721 after 3.5 yrs of paying she was late last 3 months due to legal problems with ex. These idiots need to be punished. Please let us know about class action lawsuit let this company pay big time enough is enough.

Posted by


Posted by
Monique Irby

I purchased a car from Carmax and Santander financed it for $10,999 (2004 Jaguar x type) in 2013 - taxes title and tags brought total price to a little ove $12k. To date I have paid almost $13k and still owe for 34 more months...Payments are $339.28 per month which adds up to almost 12k remaining on the loan. I won't finish paying for a car that is falling apart inside and out until 10/2019. I am unable to drive it because I can't afford to get it fixed... payments are very high. I can't believe I let this happen to me. Please add me to the class action lawsuit, no one should have to pay double for an automobile in interest rates. Not only that, I pay 12.95 each month to process my payments on their site and there is also a $10.95 misc fee that I pay monthly... whatever it is it did not state that its a interest fee. My life is in shambles.

Posted by
Angry Consumer

I paid $600 a month FAITHFULLY for a car I purchased for $20k. I made every single painful 25% interest payment for four years straight without a single late payment and I somehow still owe $16k even though I've paid $28,800 (which doesn't even include all the fees). One more time: I've paid almost thirty thousand dollars and Santander basically shows I've paid only four thousand, that's NOT 25% interest. To add insult to injury, in 2017, they decided to add three late payments to my credit report (backdating from 2014) when they were DEFERMENTS in 2014. How can they do that years after the fact? Santander just single handedly destroyed my ability to buy a home for my family because now I cannot obtain a home loan. It's beyond devastating and NOBODY from Santander will help me fix the errors.

Posted by

I would like to be a part of this lawsuit. I have had a loan since April of 2016 and they have made late fees on my account and i have not been late, They changed my email address so i couldn't login and see my account or Receive any notifications. Santander Consumer USA are Thieves and Need to stopped. I also Pay over 500 dollars a month and the only way to pay is with a 12.95 Fee through western Union. You cant pay in a branch, Over the phone still charges you 12.95 and the Business practices and Ethics are Unfair and Illegal. LOOK at all these Complaints, They have to be stopped.

Posted by

I purchased a car 2008 Mitusbishi Galant in April 2010 at Carmax, Santander was the finance company. The loan amount was $14,900.I paid on the car monthly $392.00. I lost my job in 2012,I got a severance package which allowed me to make payments for 6 months after my layoff I did not find another job until April 2014. Santander called me 4 and 5 times everyday with regards to payments, I tried to keep up paments but I could not. The car was repossessed in September 2014. I never heard from Santander regarding redemption. In August 2016, I started working on my credit since I stable as far as a job is concerned. I pulled my credit report and it showed me owing Santander $9500!!!! I was floored. They repossesed car and I still owe them $9500. I sent them a letter asking for a breakdown of this charge. Of all the payments I paid only 4 went to principal. Santander sold the vehicle (they never informed me) for $2007.30. So my credit report is showing I owe them $9500!!!!!! HELP

Posted by
Tonya Brown

Hi I would like to be apart of class action suit.

Posted by
Tracy Harper

I purchased a vehicle in 2014-15 for 17000 with payments of 418 ,I will say I had rough times and payments were late due to family issues but they harass and I checked my payoff and the its 19000. That is ridiculous. How can I be apart of this settlement?

Posted by
Emily L Rosemond

I would like to join this lawsuit. I was constantly harassed by Drive Financial and when Santander took over I wasn't notify by the company of the change and was constantly harassed by the company If I was even a day late. I took out a loan on a 2007 Kia Spectra and my payoff was extended by lots of unexplained fees.

Posted by
Lanisha Thomas

I was a santander customer

Posted by
Le Grandberry

Is it too late to participate? I was financed with santander but recently in March 2016 paid off my loan. I agree the interest rates, multiple calls, disclosing confidential information to others was all unnecessary. Very unprofessional Bank that's why i paid them off and will never deal with them again.

Posted by
LaKetta Johns

I will like to be added to this law suit as I have financed a car with Santander back in 2010 and still owe 3k on the vehicle. The vehicle is only work 3k and I have paid almost 24k on the vehicle and the loan was only for 9k. Please add me to this lawsuit

Posted by
Alisha Alexander

I entered an auto loan agreement in Feb of 2014 for a 13,000 car. I have made monthly payments of 345.00 that has now reached about 12,000. I called for a payoff amount and was given 14,000... NONE of my payments have been applied toward the principal amount.

Posted by

I would like to be added, I have had a loan with them for 3 years. ive paid about 8000.00 on a loan that started off as 18000.. pay current payoff amount is 22,000..

Posted by

Hello- Please add my name to the lawsuit list against Santander. I don't know why with the many complaints for years, there still is limited action against this predatory company. Like all other complaints, I took out a loan in 2007 with Drive Financial. Once Santander took over, I was never notified about the change of hands of finance companies. Through the years, they will call and harass you 10+ times a day, if you're 1 day late. The more you pay, the more they claim you owe. After the many years of their crap, my maturity date past, but they CLAIMED I still owe almost $2,500 in late and interest fees- REALLY! Not only that, but they deleted my online account for me not to have access, even though I requested a password retrieval; which they did send me a temp password... and the error tells me to contact customer service- A bunch of crooks! Also, they also have my credit report stating this is a charge off on my account! It's time for something to be done about this, yesterday!

Posted by

I am totally shocked that we are all going through similar situations. I purchased my vehicle in 2010. I have had this car for 7 years and I still owe 8,000 on my 2008 nissan altima that is worth maybe if 2000.00 now. I have been calling them for years. I have had late payments because they would not change my due date. I got a new job and of course the pay was on a different schedule. I have been begging to have it changed. They said no but constantly over charge me in interest. My car is suppose to finally be paid for 04/2017 with a balance still owed of 8325.00. How? why? I have never been able to refinance this car because the balance has always been to high. I have paid almost 30,000 for this car. I have talked to the presidents office and still no one help me. I would like to be added to this lawsuit ASAP

Posted by

I have a 2008 Ford Focus that I purchased back in 2011 on a 60 month loan with Santander. I've been paying $394 each month. I've been late a couple times but not more than 30 days and I've taken a few deferments. I called to see how much I owe on my car and they told me that I've paid over 18,000 in finance/interest fees and only 3,000 on the car and that I still owe them $10,000 on the car. How is this possible. This is highway robbery. I need to be apart of this class action suit because I have paid my car note every month for the last 6 years and I feel it is insane to pay $18,000 in Finance fees, $3,000 on the loan and still owe $10,000. PLEASE HELP!!!!

Posted by
Michael Freeman

I would like to join this class action lawsuit. I've paid over $8,000 for the past two years and I haven't hid the principle debt yet. I also get about 4 and 5 calls a day, and my money order back in October 2016 was altered and cashed/deposited at a JP Morgan Chase bank in Grand Prarie Texas which the account belonged to them. Had it investigated by Western Union, and no refund of the check or acknowledgement of the altering. They told me where I purchased the money order from must of wrote "DRIVE" on it, which is a company of Santander's. My rebuttal was how could someone from a grocery store in Suwanee, GA know anything about Drive when I don't even know about it, write on my money order and I proceed to mail it as is like that to you. They're sticking to that story, they said they don't alter money orders and no one from that company wrote Drive on it. Credit score has gone down because of late payments, refund never received, check altering is against the law, and yesterday received a letter of repossession if I do not pay the previous balance by 1/25/17. Besides that stolen payment I have paid on time my right amount, and will continue to do so, but they're in the wrong and know it. I sent proof of check tampering to three different managers in the presidents office, still nothing.

Posted by

I would like to be added to the class action law suit. I bought 2009 Nissan Altima in 2013 for about $15,000. I have 60 month finance plan. I still owe like $14,000. I've been paying for almost 4 years. I have differed my payments about 2 or 3 times other than that I always pay on time. They have been calling me all day and all night, even after I told them to stop calling me. I've tried to get deferred playment arrangement again but it was denied.

Posted by
Sylvia Crane Hurd

I too am imterested in finding out the results or settlement of the Santander unfair practice lawsuit. I thought that I had joined in and did not receive anything back in regards. I purchased my 2001 Izuzu Rodeo from a San Diego Chevy dealer in 2003 for what was supposed to be at $17560, pymts of $346.57 for 60 months. I had paid my loan portion off but had a few payments where I had did deferred pymts twice at Christmas a couple of years, Santander reprocessed my vehicle in 2009, saying I still owed two more payments of about $1000, then sent me to collections for a massive repro bills totalling about $12000, which is still on my credit report. I am wondering if anyone has already started this lawsuit because again I am very interested in being a part of this class action.

Posted by
crystal tautala

i paid on a car for about 5 years, i was late quite a few times but when i made payments it all went to interest. i voluntarily repo'd car, it was a p.o.s and i still owe about 6k after they sold it for 2k and added fees. i owed 6k before i repo'd it and 5 yrs ago balance started at 12,000. can i join,

Posted by

I bought a 2010 Dodge Caliber in 2012 and Santander picked up my loan with a 24% interest rate. At the time I was aware of the affects of that interest rate. The total of the car was 13,999, I traded in a vehicle which they gave me $3,000 for . I have already paid $11,000 for the car and still owe $9,842 for payoff of this vehicle that is now worth $2,000. please help

Posted by
Caitlin Worthington

Hey everyone! I posted my story earlier and since no one has a class action suit going yet, I have contacted a lawyer tonight and I am taking the steps to start a class action lawsuit against Santander.

Posted by
Caitlin Worthington

I would be interested in joining the lawsuit! They have repo'd our vehicle TWICE! The second time was over $1.00! I made a payment over the phone and the customer service rep gave me the wrong amount to pay and gen a few days later after I made my payment the car was repo'd! I made a complaint and the VP Louis Runner called me and "fixed" the situation. Now we just realized after making 12 payments not one penny has gone to the principal of the loan. So, like always, we are battling them again...getting the same robotic response.

Posted by
Caitlin Worthington

I would be interested in joining the lawsuit! They have repo'd our vehicle TWICE! The second time was over $1.00! I made a payment over the phone and the customer service rep gave me the wrong amount to pay and gen a few days later after I made my payment the car was repo'd! I made a complaint and the VP Louis Runner called me and "fixed" the situation. Now we just realized after making 12 payments not one penny has gone to the principal of the loan. So, like always, we are battling them again...getting the same robotic response.

Posted by

Hi, my elderly mother had a SUV repod by Santander a few years ago right after my stepfather died, she still needed a car and the same dealership as before talked her into another car that was smaller and supposedly more affordable. She didn't know better and signed on the line to a really bad deal on a Kia Rio her interest rate is so high and Santander is taking $100 out of her checking account from the first car they repo'd plus the $425 on the Kia Rio she now has except she can no longer afford it due to income loss. I called them because she's missed the last 5 payments but they couldn't offer her anything that would help her, she still owes over $16 k o it and she got it in 2013. They call constantly and canbe very rude. I would be interested in joining the law suit

Posted by
nelson Garcia

I would like to join the lawsuit. This company is terrible. Its a scam. I bought the car in 2013 for 15000 , its been 3 years now and they say my pay off quote is 16103 because they charge per day every day you are late. They denied a deferment without cause. Yes , i have been behind on payments but been in constant communication with them and made every attempt to keep the account current. I lost my job 6 months ago as well. The charged me a 17.0 interest rate which i believe the legal rate in CT is only 12.00..... Horrible company.

Posted by

I have a loan with Standard and the amount of headaches with this company is a nightmare! first the picked up my vehicle without sending out a right to cure letter after 60 days past due and the reason it was past due was because I got a deferment that they never applied! On top of that my loan started at 30K and is now 32k a year later! Their explanation is that they charge interest every day your late which works out to be an additional late fee on top of the flat fee that they charge! These people are crooked!!

Posted by

I would like to join the lawsuit against Santander. I have an auto loan with them since 2012 for $17k, it was a 5 year loan and I pay $485 a month. Now it's 2017 and they still show I owe $13k. This is scam and I need immediate legal assistance.

Posted by
Abreascia Lucas

Yessss...they are terrible. I purchased a car in 2010 and they charged me 24.49% interest.

Posted by
Rebecca Kramer

I have the same problem. I bought my car in 2012 and I owe more than I did when I porchased it and I paid 533.00 a month. They charged it off after I fell behind after 3 missed payments but they told me it wouldn't charge off until after 5 months. They offered to setttle and take a 10,000 loss and I have asked for that in writing before I pay them anything and it's been 2 months and I still have not received 1 email confirming anything. I have called several times and they have told me they have sent it and I told them they have not. I asked them to send me a paper copy and they refuse. I bought my car for 19,000.00 and they have received over 25,000 and want me to pay them 9000.00 to settle. I definitely want to part of the law suite. They have promised things to me like skip a pay and never did it and put it on my credit. I had the conversation recorded and got the number to the executive office after I filed a complaint with consumer affairs and the BBB. He finally fixed it and took it off my credit. Luckily no one has come knocking on my door or trying to reposes my car so far .... knock on wood.

Posted by

I would also like to be added to the law suit. I paid 13000 and only 1500 had be applied to the car.

Posted by
Deanna Lyssy

Seems like this company preys on all of its customers, especially the ones that have very little choice in financing. I know i have been paying on our vehicle for years and we still owe $21000. So if it is a 5 year loan and i am supposed to have this payed off in 8 months how is this going to occur? The worst mistake we have ever made! If i could trade this vehicle in i would. Just a huge mistake going with Santander for our choice for financing. Definitely will not make this mistake again if given the chance.

Posted by
Kristi Kopera

Inquiring about the class action lawsuit, I currently have a loan with Santander and would like to be added to this lawsuit. I have had the loan since 2013, borrowed $9500 with 28% interest rate for 6yrs, first bill said I owed over $11,000? Apparently there were extra fee's and cost I was unaware of when I signed the papers. 4 years later I still owe over $10,700?? I complained 2 years ago and they came up with some excuse stating I will be able to see more money towards principle over time. So now I requested a printout of exactly where my money goes every month. The first 2 years, not ONE PENNY went to the principle!!! Payoff is still more than I borrowed, way more and the last 2 years they have applied odd amounts of $ to the principle with no rhyme or reason, they would apply $ one month then it may be 5 months later before they would apply small amounts again.. This has to be illegal, when I bought the car I didnt want to use Santander nor did I really want the car they put me in but u know how it works if you dont have perfect credit. I have worked hard over the last 4 years because the sales person and finance manager told me that after a year or two I could trade off to a better car with a lower interest rate. I have tried to trade but no one will take my car because of how upside down I am still. How can you make your payments for 4 years and only a few months in the last year was anything applied to my principle? I requested an investigation with them to see what their story is..

Posted by

To whom it may concern,
Hello I purchased a car back in April 2014 for $15,600. I paid a total of $7,386.1 since then and my lender Santander is telling me my payoff is $14,688 as if January 2017. I was in a bind at the time of my purchase and got slapped with a high interest loan. Now I'm stuck with a vehicle that's not worth more than $4000 dollars and I'm not sure if there's anything I can do about this. I've tried to get them to send me paper work with a breakdown of everything which I never get and they keep saying there's only 24 months of payments when I have the paperwork from my bank to prove otherwise. I've tried to pay off/settle the difference or refinance for a better rate and they won't work with me.

I'm not sure if I have any rights as I'm reading more online about Santander and their practices or if this is just a life learned lesson. :-( Look forward to hearing back soon.

Posted by
Fed Up in NJ

After having a similar problem with Santander I came across this website and filled out my information to be contacted. I received an email from a law firm who is currently representing plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit against Santander only for violating FDCA practices. They sent me a contingency contract which I signed. Not sure if anything will come from it but it's worth a shot. I too got an auto loan in 2013 through Road Loans I think but then Santander bought the loan. Since then I've made 33 payments all which went towards interest no principle. I currently owe more than what I originally bought the car for. After doing some digging and speaking to Santander I was told that any automatic payments or payments made online are applied only to interest. If you want to pay off any principle the best way to do so would be to send in a check or money order. If I were one day late on my payment they would call me back to back, after 8pm and on weekends EVEN SUNDAY! I take full responsibility for biting off more than I can chew with this loan and will never finance ever again. Good luck to you all!

Posted by

I need to be added time this law suit thus companyhas not put any of my payments toward principal in a year. Their business practice is sketchy to say the least and I'm feeling trapped my only way out is going to be to let them take the car and destroy my credit!!

Posted by

How can we get added to this lawsuit? So far we paid 2200 and only $500 went towards the principal.

Posted by
Tonya Ralston

I would like to join this lawsuit. I purchased a 2005 Chrysler Searing in 2011 for $10,000 after all fee and taxes and I still owe over $7,000 because all payments for about 2 years were applied to interest. I questioned this and was told it was because of the loan I have. I have paid $9, 500 in interest and only $2,000 toward principal. Something is very wrong.

Posted by
Manhattan Kansas

I would like to be apart of this suit. I bought my car in feb 2012 i pay 468 a month and the original pice of my dodge was 18,860.25 currental I apparently still owe $17,572.00 left on my auto loan and there didn't seem to be any explanation for this how is it from Mar 2012 til jan, 2017 due I still owe this much. I missed a total of 3 months of payments due to financial issues, they repossessed my car and I had to pay a total of $1,100 to get it back. Just realized my interest rate is 23% is that legal. They also kept calling saying I owed payments even when I made the proper payments (and sometimes more) on time! I have paid a total of over 19,000 and have put a dent in my pay off. Please help what can I do.

Posted by
Daryl Jones

I want to be added to this class-action lawsuit. I, what it seemed, had gotten 1000's of calls at my job and on my cell phones during the time that I was financed through Santander.

Posted by
Jenee O

I would like to join in this lawsuit. Some of my payments have been applied to interest only, being charged fees that I don't understand, and I have had my loan for 2 1/2 yrs with only $5k going down on my principal. This is ridiculous. Please help.

Posted by
Jennifer Smith

I have 12 months left on my loan and now owe more than my original financed amount. It was a 6 year loan and it's been 6 years. I'm done with this company. I need legal help to sue them. I know it's possible bc I got screwed with an ex on a loan with capitol one bank and joined a class action and won and the car was off my credit and I owed nothing more. I was told Santander was different and here I am in another sticky situation. Paid 24,000 on a 22,000 contract and still have 12 months left of 310 dollar payments and my bill says I owe 12,000 still. I financed 11,400 for the car. How does any of this make sense? Please help! I live in California. Thank you

Posted by
cindye richburg

I finance a used car with Santander in 2010. I am paying 525 per month, interest rate at 25%. My maturity date is August 17, 2017; I am thinking once I pay the remaining months and pay any late fees,I would be paid in full. I call to Tonight and was told that I owe over 16,000 since late payments were applied to interest only, not principal. I am stunned. I wish to join class action suit.

Posted by

Dealing with Santander has been a nightmare. They have given me so many problems with the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act. I send the orders in, fax them, email, 30 days later I get a letter saying they never recieved the orders, this has been going on since June 2016!!! I will call they confirm they recieved the orders, I get email confirmation and literally 2 weeks later they send a letter saying they never received the paperwork. I am not sure WTH is going on with them. I am really done with them. Class ACTION ready!

Posted by
Marnelle Mascardo

Predatory banker. I have a 16% interest rate and I always make my $509.83 car note with $300 going towards interest and only $100-$250 going towards principal. In 1 year, I've paid $6000 in interest with $2000 going towards principal. Im never getting out of this loan. I only took out $23,000 and just got the amount down to $21260 in 1 year. This is ridiculous!

Posted by

Everyone here has the same problem with this company. Lets start a class action lawsuit. Click link to get the information reviews by a lawyer.

Posted by

I'm in the same predicament as many others in reference to Santander, I recently transitioned to a new job,so I spoke with an Santander agent to see what I could do as far as payment, because I knew it was going to be late. Well the agent suggested to me that she could put the payment on the back end of my loan and for me to just pay 450.00 by the 19th of November and it would bring me current, I did that, however my parents began to get harrassed daily with phone calls, 6 to 7 times a day,and so did I, I actually kept count of the amount of times per day they would call,even though I had spoke with them, to make matters worse, today I noticed I'm showing delinquent in a large amount, which is not possible because I took it upon myself, to send them money every 2 weeks just to ensure that my payment is sent to them on time by using Western Union, in which the fees are ridiculous. After further investigating, I noticed that none of my money is being applied to the cost of the vehicle, its all going toward the interest and I continuously keep having fees added to my account, that are different every time, and I have no clue as to what they are. Someone please help, because I truly don't know what to do at this point.

Posted by
Kristina Vercellono

We have been paying on our Ford Windstar for OVER 6 years, and still have over $4,000 due on it!!! We get harassing phone calls daily, AND according to Santander we haven't made a payment in over 16 months!!! PLEASE tell me how we can be a part of this Class Action Law Suit!!!! Thank you!! Def looking forward to hearing from you!!!

Posted by
Steve guy

Hi to all the customers I have a vehicle to that I purchased from a local Chevrolet dealer it's pretty much I paid $3500 down payment and add $881 a month for 16 payment it's a lot of money and finding out I still go over $36,000 a monthly finance charge Around $400 per month this is a criminal action I hope that in attorney can See what were all playing this is an overthe top on interest rate I believe that it is a criminal action against Santernder consumer USA her and if you notice there from a foreign Country. You see USA but they're all foreign Like African language Steve guy. Oh and also if you log onto their website and sign in will guess what they always have a complaint that their system is down and they're 40 eating another $9.95 from me that I have to pay through Western Union I don't like that do you

Posted by
Cynthia Diaz

I've been paying off my benz for over a year and for the past three months the full amount of my payments have been going to interest and my upcoming bill only 95 out of the $450 monthly bill is going to principal. How can I join this suit? Please contact me I'm tired of paying almost 500 every month and none of it is going to my car.

Posted by
Richie Pina

I'm in the same predicament. I've had a car loan for three years and most of my payments are applied towards interest and barely towards principle. Am I still eligible to participate in this class action lawsuit?

Posted by
Jacklyn Johnson

I am in the same predicament as most of you. I financed trough Santander in 2012 on a 14000 car here it is the end of 2016 and I still owe 12000. I've been trying to trade the car but sadly no one will touch it when they find out its financed through Santander. I've considered repo but I can't afford to damage my credit. Is it too late to join the lawsuit because I'm sure this business is not right. I don't understand how I can pay $386 monthly for payments and only $5 goes toward the balance and the rest to principle. Somebody anybody please help!!!!

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Posted by
Marsha Fields

how do I join this class-action lawsuit.. please contact me or email me Thanks

Posted by

I'm trying to see if it to late to join the class action lawsuit against Santander Consumer USA . Please contact me.

Posted by

Santander has illegally repossessed my vehicle and representative could not locate note on file.

Posted by
Sherry Tucker

I am interested in joining the lawsuit against Santander also. How do I do it or get information about it. They made my life a nightmare and I lost the vehicle! Thanks

Posted by
Sara Mitchell

I just had my car repoed fromg Santander. I have been paying the car since 2010 only had a year left. But my husband was hurt on the job and they would not let us make partial payments as of today they say I owe 13,000 but only had a year left of payments according to the purchase agreement. How can I owe 13000 on the car after paying for 6 years! I would love to get in on this law suit.

Posted by

I am in the same situation as many of the others that have commented on the post. Been trying to get out of this situation for quite some time now and feel as if there is no hope. I have been paying on my vehicle since 2010 and still owe a little more than $16,000 (on a Dodge Charger)! I just don't know what else to do. Is it too late to get in on the class action lawsuit?

Posted by

I'm trying to see if it to late to join the class action lawsuit against Santander Consumer USA .If not can someone please contact me.

Posted by

I had a loan with Drive in 2007 they sold it to Santander I paid off in Jan 2015 interest up the ass I would like to join I know they owe me.

Posted by
Audrey wilkes

I purchased my car in 2013 I still owe the same amount of money i originally bought it for. I have made 26 car payments and maybe $200 have been placed against the principal. This is the worst company I have ever seen. it is very unfair and charges fees that do not belong to me. My car should be almost halfway paid for by now. according to them Santander, I still owe the original payoff amount 21,500.00. Everything I have paid towards the car has gone to interest very little towards principal. I would love to be in this class action lawsuit

Posted by

I would like to join Santander interest rates are extreme and they have horrible customer service

Posted by
Joann Crockett

I have been paying on my vehicle with Santander for almost 3 yrs now. They had my vehicle repossessed, it was demaged

Posted by
Shonda Bryant

I am wanting to Join the class action lawsuit against Santander.

Posted by
Jamie Dardar

Santander consumers usa Texas repossessed my vehicle on 12/2/2016 I finance my 2011 dodge nitro through this company as a last resort to get a vehicle it's been one headache after another none of my payments were applied to the principal balance only to the interest on my vehicle instead of the principal balance going down I actually owe more money than the vehicle was finance for I was up to date with my payments and still they repossessed my vehicle claimed I was 70 days pass due never notified me of repossession of my vehicle refused to answer questions about the principal balance and repossession locked out my account to make payments online I had to send them my payments by money gram or western union has repeatedly call me claiming that I was late for my payments when I spoke with a customer service representative she said it was a mistake on their end and she would note the matter in their systems so I wouldn't receive this call any longer the automatic calls never stopped and they repeatedly called me back to back every day. Don't deal with this company find a better finance company to give you a vehicle loan.

Posted by

I want to join the class action law suit against Santander Consumer USA for unfair lending practices. I have been paying and paying and paying an outrageous interest rate to Santander and I still owe $10,000. on my vehicle, after years.

Posted by
Katherine Guevara

I too have financed a car with them and they have an interest rate of 23% on my loan as well. They keep charging me fee's that I dont even know for what.

Posted by
Wilma Norrell-Parker

I am interesting in joining this class action. Santander has mis- managed my account since 2011. I purchased a 2010 Altima and have 6 extra payments to end. Original payoff was spring 2017. now it's November 2017. Excessive fees and various missapplied payments.

Posted by

I'd like to join this lawsuit as well, we bought s 2006 Ford F-250. In 2013. We've paid over $22,000 to this company yet our payoff is still $19,000?? We bought the truck for $22k it just doesn't make since. Then on top of that they say we owe them $3k in "other fees" that can't be explained.

Posted by
Amber Paolilli

I am also be harassed by Santander Consumer USA. They are calling me an average of 3 times a day.

Posted by
Annette Carey

I would like to join lawsuit,has a car loan with them 2013 maxima 15,000 at 23% interest thats a rip off ill never get through.

Posted by
Shonta Harris

I would like to join the class action lawsuit against Santander.

Posted by

I am really upset and really mad with this company. they are big fraud I been paying ahead of time on car load n only 100 out 600 go to principal the rest goes to Interest Nothing is going to principal. On their fliers it said if you pay ahead of time more goes to principal lies there a bunch corrupted savages! !!!! I would love to be part of this law suit ...

Posted by
No Love Lost

I fit all the above senarios. I have alot of anger towards this company. I just received answer back from CPA, about my complaint. I had documentation for all of the payments submitted to Santander, plus other paper work I acquired. Santander covered their butts, so to speak. I requested monies back for overpayment to them. Because back in 2015 they sent me a payment remodification doc. offered 2.8% APr on $ 6,000. I had asked for a refinance many times. I've had this loan almost 10 years. Owe them $90.12 to date. Will be glad to be rid of them. However I still feel they owe me some dollars. I will join this class action lawsuit because after all of this I am broke. Oh, by the way that offer came with a 2 year addition onto my loan, but the payments would have been $200, NO THANKS TO THEM.

Posted by

some one add me to I fought for this country this company needs to be kick out of the US ....Soon!!!!!!!!!

Posted by

I bought a car from Enterprise rentals in college park Maryland in 2005 The car was a 2004 Altima after 5 years of paying on the car Sandtander reprocessed the card on a fraudulent signatures on the contract by Xeroxing the signature stating it was an original signature. they are very very dirty with their dealings my son also had a camera and clothes in the car when they reprocessed the car in April 2011 it cause a hardship for my son and his 3 sons to get around. I want at least 40,00 back the car was a recall when the reprocessed the car they sold it for $4,000.00 and tried to sue me for $3,000.00 I had taken them to the state of Maryland consumers they was a joke and did nothing please help still got the paperwork we knew their day was coming and didn't know when. I'am disabled and need help.

Posted by

I'm a customer of Santander and I am very unhappy. When you call in to talk to someone, they will hang up in your face. They are always rude. I want to know how can I be apart of this lawsuit.

Posted by
Jerica Moore

I currently have a car loan with Santander, I have a misc fee of 235.96 which could not be explained. Then after looking over the statements for the last 2.5 years i see that i have been charged misc fees frequently, in various amounts. I WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THIS LAWSUIT!!

Posted by
Alison Speight

How can I get involved with this. I currently have santander and they are by far the worst

Posted by

I have been a customer of Santander Consumer USA for 4 years recently got had my car repossessed spent over 600 to get it back they harass me they call me five six times a day the been doing it for quite a while now would like to join the lawsuit as well

Posted by

I have been paying my Santander loan for 2 years on my car. My Balance has not dropped.

Posted by
Shelly Breedlove

I would like to know how to join the class action lawsuit?

Posted by
Taqwa K

I took out an auto loan through Santander In 2013, for a 2010 Dodge Avenger. The initial payment, that I was told, was 11,373 dollars. After signing all my paperwork I received my first bill. The total loan amount was $13,567. My current interest rate is 22.2%, with a monthly bill of $346. I have signed up for automatic pay, from my bank account, for two years. Throughout that time and currently I have been billed late charges. Also, have been contacted several times saying that I have missed a payment. There's no possible way I miss those payments because I was signed up for auto-pay. Only a fraction of the payments are going towards the principal, and in some months none of the payment is going towards the principal. It all goes towards the interest, even if paid on time. I have contacted Santander asking to refinance and lower my interest rate, but each time I have been denied. I still currently owe $11,682 and the payoff rate is $12,065. They have been harassing me through email and phone to the point where I had to change my phone number.It is a hardship to pay off this loan to no avail. I have been manipulated and lied to. Please help.

Posted by


Posted by

I am inquiring about eligibility on class action suit. My loan was from 2010 07' Ford Freestyle @$471 month until being repossed in 2015 with $11,### being owed. It was in good condition and was auctioned off so cheap I'm left owing $9,500.
While making payments they called on day of pymt due harassed about late fees had to be paid now not just pymt! Claim I was farther behind than I actually was several times during loan. Credit report doesn't show last 4 pymt made before repo. The balance never seemed to go down with time. Was accepted for hardship, I requested roll pymt to end of loan & they would only approve me one for x amount 1/2 pymts. Unaware that changed due date and payoff caused the balance to inflate even more. Please help.

Posted by
Tarlisa Morgan/Mark Mendez

We purchased a vehicle back in May 2015 $19900 and was financed for $27900 and looking back on the payoff amount still owe $30920 impossible. Our payments are $831 monthly and seems as if nothing is going towards the principle only the interest. We would like to be included in this Class action lawsuit. This company is a ripoff do not bank with them. Had to redo our contract 3 times to get it correct... Smh!

Posted by
Jesus Herrera

I would like to join the class action law suit too. I have a car loan through santander and have been paying for over 5 years and my balance has only gone down a few thousand dollars and need some advice.

Posted by
Deloris Cookey

Can I join the class action , or am I too late.

Posted by
Shanzet Jones

I'm wondering if I can join this class action lawsuit against Santander. I purchased my car in 2011 and instead of my balance decreasing it appears that the balance is stagnated. I fell on hard times after I was fired from my job, but instead of Santander allowing a volunteer repossession, I was informed that I could either make a partial payment or defer the payments. I was informed by customer service that the payments would indeed be put at the end of my note, but I was not informed that late fees would continue to accrue. I'm saddened for I feel that I will never pay this bill off and/or never become credit free because of the illegal penalties. Please Help me.

Posted by
Glenda D Kelly

I would like to be a part of the lawsuit against Santander. My car was repossessed by Santander . I was involved in an accident, they collected the insurance and my car was till repossessed.

Posted by

I paid my truck off over 3 years ago. I was then told there was an additional payment due. I paid. Then I was told there were over $1000 in late fees that I had to pay. I requested a breakdown, which they begrudgingly supplied and found they had misappropriated one of my payments. Because of that, the payment was marked as never paid and gathered penalties for over a year! When I confronted the company I was told that it didn't matter if it was their mistake, that I was required to pay it or no title. Later I received a settlement letter saying they would take $400. Being fed up with them, I called to pay it and was told that letter didn't apply to me and had been sent to me by mistake. This year I received the 1099 showing they had written me off as a bad debt and I paid taxes on the $1000. I called the company and asked where my title was since they had written me off and gotten credit for that money. I was told that I still do not get my title without paying the $1000.00! If I am a candidate, please sign me up!

Posted by

I have had the exact same issues with Santander Consumer as most of the other people posting here have related.

In 2007, I purchased a 2005 Dodge pickup ($18,000) with a monthly payment of $460.00 a month. After paying on the truck for seven years I contacted Santander for a pay off quote. I was advised that I still owed in excess of $9,000. I was further advised that since I had deferred payments and/or made partial payments (all of which was done through the company) that I was still penalized every month as if I had missed payments etc..

During the entire time I was trying to deal with Santander, I would get 5-6 calls from them a day. They were also calling friends and family throughout the day telling them about the financial status of the loan.

I would make the so called "late" payments and the calls would continue. I would be advised that my payment covered such and such payment, but I stilled am oweing this or that payment. There have been times I have paid closed to $900 in one month trying to come current with these so called payments.

Finally, in 2014 I had enough and told them to come and get the truck. I somehow still owe them over $9000. I have asked for all documentation pertaining to my account on several occasions (denied or ignored) i have asked for the documents from their disposal of the truck (at auction) in order to see how much they were able to get for the truck and what was left owed ( again, rudely ignored)

I have filed complaints with the FTC, BBB, the Attorney Generals Office for the state of FL, The FL State Attorneys Office, as well as the US Dept of Justice. All have met with negative results because they all have stated "your concerns have been forwarded to the business".

Meanwhile, this issue is ongoing. I cannot get any documentation on anything. I am rudely told (repeatedly) that my prior conversations, emails, letters, etc. are not on file so I would have to explain the situation again and again to someone; or better yet, my calls get lost being transferred from one department to another.

Please add me as an additional complainant regarding this issue.

Posted by
Karen and Dave

We paid five years on a five year loan and owed nearly the same amount we borrowed. They repossessed vehicle without a court order, they are still after us years later for apx 80% of borrowed amount.They have given us bad credit for years and we just want to end this once and for all.

Posted by

I would like to get in on the lawsuit I had a 4 year loan and 5 years later I still owe 9.000

Posted by
Larnce Murvin

'm trying to see if it to late to join the class action lawsuit against Santander Consumer USA .Please contact me to let me give my details. This company is truly engaging in fraud and unfair decietful practices. Thanks for all your assistance.

Posted by

I would like to join this Class-Action Law Suit. My story is the same as other's. I got tired of the harassment and invalid charges and paid off my vehicle a year ago. I still have not received my title or lien release to be able to obtain a title. They blocked me before it was paid off from getting account information or making payments online. I now have been blocked from calling any of their phone numbers. I bought my car in 2008 and it took 6 years and lots of invalid charges and a balloon payment to pay it off. Three months after payoff I received a check in the mail for $8.03 for about giving me the $8,003 in over payment. When asking why I had not received my title they said they sent it to me. They said would send again. After that they referred me to a third-party that wanted lots of dollars to send me my title. I still have no title and no lien release.

Posted by
Tara Wilson

I would like to join class action lawsuit due to ,unfair credit practice, high interest, payments not being applied to balance , had my vehicle over 3yrs cat only worth $8500 but payoff is still $15,000...Cam some one please help. I went through this once before with a financing company. At least they had the decency to refund me for over charging in interest fees. Without me even having knowing that was the case.

Posted by

santander are total rip offs. please contact me for the class action lawsuit. I send to checks every month, one for payment and one for additional principle and they told me I need to call them and tell them because a machine processes the checks and does not know it is for additional payments. so when I receive my bill it doesn't reflect my additional payment. please help I need to get away from these criminals

Posted by

I am trying to see if it is too late to join the class action suit against Santander Consumer USA, if not I would like to be included as I had an auto loan through them & the car was repossessed. And if so, will there be another suit filed?

Posted by
Katherine White

My story is the same as others. I've had a car financed through Santander since 2012 and the total payoff is still at over $20,000. I've had late payments here and there over the years but the problem is the majority of any payments have gone to interest. Some principle payments have been les than $10. This company is such a scam. They've started calling my family members while I figure out what's next. Not good and not right.

Posted by
Erika Prado

I would like to know if I can still join the lawsuit against Santander. I had an Auto Loan with them.

Posted by

I have a 2014 chevy cruze car loan with Santander. I have been paying this loan for almost 3 years and have paid about $15000.00 in total. Yet only about $2,000.00 has went to principal. It's sad to invest so much money and most of it is being pocketed. Yet these crooks still have the nerve to call you 5 times a day if you're a day late! Something needs to be done. I hope their is still a chance to join this lawsuit.

Posted by

I purchased a 2005 GMC Canyon for $9,998 in October of 2012. Santander financed me for $12,910.92 at 24.99% annual interest rate. My first three or four payments went directly to interest, which didn't make sense if they're calculating interest based on how many days between payments - how could my first payment have accrued any interest? They are taking random amounts of interest, refuse to give me an amortization schedule, saying they don't do that and would not tell me what fees or penalties they are charging me for - there is only one late payment in my credit history. If I continue paying Santander at the current rate, when my contract is up they will have received at least $26,250 - more than doubling the amount borrowed.

Thus far I've paid:
$276.28 in "miscellaneous fees"
$459.90 in fees to pay my bill - which they have not charged the last two months
$4,810.57 towards the principal
$10,734.95 to interest
Total paid to date: $16,281.70

They apply anywhere between $5.03 to $328.42 of my payments of at least $352 towards the principal - only 35 of my payments have had anything put towards principal.

Posted by
R. Irving Moses

1. I was late on payments for my 2005 Jeep Liberty. Santander reps called 2 of my co-workers & discussed my late payments(account) with them. When I confronted Santander about this, they said they had every right to "collect" on this account any way they wanted.

2. I paid off my account in 02-2013. When I paid off my account, Santander claimed I STILL owed them 2 thousand dollars.. I told them I had receipts for EVERY PAYMENT I have ever made to them. They immediately dropped they're claim.

Posted by
Mariam Bartram

I need to get in on this lawsuit. My car loan with Triad made an agreement with me to make two payments and then I would have 30 days to make the next one. After making the two payments as agreed with Triad collection agent, my Triad loan was purchased by Santander without my consent. Their extremely rude collection agent disregarded Triad's agreement with me that I was caught up and had 30 days to make the next payment, and then proceeded to demand payment when I was told I would have 30 days to make it. They kept making harassing phone calls 10 times a day, greatly stressing me out, and threatening to repossess my car which I had paid off more than half of the loan already. Tired of their harassment, and being out of work on unemployment benefits only, I said I would agree to a voluntary repossession if they wouldn't put on my credit report and would mark it as paid in full. The day they were to pick up the car, my son drove to the grocery store and was involved in a car accident. The very rude and condescendingly mean person from Santander threatened me saying that they would repossess it and it wouldn't be voluntary because they accused me of hiding it because I didn't know exactly where my son was with the car, being in the accident in a nearby town and delayed from returning home. I was forced to sign off documents although I didn't agree with the terms, and subsequently, my credit reports shows both Triad and Santander debt far exceeding the balance of the loan minus the sale price by three times and double reported. They haven't removed it from my reports and haven't noted it paid in full settled as promised. I have never experienced a more rude approach to collections in my life. Since I also did collections at the company where I worked before, I found them beyond reprehensible and being worn down from all the harassment of phone calls to home and cell, I relinquished my vehicle back to them.

Posted by

3 or 4 calls every day. I have spoken to them on several occasions about what I can pay because I am being garnished for a large amount of money and it will be lasting a while. They haven't been rude but if I have already talked to them and came up with a solution then why do they have to still call me 3 or 4 times a day? It's not like money falls out of the sky or your job decides to give you your paycheck early. If I talked to them at 9am then what is going to change with my situation if they call me 3 more times that same day? It's harassment. I'm all in for a class action lawsuit! I would also like to add something about their payment process. If you want to make a partial payment online it will not let you. It will give you a minimum amount to pay and it cannot be any less than that. I'm sorry but if I am paying a fee of 10.95 just to make a payment then why are they telling me I HAVE to pay a minimum amount. It shouldn't even matter if I wanted to pay 1.00 on it. If I pay that fee of 10.95 they should take what they can get in partial payments.

Posted by

3 or 4 calls every day. I have spoken to them on several occasions about what I can pay because I am being garnished for a large amount of money and it will be lasting a while. They haven't been rude but if I have already talked to them and came up with a solution then why do they have to still call me 3 or 4 times a day? It's not like money falls out of the sky or your job decides to give you your paycheck early. If I talked to them at 9am then what is going to change with my situation if they call me 3 more times that same day? It's harassment. I'm all in for a class action lawsuit!

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Having the same life altering issue's and say we owe more than we purchased for after almost 4 yrs. It's destroying us on top of credit and phone harassment

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Back in 2012 I bought an Avalanche and it was through another bank that this freaking company bought the loan from and I was about 1 year from paying the loan off , but instead of them contacting me they contacted my ex telling him they bought the loan out , when I bought this after I was divorced , so after getting behind 2 months they repoed the vehicle and when I tried to find out where it went because no one gave me papers , the garage had already took it to Auction and Santander wouldn't even talk to me because they didn't believe it was me after talking to my ex's new wife... This company rips everyone off and ruins your credit , I believe someone owes me money but havs been a loss cause since this happened.

Posted by

We bought a 2008 Chevy Trailblazer for around $18000.00 in 2010 with payments $475.00 per month, which we could afford. About a year after the purchase my husband lost his job and during that time we began to fall behind. To complicate matters I got very ill during the time my husband was off and had emergency surgery. Due to the nature of the surgery was off for quite some time. I had a few payments moved to the back of the load and received a few reduced payments. After approximately six (6) months’ time they were telling me that I was over $5000.00 behind!?!?!???? I work in the finance industry and with try as I might I could not maneuver the figures enough calculate $5000.00 worth of charges. Even with the few payments I moved, it should not have increased this outlandish amount of money. For the past three (3) years I have made consistent payments of ranging from $600.00 to $750.00 monthly and they are telling me that all the payments are being applied towards the interest. I now owe more than $23,000.00 to pay off the car. My credit has been ruined! I told them to come get the truck and they said they want me to just make my payments. I have been advised that a payment of $4000.00 will bring the account current?!?!?!!!??? I have had this truck for five (5) years and I want to be done with them but I am afraid of how much more it will affect my credit.

I am working on Doctorate and need additional funding to complete my degree. I cannot take out a grad plus loan because Santander is showing me more than 90 days past due. I understand I placed myself into a negative status credit prior to purchasing the vehicle and that is how I ended up having to use them for financing but enough is enough. Our credit is severely marred. This is not only affecting my ability to continue my education but also my ability to get my promotion for my job.

We need help!

Posted by
jeffrey davison

I bought a 2009 kia sportage for around $19000.00 in 2010 $475.00 per month which I could afford but the concern I had from the beginning was the payment was set up for the 15th of the month.i had explained to them I was a disabled veteranand I got paid once amonth on the 1st they insisted it could be taken care of . after a few month of using my money I had managed to save I had problems so I asked them the to change the date but they came up with just saying the would send us documents to sign to defer a payment and anyway I don't know if we ever successfully got one done or not but we did get a break on the phone calls for a while. I did get them to change the date once and somehow instead of changing it to the 1st the moved it allthe way back to the 13th 2 days. I have made 69 payments of $475 witch amounts to $32,775.00 and I still owe them $12,400 in principal . I called them and let them know they could come and get the car and it was amazing how they actualy wanted to actually cut my payment in half for six months and get it dated for the1st. how much more interest would that nice gesture give them. my credit is totally screwed by them anyway they shew 30,60,90,days past due and they couldn't even prove to me how the 90 day came about.

Posted by
Brittany K Lawson

I Need help to i purchase a 2007 Honda Civic for $8,500 and santander charger me 24 percent on intrest rate ! This car will end up costing me $16,000 in 5 years and itll be 16 Years Old . Isnt there a such thing as a usuary law.

Posted by
Lakibeun cornett

I purchase a 2005 ford freestyle which was finance through santander comsumer usa the car was 9,998 but when they got thru vwith intrest the car cause me 22,000 dollars i payed for 3 years none of that money went toward the payment of the car and i still owe another 3 years you can buy a new car for that price and now the say i owe 285.00 in late fees my payments were 286.00 i add the 50.00 a month to cover the engine and transmission but when i ask to take it off so my payments would be lower they told me my payments would be the same how is that i would like to join the action law suit

Posted by

I financed my Nissan with Santander car cost 13,000 I had it for two years and not one payment went to the note I traded it in and it was upside down a little over 13,000 what a RIPOFF

Posted by
Christopher Wildgoose

I received a loan for a 2012 Chevy Cruze from Santander in 2013, in January 2016 I lost my job and informed santander of my situation in which they said if anything like that were to come up they will work with me, they refused to come into any type of agreement and still threatened to reposses my car if i did not make a full payment which I obviously didnt have, The loan for for around $12,000-$13000, I asked them how much have I payed them they said around $8000 but I still owe a balance of $12000 after almost 3 years of payments and they still repossessed my car, after repossessing my car they still harrassed me with phone calls about making payments I couldnt make and I asked them to stop calling me since we cannot come to any type of agreement or understanding with each other being that I didnt have a job a car nor the money to make the payment they were harrasing me for,but I was still willing to pay something to work something out. They still call me with the same story to this day and im tired of going back and forth with them about this issue, they sold the car and charged it off ass bad debt on my credit report but still insist on harrasing me with calls, i would like to join this class action lawsuit

Posted by
TaSha hester

Toni calls

Posted by

I paid off my 2006 jeep liberty in march 2015,i still have not received my title.on my credit report they got me down for a charge off,but i still have the jeep.I WANT TO JOIN THE CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT.

Posted by
Gary LaMarsh

In may 2014 I financed a car through a car dealership which stated Santandar was a very good finance co. I been paying $400 monthly after putting $6000 down for a $15000 SUV as of May 2016 I still owe ove4 $14000 on the car more then the original loan was. I get calls constantly from them and fees are added on with no explation given when asked. I took out a deferment on payments for 2 months and they still reported me as late for the 2 months to the credit reporting agencies and refuse to correct it now my car is worth half of what I owe and I'm stuck with it. I'm disabled and feel like I was taken advantage of by the car dealership.

Posted by

calling 6 to 7 times a day or more..also charging 10 dollars or more to pay by cc said it was a fee

Posted by
Andre and Maranda Bartley

We purchased a 2008 HHR through Santander USA back in 2012-13. After 3 months we flipped 4 times in the vehicle because it was a recall vehicle. The vehicle was totaled and our insurance company paid the loan off except for the $2000.00 that the Gap insurance was supposed to pay. Well Santander USA said that our gap insurance was cancelled and we owe $2000.00. We explained that when we said the 3 different contracts to get financing we were told that gap insurance was included. Now we are in debt $2000.00 because our insurance company paid the value of the vehicle and our insurance company said that Santander USA defrauded us and over charged us for the vehicle that we purchased through their company. We began getting harrassing phone calls threating to sue us. The calls were at all times if night and day. They called my job and family members telling them that we had warrants out for our arrest for non payments. I had to change my number because it was so bad. Some please help this company need to be shut down.

Posted by
Janice Cooper

I have received calls for several months from this company. The initial call was a message in Spanish (not my language) I determined the message was for Maria. The next call I got I answered & the caller was speaking Spanish, I was able to let him know he had the wrong number. He wanted my number so I let him know if you dialed it surely you know that # you called. I told him just call the last #on his list & if he got a ANGRY WOMAN than he'd know the #! I hung up. Several hours later I got another call no msg. I normally get 3-4 calls daily starting after 8 AM sometimes a msg. I'm so IRRITATED that I continue to get calls from a company I've NEVER used nor heard of. I told him originally that no Maria resided at my # & asked politely to not call but continues to call daily & talking in Spanish & my preferred language is ENGLISH! HELP ME PUT A END TO THIS NONSENSE add my name if we are pursuing a class action suit bc this is BS

Posted by

I had to go though santander for a loan due to credit issues and had the vehicle for 3 years. My fiance lost his job and I asked them if they could work with us on making lower payments until he found a job. They told me if I made a $200.00 payment I would be good for a month. 3 week's later they repossessed the vehicle. I didn't have the money to get my car back from a repossession , and like I was trying to explain to them my fiance was being interviewed for a job and it looked promising but they just wouldn't work with me. I'm very sad that santander would rather loose a customer and repo my car instead of lowering my payment until we got back on our feet. They really put us in a bad position. It's been hard to recover from their lack of professionalism.

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I wondering if anyone have a Santander account and it is reported as charged off and you are still in ownership of the vehicle (loan).

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It looks like I'm in the same category as most of the previous posters. Fortunately I was able to transfer my loan to my bank with much better rates and overall better practice. When I used them to buy my car, my credit was bad and I had no choice as my old car was wrecked. After paying on my car for almost 5 years, it seemed like I only paid down half of it. I apparently had $4000 left on my auto loan and there didn't seem to be any explanation for this. I missed 2 months of payments due to financial issues, they repossessed my car and I had to pay a total of $600 to get it back. They also kept calling saying I owed payments even when I made the proper payments (and sometimes more) on time! This company of as shady as they come and I would definitely like to be a part of a suit against them. They should not be doing this to people.

Posted by

I had a car through Drive/ Santander for 6 years, the exact time of length of my loan.I had missed some payments but always made arrangements to get caught up. Once the last month of my payments arrived I called Santander to ask how I would rcv my title since I had paid off loan, only to be told that I still owed over $8000 in late charges and interest that was charged everyday I was late. Now that I've paid over $24,000 and had nothing to show for it as they repo'd my car because I did not agree with having a balance of over $8000. Something needs to be done about these situations and this company, it is obviously not fair to us people that have paid for our cars and then have them taken away being out thousands of dollars. Very sad and frustrating!!!!!

Posted by
Amador D Hinojosa

I would like to get on this Classaction as well. My wife and I got a Lil behind because we had to move due to another legal issue but they call us repeatedly and their late fees are extremely excessive.

Posted by
Melodye Courter

We have two cars from them. Currently been paying one on car for 48 months. Only paid 14000 for the car... My payoff is over 18000. They repoed my other car saying i was behind... Paid them hella money to get itback. Get a call stating that I am 90 days behind again... When I call them they are saying I have to talk to their Bankruptcy department. I am not in bankruptcy.

Posted by
Johniemae henry

I would love to join they repoed 2 of my cars after I made the payment and auctioned them off without my knowing it gave me the run around so I could not locate my cars

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I would like too join as well.

Posted by
Sheila Scott-Wallace

I would like to join the class action law suit.

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I am also trying to get legal help to help me with my Santander account. It is certainly a class action

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We have received TONS of ROBO CALLS from Santander Consumer USA. For several months we would get automated calls on both my cell phone as well as my fiance's. Sometimes 3-4 times PER DAY. They were automated, and you would hear a click and then nothing. They claim there were "ISSUES" with their phone systems. WHAT A BUNCH OF BS. I read we are entitled to $500 PER CALL. When we fell behind on the auto loan, we got as many as 10 calls PER WEEK maybe more, since they were harassing both myself (loan holder) and my fiance.

Posted by
Karen Rose

I would like to know if I can still join the lawsuit against Santander. I had an Auto Loan with them.

Posted by

I'm trying to see if it to late to join the class action lawsuit against Santander Consumer USA .If not can someone please contact me.

Posted by

I am inquiring about the class-action lawsuit that was filed against Santander in 2013. I'm wondering if the case has been settled and if I might be eligible to participate. I'm also wondering if I have any legal recourse against them for not accurately explaining the additional interest charged to my loan following a payment deferment which has come to $4,600.

Lawsuit: Santander Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over Fair Debt Collection Practices (2024)


Lawsuit: Santander Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over Fair Debt Collection Practices? ›

San Diego, CA: Santander Consumer USA is facing a class action lawsuit over alleged violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) as well as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The lawsuit also alleges Santander breached its own contracts by charging improper fees.

Who qualifies for Santander settlement? ›

Over 265,000 consumers across the settlement states will be eligible for this restitution. Who qualifies? You must have a gotten a loan with Santander between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2019 and Santander must have given you a certain internal score at the time you got the loan.

How do I sue Santander Consumer USA? ›

If your claim doesn't fall within the limits of your state's small claims court, you'll have to arbitrate your claim instead.
  1. Send Santander Consumer USA your demand letter. ...
  2. Fill out forms. ...
  3. “File” your complaint with the court. ...
  4. “Serve” your forms to Santander Consumer USA. ...
  5. Go to your court date.

How do I get my title from a Santander lawsuit? ›

After Santander sends you back a signed lien release or letter of non-interest, take that letter to your local DMV and apply for a title. Most states will use their state title application for this process but verify with a DMV agent before proceeding to ensure all paperwork is completed.

Is Santander Consumer USA a debt collector? ›

Santander Consumer USA Inc., 582 U.S. ___ (2017), is a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States which held that a company is not a "debt collector" under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) if it purchased that debt and then attempts to collect from the debtor.

How much will Santander settle for? ›

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc said on Tuesday it had agreed to make changes to its underwriting practices as part of a $550 million settlement with 33 states and the District of Columbia over subprime auto loans.

What's going on with the Santander lawsuit? ›

Santander Consumer USA will pay $65 million to states and forgive hundreds of millions more in consumer debt as part of a settlement with a group of attorneys general over practices in its subprime auto lending business.

Is there a lawsuit against Santander? ›

The lawsuit alleges that Santander unlawfully denied early motor vehicle lease terminations to ten servicemembers. Under the proposed settlement, Santander must pay $94,282.62 in compensation to the ten aggrieved servicemembers and a $40,000 civil penalty to the U.S. Treasury.

What states are involved in the Santander lawsuit? ›

The states joining in the settlement led by Illinois Attorney General Raoul are the attorneys general of California, Maryland, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington, who comprise the executive committee; as well as the attorneys general of Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, ...

What bank owns Santander Consumer USA? ›

A wholly owned subsidiary of Madrid-based Banco Santander, S.A., Santander US incorporates six financial companies: Santander Bank, N.A., Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc.

What is a multistate settlement? ›

Multistate litigation includes any coordinated litigation among two or more attorneys general against the same defendants. The most well-known multistate litigation settlement is the Master Settlement Agreement between the attorneys general and several large tobacco companies.

When you pay off a car loan where does the title come from? ›

For most Americans, your lender will possess the title for the duration of the loan. When your loan is paid off, your lender will send the lien release to the DMV. The DMV or other state office will then send the updated title to you. This process can take longer than in a title-holding state.

Does Santander track your car? ›

Dallas-based Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc., one of the country's biggest subprime auto lenders, has decided not to use GPS-tracking and ignition kill switch technology as regulators clamp down on the devices, an executive said.

Is Santander Consumer USA closing? ›

Banco Santander has completed its acquisition of Santander Consumer USA, closing a $2.5 billion deal in the making since September 2021. Banco Santander obtained enough Santander Consumer USA (SCUSA) shares through its all-cash tender offer to proceed, which expired on Jan.

Is Santander a predatory lender? ›

Santander Consumer USA has settled a lawsuit leveled by 33 states and the District of Columbia alleging that the subprime lender engaged in “predatory lending” dating back to 2010, by offering loans to consumers knowing that they had a high probability of default, according to press releases issued by numerous ...

What repo company does Santander use? ›

Santander does not repossess vehicles by itself, but instead uses a third-party to repossess vehicles. In May or June 2019, defendant Phantom Recovery LLC received a repossession order for the vehicle from Skipbusters, a forwarding agent for Santander.

How much is the Santander Multistate settlement? ›

Santander will pay $65 million to the 34 participating states for restitution for certain subprime consumers who defaulted on loans between Jan. 1, 2010 and Dec. 31, 2019.

How do I claim money back from Santander? ›

Online Banking

Click 'Account services' tab. Choose 'Other services' in the left-hand side menu. Scroll down to 'Debit card services' or 'Credit card services'. Click 'Make a claim' and start filling in the form.

Will Santander refund money? ›

Credit Balance Refund: Santander will automatically refund any credit balance, more than $1, if it remains on your Account for two (2) billing cycles. Calculation of Late Fees: Payment of the New Balance listed on your Account billing statement must be made in full by the Payment Due Date to avoid a late fee.

How do I get a settlement on my personal loan? ›

To settle a personal loan, communicate with the lender about financial difficulties, propose a realistic settlement amount, and negotiate terms. Once an agreement is reached, obtain written confirmation, and fulfil the settlement by making the agreed-upon payment.


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.