What Is a PFIC, and How Does It Affect My Taxes? (2024)

What Is a PFIC, and How Does It Affect My Taxes? (1)

Written by Mike Wallace


What Is a PFIC, and How Does It Affect My Taxes? (2)

Reviewed by Allen Pfeister


Mike Wallace, CEO at Greenback Expat Tax Services, has extensive experience in finance, operations, and strategic leadership. Mike has worked in numerous C-Level roles, including at large financial institutions. Mike holds a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business.

What Is a PFIC, and How Does It Affect My Taxes? (4)

Allen Pfeister


Allen Pfeister is a Partner at Tax Uncomplicated, collaborating with Greenback Expat Tax Services and Klemsen Consulting. Allen holds an MBA from the University of New Orleans and a BS in Accounting and Finance from Louisiana State University.

Updated on February 20, 2024

8 minute read

Wallace, M. (2024, February 20). What Is a PFIC, and How Does It Affect My Taxes?. GreenbackTaxServices.com. Retrieved , from https://www.greenbacktaxservices.com/knowledge-center/pfic/

Most American investors are familiar with the basic mechanics of a mutual fund. But many American expats will need to navigate the reporting requirements that come from investing in a passive foreign investment company (PFIC).

The reporting requirements for a PFIC can be a bit intimidating if you’re not familiar with how they work, and US taxpayers may be required to pay additional tax.

If you’re an American expat, you may want to bookmark this page before tax season, as it explains everything you need to know about PFICs and how they work.

Key Takeaways

  • A passive foreign investment company (PFIC) is a non-US pooled investment company that attributes at least 75% of its gross income as passive income. Alternatively, at least 50% of its assets produce passive income.
  • A PFIC can be taxed by excess distribution, market-to-market, or by using a qualified electing fund.
  • American expats must file Form 8621 if they receive a distribution or experience a gain from a PFIC, make a QEF or MTM election.

What Is a Passive Foreign Investment Company (PFIC)?

A passive foreign investment company, or PFIC, is a pooled investment that is registered outside the borders of the United States. PFICs are defined by US tax law, and they include a variety of investment funds and certain types of pension investments.

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What Is a PFIC, and How Does It Affect My Taxes? (5)

The purpose of PFIC status is to prevent US taxpayers from avoiding taxes by investing through foreign accounts and companies that aren’t subject to the same rules as those located within the United States.

If you’re an investor, you may already be familiar with mutual funds, index funds, or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). However, the taxation and reporting rules that govern a PFIC are considerably stricter and more complicated than the rules that govern these other investment vehicles.

Only US citizens or residents are impacted by PFIC rules. If you’re an American expat, you are still required to pay US taxes, which means that you’ll be responsible for abiding by PFIC rules.

These rules apply regardless of how long you have been living abroad; even if you become a resident of a foreign country, you will still need to file a US tax return each year.

How to Identify a PFIC

To determine whether an investment fund is classified as a PFIC, it is necessary to examine the fund’s underlying investments. Most mutual funds and index funds based in the US are not considered to be PFICs, even if they include foreign investments. This is because these investments are registered and regulated under US law, whereas a PFIC is not. An asset can be classified as a passive foreign investment company if and only if it meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • Income Test: 75% of gross income comes from passive income
  • Asset Test: 50% or more of assets produce passive income

These tests must be applied every taxable year, so it is possible that a particular investment would not qualify as a PFIC one year but would the next.

What Is Considered Passive Income?

For the purpose of these tests, what counts as passive income? Common sources of passive income can include:

  • Dividend payments
  • Interest
  • Royalties
  • Annuities
  • Rental income
  • Income equivalent to interest
  • Payments made in lieu of dividends

Additionally, certain types of contracts or asset exchanges can generate passive income. These include:

  • Notional principal contracts
  • Commodities transactions (e.g., futures)
  • Foreign currency exchanges

Again, if 75% or more of an entity’s income comes from these sources — or if 50% or more of its assets produce passive income — it’s classified as a PFIC.

Examples of PFICs

The income and asset tests are the primary criteria by which a PFIC can be identified. Here are some common examples of PFICs that you may encounter:

  • ETFs listed on a foreign stock exchange
  • Foreign real estate companies and real estate investment trusts (REITs)
  • Foreign mutual fund trusts

But keep in mind that the passive component of PFICs can be to your advantage. A foreign company that carries on active business would generally not be classified as a PFIC; therefore, it would not be subject to the same type of PFIC tax requirements.

There is an easy way to determine if a publicly traded investment is a PFIC or not. Every publicly traded investment will have an International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). If the ISIN for a mutual fund, ETF, REIT, or similar investment has the letters “US” as the first two letters, it is not a PFIC. If the first two letters are anything else, then it is a PFIC.

Note that individual shares in a company, such as Vodafone, Shell, and HSBC Bank, are not PFICs. The only pooled investments are PFICs.

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What Is a PFIC, and How Does It Affect My Taxes? (6)

How Are PFICs Taxed by the IRS?

If you have investments that are considered passive foreign investment companies (PFICs), there are three ways to choose how they are taxed:

1. Excess Distribution

Excess distribution is the default taxation method. It’s classified as a Section 1291 Fund. This method allows for a deferral of US taxes until either (1) the earnings are distributed or (2) the PFIC is sold. Earnings are taxed as ordinary income, and the excess distribution is spread out over your investment period on a pro-rata basis.

To calculate the excess distribution amount, you’ll need to include both the sale amount of the PFIC and any distributions in which the total annual distributions exceed 125% of the preceding three-year average.

The excess distribution being spread out over the entire time you own the PFIC can result in having to pay a considerable amount of tax. The reason is that there is an interest charge assessed over this time period. The longer you own the investment, the more interest you will have to pay. For example, if you have an excess distribution of $4,000 over a two-year ownership period, you would be assessed interest on $2,000 for one year and interest on $2,000 for two years. If, instead, you had an excess distribution of $4,000 over 4 years, you would be charged interest on $1,000 over one year, interest on $1,000 over two years, interest on $1,000 over three years, and interest on $1,000 over four years. For this reason, the Excess Distribution method tends to result in the most tax, especially if the PFIC has been owned for many years.

2. Market-to-Market (MTM)

To elect the market-to-market (MTM) approach, you must use the option on Form 8621, Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund. While this alternate tax plan will allow you to avoid interest charges and a higher tax, it will also cause you to face an earlier tax obligation.

When you use the MTM approach, you must recognize an annual gain based on the PFIC’s value at the end of the tax year. This gain is taxed as ordinary income or treated as ordinary income loss. You generally cannot claim a loss until the PFIC is sold, but losses from past years can be used to reduce gains in current years.

3. Qualified Electing Fund (QEF)

Like the MTM approach, you can opt for the qualified electing fund (QEF) by selecting the appropriate option on Form 8621. The QEF will also accelerate your tax liability, though it will lower your potential interest and tax obligation.

To use the QEF election, you’ll need to file Form 8621 in the first year that you invest in the PFIC. However, if the PFIC’s annual information statement isn’t available, you may be prevented from exercising this PFIC taxation method.

In the QEF approach, you must list a pro-rata portion of the PFIC’s earnings as part of your annual gross income. Depending on the nature of the income, this may be classified as ordinary income or capital gains.

Note that the QEF method can only be selected during the first year that you own the PFIC. You can make your selection on Form 8621.

Exceptions to Filing Form 8621

There are two primary reasons why an American expat would not file Form 8621.

1. You Have Foreign Pension Plans

Certain types of foreign pension plans may also be exempt. For example, any retirement plan where income is deferred is exempt from PFIC tax reporting requirements until distributions are made. However, if you make adjustments to your retirement plan or cash out early, it may prevent you from using this exemption.

2. The PFIC is a Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC).

If the company qualifies as a PFIC and it is a CFC, only Form 5471 (Informational Returns of US Persons with Respect to Certain Controlled Foreign Corporations) needs to be filed. Form 8621 does not need to be filed. A CFC is a foreign corporation in which certain US shareholders own more than 50% of the company.

The only shareholders that are considered when determining if a foreign corporation is a CFC are shareholders that own at least 10% of the foreign corporation. The rules regarding CFCs and Form 5471 are extremely complex. If you think these issues may apply to you, you should speak with a tax expert.

When to Seek PFIC Tax Assistance

It is important to understand that PFIC investments come with their own set of tax considerations, and getting help from an experienced professional is the best way to ensure your tax liability is minimized. Knowing when to seek PFIC tax assistance can be the difference between an optimal portfolio and a costly mistake.

A tax advisor can help you fill out Form 8621 and help you make decisions regarding your reporting options (i.e., excess distribution, QEF, or MTM). The advisor will also look for any exemptions that may apply.

For that matter, American expats might also consider using a professional tax advisor to help reduce their overall tax burdens. A tax preparer can highlight key areas where you may qualify for deductions and save money on your yearly taxes, which may help you maximize the earnings you receive from a PFIC.

Need Help with Your PFIC Requirements?

Living abroad yet paying US taxes can be a complex process. PFIC tax requirements only add to the confusion. Greenback Expat Tax Services can help. We will guide you through the requirements and options relating to your PFIC investments and ensure that you comply with all regulations.

Contact us, and one of our customer champions will gladly help. If you need very specific advice on your specific tax situation, you can also click below to get a consultation with one of our expat tax experts.

Don’t just guess. Get the best advice from one of our expat expert CPAs and EAs.

Whether you need tax advice to prepare for a move abroad, to buy property or even retire, Greenback can help. Consults upfront can help avoid costly mistakes and stress later.

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What Is a PFIC, and How Does It Affect My Taxes? (7)
What Is a PFIC, and How Does It Affect My Taxes? (2024)


What Is a PFIC, and How Does It Affect My Taxes? ›

A passive foreign investment company (PFIC) is a non-US pooled investment company that attributes at least 75% of its gross income as passive income. Alternatively, at least 50% of its assets produce passive income. A PFIC can be taxed by excess distribution, market-to-market, or by using a qualified electing fund.

What are the tax consequences of PFIC? ›

A PFIC designation results in increased taxes, penalties and interest charges. Any gain on the disposition of a PFIC ownership interest may be treated as an “excess distribution,” under which the amount is taxed at ordinary income rates instead of at capital gains rates and interest is assessed on the deferred tax.

How can I avoid PFIC tax? ›

Avoiding PFICs and Investing for American Expats and Foreign Nationals. U.S. taxable investors should focus on building a globally diversified investment portfolio through U.S. registered funds. For example, a U.S.-based fund that invests in emerging markets may benefit from a 15% long-term capital gains rate.

How do I report income from PFIC? ›

The IRS requires U.S. owners of a PFIC to report ownership of their passive foreign investment companies on Form 8621. Common examples include foreign mutual funds and holding companies.

How much is PFIC tax? ›

PFIC tax rates can reach near or above 50%.

Why is a PFIC bad? ›

The reason PFICs are bad for US tax is that on the sale of the shares, rather than qualifying for long-term capital gains tax in the US at 20%, instead you will be taxed at the ordinary income tax rate. In addition, there is also an interest charge which relates to the period that you have owned the PFIC.

What does PFIC mean in US tax? ›

A foreign corporation is a deemed passive foreign investment company (PFIC) if 75% or more of its gross income is from non-business operational activities (the income test). Or, if it has at least 50% of its average percentage of assets held for the production of passive income (the asset test).

What are the disadvantages of PFIC? ›

PFICs may be subject to higher taxes: PFICs are taxed at a higher rate than other types of investments. This is due to the fact that PFICs are considered to be passive investments, and therefore do not receive the same tax benefits as other types of investments.

What are the IRS PFIC rules? ›

When determining if a foreign corporation is a PFIC, the foreign corporation is treated as if it directly held its proportionate share of the assets and directly received its proportionate share of the income of any corporation in which it owns at least 25% of the stock (by value). CFC overlap rule.

How do I know if I own a PFIC? ›

There are two simple tests to determine whether your investment is a PFIC. A foreign company is a PFIC if it meets either of these tests: 75% of the gross income is passive income. 50% of assets are held for the production of passive income.

What is the exemption for PFIC filing? ›

Under current law, a shareholder need not file Form 8621 if the shareholder is not (i) treated as receiving an excess distribution from the fund, and (ii) the value of all PFIC stock owned as of the last day of the taxable year is $25,000 (or $50,000 for shareholders that file joint returns) or less.

Is there a penalty for not filing form 8621? ›

Understanding the IRS Form 8621 Penalty

Form 8621 Penalty: PFIC (Passive Foreign Investment Reporting) to the IRS is handled by filing an annual Form 8621. The failure to file the form does not directly result in a monetary penalty. Rather, the tax return may stay open indefinitely.

Who needs to file a PFIC? ›

A U.S. person who is a shareholder of a passive foreign investment company (PFIC) must complete and file an annual report, Part I, Summary of Annual Information, of Form 8621, Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund (IRC § 1298(f); Reg.

How to report PFIC income on 1040? ›

Filing Form 8621: To comply with section 1298(f), U.S. persons must complete and file Form 8621 for each PFIC in which they hold shares. This form serves as the annual report and must be filed with the shareholder's federal income tax return for the year.

What is a PFIC example? ›

Foreign Mutual Fund PFIC Example

Therefore, chances are more than 75% of the income within the fund is generated from passive income and/or more than 50% of the assets are passive assets. Therefore, by owning an interest in a foreign mutual fund, you may be considered an owner of a PFIC.

Do I have to file 8621 every year? ›

For those filing single or married filing separately, form 8621 must be filed in any year that their total number of PFICs exceed $25,000. For married filing jointly, the combined PFIC ownership must exceed $50,000 for the form to be required.

How are PFIC excess distributions taxed? ›

The portion of the excess distribution allocated to other years in the taxpayer's holding period (the “PFIC years”) is not included in the shareholder's income. Rather, this portion is subject to a special “deferred tax” that the taxpayer must add to her tax that otherwise is due.

What are the tax consequences of the stock exchange? ›

Generally, any profit you make on the sale of an asset is taxable at either 0%, 15% or 20% if you held the shares for more than a year, or at your ordinary tax rate if you held the shares for a year or less.

What is the 25% look through rule PFIC? ›

Under this rule, in determining whether a foreign corporation is a PFIC, stock of a regular domestic C corporation owned by a 25-percent owned domestic corporation is treated as an asset which does not produce passive income (and is not held for the production of passive income), and income derived from that stock is ...


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