Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs Nicole Kristin Jones, 05-CV-22-593, 01042022_Affidavit of Plaintiff_0 (Minnesota State, Benton County, District Court Apr. 1, 2022) (2024)

`Filed in District Cou
`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesot
`State of Minnesota
`4/1/2022 4:05 P’
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`I,theundersigned Custodian ofRecords,for Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC herébydeclare,certify, andstate as
`I am competentto-testify to the matters contained herein.
`Tam anauthorized:employeeofPortfolio Recovery Associates,LLC, (“Account Assignee”) which isdoingbusiness
`at.Riverside CommerceCenter, 120.Corporate Boulevard, Norfolk, Virginia, andJ am authorizedto make the statements,
`representations and avermentsherein, and do so based upon.a review of the business tecords of the Original. Creditor
`COMENITY BANK/VICTORIASSECRETandthose. records transferred to Account Assignee from COMENITY
`~BANK(“Account Seller”),:‘whichhave‘become:a part ofand liave integrated into:Account,Assignee’s business:records, in
`the ordinarycourseofbusiness.
`Accordingto the business: records, which are maintained in the ordinary course-of business,.the,account, and all.
`proceeds ofthe account are nowownedbythe AccountAssignee,alloftheAccountSeller’sinterestinsuchaccount having
`:, been sold, assigned andtransferred by the Account Seller on 12/18/2018. See attachedoriginal.creditor’s Bill ofSale.
`, marked asExhibitA, andattachedPlaintiff's account number-specific data entrymarkedas ExhibitBsae
`Accordingto:therecords transferred to the Account:Assignee from Account.Seller,and maintainediinthe ordinary
`course ofbusiness bytheAccount Assignee, there was due and payable from NICOLE JONES(“Debtor and Co-Debtor”)
`to the AccountSeller the sum.of$551.10 -withrespectto account number ending in 3271, as.ofthe date of 11/30/2018 with ~
`there being‘noknown.1n-credited payments, counterclaimsor offsets against the said.debt.as ofthe-date of the sale. See.
`Exhibit “C” attached.
`Accordingto-the accouritrecords-ofsaid.AccountAssignee;afterall known payments,‘counterclaims,¢and/or setoffs
`occurring: subsequentto the date of sale, Account Assignee claims thesumof$:551.10 as dueandowingas ofthedate-of
`this declaration.
`Ideclare underpenalty:ofperjurythat everything I have stated ‘in this documentis'true:and correct.
`PortfolioRecover Assoviates,LLC
` Custodian of Records
`at Norfolk,Virginia.


`Filed in District Court
`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`State of Minnesota
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
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`Filed in District Cou
`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesot
`State of Minnesota
`4/1/2022 4:05 P’
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`dee nena oh ee
`wee 2at “BILLOFSALE ea ETE,
`Note .
`ComenityBank:USelcr>.for:value receivedandpursuant-to-the:termsand conditions‘ofCredit”
`I jenit.datedJune4,:2018 between SellerandPortfolioResovety
`herebyassignseffective as oftheFileCreationDateofDecember12,2018all:
`andinterest ofSeller inetdtothosecertainreceivables;judgments orevidencesof
`escribed inSchedule } {the “AssetSchedile’) attached hereto‘andmadeparthereofforall
`Amountsdieta:SellerbyPurchasérinhereunder shali-bepaidUS..Dollarsbyawire:srensterto
`bsreceivedbySolleran (the“ClosingDate”) Decantber 18, 2018by5:00p.m,Seller'stime,as
`ThisBill-ofSaleisexecutedwithoutrecourseexceptas stated in théCredit Card Acoount
`Purchase Agreement to whichthis is an Exhibit.Noother representationofor warranty oftitle or
`enforceabilityisexpressed or implied.
`Portfalie Regavery.Apndiatis,Wc


`Filed in District Court
`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`State of Minnesota
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`‘tiewidvicatOhtigedoftAccountstransferredpursoantto.the CreditCardAccountPirctinseAgreementandBin
`Inthe electronicfile namedPRA__MP_DPU._CB.TXT, PRA_MP_LC3_CB.TRTdeliveredby
`ty. Bonkty Portfolio Recovery Asootsies, LLC of Déceinber 12,2018,and: eiinmatiaed.te the“table


`Filed in District Court
`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`State of Minnesota
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
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`Filed in District Court
`Filed in District Cou
`State of Minnesot
`State of Minnesota
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`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesotal
`State of Minnesota
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`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`05-CV-22-593 Filed in District Court


`Filed in District Cou
`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesot
`State of Minnesota
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
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`Filed in District Court
`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`State of Minnesota
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`PAYRTEMAX,BAL_|DB.)_ONU 0000000.00


`Filed in District Court
`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesotal
`State of Minnesota
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`INTus.FINCHRGLAM 0000001.00


`. 05-CV-22-593
`Filed in District Court
`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`State of Minnesota
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`Exhibit C


`Filed in District Court
`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`State of Minnesota
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`Summary of account activity
`‘Account no.
`_ 12/11/2018:
`Payrnent information
`New balance
`Minimum payment due
`-Payment dua date
`Previous balance
`‘Other credits
`Late payment warning:
`Hf we'do not receive your minimum paymentby 12/11/2018 you may
`have'to pay-upto.a$37.
`Other debits.
`you'makeonly the minimum
`payment for each pertod, you will pay more InInterest'and Itwill take;
`you fongerto pay off your balances. For example:
`Ifyou make noadditional|You will pay-off And you will
`Past due.amount
`charges using thie card
`Credit limit
`Available credit.
`Statement closing date
`Days in biling cycle
`‘and each morith you pay:
`Forinfomation regarding credit counseling services,
`.¢ call 1-800-284-1708;
`g Details of your transactions
`Total fees charged for this perlod
`Interest chargé cn purchases
`Total Interestfor this perlod
`2018 totals year to date
`1 Tolal fees:charged In 2018 Total Interastcharged in 2018
`| Interest charge catculation
`Your AnnualPercantage’Rate(APA)is the annualinterest rate on your account. See BALANCE’COMPUTATION METHOD
`on'page 2for. more details,
`IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUIRED! Your Accountis extremelypast.due’and:willbe-written offias'a
`bad'd at:the-endof-this:month.To avold'this, you can pay thé Minimum amolint shown on.this
`statementbefore the end-ofthis-month.If youare not:able to pay the Minimum Payment amount, we.will
`Stillbe able to assist you and prevent your accountfrom being written off. Call us at 1-855-617-8089
`(TRDITTY 1-800-695-1788) arid we will find a suitable payment.before the and of this month.If written off,
`the bad debt will be reported to the three major credit bureaus and our Recovery team will determine the
`appropriate steps, as permitted and available under applicable law, to protect our interests.
`'26.9900% (v)
`NOTICE: Sas evans side for Important [niormation.
`Pleacs.tear at perforation above
`[| Yes!‘Yes, !
`9 movedotupdated my
`dress = see reverse:
`‘ZIMMERMAN MN 55398-6328
`Paymentmust reach us :by
`6 pm ET ort 12/11/2018.
`. Amountenctosed::
`Please makeCheckpayable to:
`Please retum this postion along with your paymentto:
`PO BOX 659728
`SAN ANTONIO:TX 78265-9728
`ALEsEgaadeeAEDoppo fle flagfA[UGHonganf ggdsfUT
`32000025700 oo00ss110


`Filed in District Court
`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesotal
`State of Minnesota
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`4/1/2022 4:05 PM
`Keepthis portion foryour records.
`CREDIT REPORTING. We may report information about your account to
`WhatToDo ffYou Think You FindA Mistake On Your Statement:
`credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments,or.cther defaults on your.
`account may be reflected in your credit report.
`St you think ‘there isan error on yourstatement, write to us ats Comentty
`Bank PO.Box 182782; Columbus, Ohio 43218-2782.
`If youbelieve the account information we reported to a consumer
`[nyourletter, give us Uhe following fhformation:
`© Accountinformation: Your name and account number.
`agency is inaccurate, you may.submit'a direct dispute to Comenity Ba
`Box. 182789, Columbus, Ohio 43218-2789, Your.witten dispute. via
`providesufficient Information to Identify theaccount and specify wiry the:
`© Doller. amount:The. dollar amount of the Suspected esror.
`Information:{s inaccurate:
`'* Description ofProblems\t you think there.{s an error on yourbill,
`® ‘Account Information: Your naine and secountnumber
`describe whatyou belleve:is wrong end why you betieve it Is a mistake.
`© Contactinformation: Youraddress andtalephona nimbar
`You mustcontactus within 60 ays alerthe error appeared on your.
`© Disputed Information: ientity the accountinformation disputed and
`explain whyyoubelieveitis inaccurate
`potentialarrors (7 writing. You may callus,but if
`Youmust, Holify us of ary
`© Supporting Documentation: II available, provide a.copyofthe section of
`you'do.weare riot|ray to’atrvestlealeany'potentialerrorsandyoumay
`the credit reportshowing the account.information you are disputing
`have topay the'amount In question
`Wewill investigate the disputed information and report the results to you
`Whileweinvestigatewhetherornattherehasbeenanerror, the following
`within 30 days of receiptof the informalian needed for our ifvestigation.If:
`we find that the accountinformation wereported is inaccurate, we will
`© We cannottry to collectthe AmountIn'question, o¢ report you as
`promptly pravide the necessary correction to each consumerreporting
`delinquent on (hat amount.”
`agency tonich we reportedthe information.
`© The chatgein. question may remain of yourstatement,arid wo may'
`PAYMENTS MARKED ‘PAIIN FULL‘. Allwritten communications reparding
`continue to chase you interest on thatemount. Bul, if we determine that
`dispuled amounts thatinclude any checkor other paymenti
`we made'a mistake;‘you will not have:to pay the amountin question or
`masked with:
`t in full” cr similar tanguage, must be sent to: 6550.
`any interest or olher.feesrelated to that: amount.
`East, Suite 101, San Antonio, TX 78247-5004:
`North Loop 1604
`®. Whileyou do no} have to pay the amountin question, you are respénsible
`forthe fermainderofYour balance.
`our sights.
`+ Weeyaccept payment serit toany.otheraddress.without losing any of
`©. We'canapplyanyunpatd’amourit agalrst yourcreditlimit.
`iRights:YouAreDissatisfied WithYourCreditCardPurchoses
`- No paymentshall.operate 2s an accord and satisfaction withoutprior
`written approval.
`u are dissatisfied wilh the goods or servicesthal you have purchased
`CUSTOMER SERVICE. Visit ysangelcard.com ofcall 1-800-695-9478
`OUT, csedilcard;andyou have tiedin good faith.tocorrect the
`wilyelcasaechant,youmayhave therghitnottopay theremainirig
`(TDOVTTY 1-800-695-3788).
`atmotintdue. of thépurchase.
`communication withus is monitored and/or-rec
`TELEPHONE MONITORING. To provide you with high-quality service, phode
`To'use this-righl, all of the following Tmust be true:
`1.The purchasa must heve been made in your home state or within 100°
`ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. The followingdesignations when appearing
`miles ofyour eusrent mailing address, and
`the purchase price must have
`on the front ofyour statement, mean thefollowing: V means variable rate
`(this rate may,Vays WV.INT PAY RQ meansWAIVE
`been more than$50,(Note: Neither of these Is necessaryif your purchase.
`|.was based
`advertisem*nt ve mailed to you,of if we'own the company
`:| thatsold you the Goodsorservices.)
`2.Youmust have used your credil card for thepurchase. Purchases made
`wilh cash advances:from an ATM or with a check hat accesses yourcredit
`card sccount'donot quality.
`PAYMENT,If:you havea variable rate account, your periodic rates may vary.
`3. Yourmust notyel have fvily paid for the purchase,
`You may payall of your Account balance atany time without penalty.
`[fall of the criteria above. sre.met.end you are still dissatisfied withthe.
`| purctiase,contact 'us iwritingat: Comenity Bank PO Bax 182782,
`Send allinduiries tos CUSTOMER SERVICE,PO Box'182273, Columbus;
`Ohio ‘43218-2273.
`Send ail bankruptcy notices and related conespondence to Comenity Bank,
`.| While we investigate, the seme rulesapply to he disputed amountas-
`.| discussed above. After wefinish our investigation, we will tell you our
`Baniauptcy Departmont, POBox 182125, Columbus, Ohlo 43218-2125;
`decision: At that point,i! we think you awe an amount and you do not pay
`’| we. may report you. as delinquent,
`check as payment, you authorize us eitherto use information from your
`HOW TO-AVOID PAYING INTEREST. You due dateis at least 25 days after
`check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account orto,
`thecloseof each billingcycle: We will not. charge you interes( on purchases
`process: the paymentas a check transaction. Whenwe use information fram
`if you payyour entire balance by the‘duedate each month. We will begin:'to
`your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may bewithdravn
`charge‘interest.on new purchases made undar a Low APR, Equa! Payment
`from your accounta8 soon as the same day we'receive your.payment, and
`you will nol.recelveyour check backfrom your financial institution.
`or Budget Payment Credit Plan from the dale of purchase:
`BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD,: We:calculate ‘intérest separalely-for
`"each balanceusinig-the me!
`described below. The two letters in
`parenthesesnextto.the Balance Subject to Interest Rate column in the
`interestCharge Cakulationsection on this statement comesponds to the
`(0A)Wedfigure the interest’charge on thisbalance by applying the periodic
`rateto: the“cally.balance"for each dayin.thebilling period. To getthe
`“daily-balance".we'take [he beginning balance each day, add any new
`transactions and feesand subtract any payments or credits (eating any net
`credit batance.as a zero balance), This gives us the daily balance.
`(MC) We'figurethe interest charge on this balance.by applying the periodic
`rale to the “averaga dally balance” for tha billing periods To gel the
`“average daily balance" we:take the beginning balance each day, add-any
`new lransaclions and (ees and subtract any payments or credits (Lreating
`any. natcredit balance,8s 8 zero balance), ‘This givesusthe daily.balance.
`Then, We add up all thedaily balances for the billing period and divide the
`taalbyte numberofdaysInthebillingperiod.Thisgives us the “average
`PO Box
`Foteign Map Céde
`PAYMENTS. Pay yourAccountby theape due date by (he time fisted below. I we do riot reecive Your payment in a coffect forma!(outlined below) il
`’| may nal be. recited lo'your Account
`lor Upto five days, or may be rejected,Also; your payment must reach us by the paymentcutofftime that applies to
`you select;
`| Correct Foret,Correctformatfor.different paymentméthodsificlude:
`} MailingofOvernight: Sond a personal check, nioney
`order, traveler's check ofcashier'scheck payable in’U.S: dollars;to the: name and address shown on
`your balance and minimum
`yment stub, do not staple ar
`this Statementin the
`payment stub areacontaining
`twith one.
`cllp your.paymenttothestub,include your eccounl number on your check,use provided with your Stalement, send one
`rentamount. Be'sure to include your
`ite 101, Sanfollow
`payment stub and do notsend any correspondance wilh yourpayment, You should Sane
`ta payment to6550 North Loop1604 Excl
`Antonio,1X:78247-5004 and thesadditional fomnat requirementsare the same as other mailed payments unless there is a dispute, in whichcasa
`thePaymentsMarked ‘Paid In Full” sectton above.Do nol send cash oFgift certificates..PayByPhone:You can call us'toll free at 1-800-695-9478
`CDT 1-800-695-1788)to make.@ payment by.telephone, which may:include a fee.Online:You'can meke a payment online at vsangelcard.com,
`in-store; You.can make payments in-store,
`the store closesalthe localion you make your payment.

`New Information
`. First Name
`Title {optional}
`Soc. Sec. No.
`Street Addrass
`Apt. No.
`Emait- Address
`2ig Code._
`Work Phone.

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Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs Nicole Kristin Jones, 05-CV-22-593, 01042022_Affidavit of Plaintiff_0 (Minnesota State, Benton County, District Court Apr. 1, 2022) (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.